I, Dumbass.

Florida’s Will Hill went undrafted.  Think this had much to do with that?


Filed under Gators, Gators...

15 responses to “I, Dumbass.

  1. mwo

    This goes to show that the old adage is true. “You can’t buff a turd.”


  2. aristoggle

    Scared Straight gimmick for the team?


  3. TennesseeDawg

    Will Hill is a fine representative of the University of Florida.


  4. Turd Ferguson

    Ah, Will. If only scouts would just take Corch Meyers’ word for it, and trust that you are among the “top 1% of the top 1%.”


  5. And the thing is, if Hill had just owned up to it, he probably would’ve gotten drafted. Surely there were plenty of other players in the draft who’d done stuff at least as randy as what Hill was up to, or worse.

    But to cook up the “account was hacked” story shows coaches that at best you have trouble taking responsibility for your actions, at worst you’re a liar (and not even a very clever one at that).


  6. Will UF be busted like THE OSU

    So many thugs get in trouble at Florida, but hardly ever get suspended. It’s time for Corch to get some heat for his coverups.


  7. Joe

    A fine Ying to Tebow’s Yang! (Can you say St. Tebow and Yang in the same sentence??)

    I assume he will get a statue next to Timmy, Stevie and Danny?


    • Nate Dawg

      It’s ok as long as you’re not talking about his acutal yang or the use and/or non-use of said yang…


  8. Coondawg

    “My Twitter account got hacked”…. I can just see the Scouts eye’s roll as they all sigh a “Pffffffft”


  9. simpl_matter

    Take a step, chew, take a step, chew, take a step, chew….

    Hill walking down the street chewing bubble gum.


  10. JaxDawg

    So, how did this fine, intelligent young man get into Florida?


  11. almightytmc1

    ….and yet Cam goes first with his 12 traffic tickets, stolen laptop, bogus scholastic record and that other thing….hmmmm
