“All told, it is a significant commitment for all the members of the committee.”

At least we know they’ve got a good excuse to watch a lot of college football on TV.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs

25 responses to ““All told, it is a significant commitment for all the members of the committee.”

  1. Great gig for a lot of folks who read this blog.


  2. Russ

    I know I was a little overwhelmed last weekend trying to keep up with all the good games. I still don’t understand why we have current ADs on the list. No COI there, nope. None at all.


  3. John Denver is full of shit...

    She lost me when she said she makes a list…good grief.

    This is not okay. Nope. It’s tormenting actually.


  4. What it is, is pathetic. The average fan could do as well or better.


  5. Rice watches games on an iPad while sitting in the stands at Stanford; Gould “scouts” from his exercise bike. So if he’s having a bad workout day, should we pity the teams he’s watching? This sounds ridiculous.


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    So. Pick your poison gents. Would you rather lose out to a conflict of interest, or an uninformed, unqualified judgment?


  7. No One Knows You're a Dawg

    I cringed all the way through that article. There seems to be about two guys who understand the difficulty of what they’re trying to do. The rest are too ignorant to realize how bad they come off looking (except perhaps for the ADs, who have their own agendas).


    • Yes, Rice sounds like she’s prepping for an exam or a staff meeting. Gould is doing it while he’s biking and babysitting. Change the diaper, hon, and doesn’t that team have pretty uniforms? Scary bizarre. Surely Wieberg, the ex-sports writer, knows how ridiculous this is. He also sounds like the one with the most sound approach. Glad he’s been given the SEC.


  8. Bright Idea

    Too much emphasis on this Top 4 already to suit me. November will be both interesting and miserable.



    Win the SEC


  10. Macallanlover

    Some people are just looking for a way to pre-judge the committee, or certain members. There is absolutely nothing wrong with studying statistics of teams or watching highlights provided to them. Let’s remember how we let drunken sports writers, coaches too busy with their own issues weekly, and computer nerds choose the past contenders for a faux title. I print the Direct TV CFB schedule off a website every week so that I can plan games to watch and ones to switch to during commercials, halftime, etc. You can certainly maximize your time with a little planning, how can you criticize that for committee members?

    I understand the problems with current ADs serving on the committee, that isn’t prejudging their votes or ability, it is acknowledging they undermine the credibility of the committee by their very presence.


    • At least the drunken sports writers and computer nerds didn’t torture people so there’s that


      • Macallanlover

        Yes, for those like you who are on the other side, it was just terrible for what they had to face. Can hear your pleading now: “Turn the cowardly murderers loose and full speed ahead on beheadings”. War on Terror is speeding up and you are still believing Barry has a handle on things. Fortunately, not everyone is drinking the Leftist Kool Aide. You may eventually take over America. but it won’t be without a fight Komrade.


        • War on Nouns (Terror, Drugs, etc.) has done more damage to the US Constitution and our country than anything else in our lifetimes.


          • Does this include the war on poverty?


            • Macallanlover

              Yes, but more on the economic destruction than the Constitution. In addition to financial burdens too great to bear, The Great Society has undermined societal values and created a huge waste of human talent, and caused misery in every community. The weight of this has weakened America to where we can no longer help those who would otherwise have benefited from our strength. The Golden Goose is terminally ill thanks to what began in the 60s (with good intentions for the most part) and has been corrupted, misued ever since.


          • Macallanlover

            Perhaps, pretty sure the Constitution could not be written in today’s times without major overhaul. Impossible that the Founding Fathers living in the 18th century could have foreseen what we are faced with today but the document provided enough elasticity to survive well for 200+ years. Judges the past few decades have not stayed true to the principles intended by the framers of the Constitution, imo. Of course that is where politics comes in, and with an incredibly polarized electorate, power crazy politicians have torn the old girl apart. There is no compromising now with either party and the country’s future is sacrificed for their egos. Sad to watch happen, but we are broken.

            You could have told me this 30 years ago and I would have thought you had lost your mind, now I see us inevitably splitting apart like so many Superpowers before us. Religious extremists have done the most to cause killing and mayhem in the world, now it is greed/power. But the War on Terror is real, and the War on Drugs was handled horribly. The price of both is/was catastrophic, and we have yet to pay a fraction of it yet.


        • Dog in Fla

          “Fortunately, not everyone is drinking the Leftist Kool Aide. You may eventually take over America.”

          We’re white. And for now, we’re on top….Because eventually we’ll grow old and die and then it’s all yours, Mexicans.



    • DawgPhan

      Hey look at that, we agree and are in the minority.

      These guys seem like they are taking it seriously. Probably watching more football than I do.
