Minor Dawg porn offering

Smack dab in the middle of a fun interview you can read over at Dawg Post, Todd Gurley names Isaiah McKenzie as one of the freshmen who’s caught his eye this summer.


Filed under Georgia Football

7 responses to “Minor Dawg porn offering

  1. Vinings Dawg

    Can’t help but like everything about this kid. He’ll always be one of the all time greats. I wish only the very best for him as does the rest of dawgnation I’m sure. I wish all of our players had their heads screwed on staright like this young man.


  2. DawgPhan

    Boy does he say everything right.

    Wish him a healthy season and a top draft pick.


  3. Cosmic Dawg

    I like how few delusions of grandeur he seems to have, despite his personal stock value. None of that “we’re gonna shock the world” or “this is our time” etc. I’m in my 40’s and just a regular joe, and Gurley, a star at 21, uses less hyperbole and is more even-tempered than I am.

    DGD, wish him all the success and hope he continues to be so grounded when the money comes in – it’s gotta be hard, but I think he will do it.


  4. Gurley’s comment would mean a lot more if it came after a week or so of actual practice and scrimmaging.
