Game day, Auburn edition

Damn, that never gets old.

Um… oh, yeah, today.  Well, if you want to wallow in pessimism, I can’t say I blame you.  It hasn’t exactly been a confidence building season for Georgia.  Auburn hasn’t been any great shakes, either.

It’s a good matchup for the Dawgs.  I know there are plenty of keys for the game you can point at, if you’re so inclined.  I just think from going through the stats for both teams, that turnover margin is huge.  If Georgia can hang on to the ball, it should be a tough out for Auburn.

It’s an early game, so I’m pulling out shortly to go.  Here’s hoping today’s ending is vastly less traumatic than what I saw on my last trip to the Plains.  Heck, maybe Tray can help tip a pass for the winning score.  Then, again, I’d just settle for Gus’ rabbit’s foot staying lost a little while longer.

Add your game day comments you know where.


Filed under Georgia Football

292 responses to “Game day, Auburn edition

  1. WarD Eagle

    Richt seems to always have AUs number. There are so many ifs for this game. UGA has a new OC and has lost a lot of key players. AU has a new DC and is down on talent.

    I think it will depend on whether AUs defense can stop UGAs offense, or if UGAs offense stops themselves. Also, if AUs QB can protect the ball and if AU can score TDs in the red zone.

    If it comes down to a special teams game, I like AUs chances.


    • Scorpio Jones, III


      Wikipedia has an interesting definition of sandbagging.

      Its one word: Auburn.

      Having read your comments, I am now more scared than before, which puts me right in the terrified range.

      A plague on your ball security.


      • AthensHomerDawg

        You sure have been handing out the plagues lately Scorp. Somebody’s been reading Exodus again.


        • Scorpio Jones, III

          Nah…just reading the comments after the Florida game. I am surprised, frankly, that the world is still here. Sides, what’s wrong with plagues, anyway…great things to have after a war, right?


          • WarD Eagle

            You guys want plagues? You need to read the prophets. God was very clear about the who was going to die, how they were going to die, and what enemy (or often ally) he was going to use to accomplish his smiting.

            Here’s hoping the good Lord uses AU to punish UGA in a most smiteful manner.


    • mg4life0331

      Damn did you jinx your team with the special teams comment.


  2. I am not afraid. (I might be wrong).


    • 81Dog

      your courage has been rewarded!

      Had it in the bag all the way, really. We were just teasing them in the first half. 🙂


  3. AusDawg85

    Senator, bring your poncho. UGA wins if we score more points than they do. (Insert obligatory Fire Richt!!11! comment here.)

    Snark, analysis, trolling the GTP way.


  4. Bright Idea

    Already parked in Auburn. Is there a game today or not?


  5. John Denver is full of shit...

    We are gonna kill ’em and it will be because of the defense, go dawgs!


  6. Macallanlover

    I do not enter today with great confidence and feel this is a coin flip game which could easily go either way, no shock regardless of who wins. Both teams are disappointing this year, especially UGA. Auburn isn’t very good but our offense has been so awful, and will be until the OL is able to get up to just average standards. I hope they have some pride and show up today. If they do, we have a great chance to win. The other key is how effectively AU can pass the ball, we are vulnerable to anyone who can pitch and catch. Without a strong pass rush, we will need for them to continue to drop passes like they have most of the season.

    While I have lack great confidence, I feel UGA will win simply because of the good triumphs evil thingy. Auburn deserves to lose for so many reasons, and their fans deserve heartache on every Saturday…forevah. Reach deep boys and find a way.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      “Reach deep boys and find a way.”

      Amen, brother.


    • AthensHomerDawg

      If your into stats:

      Georgia has the number one passing defense in the SEC and the number 8 rushing defense.

      Auburn has the number 11 passing defense as well as the number 11 rushing defense in the SEC.

      Just sayin’


      • Macallanlover

        LOL, stats are damn liars AHD. We have played such bad passing QBs but receivers are still running free. I stick by my wish for a good pass rush to protect our secondary. I do realize AU’s defense is vulnerable, although better with Lawson back, my problem is I don’t see us doing anything well on offense at this point. Was mystified by the offensive plan for FU and KY, don’t think it will work against AU. Maybe it will all click today, I don’t think the hill is that hard to take but the “bad UGA” cannot show up and win. Think this is a game decided by turnovers and that hasn’t been our forte thus far….we are due.


