Hate Week: it’s not a phrase; it’s a state of mind.

To all the folks at The Hive and StingTalk who continue to think that somehow Georgia is looking past tomorrow to the SECCG – skip the obvious rebuttals that Richt’s never let one of his teams do that or that with a national title game in play, tomorrow is just as important to Georgia’s chances as the next game – does this sound like a team taking the Jackets for granted?

“The bragging rights up there come out with the report cards or during job interviews at Goldman Sachs or State Street or wherever,” Lynch said. “No one down here is worried about med school applications right now. We’re all worried about who’s going to win this game.

“This is all about bragging rights and all about who is the better team, no matter what the records show.”

“I don’t know how you could overlook Georgia Tech,” quarterback Aaron Murray said. “When you get out on the field, there is going to be a lot of trash-talking. This game means so much to this team, to the university and everyone in Georgia. I woke up pumped on Monday.”

That’s from the out-of-state guys.  What’s a Georgia boy got to say about the game?

When asked if he would pull for Florida or Auburn over Tech, sophomore linebacker and Atlanta-area resident Amarlo Herrera said, “Yes. Any day.”



Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

22 responses to “Hate Week: it’s not a phrase; it’s a state of mind.

  1. Rebar

    Gotta squash the bugs!


  2. Dawgaholic

    I truly want Tech’s football program to fade into obscurity and GA State or GA Southern rise up to respectability so that one of them can replace Tech as our in-state rival. I literally would be thrilled if Tech had to shut down its football program.


  3. Nate Dawg

    Mr. Herrera just made a little awsomeness leak out of my eyes.
    Although he could just pull for a meteor, but what he said, I can dig it. G A T A!!!!


  4. Z-Dawg

    The nerds could be playing the USSR and I would be in the crowd waving a hammer and a sickle.


  5. Cojones

    I like Murray’s words. Pumped Monday, eh. How many fans were pumped on Monday? Murray really wants this bad and that is bad news for the NATS.


  6. ChicagoDawg

    Tech, like Auburn, cannot lose often enough or bad enough to suit my tastes. They really are a bitter and loathsome lot.


  7. Just Chuck (the other one)

    Lewis Grizzard once said (wrote) he didn’t just want to see tech lose, he wanted to see them so humiliated they would consider giving up the game. Captures my sentiments exactly.


  8. Go Dawgs!

    I just can’t convince myself I have to be scared of the Nerds on Saturday.


  9. It’s all summed up very simply, Winning against Tech ain’t a big deal just because it happens so often BUT there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that sucks worse than losing to a Trade School. It’s time to let the Bees know they look funny, theytalk funny and their moms dress them funny.. Kick ass and take names.


  10. AthensHomerDawg

    “I don’t want them to gain a yard.” and “I want them them to REMEMBER the afternoon they played the Dawgs!”


  11. ScoutDawg

    I woke up this morning and my sweet wife said “Good morning”, and I said TUCH FECH. She kinda didn’t understand.


  12. SouthGa Dawg

    I hate Tech and I hate brown mustard.


  13. I hate the little yeller fellers. And so does my wife, Pat.


  14. 81Dog

    I actually did this once. In the mid 80s, tech played the soviet national basketball team in a preseason exhibition at AMC. Some friends and I bought baseline seats, wore red and loudly pulled for the USSR. The real Big Red Team won by a mile.

    Detente, bitches!


  15. ZeroPointZero

    Sorry if you heard that, that was the coaches box next door.

    I blame Bobo.
