Schottenheimer and Spurrier: what goes around, comes around.

Here’s a really nice piece from Matt Zemek about the incestuous nature of coaching in the SEC, seen primarily through the prism of Georgia’s offensive coordinator and his head coach at Florida.

I just hope we’re not referring to him as “Agent Schottenheimer” after the South Carolina game.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Evil Genius

69 responses to “Schottenheimer and Spurrier: what goes around, comes around.

  1. Dolly Llama

    Buncha good threads up, but no bites in the comments yet. All the damn holier-than-thou Bible thumpers around this place must still be at church. Us heathen liberals must be the only ones reading you now, and we’re not the most active, in-your-face commenters by nature.

    (ducks and runs far away)


    • Uglydawg

      Who on here has ever claimed to be holier than anyone else, DL?
      Who’s “thumped a Bible” at you?
      I’ve never seen any sign of racial or ethinic bigotry on this blog, and I’m saddened to see the Senator allowing religous bigotry espoused.


      • Uglydawg

        Senator..It would seem as at least one of your troopers has misinterpreted your stated concerns about seperation of church and state (as in your thread concerning the football chaplin…earlier this week) as an invitation to curse people of faith.
        I hope you’ll straighten this out. I don’t think you allow bigotry on this blog and this looks like the straight -up deal.
        A lot of your bloggers go to church. I don’t believe you want them cursed and “damned” and insulted for that reason.
        But if it persists, I’ll accept it as part of the cost of doing my best to honor the way I follow. I’ll still read GTP and contribute. Thank you..Ugly


        • Mike Cooley

          I wouldn’t hold my breath. But like you, I’ll continue to read and comment either way. I’m not going to be run off by some flock of crows on the internet who feel they’ve been given the green light to caw louder.


          • Dolly Llama

            Oh, Lord, I was just kidding, y’all. I guess I’ll be damned if y’all can’t take a joke.


          • Dolly Llama

            Lighten up, Francises.


          • You’ve done a fair amount of cawing yourself, Mike.


            • Mike Cooley

              And? Does that mean I can’t reply to what he said? You sure are thin skinned for a guy who puts his opinions on the Internet and includes a comments section. You don’t charge for participation here so I endure your injecting your politics into it as a cost of sorts. That doesn’t mean I have to act like I like it or keep my lip buttoned. Right?


              • Dolly Llama

                Your comment right here sort of belies what you’re trying to say, brother. By all means, proceed.


              • You are missing the point. I haven’t threatened to ban anybody; the First Amendment is alive and well at GTP.

                If you’ve got a problem with another commenter’s politics or attitude – or mine, for that matter – that is indeed what the comments section is for.

                I’m just getting really tired of people who yell about others’ political correctness doing a quick 180 when it’s their ox being gored.


                • Mike Cooley

                  Human nature I guess. We all do it. Even you. I’m just saying you need not get irritated when these kinds of things happen if you are going to blog about these kinds of topics. It is going to happen every single time. The only way to avoid it is to stay away from it. Otherwise it will continue. Nature of the beast.


                • I recognize that, Mike. And it’s a risk I knowingly take when I write about a topic of interest to me. But I honestly think it would make me a poorer blogger to ignore my reactions to things that affect college football, even if they seem tangential to others.

                  Besides that, for every knee-jerk reaction I get in a comments section to something like that, there are plenty of thoughtful comments of interest from others. Should I give up those, too?


                • Mike Cooley

                  No. You should write about what you want to write about. Just don’t get mad when someone expresses an opinion that is counter to it or try to make them look stupid. And honestly, more often than not, it isn’t you but some of your commenters who think of themselves as being of like mind with you. They feel emboldened because hey, the guy who writes the blog agrees with them. And he must not like these people either. You may not believe this but I personally have far less of a problem with you or some of the other commenters having different political views and different religious views from me than you think. What I have a problem with is when you treat the rest of us like we are the guy who runs the Ferris wheel at the county fair. this blog would get boring to you and the others if it was just a bunch of people telling you that you’re right in every comments section.


                • this blog would get boring to you and the others if it was just a bunch of people telling you that you’re right in every comments section.

                  Absolutely. Which is why I think it’s a mischaracterization to claim I’m mad if I point out the foibles or inconsistencies of others. (Obnoxious occasionally, on the other hand, I’ll acknowledge.)

                  The only thing that truly pisses me off at the blog is when somebody deliberately distorts my meaning to make a point.

                  What I’m not sure you believe is that the reason I let people speak freely is because I have a probably naive belief that folks can behave like grown ups and that grown ups should be allowed to express themselves freely. If I thought as little about some as you apparently think I do, there would be a whole lot more banning going on here than there is.


                • Dolly Llama

                  What you got against the guy who runs the Ferris wheel? Anyone who earns their bread by the sweat of their brow is honorable, no?


        • You’ve called him out, Ugly. What exactly is it you would like me to do in this situation?


          • Dolly Llama

            Senator, I sincerely apologize for offending your more devout posters. You have my word of honor that I will never, ever mention religion in a comment again. If I do so, ban me for good.

