Dammit, PAWWWLLL, them advanced stats don’t know nothin’.

Who ‘da thunk it?  After Georgia’s embarrassing showing in Nashville, the needle hasn’t move a whit in Brian Fremeau’s FEI ratings and projected wins.


Filed under Georgia Football, Stats Geek!

13 responses to “Dammit, PAWWWLLL, them advanced stats don’t know nothin’.

  1. Call me crazy but I didn’t think the Dawg’s showing in Nashville was embarrassing. They won the game by more than 2 TDs. The season is still young and players are still working out the kinks.


  2. It was an embarrassing showing if your self image is determined by the performance of 18-22 year olds. On a playing field. Playing a kids game.

    But what do I know, I’m not a realist.


    • Uglydawg

      sniffer..listen up…Yeah…I’ve been-a -bitching…but not about the players..they did the best they could and it was actually pretty good…some of it was great!
      I’ve been bitching about the offensive coaching which I believe understimated Vandy and came a little too close to sleep walking this team into trouble.
      (see UGA vs UCF for a major root of my fear..some things haven’t changed)
      You don’t make it onto the field wearing red and black unless you have a lot of desire and effort…required standards.
      I want the coaches to step-it-up and give the kind of emotional and mental efforts that charges champions (see Erk Russell, circa 1980 Junkyard Dawgs).
      I believe sucess and failure start at the top. So it follows that I believe a poor showing is the coaches fault. Georgia wins a lot of games but if brainfartitis is still symtomatic, then the virus is still active.
      I hope it’s gone..But it was there Saturday.
      I really want to see Georgia play to it’s potential..and if it does, I’ll give credit.
      I’m down on the O staff because I was almost convinced that there had been a sea change of philosophy and attitiude..I thought CJP had brought out the “Evil Richt”. Instead I saw the Richt from brainfarts past.
      How you gonna react if it’s a close game and CMR leaves Chubb standing on the sidelines when we have a 1st down on the SC 10? and his reason is because (and I paraphrase), that was the way the rotation was planned…in other words..by series # instead of by who is the best player to have in during this situation. I have no idea if it was CMR or Schotty’s call. I’d like to know.


      • Chubby Cankles

        They’re saying that Chubb tweaked his ankle a bit, so maybe that’s the reason he wasn’t in when you thought he should have been. I do recall a tackle that didn’t look so good where the Vandy defender rolled up on the back of his leg. Not sure if it was that series or one later in the game.


  3. Cojones

    Without looking, anyone wanna guess the #1 team in game efficiency (GE)?


  4. Not embarrassing but definitely concerning at QB.


  5. Saxondawg

    I’ve been up on the ledge enough times as a UGA fans that I know the names of all the pigeons. But I generally wait until we’re not undefeated, and haven’t just moved up three slots to #7, before I climb out that window.

    I also have this odd habit of watching the whole game instead of just one aspect, say, the quarterback’s first half. Senator listed a whole lot of good stuff accomplished in that game, with enough vanilla offense and defense to stock Nabisco’s wafer factory. And the fact is, while still several zip codes from brilliants, Lambert was 11 of his last 13 passing. Matter of fact, I’m as worried about our receiver separation as I am about him. It’s been a problem both weeks.

    I have a sneaking suspicion we’ll see a pretty tight and inspired Georgia team this Saturday, with a quarterback who at least doesn’t get in the way. If not, I’ll enjoy catching up with Murgatroyd and Myrna out on the ledge.
