Just when I thought I had this team figured out…

Jeremy Pruitt goes and paints his masterpiece.



Filed under Georgia Football

118 responses to “Just when I thought I had this team figured out…

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Preach on brother!


  2. sectionzalum

    Physical. Domination.


  3. Americus Dawg

    Jeremy Pruitt … Man on Fire!


  4. BMan

    3rd and Pruitt > 3rd and Grantham (with apologies to the reader/poster of the same name).


  5. Paul

    That was just plain awesome. A couple of people were here this week saying we would spank Auburn. I thought they were delusional. They were right. How much fun was that to watch? The least number of points Auburn has scored with Malzhan as coach. Who would of thunk it? Not me. Way to go Dawgs.


  6. .Dash

    This was supposed to be a shootout! Never in my life have I been so happy to be wrong.


  7. Hogbody Spradlin

    No way we keep Auburn to 7 points under the Martinez or Grantham administrations. Had a little help from an antiquated concept: the holding penalty, but that just made the game a square deal.

    Mazel Tov Jeremy!


  8. DC Weez

    Auburn’s luck has run out!


  9. Nate Dawg

    Did I just watch the junk yard dogs? Did I just watch the JUNK YARD DAWGS? DID I JUST WATCH THE JUNK YARD DAWGS – PRUITT STYLE?!?
    7 outta the last 9! How bout them Dawgs!


  10. Flukebucket

    The team we saw tonight can play with anybody in this country. Chubb is a damn BEAST! And Mason just quietly gets things done.


    • gastr1

      I agree. I stinks to high heaven that these mofos did what they did against UF, or we would indeed be in the NC conversation. Now we have to hope UT can beat Missouri, which is damn pathetic.


      • Mayor

        As bad a losing to FU was, the loss that really screwed the Dawgs was to South Carolina. Hand the ball to Gurley from the 4 in that game and Georgia already has the East locked up and likely is ranked in the top 4 by the Committee.


        • Charles

          Not with that blowout loss to Florida we’re not ranked in the top 4.


          • gastr1

            +1. An early-season upset loss on the road by three points is not nearly as bad as a late-season blowout loss to a team everyone knows is awful.


          • Mayor

            My point was, and is, that Georgia easily could have (and really should have) won the Georgia-South Carolina game. Georgia would now only have one loss and would have already clinched the SEC East title and a trip to the SECCG. The Georgia team I saw versus Auburn has a real chance to win the SECCG. Tell me with a straight face that a 1 loss Georgia, if the team wins the SECCG, wouldn’t be going to the 4 team playoff no matter what the score in the GA-FU game was.


            • Mayor

              P.S. The 27 point thrashing last night of Auburn (a team ranked in the top 4 most of the season) by the Dawgs trumps Georgia’s earlier 18 point loss to FU, IMHO.


            • PatinDC

              Honestly , I could care less about the playoff. Win the East, Win the SEC, and see what happens then.

              PS: It stinks to wait and see if a stinky Mizzou team we destroyed, will lose and let us make this happen. I guess now we know what it feels like to be a uSC fan 😉


  11. It was real and it was spectacular!


    • what i witnessed in athens tonight was a team imparting their will on another team that has seemed to have a pretty strong will. Whatever happens from here, and Missouri seems to have Gus’ rabbits foot at the moment, i’m damn proud to be a Dawg and wouldn’t want to be our opponent when we’re as determined as we were tonight


    • Uglydawg

      I see what you did there, eethomaswfnc.


  12. AthensHomerDawg

    Mason was as accurate and controlled a qb as I have seen in a while. Great decisions.

    Texas am stopped at the zoo 2 yard line.


  13. AthensHomerDawg

    Another questionable hold kills a td..I thought that might break our spirit. But we would not quit.


    • gastr1

      The call on the fake punt was far, far worse.


      • Cojones

        Someone ought to begin checking the finances of refs. That call came from a ref that had his hand on the flag before the ball was snapped and he measured with unbelievable zeal to call that bogus crap. The ball was snapped on the line and the player went halfrway to the next 5-yd marker. That’s 2 1/2 yds in my book.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Pretty clear in the replay, holding helped the run, we grabbed the guy by the shirt collar just as Gurley went through. too bad.


