Light a match.

One thing I would avoid doing Saturday night is going to the restroom when either team punts.

Auburn’s Quan Bray and Georgia’s Isaiah McKenzie are the only two players in the SEC this season to have returned two punts for touchdowns. Bray leads the league with his 20.5-yard average, while McKenzie ranks third at 15.1.

Neither team, however, is excelling in punting. Auburn ranks 11th in the SEC with a net of 36.9 yards, and Georgia is last at 35.8.

Again, at least Georgia is in an even position on this battle.  I’d hate to have to deal with covering Bray while taking a Logan Gray approach to punt returns.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Georgia Football

8 responses to “Light a match.

  1. Castleberry

    All the more reason to be aggressive on fourth and short. If we punt (like Florida) on their side of the field with 4th and <4 I just may lose my shit.


  2. uglydawg

    With both defenses stuggling, it would seem logical that these teams haven’t fielded as many punts as the teams with the better defenses. In that light, the return accomplishments of McKenzie and Bray are even more impressive.
    High powered offenses and struggling defenses of today’s college game may make punting a rare event. Fourth down will become more and more the one thing the fish frying genius over on North Ave. has been a visionary on.


  3. Scorpio Jones, III

    “Auburn ranks 11th in the SEC with a net of 36.9 yards, and Georgia is last at 35.8.”

    This is hard to believe, guess its at least partly a function of offenses that move the ball a lot.

    For many years Awbun and Georgia would be at the top of the league in that category…I remember Spike Jones kicking a wind-aided almost 80-yarder against Awbun…seemed like the thing was never coming down.

    For those of us who know, that rumbling noise…over across the tracks and under the bridge…that’s proly a former kicking coach trying to claw his way out.

    What’s the wind forecast…night games are usually better wind-wise.

    Homes? Is it time to fix bayonets, yet…??? 🙂


    • AusDawg85

      Seems we’ve had a lot of pooch kicks this season…seldom getting stalled on our side of the 35 – 40 yard line. That can affect the average. I would want to cross-check that punting average statistic against opponents average starting field position stat. But I was told there would be no maths, so I’m not looking it up. 😉


      • Scorpio Jones, III

        Yeah, that’s what I meant with the thing about offenses moving the ball.

        When you have a game with what, one punt? your average tends to drop.

        But that’s ok, I am still gonna worry about the punt game.


  4. I expect Auburn to try and steal a possession be it by onside or a fake kick. But, yeah, lighting in a bottle. McKenzie may be one of our greatest recruiting gets even if he only ever played special teams.


  5. Dog in Fla

    “Light a match.”


  6. Cojones

    Bray will get more thrown to him in this game with Williams out. When he’s in to play we should Red Dawg their ass and get Nick. Bray isn’t worth a crap blocking (anymore than MacKenzie) so he will be the designated receiver. Knock Bray’s butt on the ground before he goes 5 yds.