    • JCDAWG83

      Since the end of the ’07 season, when Georgia faces a team with equal or near equal talent, they usually lose. Auburn has been something of a bright spot, we are becoming to them what Florida is for us. That is what is giving me a glimmer of optimism.


  7. I’m no longer willing to make predictions of any sort about my team. I hate the Barners, want to take back the lead in the series after way too many years and avoid the triple orange sweep. At least we don’t draw Verne and Gary from CBS–I’m becoming convinced those guys are bad luck.


  8. charlottedawg

    I know this is a football blog but first, prayers for Paris. Second, fuck auburn.



    Beat. The. barn.


  10. Gonna have to rely on Howard and Zeier today while out on the road. I hope we have plenty of chances for Howard to do his usual indecipherable ‘Georgia made a big play’ voice.


  11. Dolly Llama

    I know this is completely off-topic, but it deserves to go somewhere. What a damn shame.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Pinkel’s comment about spending “the healthy times” with his family, or something to that effect kinda makes you think. Most successful coach in the history of the school…nine bowls in a row, and again, he stood up for and with his kids when they needed him. Made the tough call when the tough call had to be made. Treated ALL his players with dignity.

      Football is a lesser place without Gary Pinkel.


      • JCDAWG83

        I see it as he caved to a bunch of pansy ass whiners “protesting” over something that may or may not have happened and he realizes now he made the wrong move and the alumni and fan base are going to bail on him.

        That said, I hope is health is OK.


        • ApalachDawg

          Holy cow, I’m agreeing with JC on something. He knew that he was going to retire/take time off and his decision to back the players was a lot “easier”.


        • Scorpio Jones, III

          “something that may or may not have happened” What exactly is it that may or may not have happened? Enlighten me, please.


        • Debby Balcer

          He has non Hoskins lymphoma his health is not ok and he has perspective about true priorities.


  12. ApalachDawg

    i remember during some preseason chatter, we worried about having to beat one of the two Alabama teams twice in a season. Glad that pressure is no longer hanging over our heads…
    GATA these trailer thrash wannabes


  13. What a shock, southern football fan doesn’t like “pansy ass whiners”. Now lets hear about starbucks cups.


  14. D as in Dawg

    The word pathetic comes to mind. I think we can see who came to play today. Ouch.


  15. W Cobb Dawg

    Maybe that hit & fumble will finally teach Davis not to run KOs out of the endzone.


  16. Turd Ferguson

    I like how Mark Richt is cleverly using Reggie Davis to retroactively justify all of Logan Gray’s fair catches.


  17. JT (the other one)

    Sheesh. Not sure what to say about the effort thus far…defense better wake up.


  18. ScoutDawg

    Fuck all you Richt haters. But if he has to go,T. Rocker for Head Coach.


  19. D as in Dawg

    I’m starting to think our inability to block and throw is hurting us. 😉


  20. Charles

    “Only TEN teams in the nation worse than Georgia at converting on third down…and Georgia’s going to have to burn a timeout here because they can’t get the play in.”

    That about sums it up.


  21. We converted a 4th down. That’s a neat trick.


  22. I don’t know how we recovered that. Auburn players were all over it.


  23. Give Richt credit – he finally found some balls. Even if it didn’t work out.


  24. mikebozo

    Nice call a toss to their with the broken hand. #4 should of had a couple shots down that close.


  25. Charles

    Pathetic. If Schott is still here next year, then Richt won’t be in two years.


  26. mikebozo

    their rb with broken hand


  27. D as in Dawg

    Anyone else see 28-0 at halftime? This is where that complete inability to overcome adversity comes into play.


  28. Turd Ferguson

    Amarlo Herrera on Twitter: “We don’t wanna win.”


  29. Top Dawg

    This could set a new low for OLblocking — none.


  30. Dave

    Incredible play by Parrish


  31. Awful damn throw. Lambert couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat.


  32. If we lose this, it won’t be because Michel and Mitchell didn’t play their asses off.


  33. What the FUCK was that???? This is why we can’t have nice things.


  34. Top Dawg

    Ugly sack. Lambert looks hurt.


  35. Dave

    Man, I don’t see how Schotty is back next year. I know Richt was slow on Willie and Grantham did us a favor, but this is beyond obvious. If Schotty isn’t gone, I think all of Richt’s support will evaporate, and clearly next year would be his last given we know what will happen…..sigh….


    • No reason why Richt should be given an opportunity to hire another OC.


