“Everybody — the fan base, the team, the coaches, the whole state — thinks it’s time…”

It’s time to exorcise a few demons, Dawgs.

It has been 37 years since people in Athens celebrated the Bulldogs’ only national title. Seven Ugas — the school’s pugnacious mascot — have come and gone in that time. Since Georgia entered the Sugar Bowl ranked No. 1 and lost to No. 2 Penn State, 35 years have passed. That’s 245 in dog years.

“That’s crazy, I didn’t even think about it like that,” Georgia defensive end Jonathan Ledbetter said. “That puts it all in perspective. It has been a while.”

No shit.

I’m tired of the near misses.  I’m tired of the building towards next year, only to see a major flop.  I’m tired of things getting fixed,  only to see new holes open up.

I’m tired of five yards short.

Get ‘er done, fellas.


Filed under Georgia Football

17 responses to ““Everybody — the fan base, the team, the coaches, the whole state — thinks it’s time…”

  1. Jared S.

    I know you said you don’t like the “team of destiny” talk. But it certainly seems like a special season. Too many amazing moments.

    From the entrance of Fromm
    To the Godwin catch at ND
    To the whole UGA takes over ND thing
    To the flea flicker to open up SEC play
    To the obliteration of UT, UF….
    And our revenge against Auburn….
    And the amazing overall health of our team!

    Just seems like everything is lined up.

    Now if we win today we play for a National Championship in our own backyard? Baaaaaah.

    Go Dawgs. Beat Oklahoma.

    UGA rolls 42-27.


  2. Tim in Sav

    Gawd Jared, I hope you’re right!


  3. J-DawG

    Just keep chopping that tree down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Hobnail_Boot

    We’ve got more than one Natty but sure.


  5. sniffer

    Improvement, toughness and smart play were my benchmarks for 2017. Checked off two of those with smart play going sideways at times. Lots of penalties (that Kirby glossed over) at critical times seemed, well, not smart.
    Regardless, I said going in this wasn’t a championship season. I was wrong.
    The SEC Championship was deserved and earned. I now believe we will get that long awaited CFP Championship soon enough. It may or may not be this January. The ride has just begun and it’s the ride of a lifetime for this Dawg.

    To hell with Oklahoma. Go Dawgs, sic ‘em!


  6. Uglydawg

    What happened to, “The successes of this season have already exceeded expectations! Anything from here on is gravy.”? (my paraphrase for what many of us have been saying).
    I can almost hear Munson, stirring up the sense of doom in us….
    “And now these Dawgs have to go out on the Rose Bowl field in Pasadena and face the greatest offense ever seen. That Mayfield fella, hell, he just might throw it for a thousand yards against us..and run for another thousand. Georgia’s got to find a way to keep him on the bench or else even old Lady Luck won’t be able to save us. It might be a hundred to nothing by the end of the first half…But maybe our guys will find a way to hunker down and stop him a time or two. Loran, what have you got?’
    “Larry, I’ve got the flu. I hugged Baker Mayfield in the airport the other day trying to expose him. But he’s down here warming up and he looks fine”.


    • AthensHomerDawg

      “There is no tradition more worth of envy, no institution worthy of such loyalty, as the University of Georgia.”

      and my all time favorite-

      The Hobnail Boot: Oct. 6, 2001, Georgia 26, Tennessee 24: Munson says, “We just stepped on their face with a hobnail boot and broke their nose. We just crushed their face,” after Verron Haynes’ game-winning touchdown catch in the final seconds at Neyland Stadium gives Richt a rare UGA victory against Tennessee and his first signature victory as the Bulldogs’ head coach.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. doofusdawg

    He’ll yes!!! it’s our year.What day is it?


  8. AusDawg85

    41 – 34 with 5 seconds left, ball on the UGA 3 and OU with the ball. Hunker down just one more time!


  9. Squatch

    We already got past the 5 yards short bit and won the SEC. This already is a wildly successful season.

    I hope we win it all but let’s not set it up to be a disappointment if we don’t.

    Go Dawgs!


  10. Macallanlover

    What is this BS about we don’t belong with this group? Is the writer a ESPN educated, “millennial” journalist” where only the MNC makes you respected. I think so.

    Our history is total domination over Clemson at 42-18 (6 of the last 7), including maybe the worst season loss Dabo/Venables has suffered. Also UGA is several places higher on the all time wins list. We are second only to Bama with SEC titles, and our record against Alabama isn’t awful considering all circumstances. We have no history against Oklahoma, yet. I think UGA should feel disrespected, and I hope our players come out with the chip clearly on their schedule. This is the two best semi-final game matchups, all four teams are capable of beating the others on given days. We just need this to be one of those days.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. No Axe To Grind

    Sounds like you’re tired of Richt’s tenure more then you acknowledge, Blowtarsky. What was that Orange Bowl score? No matter what happens in the playoffs, my expectations have been wildly succeeded. Hopefully, Kirby can keep it up.


  12. Hal Welch

    Well… 1980 was our second national championship. Although there are several instances where UGA was awarded a national championship and if we were Alabama we’d count at least six, it is widely accepted that 1942 & 1980 are our two championships.


  13. There is no next year. In college football you have a new team every year. Bring home the NC this year boys. Dawgs kick some land stealing asses tonight: We win going away 39 – 24.


  14. W Cobb Dawg

    I feel Kirby is building something that will continue to reach the highest levels, so I don’t see this playoff as a last gasp effort. Of course I’d love a championship, but I also consider this game as a stepping stone to bigger things for UGA. The past is the past. No sense dredging up unhappy memories.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Kdawg

    We need to get out of the first quarter close and settle down.