  14. stuckinred

    Dude sitting next to me bitched about Bobo the whole game!


    • Brandon (Version 1)

      Kudos for not punching him. I know it was hard.


    • Cosmic Dawg

      You know, game ball goes to Pruitt – Bobo kind of called a knucklehead game late in the second and for the entire 3rd quarter. It worked out okay, but I thought he abandoned the pass a little early. I was happy that he at least kept putting Chubb in, who was having success.

      I generally give a lot of credit to Bobo, but tonight the Dawgs won on talent and heart, not on playcalling tonight.


      • Geez Louise. Bitching about play calling? We were able to physically dominate them, running the ball and keeping Auburn’s offense on the sideline. Bobo maximized the production of what we do best. Are you really bitching because we didn’t run a triple reverse off of a Statute of Liberty play?

        If we had, you would be complaining that we went away from pounding Auburn with our running game. Admit it.


        • 2006 Bobo

          I’ve got to side with Cosmic here. Sure, we won going away. And sure, running the ball, especially when the other team can’t stop you, shortens the game and gives the other team fewer chances to beat you. But what about the balance?


      • Cojones

        Cos, I run hot and cold on your comments, but this one is just miserable. I had gotten the opinion that you were beginning to get it. You call someone (me) the “homiest homer” ever. Stupid me. I thought you were agreeing with me finally.

        Your comment is similar to standing next to the Ky Derby winner and commenting on the freshness of the flowers around the horse’s neck.


    • Bob

      You must have been sitting near me. I had an utter moron start screaming at Bobo when Rome dropped that damn pass across the middle. Felt like slapping the crap out of the idiot.


      • Cojones

        I feel badly for those people. The only way they try to impress someone of their UGA knowledge is to flail vocally at Bobo, a meme that was out of vogue before the season started. They are not only ignorant of what’s happening, but also lay their redneck mentality out for all to see that their football mentality is not even in fashion.. I confess that I don’t have an arena football background, but the old brain makes a full synapse every once in a while even though I blog like an ignorant redneck.

        Those poor fans have no idea why they are in the stadium. Last time I checked it was to cheer your team on, not try to take them down publicly.


    • Cosmic Dawg

      Oh, good grief – I was hardly bashing Bobo with that comment – re-read the whole thing, I like Bobo quite a bit. and could care less about balance except when Gurley is getting stuffed because they know we’ve stopped passing completely – I was just ruminating about ONE small part of the game I thought was dumb. I also complimented him twice. Lighten up.


  15. Brandon (Version 1)

    And Bobo kicked ass pretty much like he has for years. Its nice when we play Sugar Bowl defense instead of Toilet Bowl defense.


  16. Cojones

    Congratulations to the team that deserves it…the Dawgs. Superlatives enough to go around, but I want to hug Chubb. And Mason. Great QBing. He had so many beutiful throws that weren’t caught.

    The biggest bonus to the D was in their hustle, confidence and attitude. That can continue. Tough to now wait on others to get us into the SECCG. Looks like Ark may be able to get it done for us….and Tenn is surging. Mizzou has to play them both.


  17. Noonan

    Great night to be in Sanford stadium. Total domination.


  18. Everyone needs to think about what happened tonight. Sure, a lot of people picked Georgia, but not by more that a few points. But the Dawgs completely unmanned Auburn tonight. They ground them to bits and stuffed one of the most productive offenses in the country. Just an unbelievable effort.


  19. Russ

    Just fabulous!

    Unfortunately I think Missouri wins out.


  20. We beat Nick Marshall like he stole something.

    Oh, wait…


  21. Taking a page right out of Jimmy Williamson’s book Richt pulled over the Gus bus, cited him for emerging from the tunnel and confiscated his rabbits foot.


  22. Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Even though Chubb is amazing, I am still really worried/nervous about Gurley’s injury.

