“It’s definitely going to be heated. Whenever we get together on the field, it’s going to be a brawl.”

I know there’s a risk of a letdown against Tech if Missouri clinches the East on Friday, but I think hate trumps that.  Just ask Chris Conley.

“So much hangs on this game. It’s a true rivalry, one that people talk about all year and that we hear about all year. There is 100 percent focus on Tech now. There is no looking past them. This is our opponent. In order to get where we want to go, we’ve got to go through Tech. Our mind is set and ready for another war. We don’t want any drama.

“It’s always a game that is brutal. It’s literally brutal. It’s heart-pounding, pads clashing. I don’t expect anything less this year. I expect it to be a bloody war.”

Now that’s what I’m talking about.  Prepare to get medieval on their asses.


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

41 responses to ““It’s definitely going to be heated. Whenever we get together on the field, it’s going to be a brawl.”

  1. sectionzalum

    “Our mind is set and ready for another war. We don’t want any drama.”

    dayum i love hearing that.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Like the Tooz says:


  3. Spike

    Boys, .. It’s ON!!


  4. If the team comes out with Conley’s mentality, we will wear them out on Saturday.


  5. Damn good Dawg speaks truth!!!


  6. Uglydawg

    The Nerds that I am reluctantly forced to associate with are strangley quiet this time. It’s as if they have a glimmer of hope but are afraid to express it in front of people that deal in reality. Their children, however, give it away. You know they are parroting their parent’s in-house remarks when they mention GT’s amazing disassembling of that great football powerhouse of the ACC…Clempson.
    My hope and my expectation is for UGA to convincingly beat GT and then GT to convincingly beat FSU…(that’s how much I hate FSU).
    It would sure help Georgia’s cause for things to turn out that-a-way.
    (It wouldn’t hurt for Auburn to beat Alabama, but I’m not expecting it).
    Eat, BIG DAWG, EAT!


    • Russ

      I hate FSU so much I pulled for ND against them. And I’ll be pulling for the Gators this week and Tech next week. Heck, I’d pull for ISIL against them right now.


      • Macallanlover

        Don’t really understand all the hate for FSU, only a benefit for UAG would cause me to choose ND or FU over them….there is nothing to justify your last sentence so I assume is was just hyperbole to make some point against FSU. A win by FU could conceivably help UGA depending on what happens later so that one makes some sense to me.


    • Will (The Other One)

      I wouldn’t mind seeing Auburn spring the upset because I like our chances vs. MSU a lot better than Bama


      • So. IL Dawg

        If Arky wins on Friday, I would think UGA would want the number one team in the country. So, I would want Bama in the SECCG. The Dawgs needs some teams to lose; but there would still be a glimmer of hope if they win the SEC by beating #1 Bama.


        • Macallanlover

          I agree, should Mizzou go down, a #1 Bama would be the best opponent in Atlanta. Also, I like the focused part about playing Tech, but don’t care for the “brawling” chippy part, do your job and act like you have been there. I would hate to have a Dawg retaliate and get kicked out and miss the SECCG because of GT. SECCG so much more important than anything that happens with the Nerds.


          • Brandon

            I disagree. I think UGA’s best hope for making the playoffs would be the Barn to beat Bama and UGA beat Miss. St, giving everyone in the conference at least 2 losses. If Miss St. finishes 11-1 (they will bc that Ole Miss team looks lost) and Bama wins the West, even if we beat Bama in Atlanta, I have a haunting feeling, if it came down to 11-2 UGA or 11-1 Miss St., the Committee would choose the 11-1 team citing Georgia’s 2 “horrible” losses this year whereas the other bulldogs only lost to Bama.


            • Macallanlover

              I would rather Ole Miss give MSU the 2nd loss and us face a one loss, top rated Bama. Plus, I think the Tide’s offense would be easier to contain. If you can limit Cooper, you can beat them. Of course, Auburn beating Bama and us facing MSU accomplishes almost the same thing. Either way, to 0.0’s comment below, I want the SEC title and will take whatever comes beyond that. I wish to make all Dawg fans happy so getting a place in the abbreviated playoffs is certainly a great wish, but the SEC is our primary goal because it means Best of the Best.


              • Mayor

                I agree that winning the SEC Championship ought to be the real goal, Mac. Everything goes through Atlanta. You were right before about who needs to beat Bama. Better for Georgia to be the team that beats a number 1 Bama in the SECCG–that’ll give us a real boost. We also need Missy State and Oregon to lose and It wouldn’t hurt for Ohio State to lose, too.


                • Macallanlover

                  I have little hope that Oregon will go down, but FSU and Ohio are possibilities. I thought MSU might get beat this week in Oxford but the Rebels looked totally impotent and I don’t think we can count on them. I don’t think a one loss MSU at home would be picked over UGA if we beat Tech and #1 Bama, that would be 5-0 against Top 25 teams…combined with a conference title UGA could get the nod. Right now, just get to Atlanta, get that title and I am thrilled.


            • I hope the committee looks at our scores vs. common opponents with the Bizarro Dawgs if it comes to that. We win that argument.


        • ZeroPointZero

          Ahh, I remember the good ole days when winning the SEC was special. Now it’s just a means to an end.


  7. Russ

    The Dawgs will be hungry and ready to lay a beating on the yellow maggots. Dawgs win big.


  8. Gene Simmons

    I just don’t know why we can’t get up for Florida in the same way.


    • Russ

      Because everybody and their mama saw UF stumble around for 7 weeks before our game, including that debacle against Missouri (the same team we beat 34-0). Nobody saw them actually getting it together for the game against us.

      Still, it shouldn’t have happened, but it did.


    • Dawgfan Will

      We have, the last three years. This year is inexcusable, but we shouldn’t act like we didn’t beat them the last three years.


      • Brandon

        Go ahead and make your reservations for Jacksonville next year… because I smell a prepared, angry, revenge seeking beatdown on the Gayturds that we haven’t seen in quite some time.


  9. law dawg

    We also thought we’d be motivated enough to take care of business against Florida…. If Missouri wins, I don’t feel good about this team getting its collective mentality back by 12:00pm the next day. This will be a hate week of worry for me.


    • Dawgfan Will

      I think the motivation that should have been there against UF was undermined by the level of suck they had shown so far this season. Again, I’m not saying it should have, but the players’ post-game comments all point to this.

      Tech has looked more than competent so far. I don’t doubt Conley’s words. Let’s make it happen, cap’n.


  10. Scorpio Jones, III

    Let their children and their children’s children remember who they played here.


  11. hailtogeorgia

    You’ve brought it up before, Senator, but when has Georgia having already clinched the SEC East ever led to us overlooking Tech under Richt?


  12. Uglydawg

    How ironic that the statement “A team that didn’t win it’s conference shouldn’t play in the NC game” has now become “a two loss SEC team (Dawgs) won’t go to the NC game because a one loss team that didn’t win it’s conference should go instead.” B- F’ing-S ! The SEC has proven itself the superior conference over the last decade or longer. 9 out of 10 National Championships…and the committee is going to say the winner of the SEC ain’t good enought to make the top four….unbelievable.