      • Dave

        I doubt he’s gone though chili. We all know where you stand,


        • I’m not just saying that because I want him gone, Dave. Think about it. Schottenheimer was a mediocre hire, I said it when we hired him and plenty of folks outside the Georgia fan base said so too, but he’s the best Richt could get. Who is Richt going to get to come here when it’s perceived as a sinking ship? No good offensive coordinator is going to stick his neck out here, and any bad hire will just be one more contract we have to buy out when the whole staff inevitably gets canned a year later. There is simply no reason to believe Richt can hire a good OC if Schottenheimer goes after this season.


  36. D as in Dawg

    This offense is… is… I have no idea what it is. It can’t finish the drill. I know that.


  37. D as in Dawg

    This just looks too easy for AU’s offense.


  38. Nashville West

    Two lousy teams = one lousy game. And we are surprised because ????


  39. Dave

    They have yet to throw anything but a sideways screen right?


  40. Our saving grace thus far is that Jeremy Johnson might be worse than any of our quarterbacks.


  41. Spike

    Of c0urse we let the opposition score just before the half.


  42. Dave

    Aiiite…..gallows humor. Will we score MORE than 10 points this game?


  43. TomReagan

    That last play before the field goal should have been intentional grounding. The “reciever” was ineligible.


  44. Spike

    Marshall! Blazevich!


  45. Doggoned

    Doesn’t mean so much, with what’s going on in France, We’re playing badly for the second month now. That stinks, but Isis is a cancer on the Earth. I know, stating the obvious.


  46. Charles

    Now we’re bad AND boring to watch.


  47. D as in Dawg

    Looks like we spent halftime playing video games. I can’t wait for this season to end. Hopefully, we keep Pruitt, lose Schotty, and find execution for next year.


  48. Observation from the 10. We suck.


  49. Dave

    Why read option with lambert on 3rd and one? What is the thought? In all seriousness, if someone knows more about offense, what is the thought there?


  50. Top Dawg

    Houston is a liability. Play a rookie.


  51. D as in Dawg

    OL blown up. Lambert the only QB they’ll play. Shotgun on 3rd and short. This is hard to watch.


  52. Spike

    After we run Shotty off, let’s run Sales off too. This O line is embarrassing. Can we not get a yard whine it means a touchdown or a first down conversion ? Houston can’t block anybody


  53. D as in Dawg

    Alright, Schotty. Let’s get the ball back to the 50 so we can’t try and pin then inside the 10.


  54. Spike

    We are just so unorganized and inept.


    • D as in Dawg

      That’s it. Unorganized. That’s the best word to describe the O.


      • Big Ones III

        Glad for the win but what the heck is up with the timeouts on third and short? There were three of them and I don’t understand why its that hard when you have the entire playbook with that down and distance. Count me as one that cannot wait to see Schotty sent packing.


  55. D as in Dawg

    Good grief. Good run, but Lambert makes me think our receivers are the worst we’ve ever had at getting open.


  56. Dave

    As Munson would say, we’re still in this thing……lets go gang


  57. D as in Dawg

    Is this guy arguing that the facemask was close?? Say what???


    • D as in Dawg

      Pruitt made some good adjustments to stop all the edge running by AU. D is on right now and AU is not good with that QB.


  58. Jesus. Which dumbass assistant was that who knocked McGraw down?


  59. SoccerDawg

    I’, with you D. It was a clear facemask. And on the sack, Floyd would have got there too except for holding. Where is Keith Marshall? Why can’t we run a toss sweep?


  60. mikebozo

    Great blocking by Mitchell to get IMAC the corner and the TD. OL could learn something from Mitchell.


  61. SoccerDawg

    worst interference call ever. worse play calling. Gone backwards 40 yards on this drive(?)



  62. Top Dawg

    3rd and 41.


  63. SoccerDawg

    Good punt.


  64. charlottedawg

    How do schottenheimer or for that matter sale still have jobs? Seriously the regression of their position groups and the offense as a whole is unbelievable. We’ve gone from an up tempo explosive offense to an offense so inept they’re burning multiple timeouts because they can’t get the snap off in time.


    • Turd Ferguson

      Oh, haven’t you heard? Nothing is ever the fault of the coaches. It’s all execution. The players just aren’t executing.


    • charlottedawg

      I don’t care if McKenzie pulled the team’s nuts out of the fire. Schotty &sale should still be canned.


  65. Top Dawg

    Good punt return. Stop em, Pruitt.


  66. Was a bad PI call but they just gifted us that TD by missing a block in the back.,


  67. Cosmic Dawg

    16 makes it 16!!