    And I can’t help it, but as great as I feel about this, it makes our two losses so much more painful somehow. UGH. I wish it didn’t. I wish I could just 100% enjoy this and not think about those games, but I can’t help it. 😦


    • Brandon (Version 1)

      Well we knew the defense was going to be a work in progress. Pruitt basically had to start with “boys, this is a football” but we are on the right track. Better days are ahead. I really hope Gurley is alright. We are going to miss that guy next year. I really hope we haven’t seen the last of him in a Georgia uniform. Knowing we have Chubb the next two years is a nice consolation prize.


  23. Great game on all fronts. I still had the stink of the FU game in my nostrils but I’ll give credit to everyone from the coaching staff down to the water girl. That’s the kinda defense we’ve been hoping for and if not for a few BS penalties and some dropsies by the WR corps it would have been a blowout.

    Sucks to have to hope for a mizzou loss to get to Atlanta, but it feels a lot better after getting revenge for last year’s game and to send the Barners home crying. Better to have a shot than not one at all. Grats to all the coaches and players and fans that froze their asses off.

    Chubb is a beast and hope TG is ok. To all the eternally optimistic: you might be right. More fun to enjoy the games like this than to want to throw things after the bad ones. I guess I might try to stick to the kool aid in lieu of too much beer. Go Dawgs.


    • Dawgfan Will

      34-7 doesn’t qualify as a blowout? 😉


      • Oh it definitely does. Just saying if McKenzie doesn’t drop that wide open ball and we don’t get the BS blocking downfield call on the fake punt it could have been pretty much over earlier. Not complaining with the final results by any means, just saying.


        • Uglydawg

          Georgia could have very easily scored again at the end..but chose not to.


          • Cojones

            By the way, congrats on your pool picks. You, the Mayor and Lone Stranger did pretty good if I recall correctly. I only took note of the regular prolific bloggers. Yall can say anything you want in my book. Others were noted, but the fog, oh God, the fog……


            • The Lone Stranger

              Hee … I remembered for about the first time this season to log some picks. And truth be told, I went on and picked Tech too. I think The Game shapes up as one of the most interesting in CMR’s tenure.


  24. Buc'd

    Any scoop on Gurley?


  25. Beakerdawg

    East Alabama trailer trash turnovers 3. – UGA turnovers 0.
    Suck it nick marshall…


  26. Argondawg

    Wow and the house was FULL of top notch recruits. Bonus!


    • Cojones

      Great remark! Because it was very important to look dominant, those kids should have sugar plums in their heads. Looked for aftergame remarks last night at Rivals, Scout, 247 and ESPN and couldn’t find crap.


  27. WF dawg

    I hate Auburn so much, and seeing them lose like they did tonight just warms my heart. I dedicate this win to Nick Fairley, Cam Newton, Cecil Newton, Trooper Taylor, Tray Matthews, Nick Marshall, Kristie Malzahn, Second Chance U, and the people who turned on the sprinklers way back when.


  28. Nate Dawg

    Help me out here – but wasn’t the last time the barn was in Sanford in ’11 and didn’t in that game they only scored on their opening drive and that was it too? I think that was the case…


  29. The Vatican called. Sistine Chapel needs painting…


  30. Athdawg

    I love Georgia. Just wish we could put it all together in ONE. SINGLE. SEASON.


  31. georgiajeepn

    It was such an complete butt whupping administered by the Dawgs that Gus Malzahn was reported to have thrown his sweater vest down in disgust in the locker room after the game!!!


  32. Hambone

    how ’bout them dawgs!


  33. Cosmic Dawg

    Tra la la, tra la la… even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then.

    Cosmic Dawg
    November 14, 2014 at 5:20 PM
    It’s not impossible that Florida was a hiccup on the learning curve for Pruitt and this defense. We have a lot of talent on that side of the ball. I think Dawgs’ defense is the surprise tomorrow and they hold Auburn under 30. Perhaps we will look back on Saturday as the turning point and the end of the GA defense’s years in the desert..


  34. Macallanlover

    I have so many great feelings tonight, unfortunately they are almost offset by my concern about TG’s knee. He was being a man about coming back to help his teammates achieve something they all wanted, something like that shouldn’t happen to good people. Fingers crossed.

