In the SEC, officiating is always a work in progress.

Steve Shaw wants you to know that when it comes to the ineligible linemen downfield penalty, he’s on the mother.


Filed under SEC Football

28 responses to “In the SEC, officiating is always a work in progress.

  1. What are the odds this will be called against us on Saturday?. I’m saying pretty good even though we are not even close to the worst offender. Bama is looking for some make-up calls from the SEC.


    • Dawgfan Will

      They got one against ULM when their LB got a targeting penalty overturned for the exact same tackle that Carter got ejected for.


  2. 83dawg

    Great. Now they are going to call it on Georgia every RPO play with positive yards.

    No worries, I expect the worst from the SEC officials every week.

    As I used to tell my soccer teams, “The Refs are something completely out of our control, like which way was the wind is blowing or how tall the grass is. They are one more obstacle to overcome in every game.”


  3. I think I will lose my shit if we get called on that this Saturday–and its probably going to happen.

    Speaking of refs, some Texas fans are pretty convinced the refs were on the fix this past Saturday. Watching some of those calls, I can see where they are coming from.


  4. tbia

    Is he on properly enforcing the 5 yard halo rule (see Ole Miss/Vandy)


  5. AusDawg85

    Offensive holding anyone? Or has that just become a chance to blame an UGA defender for making the OL facemask and hold?


  6. darnold

    O/U on this being called against the Dawgs Saturday: +/- 1.5

    I’ll take the under, but then again I’m terrible at betting


  7. Russ

    Shaw says they made progress, calling it on Alabama last week. So, if a team bitches (rightly so) about it, they can be sure it will be called on them in the near future. Got it, Steve. That’s some progress you’re making.

    “Heckuva job, Shawsie!”


    • Uglydawg

      Absolutely a great point, Russ. Shaw’s stupid for doint this.
      Also, what Bryant Denny said in the post right below this one. +1


  8. Me thinks he should just keep his mouth shut.

    The league office’s handling of this has been completely moronic.


  9. Will Trane

    If compliance on this rule is being stepped up 4 games into the season and after Saban bitched about the non-call in Ole Miss games, well, it is a little late to start now. Start the emphasis in 2016. Allow coaches and players to go thru spring and pre-season practice to get it down more. Happens but apparently the Saban rule in effect now.
    Call against Dawgs was close. Have to have a line judge or official totally dedicated to that. Suggest all home teams dedicate a manager to the LOS, plus a drone, plus a mobile laser with remote video to challenge the call. In addition some geometry has to come into play here so the calling officials have a clear view and position of the LOS and offending O-lineman[men].
    Thanks Saban for bitching about something again when you get beat. Like the guy, great coach, but sometimes a coach just let the calls go and move on … not the only play that beat Bama by any means.


    • ASEF

      It was a “point of emphasis” nationally after the pro-3 crowd demanded 1 more year to.prove it could be officiated correctly. This was not an issue that suddenly popped up during Bama-Ole Miss.

      Read between the lines: the officials want a 1 yard rule. They aren’t going to call it. Even the 1 they called on Bama was wrong. The player wasn’t downfield.

      It’s an unenforceable rule without replay.


      • Macallanlover

        And how much time would be taken if it was reviewable with a challenge by either side? 1-2 plays per game? it will go away if the rule begins to be enforced.


  10. Will Trane

    How many want to take odds that we get called for targeting next trip to Nashville…Tennessee.
    That is what we call a mother of a call. More so when in the same view of the official there is holding by Vandy. Goes to prove the call is in the eye of the beholder, hopefully by one not under pressure from Shaw, SEC, and Saban to write a few tickets to run up the stats on call, like the SEC has it under control.
    One rule to adopt, coaches like Saban, Jones, Muschamp, and Mason only get one direct or indirect conversation with an ump during the game other than for time out, otherwise it is a full 60 second run off on the offense or next offensive series plus un-sportsman like conduct re 15 yards plus first call with second an ejection.


  11. DankJankins

    How about the terrible call on the Ole Miss muffed punt against Vandy? The Vandy guy was like 6-8 yards away from the guy making the fair catch. It was one of the worst calls I have seen. Not only does Vandy not get the ball on the fumble recovery but Ole Miss got an additional 15 yards.

    Did I see that play wrong or was it really as bad I as thought it was?


    • paul

      I didn’t see the play. But I’ll venture a guess that it really was as bad as you thought. After all, we’re talking about SEC referees.


    • 83dawg

      By strict interpretation of the rule, that was the correct call, even if it was BS in real time. By rule, a muffed fair catch that is bobbled is still a fair catch and the receiver has an absolute right to the ball until it hits the ground, no matter if he ‘bobbles’ it all the way down the field for a touchdown.

      Rule 6-5-1-b

      “When a Team B player makes a valid fair catch signal, the unimpeded opportunity to catch a free or scrimmage kick continues if this player muffs the kick and still has an opportunity to complete the catch. This protection terminates when the kick touches the ground.”


  12. McTyre

    Judging by the meteor bowl in Gainesville Sat, Shaw also needs to be on the mutha that is failure to review – or allow time for review – major momentum plays that may be in question. Both teams were denied review when the crew whisked play onward as if they late for hot dates.


  13. 69Dawg

    I noticed in our game that on the start of the play one of the line refs, not sure which one, moved down the line 3 yards from the LOS to the point that if a pass was thrown he was in a position to tell if there were any lineman down field. So I guess now that we are RPOing they will start to call it. Question does the lineman have to have his whole body over the 3 yard down field line to be in violation like the QB has to be over the LOS???


  14. I have a bad feeling that the refs are gonna make themselves seen and heard Saturday. It’s a big game after all. ((Rolls eyes))


  15. SEC officiating – the blind leading the blind and doing the Birmingham suits’ bidding for over 75 years

    Mark it down – we’re playing 19 vs 11 on Saturday


  16. Spike

    I was at the UGA-LSU game when those idiots refs called an unsportsmanlike penalty on AJ Green. Remember that? I’m prepared for another screw job again this weekend. Somehow it will happen. The ghost of Penn Wagers will haunt Sanford forever.