    Also, no exaggeration here – these are lousiest announcers I’ve ever heard. Ever. Game tied 10-10, they show a stat of Georgia leading Auburn in total offense by 35 yards and use it to talk about how Auburn’s been dominating.

    Also acting like that facemask was borderline when the dude was hooked in for half a minute.


    • Big Ones III

      Yeah, how about the comment from meat head about Auburn will “most likely” onside kick the ball after the field goal with a little over a minute to play and no TO’s. gotta laugh at that stupidity.


  68. SoccerDawg

    Special teams!


  69. Dave

    D is lights out right now.


  70. MurphDawg

    Woo baby, go Dawgs!!!


  71. mikebozo

    Going to play for 3 points i’ll bet


  72. SoccerDawg

    I don’t like playing for three. Still no toss sweep. Still no KM.


  73. Top Dawg

    Thanks to the D, we’ve suddenly become less bad than Auburn. Had been like Kansas vs. Illinois State.


  74. Spike

    Shotty play calling strikes again. A TD breaks their back. Instead we lose 4 yards.


  75. Turd Ferguson

    Get turnover. Start drive on Auburn’s 17-yard line. Run 3 times for -4 yards. Settle for FG.

    Signature Georgia.


  76. Nashville West

    Difference between contending for a championship and mediocre-

    Last night USC gets a turnover around the 30. Next play 30 yard TD pass to the endzone.

    UGA gets a turnover at the 20 and runs off guard 3 times for a field goal. Instead of going for the jugular Richt kicks ’em in the ankle. Sigh…


  77. Top Dawg

    I’m starting to wonder if Floyd will play on Sunday after all. Hard to understand why he can’t stop anything wide, and that late facemask shit after the whistle…


  78. mikebozo

    Don’t brag on the D too soon….going to be a 3 point game real quick


  79. Top Dawg

    Luck is a slut, but we’ll take her.


  80. Someone make sure to send Auburn a fruit basket.


  81. charlottedawg

    Since we have the ball at the one foot line can we call a play action pass to hicks in the flat?


  82. Why did they not rule that a touchback? We recovered it in the endzone.


  83. mikebozo

    L Carter finally makes a play


  84. Top Dawg

    MM saves it.


  85. D as in Dawg

    Mitchell is my man!


  86. Dave

    Well, like Scorpio said, I would rather win and read about how badly we did it. Plus we lead the series now. Good day. Congrats all….


  87. mikebozo

    Take the W and get the hell back to Athens


  88. Scorpio Jones, III

    Mac, they found a way, by God!!!!!!!!


  89. Credit to the announcers for starting up the keep Richt rhetoric. Yeah baby, beat GA Southern, 3 win GT and whatever mid major we face in the bowl, 10 wins! Can’t fire a coach who wins 10 games!


  90. Charles

    Glad we won – always want the win, especially against a rival.


  91. Russ

    Yeah! Always great to best Auburn. Especially fun to see Ricardo Lewis fumble the game away. Karma!

    Let the dawggrading continue.


  92. Derek

    Chili has another sad. Too bad. Just not enough misfortune and misery to get what he wants. You’ve still got tech though right? I mean they can’t retain CMR if they finish with loss to tech can they?

    I say we’ve got a good shot to get to 10 wins….again. It’s over chili. Maybe the meltdown you crave will come in 2016.


  93. 56-55-8 and 8 out of 10! Order has been restored.


  94. Observation from the 10. A such but not as much as Auburn


  95. AusDawg85

    OL play is abysmal. Saw Lambert and RB’s calling them out. And yet we still run between the tackles. Do we not have outside speed? Sure seems so. Free Keith. 56 wins over Auburn. I’ll take it. And CMR was right to take the late FG. He wanted to win with what he had…which isn’t much. How can the SECe be this horrible?? How can WE be this horrible?!

    Hey! This Will Trane stream of consciousness stuff is kinda fun!


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Marshall hurt, slight knee, more ankle…should be back for the next couple.

      ” And CMR was right to take the late FG. ” Dangerous thinking there Aus, Chili might suspend your bathroom privileges since he does not know you are right.


  96. Does anyone here understand that it’s possible to be happy to beat Auburn and still want a coaching change? There IS an in between you know. I see the usual suspects popping up acting like today was a loss for those of us who want Richt gone and a win for them. The remainder of the season isn’t a referendum on Richt. He’s already proven he can’t win championships anymore. Nothing we do the rest of the year changes that.