    Florida lost in disgusting fashion, who good is that? ND lost to Northwestern, Ohio State looked weak and Wisconsin might take them down to burst Urbie’s bubble. TN and Arky looked good enough to make me think an average Mizzou team can not win out this year so we will get a shot at a title….one I didn’t think we could win 5-6 games ago.

    We have made great strides in areas that needed to improve, QB, OL, and secondary, how could anyone have thought UGA could shut down Auburn’s high flying offense? I lost my over bet on the game but almost covered all of it with my bet on UGA -2, seriously misjudged our defense and don’t mind paying for that mistake every week. Great win at home in front of several big name recruits. Come on Todd, beat the MRI and join the team in the SECCG.


    • HahiraDawg

      +1000. to everything, that first sentence unfortunately included. This was a physical smack-down.

      Come on Arky, keep the mo going, right on thru Mizzou.


    • Cojones

      Would you feel that way if those Aub passes weren’t dropped over the middle? It was almost palpable seeing the snake spin in mid-qtr and begin to bite the Aub players after it struck us three times in rapid succession. Think Richt, Bobo and Pruitt killed that sucker last night and threw it’s carcass on the Auburn bus to be hauled away in the night.


  35. Keese

    Senator, sorry but you’ve pegged this dawg team all year the opposite of how the games have played out.


  36. 34 to 7 makes me think the O did as good as the D, Dropped passes and penalties , not play calling , kept it from being even more of a Blow out.
    I have always had a theory that every team plays 1 game that is well below the other games played {Fla.} & 1 game that is much better than the other
    games played {Aubarn}. Now Mizzou needs to lose & the Dawgs can win another SEC Championship. Finally, As I Predicted, We were not outcoached..


  37. BMan

    Great to see the backup QBs in for both teams, for completely opposite reasons. Gus Malzahn can suck it, he’s just another lying, smug SOB in a sweatervest.


  38. NoAxeToGrind

    Congratulations to Richt, Pruitt et al. Perhaps this is the start of a new beginning. I, too, hope Gurley’s injury is not serious.


    • 3rdandGrantham

      He tore his acl…I’m almost certain of it.


      • Cojones

        Seemed so at first, but Emerson tweeted last night that, when leaving the stadium with he and Mitchell on a cart (Gurley was going for an x-ray), he no longer had the icebag on the knee as he had earlier on the field. That could mean that they aren’t concerned about hurtful swelling. Of course it could mean also that it was cold outside such that the icebag was no longer needed.


      • Rocket Dawg

        Where is your medical degree from? Orthopedic residency? See an MRI that confirms a tear? If not then kindly keep your speculation and arm chair MDing to yourself.


  39. AusDawg85

    Fake punt…BRAVO! But Richt admitted to being indecisive on the 4th down play, sent the FG unit on late and was forced to burn the TO. That’s when Bobo convinced him he had a play. It may not have mattered in the end (but probably did for momentum). Give the credit to Bobo for that call, not Richt. CMR needs to learn this lesson…go down swinging in the SEC whenever you can. You just don’t get that many chances.

    /looks back at FU game and sighs.


    • Uglydawg

      That was the point at which CMR finally let go of his cautious persona and let the Big Dawg eat! I was thinking “UCF all over again” when he called time out and changed his mind. For whatever reason that changed his mind, I’m thankful!


    • The other Doug

      I think you have it backwards. Richt asked Bobo for a play and Bobo wasn’t confident. Richt called time out because he wanted to go for it and wanted to give Bobo more time to think. The outcome was great, and there was no luck to it. That is coaching.

      This isn’t a knock on Bobo. A good subordinate will tell you when he has an ace up his sleeve and when he doesn’t.


      • AusDawg85

        Pretty sure I described accurately Richt’s comments to Dowdle in the locker room interview post game. No question he sent the FG unit on late and no question they had to call time because the playclock was down to 5 seconds.


      • Lakatos Intolerant

        You’re absolutely correct. All good coaches play that scenario the same way, reason why you keep timeouts if you can. Always think it’s a good idea to regroup in those situations – esp when you know it’s the better percentage play – get in the right play and on the same page so as to avoid a false start etc.