            God damn.


            • Dolly Llama

              Got a few more comments on this thread than it would have gotten otherwise, though. So that’s a good thing.


          • Uglydawg

            To be honest, a mild repremand (you’ve done it before) and request that we don’t curse or insult or personally attact other’s for their religion, race, economic status,etc., would be enough. But I think the point has already been made.
            I honestly believe DL would have been censored had he made the same type of comment in a racial or gender context. Maybe not. Only you, (Bluto) can say, and I’ll take your word for it.
            After giving this all some thought, I’d like to say this to DL…
            A lot of people read this blog..yes..after church.
            You resent that they go to church?
            I used to be the same way, so I can kind of understand. I am a huge sinner myself..the church is not a museum for saints, but a hospital for sinners.
            Folks..a lot of your neighbors and friends, probably, go to church and give their money that hospitals, orphanages, shelters, clinics, food banks, etc. will be open for people that need it..regardless of their looks, or religous persuasion. You resent that?
            They’re not looking to fight people who want to mock fact, we’re taught to “turn the other cheek”..which I am afraid I failed to do near the top of this thread. For that I apologize.
            Probably, DL..almost every single “Bible thumper” on here would be the first to help you if you needed it. I certainly would. I can’t understand the animosity of some people towards others who choose to practice their faith and honor their God.
            As far as you saying that you were just joshing..I call B/S on that. ( I know because I have to use that excuse a lot myself..and it seldom works).
            and lastly,
            I hope Georgia is taking ULM seriously.


            • Mike Cooley

              Yeah I don’t understand the negativity towards Christians either. We hear stories about bad experiences with Christians and I don’t doubt the validity of those stories. But to have this attitude about an entire religion because of those experiences is the exact same thing they hate for people on the political right to do about Islam. I didn’t understand why DL said what he did about not going anywhere. I don’t want him to go anywhere. But kidding or not, what he said at the beginning of the thread was wrong. And giving a fake apology was worse than no apology. And I dont believe he would say something similar about Muslims.


      • I’ve never seen any sign of racial or ethinic bigotry on this blog…

        Really? Then you haven’t been paying much attention.

        Probably missed a little over-the-top gay bashing, too.


        • Dolly Llama

          Senator, for reffing this mess you ought to change your name to Job.


        • Uglydawg

          Maybe, but don’t recall it being that blatant. I don’t want to see anyone bashed, but it’s part of life. If you allow it, that’s your’s your blog. As I said, it won’t stop me form visiting. I’m of Irish ancestry and I nut-up pretty fast..but I calm down pretty easliy too.
          We all say things we regret.
          But I had to chuckle at DL’s apology..What sincere person followw an apology for insulting others’ faith by taking God’s name in vain..and BTW DL..His last name isn’t Damn.


          • Maybe, but don’t recall it being that blatant.

            Go back and look at the number of ugly Muslim-bashing comments in the Hynes post from the other day. Some of those seemed pretty blatant to me – especially given that my post had absolutely nothing to do with that religion.


            • Uglydawg

              I agree. I think you unintendedly opened a can of worms that some people can’t (or didn’t ) decipher as a neutral position. My point above is that at least one believes you wink at this if it’s aimed at Christians. I don’t think you do. I think you’re concerned that a player’s lack of, or resistance to the chaplin’s choice of faith will affect their standing on the team. I don’t share that concern, because I don’t believe CMR rolls that-a-way, but I did notice that the concern over it was mentioned on a popular radio talk show.
              Look. I’m a first amendment guy. But that also protects my right to yell “ouch” when I’ve been bitten.
              It was funny, but ’twas also mean, when Trump, questioned about his degrading comments on women, said, “Only Rosie O’Donnel”..
              I’m saying up front that if I’m called out about a long forgotten and degrading comment that I probably shouldn’t have made, I’m gonna’ say, “I was only talking about FSU and Auburn fans”. Oh yeah..and Phylis from Mulga and the fighting mama at ‘Bama game a couple of years ago.:)
              But on a football blog..this should fly. (oh yeah..and GT, Tennessee and Clempson) forgive me.


      • Macallanlover

        Facts do not matter Ugly, libs like to play the “victim” card, whether it is factual or not. Otherwise they have to actually take responsibility for their insecurities. They not only need a village, they also require someone to blame as they whimper like little puppies. Who knows what will happen when they finally bring down those strong enough have provided for the weak all these centuries? Going to be a sad day for all.


        • Dolly Llama

          Don’t let it bring you down, Mac.


        • Mac, seriously, your lack of self-awareness about claiming victimhood is something.


          • Macallanlover

            Sorry, you cannot paint me with that brush. I don’t ask for sympathy, or help. I may think poorly of those whose beliefs have put the country in this bind, but I am more than willing to take precautions to protect myself, my family, and my assets. Don’t waste your time thinking I don’t get it, or need help, I am very aware. The “sad day for all” is inevitable, but I am more concerned about others than myself because so many are totally dependent. I

            The funny thing is me being included in the “devout” characterization when I don’t belong to any, and do not think any one religion has it all figured out.


