Can Georgia exploit Auburn’s secondary?

There are all kinds of interesting trends in play going in to Saturday.  One of those is an increasingly porous Auburn pass defense.  A look at the game log shows a steady deterioration in defensive passer rating over the last four games.  Some of that may be due to the conference’s 10th ranked sack production, but there’s evidently some alarm over the play by the safeties.

By now, most teams have settled into their personnel in the secondary, making widespread changes only in answer to key injuries. Auburn, on the other hand, finds itself in disarray after giving up 320 yards per game in the Tigers’ past four games. Other than field cornerback Jonathan Jones, who has generally played physical football, fought to get his hands on the ball and leads the team with five interceptions and 12 passes defended, and hybrid Robensen Therezie, who hasn’t given way to Nick Ruffin much this season, the Tigers appear to have questions at every position.

Boundary cornerback Jonathon Mincy, who was targeted heavily against Old Miss, gave up two touchdown catches to Josh Reynolds and eventually gave way to T.J. Davis, a little-used fourth cornerback whose season high for snaps prior to Saturday was just 11 against Louisiana Tech. Auburn started Joshua Holsey and Johnathan “Rudy” Ford at safety; after the first two series, the Tigers subbed in Derrick Moncrief and Jermaine Whitehead, and the rotation continued throughout the game as Texas A&M picked up big yardage in the middle of the field. Even Whitehead, who made Auburn’s only interception, badly missed on a tackle at the line of scrimmage on Malcome Kennedy‘s 42-yard shovel pass. Teams are spreading the Tigers out, forcing them to play against trips formations with three receivers to one side, and Auburn’s safeties have struggled to pick up people coming over the middle in those situations.

You can hear much the same concern expressed in yesterday’s Weiszer and Page podcast from Jay G. Tate of

With Malcolm Mitchell’s reemergence, that is something Georgia is well-equipped to exploit, with three wideouts and Blazevich.  And if he’s getting good blocking support from the receivers, Bobo will still be able to run plenty from that formation, especially if Auburn is forced to clear the middle out to account for four guys in pass coverage.

Ellis Johnson is going to have some tough calls to make.  At least he will if Bobo makes him.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

21 responses to “Can Georgia exploit Auburn’s secondary?

  1. reipar

    It seems like we already had a game this year where the Texas A&M offense made a defense look terrible before we played them. I hope this one turns out better than the last.


  2. Irishdawg

    Use Gurley in different ways. Put him in the slot with Chubb as tailback. Get him out on screens. Gurley is fast enough to play almost anywhere, and the offense will still have a tailback that is almost as good.


    • Will (The Other One)

      This is an interesting take, because it could also mean Gurley on jet sweeps, or the threat of him on jet sweeps.


      • Sanford222view

        I would much rather see Michel in the slot and on Jet Sweeps than Gurley. Gurley needs to be running down hill not parallel the the line of scrimmage. Even when we use him on the toss sweep he is starting deep in the backfield so as to be moving forward to get to the edge.


        • AusDawg85

          I hope Gurley practices passing for 4 weeks (what else did he need to do). Out of the WildDawg, if he tosses just a couple passes the Aubies will be scrambling all over the place.


  3. Put Sony in the slot and give McKenzie a few plays there as well. We need all of our weapons to get touches in this game or we could just live and die with gurłey…heh whatever works.☺️


  4. All things are possible through a well established running game. Pay action deep, first play, we’re due.


    • So. IL Dawg

      It looks as though Mason will have a full compliment of RB’s and WR’s. Something that Murray never had. We can beat them deep, across the middle, or run it down their throats. Just like Randy Cross said last night, “I wouldn’t want to have Georgia on the schedule with their offense.”


  5. This has set up to be The Most compelling game for us in a long, long time, IMO. I have no fear nor bravado.


  6. Cojones

    Has everyone been smoking this AM? Our receivers have great hands, get open often, have a speedster receiver in Mitchell (Davis and a couple others can be thrown in to make a paella corp in the secondary) and best of all, Blazevich and especially Rumph make the best set of targets of any team that I can think.

    Just picture a tight game and Mason needs a critical reception: Malzahn has no idea where and whom to cover in that phalanx, but we can watch Rumph get the ball anywhere downfield and God help the Aubie that leaves him open. Rumph has a stride that will eat up the distance to the endzone in a few seconds flat so the defender will spend more cerebral cells figuring how to attack a tree trunk with no thought to attempt to reach his two upper limbs that are securing the ball. If the defender is indecisive at all, Rumph will take it to the barn. Blazevich is more like a redwood; big and secure in mind about bringing the ball down. Hell, Rome isn’t even out there yet. And you know how good he is. Even Tibbs is catching a few. We have weapons to lean on downfield.

    Did any of you see the last game? Where the hell have you been, counting the RB lollipops? This game is set up for Hutson to continue to show you nonbelievers his arm. With that bunch of nearly Pro receivers out there, in order to be competitive, Auburn would have to present a brand new bunch of secondary guys that they don’t got.

    Gotta go. Have a Kool-Aid AA type meeting to attend. Hope to see some of you there; – and quit smoking that shit when we have a game coming up!


    • Good post my man but Richt and Co have let me down too many times. Yes I’m excited about the game but very cautious going into this game. Just don’t think we have the IT factor this year. We are a few elite DB’s away from being a great team.


      • Cojones

        I see your mood, but the focus should be on what we already see as a great part of our game. Imagine, if you will, what we would be like if our O was mediocre; we would probably jump into a vat of hot wax and proceed to strip every hair off our bodies.

        Take a close look at the other teams higher in the ratings. It really will make you feel better about the one we have. Take a look at the pool matchup categories to steady yourself before searching.

        Shoutout to all Veterans, especially those who served “in country” and either dodged bullets or worried about getting blown up before breakfast. When that occurs each day of your tour in enemy country, I really congratulate those who made it back with their minds intact. My hat’s off to you.


    • AusDawg85

      Mason’s fine having to throw and move the team quickly…if NOT RUSHED. Auburn really has nothing to lose in this game…2 loss team from the West is not going anywhere, so I would think they would blitz more than try to have the secondary wither the storm. If Bobo can show we can beat the blitz with some really creative screen passes and sprint draws to Gurley, we really will score at will.

      Or we can miss blocks, drop passes, fumble, get penalties, etc. and completely get blown-out. Yes we can.


      • Cojones

        Or….; the opposite will happen in that they miss blocks, drop passes, fumble, get penalties and take a dump in Sanford that will take the rest of the game for us to clean up their baby shit. We friggin own Auburn and this is not some juggernaut coming to us between the hedges; their warts are bigger than ours.

        Like the team, we should concentrate on what we do well and take them to the cleaners. Don’t give Aub more credit than they deserve. I look around our kennel and see some Dawg fans looking through the holes of the fence they have constructed in their minds about this game. Others are busy looking up at the clear sky and figuring how high they can jump. I’m with the latter group and invite you to treat your angst with some football Viagra. Get a hardon about the shitheads that get their players from other teams’ discipline throwoffs such that it presents itself as “Thug U”. They are coming to our stadium and they need an asskicking badly. We can provide that with you screaming your head off Saturday.


  7. I have a feeling the Dawgs will leave scars on the Barn….deep, long, ugly, scars.