    So please stop acting like you pro-Richt people are the only ones who can celebrate a win.


  97. Scorpio Jones, III

    Saw an interesting stat flashed up during the game. Since Nick went down we have lost more than half of our rushing offense. Some of you won’t understand what that means, but to them what do…well, it is a hard way to win.


  98. Spike

    All is forgiven Dawgs! Congrats on gutting out a win on a game Barn team on the road!


  99. Hambone

    Go Dawgs!


  100. HVL Dawg

    That special teams coach hire is paying off BIG TIME!

    It’s just too bad we had to give up our OL coach position to get a ST coach.


  101. Turd Ferguson

    Impressive win over an outstanding Auburn team.


  102. Skeeter

    Do not make The Senator stop this car! Because he WILL stop this car.


  103. JoshG

    It’s amazing what a win over Auburn can do to your football mood. I don’t care how bad Auburn is, we just beat them without a quarterback or an offensive coordinator. I’ll take it and enjoy it.


    • WF Dawg

      This is the big story. Yes, we’re not good. But offsetting that is the fact that I hate AU and love to see them lose. And Ricardo Louis–he of 2013 fame–was a big part of that today. I’ll gripe tomorrow, but tonight I dedicate this win to Nick Fairley, Cecil Newton, and that whole lot of all-in, second-chance, Bama-lite, 5-5 punks searching frantically for a lost rabbit’s foot on the Plains. Cheers!


  104. Scorpio Jones, III

    And the Bitchez sang: Waaaaar Eagle…payback’s a bitch…doo da doo da doo, boom shakalaka, boom shakalaka….BOOM!!!!!!

    (Sorry Ward, been a rough year)


  105. Athens Dog

    Watched the game with my Dad. Completely sober. (I’m usually not) Was still able to call 60% of our offensive plays. If i can call them from the recesses of alcohol, I’m guessing opposing coaches can as well.

    But we won. Proud of the players. Love beating those rednecks.


  106. Buddha

    All I can say is it would have sucked to lose that game.


  107. Drunk. So drunk. Ride to Eufala is endless.


  108. Nashville West

    Clubhouse reporter: So how does it feel to get your first professional win?

    Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: It feels out there. I mean, it’s a major rush. I mean, it feels radical in kind of a tubular sort of way, but most of all, it feels out there.

    Crash Davis: [watching Ebby from across the clubhouse] Hopeless. This is utterly f@#king hopeless.


  109. Today Georgia beat auburn for the 8th time in 10 years. The combined scores for those years: uga 336, auburn 191.

    Georgia also took the all time edge in the series.

    The two victories auburn achieved in the past decade were in 2010 with a player who admitted his family was paid and who would be ineligible under current rules and in 2013 on a fluke play.

    This series is no longer competitive and UGA derives no benefit from playing against such a morally bankrupt football institution. Year after year, former Auburn players confess to taking money after the statute of limitations has expired. The institution continues to this day to take players with checkered pasts (many of whom were dismissed from other programs including UGA for material infractions).

    Auburn is a black eye on the SEC and is quickly becoming irrelevant. I’d vote to dismiss them from the conference and bring in Clemson or any other program to repair the damage Auburn has wrought.


  110. The Truth

    As the season has unfolded, there can be no doubt…Crackalacky is bad. But when you see their scores and effort against other SEC foes, there is also no doubt, they got our best shot. We were intent on making the OBC consider retirement that day. Too bad we can’t make that kind of effort happen every week. If Richt goes, that’s why.

    P.S. It must be said, one of the worst QBs I’ve ever seen became an NCAA record-holder that day — that didn’t hurt.


  111. Bulldog Joe

    Great to see the special teams work paying off.


  112. Looks like Les Miles may be available.


    • The Nelson Puppet

      This has been one of the weirdest college football seasons in recent memory. SOS quitting, Clemson #1, FU resurgent, our October, the bizarro season Arkansas has experienced, Mizzou and Pinkel…

      I’ll be glad when the season is over and if we get to 10 wins, can we please put some liquid oxygen on the hot seat?


    • Dolly Llama

      Yeah, Bert finally got his signature win.


  113. Wasn’t pretty but all 3 facets did their part to get that win and beating auburn is always a good win. I’m not gonna complain because we all know our problems and bitching won’t fix it this year. We are what we are. At least they don’t lay down.


  114. Fetch

    Anyone notice CMR v UF 5-10, AU v CMR 5-10. Seems like auburn has just as big a problem with us as we have with Florida.