            • I would guess that many of those you paint with that same brush feel just like you do.


              • Macallanlover

                Have to admit, it does take a broad net for that group because so many “one cause” wonders drive/bloat the left, even if they don’t agree with the rest of the platforms. So that one issue justifies all the damage, whew. They should all be painted with the idiot tag, imo, because a weapon fired over minor issues can do just as much damage. But we do need a strong 3rd, 4th, and 5th party group to minimize the others.


  2. If he starts being pass wild against the cocks, I’ll start wondering.


  3. Dolly Llama

    I don’t get the sense that many of the OBC’s former players actually like the man all that much and would love to give it to him good, hard and unlubricated if they had the chance.


  4. mwo

    Did anyone else ever think Bobo was trying to outcoach SOS and shit the bed in the process? I know he had a decent record against USCe but it seemed to me like he always tried something cute against them. I think he was trying to prove something and it usually bit him in the arse.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      I’d agree with that. Seems we did best when we just went toe-to-toe. There was that failed shovel pass (in a loss), and Mason’s debacle last year. Seems like we’ve found imaginative ways to walk away losers in that series for a while now.


  5. RobG

    wouldn’t it be after the Florida game, since that’s his alma mater not S Carolina, that you hope we don’t refer to him as Agent Schottenheimer


  6. Mike Cooley

    Never thought about it mwo but you could be right. Honestly, few of our losses to Spurrier have been about any brilliant coaching he has done as much as us not being able to get out of our own way and tripping over our feet. That and the fact that he has enjoyed having the four best players in the unremarkable history of SC football arrive at the same time while he was there. I dont think his coaching had all that much to do with that pitiful display in ’12. I do t know what that was all about but it had more to do with us than them.


    • Macallanlover

      That loss in 2012 was turnovers, not any strategy errors or play calling. And mwo’s point about “cute” play calling would change to “brilliant” if the intentional grounding call had not occurred. As usual, it is the result more than the call. Bobo had a good plan earlier in the game when we hit a similar play for six points, and it was based on scouting. Everyone forgets, it was not that play, or set of plays, that cost us the SC game last year, the offense put up 35 points on the road. In addition to giving up 38 to SC, we could not get the ball back for five full minutes at the end of the game as they made consecutive first downs on us when we knew they had to run it. Funny how some focus on the smaller issues when the whole forest is right in front of them.


      • AusDawg85

        I truly wish everybody would go back and look at that series again. The world expected Gurley…going to a play that worked before made sense, but between poor execution (bad play fake), a brilliant read by the DE who stuffed the play, and a questionable IG call by the ref a lot went on to get everybody howling. But look at the rest of the series…After the penalty, a toss sweep to Gurley that was eaten up, and on 3rd down, Mason badly throws into coverage and misses a wide-open Jay Rome breaking to the corner of the endzone. That’s a play worth being critical of Mason over…should have easily seen it, but forced a pass into a bad situation instead. And then our elite PK misses a tying FG by 6 inches. Hate the play call all you want, our playmakers had a chance to win…and whiffed.


      • mwo

        It wasn’t just the non Gurley play last year. One year we tried the fake dive QB holds the ball then throws deep like Greene used to do so well twice in one game against SC and it worked neither time. I don’t disagree with the play action call, the whole world thought Gurley would get the ball. It should have worked. I’m not knocking Bobo at all, probably the best coordinator Richt has had-save Van Gorder. It just seems he wanted to outcoach Spurrier.


        • Macallanlover

          I don’t know, me thinks they saw something and put it in the game plan. Some safeties are more known for cheating up and taking the bait. I think Bobo was a good OC too, but thought he erred on the conservative side more than the tricky side. Greene clearly sold that fake better than any of the other QBs.


  7. Mike Cooley

    That should have read, losses to Spurrier since he has been at SC.


  8. Mike Cooley

    Hey that’s what they could rename that stupid techno song they play at Williams-Bryce.


  9. Mike Cooley

    Fair enough, Senator. Neither of us is going to change the other’s mind on these kinds of topics. And that’s fine. Obviously I can’t control anything that happens here other than what I post. The only thing that makes me mad is when I see those of us who are not in step with you and the others on a topic getting made fun of and compared to the callers on the Fbomb show. Undoubtedly someone will characterize that as being too sensitive etc but they nor you would like it any better if I or any of the others belittled your opinion or you personally by comparing you with someone meant to make you appear foolish. I apologize for my part of making this blog less pleasant.


  10. Debby Balcer

    Y’all are making me long for football when we are united against the enemy instead of each other.


  11. Dolly Llama

    Man, look at this thread at 50+ comments! Had I not insulted the poor, persecuted white Christian males here — I just don’t know how any of you put one foot in front of the other every day in today’s America — I doubt this one would have gotten to the double digits.


  12. Mike Cooley

    Yes insulting people on the Internet for attention is quite an accomplishment. You’re obviously very proud and I’m sure the Senator is greatful. It’s quite a service that you provide. Just look how far you’ve come from where you started. It’s noble and important work you’re doing.
