It’s not exactly the death penalty.

Ooh, look what might happen to Ole Miss.

Eh, if that happens, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to see ole Hugh suddenly schedule a regular season game with Hawaii to close out a year.  He’s all about doing it for the kids.  Meanwhile, SEC, you know where to keep sending those sweet checks.


Filed under SEC Football, The NCAA

22 responses to “It’s not exactly the death penalty.

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Oh look, a penis with a sunburn.


  2. ASEF

    Freeze could very well end up being suspended.

    Some cases fall right into the NCAA wheelhouse – rarities, to be sure, but it happens. This is one of them.

    Used to be the NCAA had to prove a coach knew. No longer. Now it’s on the school to prove a coach shouldn’t have known. The two level 1s directed at the assistant coaches fall at Hugh’s feet as a matter of NCAA rule now. In other words, head coaches no longer have the benefit of plausible deniability. If your program has 9 violations, including 4 level 1s, and your assistants are included in those charges, the head coach is where the NCAA now aims accountability.

    Plus – Everyone’s wondering why these “minor” financial amounts are Level 1s. I think it’s because they happened at a school that was already in the NCAA crosshairs and that was making promises about cleaning up their act.

    They used up the, “Gee, we learned some valuable lessons in all this,” cleaning up the messes from 2010-2012. The fact that Hugh’s 9 violations are all happening while Ole Miss supposedly is rolling Compliance 2.0 is not going to play well with the COI. At least in the sense that it makes Hugh’s defense of vague befuddlement all the more laughable.


    • Remember, it was MISTAKES, not cheating. And the fact that all you people can not see the difference is just beyond comprehension. I would say Freeze wrote the book on the cyrogenic section of the cheating handbook.


  3. Macallanlover

    After the State Penn atrocities, and the weak way the NCAA handled that, it is reasonable to say we will not see the Death Penalty used again in CFB. And if the Rebels do not get a post-season ban, we may not be seeing that again either.


    • JCDAWG83

      I don’t think the NCAA had any reason to be involved in the Pedophile State thing. That was pure criminal behavior and should have been dealt with by law enforcement and the courts. I don’t know what NCAA rules Pedo State violated.


      • I totally get that perpsective and don’t entirely disagree with the premise. However, if those crimes were made public when they should have been, JoePa is likely no longer there and football players probably don’t want to play at a school with that reputation. It’s hard to believe that the sole reason for covering up these crimes wasn’t to protect football. That screams of something the NCAA has been handed responsibility to police by its member institutions.


        • ASEF

          And the thing that killed me was the way they used PSU Football to prop up Sandusky as the right guy to run a charity mentoring young boys (!!!!!!!!) and used Sandusky’s charity work as a way to prop up Penn State football as a character builder. Mutual benefit. We’re talking long-form articles in print publications like Sports Illustrated. I even remember my father talking about it.

          PSU football was not just the unfortunate landing spot for a child molester. As far as I am concerned PSU football was an accomplice. Maybe a reluctant one, but I don’t know how you get around that term.

          That still doesn’t make it a natural fit for NCAA jurisdiction, but it’s literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen associated with a collegiate athletic program. Nothing else even comes close.


      • Macallanlover

        I think it was appropriate for the NCAA to intervene, the criminal activity was a result of lack of institutional control because football was placed above the safety of students and visitors to that campus. Not a big fan of the NCAA these days but that negligence hurt the NCAA brand. It was a black eye for all of CFB, and an example of what happens

        I understand that an argument can be made that local law officials had jurisdiction and should have stepped in, but after more than a decade of sweeping this under the rug and withholding information (in fact providing a shield) the NCAA was probably the only ones that could have put a stop to it. It was obvious PSU wasn’t going to man up. The same root cause led to what happened at Baylor and TN, and to some extent why adults at so many universities allow illegal activities to go unpunished. Success for athletics is a strong drug, abuse of which has led to the downfall of otherwise good men who knew something was wrong. Emmert is a wimpy leader, imo, but he and his staff did the right thing in Happy Valley….then they backed down. There has to be a line drawn, would we feel better if the NCAA did not address it


        • Sadly there are now people who claim that Sandusky was framed and is innocent. I heard a guy on Jay Mohr’s podcast who spent two hours defending him. And as far as I know he wasn’t even a Penn State fan or grad.


  4. DC Weez

    Hawaii beats the hell outta Birmingham, Memphis, and other exotic December bowl locales.


  5. Bulldog Joe

    The Memphis and Mississippi TV markets are small so no sweat for the WWL.

    The SEC misses out on a percentage of its bowl revenue, but there are enough Alabama and Auburn fans in the SEC office who won’t be too upset about it in this case.


  6. Dog in Fla

    Norm from Cheers explains something to Paul.
    Meanwhile, Paul places hand down on table to levitate it per teleprompter instructions


  7. Cojones

    Ole Piss is living up to it’s nickname with this “Who, Me?” routine. Hugh is now standing and pissing on those who rushed the stage. What’s he going to do when his bladder is empty and they keep coming – punt?

    Not unless he can find and bring a ringer in.
