Over 5,000,000 served

I see that the hit meter crossed the five million mark today.  If you had told me that I would have attracted that kind of traffic when I started this joint, I would have laughed.  Even more amazing to me, more than 40% of that number has occurred just in this year.  So, yeah, I’m crushing my benchmark – and for that, all I can say is thank you very much to everyone who drops by GTP.


Filed under GTP Stuff

45 responses to “Over 5,000,000 served

  1. Castleberry

    Congrats on a huge milestone.


  2. Hobnail_Boot

    Best UGA-centric blog around. Well-deserved, Senator.


  3. UFTimmy

    I am pretty awesome. You’re welcome.


  4. georgiaboyiii

    I don’t need no stink’n AJC, not when I got GTP!!! my day always starts on your blog. Thanks.


  5. Siskey

    Best UGA Blog by a longshot. Keep it up Senator.


  6. Bryant Denny

    I enjoy the blog, Senator. Although you’re a faceless creation of the internet to me, you seem like a nice guy.

    I know you’ve worked very hard on GTP. Glad to see your hard work pay off.



    • 81Dog

      I’ve seen his face, BD. He’s a great guy, but you aren’t missing anything. I’m not so great of a guy, and as far as my face is concerned, you’re missing even less, by the way.


  7. Brandon

    Yeah the work and thought you put into it is evident and the hits come as a result. Keep it up, I probably account for several thousand of the hits myself at least.


  8. Go Dawgs!

    May my bosses never learn how many of those 5,000,000 hits came from my desktop. Congratulations, Senator, and thanks for this great blog.


  9. heyberto

    I have not seen a better blog out there, UGA centric or not, that’s better (so that’s a bonus). I find myself agreeing with you often, and if I don’t, I might just have to change my mind after I read your blog. You have earned every ‘hit’ ten times over and I don’t know what I’ll do if you decide to stop. Well done Senator.. well done.


  10. Connor

    Thanks for an excellent blog, Senator; a daily must-read.


  11. Biggus Rickus

    “I’m kind of a big deal.”


  12. The Original Cynical in Athens


    I do think that you owe a huge debt of gratitude to Westerdawg for retiring from his blog.

    Keep it up!


  13. Mayor of Dawgtown

    You have become the McDonald’s of the ‘net. Congrats.


  14. NRBQ

    The pleasure is all ours, Senator.

    All the elements of a good blog, w/o the gimmicks and trolls.

    Carry on, sir.


  15. Chuck

    Proof that the cream rises to the top, imo.


  16. shane#1

    Congrats Senator. I enjoy your blog so much that GTP is the first blog I check. I appreciate the fact that you don’t sensationalize every traffic arrest and invite the “thuga” trolls. I also enjoy the comments of other readers. Most posts are well thought out and a welcome change from the personal attacks, insults, trash talk, and “my schools great, your school sucks” drivel in the comment sections of other blogs. Thanks for keeping in clean and to the point. Now if you were only as funny as Kyle King!


  17. charded

    Thanks to you I kicked coffee. Best of the best.


  18. Dawg N Suds

    I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.



  19. Rival

    Nice work.

    But we all know it’s from that “hot seat” meme you created and propagated.


  20. Spike

    Senator, you are “da bomb”! Enjoy your stuff everyday. Keep up the good work. You are a D.G.D!


  21. Normaltown Mike

    Congrats on a job well done.

    Dirt lawyers know how to spin a good yarn.


  22. W Cobb Dawg

    I don’t know how you got 5 million hits! You call all the wrong plays. Your recruiting leaves much to be desired. The off-the-blog run-ins with the law keep piling up. Don’t get me started on your assistants. I think you should run out ahead of the rest of the tea….


  23. Congrats. Its part of my daily read.


  24. Pumpdawg

    I wonder sometimes if you’re a real person.
    You sure you’re not Hal?


  25. SSB Charley

    Congratulations! You do great work and are much appreciated by this Dawg in the Midwest.


  26. Congratulations. It ain’t easy being the voice of reason amid a fickle maelstrom of a fan base. Go Dawgs, and go GTP.


  27. S.E. Dawg

    I always get to your site through Dawgbone and with all the subject titles I go straight to yours.
    5 mil. WOW!! Good job.


  28. Wolfman

    The only Dawg blog I consider a must-read. In fact, the only site I must check every day, period. Congrats, Senator. For a Dawg languishing in the upper Midwest, GTP brings me the Georgian respite I so desperately need. Here’s hoping that as long as the Dawgs are on the field, I have the Senator and GTP to keep me company.

    Again, well deserved Senator.


  29. As one of the little guys in the Dawg Blogoshpere, you’ve ceratinly become the standard.
    Your unique style, great sense of humor and savvy insight are top notch.
    Keep up the good work!


  30. 69Dawg

    Congrats and thanks for the hard work it takes to keep all the wacko’s inline. Enjoy the Mumme Poll even though I don’t vote.


  31. we all only like you for your amazing name!

    no seriously, keep it up. between you and hale, i had all my daily dawg fixes. now with him up in the north, you’re all i need!


  32. Russell

    My favorite blog…keep up the good work. BTW…NEVER take down the pic of Dooley and James Brown. Awesome in a yin and yang sort of way.


  33. H-Town Dawg

    Over 5 million served. Best buffet in the Dawgosphere, without question. Congratulations Senator, well done!


  34. Dboy

    You are one of the few Internet outlets that makes me proud to be a bulldawg, nay, a college football fan. Keep up the outstanding work!

    1 DGD


  35. dokes

    Outstanding job Senator! Thank you for all your hard work & being the voice of reason for true Georgia Bulldogs! Go Dawgs! Beat KY!


  36. Russ

    Congrats Senator! You’re my first stop each day.

    Also, NEVER remove that picture of James Brown and Dooley. Absolutely classic.

    (Can you post a better/higher resolution version that I can steal?)


  37. Marshall

    I’ll repeat what several of the others have said–Get The Picture is simply the best UGA blog out there.

    Congrats and keep up the great work!


  38. Ausdawg85

    …if you only had a penny for every hit….

    Congrats, sir. Best Damn Blog.