        I’m very concerned we just saw TGs swan song which is unbelievably upsetting for him. My completely uninformed, speculative self thinks best case scenario may be a meniscus. I hope for the very best – in a completely unselfish way. I want this guy to be as successful as possible in all future endeavors. #mancrush

        Warms the cockles to see the most unintelligent, insecure fan base suffer through that one.


        • Cojones

          “Warms the cockles” is a favorite expression of mine, but does it mean the same right after the word “mancrush”? 🙂


  40. I know AU’s fans are disappointed by the loss, but that have to take some comfort in the fact that Gus has his soul back. It’s not often the Devil goes back on a deal.


  41. This result is what I expected from the dogs against Florida. Football is a strange thing…..


  42. Dawgtor

    I was very impressed with Mason today. He is throwing the ball with much more zip than he did in the first half of the season. I’m not sure whether that was due to a minor injury or confidence, but it’s great to see him firing on all cylinders. Go Dawgs!!


    • gastr1

      I think he really didn’t trust the receivers to run the routes correctly and he was throwing tentatively because of it. Remember when he got asked if it was surprising that Conley and Bennett were the only WRs that had made any catches and he said “Not really”? They’ve convinced him to throw the receivers open. AND they have not asked him to make the back shoulder throw, which is a disaster if the WR doesn’t play it correctly… Instead he is throwing the post routes over their shoulders, which is technically more difficult a pass for him but easier to trust the WR will be in the right spot.


      • Cojones

        His passes were spot on and have been for several games. Time for full loyalty to our fine QB leader in the passing dept.. Your comments are great and put the responsibility for missed passes on the receivers – the same receivers that got us here lest we forget.

        This is a great time to show Hutson how much we appreciate him and a never-give-up Chubb. Didn’t it make us all feel good to see the appreciation of them both by the team?


  43. WarD Eagle

    That was a whuppin.

    I didn’t think AU could hang with this UGA team if it was firing on all cylinders. I had no inkling Chubb would be the primary reason. Personally, I hope he declares for the draft. I’m confident he’s ready. 😉

    He reminds me of Rudi Johnson – solid, fast, vertical runner, and very hard to bring down.

    I thought Nick played a good game…for a DB.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Thanks for the man-up, Ward. I bet you don’t think Chubb is slow, do you.
      Playing Auburn is like a family football game, so many kids on both teams have friends or ex-teammates on both sides. So much in-breeding between the two schools…Dooley, Eaves…Pat Dye, Rocker. This game is what college football is all about to me.

      We both got our hands full next…the Dark Lords of Mordor have the bit in their teeth and Tech is gonna be all we want, I assure you.

      Luck to both us.


    • Chubb reminds me of another west Georgia physical runner…Ronnie Brown


    • Cojones

      WarD, your posting this last week shows you are a gentleman of the game and it’s always nice to hear from you and Brice Denny. Yall’s input is what delineates the gmp blog as special also. Yall can talk football well instead of inflaming the populace.


  44. siskey

    What a game. The atmosphere at the stadium was as good as any game I’ve been to. I wasn’t around in the 80s but I have been going to games since 1991 and I put this one up there with the best of them.
    It was impressive to see the defense step up and shut Auburn down after that first drive. I am not sure why Auburn went away from that swing pass maybe they thought that our defense was going to jump into one of them? Auburn’s left tackle was absolutely dominated the entire game. Jenkins was held every play and despite this was still able to get around him on pass plays or stand him up at the line of scrimmage when they ran.
    Hopefully we can bottle this and use it next week and against Georgia Tech. I would rather Gurley be healthy than play in Atlanta but I will take some kind of combination of either.
    Go Dawgs!


  45. Biggus Rickus

    It was awesome, and it’s also why I’m still pissed off about the Florida game. Georgia is a good football team when they’re ready to play, good enough to win the conference.


  46. Cosmic Dawg

    Woah! You guys are reading way, way too much Bobo criticism in that little statement. Re-read the whole thing – especially the last paragraph – I am hardly bashing Bobo, just ruminating about some of the particulars.
