”Traditions are an important part of college football.”

Which explains why the College Football Playoff is planning to import the rich tradition of the Super Bowl-style halftime show to the national championship game.  Why, you may ask?

Reader, please.

Hancock said ESPN approached CFP officials with the idea of a concert in Centennial Olympic Park at halftime as part of the national championship game broadcast and live watch party. Fans without tickets to the game will be able to watch the game and attend the concert in Centennial Park for free.

”This will be a win-win, enhancing the viewing experience for a broad section of fans at home and in the park, while maintaining the culture of the game inside the stadium,” Hancock said.

I really hate these people.


Filed under BCS/Playoffs, ESPN Is The Devil, The NFL Is Your Friend.

14 responses to “”Traditions are an important part of college football.”

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Oh gag a maggot.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Granthams replacement

    An attempt to gain female viewers.


  3. Athens Dog

    So bad, so expected……………


  4. lakedawg

    Hell if they going that route just give free beer and they cm get 200.00 folks in park.


  5. 83Dawg

    Don’t really care. I mean, it isn’t like I was going to watch the halftime coverage anyway. There aren’t any other college games going on to catch the halftime highlights of, and I just watched the first half, so I don’t need to hear a recap or “analysis”.

    Hey, it could be a win! Maybe, back at the stadium, they will give the school bands extra time to perform during the sure-to-be-extended halftime, and show it live on ESPN3 (they started showing the school bands during halftime online during some of the games last year).


  6. Russ

    I can barely stand the Super Bowl. No way do I want CFB going that way. But I knew it was inevitable. Maybe they will have really good commercials.



    I just hope we are in the game…


  8. Macallanlover

    Just don’t see this as a major change….so long as the music event is held outside the venue. Let the school bands play inside the Dome, this outside music is not for serious fans as they would be either in the stadium, or at a place where they can either have a remote in their hand, or possibly at a sports bar gathering where they can interact with other real CFB fans. I know it is often a Monday game but you can find top drawer entertainment somewhere every night, you don’t have to stand out in January weather just because the game is held a hundred yards away. This isn’t going to attract any fans who are serious football fans, but it will be something for others to do that evening. No conflict, nor challenge to traditions that I see.


  9. DacDawg

    So are they paying the halftime entertainment the same way they pay the in-game entertainment – in free classes??


  10. diving duck

    The hypocrisy aside, I did enjoy a free concert of Grace Potter, Sting, and DMB in Centennial on NCAA basketball’s dime a few years back.


  11. 83Dawg


    A free concert, at Centennial Olympic Park, at a high-profile sporting event.

    What could POSSIBLY go wrong?


  12. Uglydawg

    The most Atlanta thing evah.


  13. W Cobb Dawg

    Ludacris has the contract ready…
