Goose eggs

Couple of big zeros from Saturday:

Missouri is the first SEC team to be shut out this season. … Tigers sack leader Shane Ray went without one for the first time all year. He has eight on the season.

If you’d have predicted the first before the game, I would have called you delusional.


Filed under Georgia Football

26 responses to “Goose eggs

  1. Maty Mauk passer rating: 0.9

    Drop an anvil on my toe


  2. I don’t expect repeat performances, as it’s hard for anyone to consistently get up like that, but I don’t think something close is too much to ask, either. I still think the mental thing will be the biggest challenge going into Arkansas, especially coming off that game. That said, I also believe this team is as prepared for the challenge as any UGA team I remember. This team has dealt with some real adversity even before the first kickoff of the season.


  3. Tlkdawg

    As stunning a performance as any I can remember under CMR. My predicted score was a 38-35 win, and I didn’t really feel good about it. I keep getting this feeling that this effort could start something special for the remainder of the schedule, but all the years of disappointment are telling me to wait till after the next two games. 7-1 after Jacksonville and we could really be looking at a remarkable season.


    • Mayor

      Absolutely right, Tlk. This season reminds me of 2012 when the players were playing flat early in the season even though that team was among the most talented of the Richt era. Strong Safety Shawn Williams called several teammates out, the team rallied around him and went on to have an outstanding season, nearly winning the SECCG and a bearth and likely win in the the BCSNCG. This current adversity has caused the players to rally around their missing teammate, Todd Gurley. That was seen on the field this past Saturday. If Gurley were able to return to the team, that would create yet another boost, IMHO. This could become a VERY special year.


    • Debby Balcer

      The upper classmen have played through adversity for two years if you count last year’s injuries. I think that helps us overcome this.


  4. We’re going to give up points to Arky; that mastodon O-Line is going to be able to open holes on our leaner front 7. Pruitt will be able to game plan something, I’m sure, but the offense is going to need to be able to move the ball and not count on turnovers giving them a short field every drive.


    • Cojones

      Enter thelinebackers to shove them back into the hole every once in a while. I’ll wait to see if Pruitt’s initial gameplan works before worrying. That will work until they find a halfback that can throw it.


  5. that short field was like cutting grass at a condo…it was sweet for sure.


  6. Bulldog Joe

    If my quick check is correct, three FBS teams have pitched more than one shutout this year.

    Stanford (Army and UC Davis);
    LSU (La-Mo and Sam Houston State); and
    Georgia (Missouri and Troy).

    Shutouts are rare this year. Georgia’s defense is improving.


  7. JN


    By no means am I saying the defense (more particularly, the secondary) has arrived. Heck, I’m not even willing to say they’re close. But, the straw that broke the camels back for me with Grantham last year was the lack of improvement. That same LSU secondary that was torched by UGA in week 5 last year was pretty good by years end. That same UGA secondary that LSU torched, it wasn’t.

    It was great to see marked improvement!


  8. ClydeBoogie

    Senator, That stud Dlineman Philon I believe is his name, seemed to have a serious injury the last couple minutes of the game. Dude whipped every bama lineman that stood in front of him. They have another lineman that is well known, but this cat was kicking arse and taking names all game. Have you read anything about his injury?


  9. They’re still winless in their last 15 SEC games. They aren’t more talented nor are they better coached. I just don’t see them winning straight up, without a Dawg fans favorite word…luck.


  10. BWD

    Suprising stat from Bruce Feldman: “Despite having a largely rebuilt secondary, Georgia is the only team in the country yet to allow a play of 40 yards or longer. Props to new DC Jeremy Pruitt on that. Last year, the Dawgs ranked 66th in allowing such plays, giving up 13 of ‘em on the season.” Pruitt must be doing something right.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      Yessirree. Coverage is really tightening up. Tackling is much better. Shoutout to Thornton, who was playing like his hair was on fire. Fundamentals, baby!


  11. One thing I’ve been meaning to point out is how much I appreciate Pruitt having the confidence to substitute liberally. I loved that late sack by Lorenzo Carter. Unlike the previous coordinator that shall not be named, this farsightedness sets the foundation for sustainability and consistency from year to year. Last year, I kept asking WHY do we have so much inexperience on D? Pruitt seems to be remedying it.

    On to Arky. I see a lot of consternation around the size of their O-Line. Anyone remember the 97 Outback Bowl? I seem to remember Wisconsin having a pretty big line and there were similar concerns. We all know what happened there. Sure Arky is big, but are they fast enough to stay in front of our (well rested) guys? I’ll stay optimistic in hoping to see more 97 Outback Bowl and less second half of the UGA Bama SEC championship game.


  12. I have a troll complaint. We should have 41 points if only BOBO gave the ball to Gurley. LOL


  13. 81Dog

    however stunning a game like the egg UGA laid in Columbia, SC two years ago was, this game in Columbia, MO was, just in the opposite direction.

    I thought we could beat Missouri, but I admit I didn’t think we could manhandle them, much less shut them out. That this team was able to retain focus and pull together is a great tribute to the young men on our team, and to the coaching staff who surely had a big hand in preparing them for what we saw on Saturday.

    If we can maintain that kind of focus and grit the rest of the way, that’s all anyone can ask of a team or a program.


  14. No, I don’t think anybody saw this complete defensive performance coming, the total domination and all the incredible stats that go with it.

    I’d predicted all summer we would get better as we went along in the schedule, and had a realistic chance to be pretty good, maybe by midseason, and at least some chance to be really good at the end of the year. Well, it’s midseason, and I think we still have that chance. Still a ways to go? You bet, but we took a big step forward in Columbia.

    And because of that, we now have a chance to move toward a higher level of play. Pruitt opened up the gameplan this week, and made some calls he hadn’t been comfortable with making until now. That’s an interesting topic in itself, and I believe the personnel changes was one of the factors that gave him enough comfort to do that.

    I seldom predict anything, and this summer’s doesn’t have much to do with me. It was based on the foundation that began to be laid when Pruitt arrived, not only on defense itself, but with the culture and style of the program. As we talked about repeatedly back then, that had to happen in order for anything else to work as it’s supposed to.

    So it was a rather easy call. But no way was I expecting any performance like this. Not saying it’s a finished product, just that the seeds sown back then are now growing up. And of course, just like the cancer that started the 9-year decline of frustration and heartache, it’s now spread around the whole team.

    Anyway, it was a beautiful thing to see. We should be careful not to expect too much out of the defense, IMO, though it’s entirely realistic. But for any who doubted we were on the right track, this should go a long way toward putting those doubts to rest.
