“So we’ll be prepared for it.”

Kirby Smart is ready to join the land rush if the NCAA doesn’t move to restrict satellite camps.

“We’ve looked into it as a staff, we’ve got a plan ready to kick in if it happens,” Smart said after practice Tuesday…

“We’ve got to be prepared,” Smart said . “That’s there and it’s like waiting in the brink and it’s like who’s going to be first and who’s going to go where…but we’ve got to be careful because we’re not going out right now and saying where we’re going. If it happens, we’ll be ready for it. We’ve got some decisions to make because it’s tough decisions.”

Beyond channeling his inner Boy Scout, what’s different about Smart’s tone there is that he’s not approaching this as if it’s merely a veiled threat about what’s going to happen if the NCAA doesn’t put its foot down on Jim Harbaugh’s neck.  (Smart on Harbaugh’s and Meyer’s satellite camp plans:  “I think it’s very smart on their part,” Smart said. “They’ve got a right to do it and like I said we’ve got a plan ready. You’ll see soon enough.”)

He just recognizes this as another area he can’t allow himself to be bringing up the rear.

“Ultimately, every SEC schools wants these kids on their campus,” Smart said. “I don’t want to have to go to them, but if it gives somebody a competitive advantage to go to them then we may want to do the same thing.”

A Boy Scout’s gotta do what a Boy Scout’s gotta do.


Filed under Georgia Football, Recruiting

7 responses to ““So we’ll be prepared for it.”

  1. 202dawg

    That reminds me of this…


  2. Uglydawg

    Harbaugh is going to build a satellite camp and make the SEC pay for it.


  3. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.


  4. Walt

    Reminds me of Lou Reed


  5. Let’s go for it, Kirby.


  6. Mike Cooley

    Like it. Proactive versus reactive. How refreshing.


  7. FarmerDawg

    Would a school be willing to hold a satellite camp to recruit 1 blue chip player? I think so at least for SEC schools.
