“Keep chopping” — is that enough?

I want to return to that Dawgnation piece on some of the ESPN talking heads expressing concern about Georgia’s offense, to highlight one quote in particular.

McElroy’s co-host, Marcus Spears added that Georgia is still trying to find “their best self.”

“I don’t think Kirby is comfortable with where they are,” Spears said.

Does this sound like a guy who’s uncomfortable with where they are?

Kirby Smart’s not budging, Georgia is going to remain a power football team.

“You have to have body blow after body blow until it wears people down,” Smart said. 

You must chop wood, continue to hit people, wear them down, you’ve got to have the threat of a pass and you’ve got to do it over and over.”

It doesn’t sound that way to me.  The way it sounds is that it’s some of the pundit class and the fan base that’s uncomfortable with where they are.  As Connor Riley puts it,

If you ask an honest Georgia fan, they’ll tell this team hasn’t played always their best brand of football this season. With the exception of the third quarter of the South Carolina, Georgia hasn’t looked like the dominant team a No. 2 ranking would indicate.

And yet, Georgia also really hasn’t had to sweat an outcome yet. Not a single Georgia game has been decided by single digits and the Bulldogs have two in-conference road wins already. Alabama, Ohio State and Clemson can’t say that so far.

If you’re an honest Georgia fan, it seems to me the question you should be trying to answer honestly is why the dissatisfaction.  It’s a little funny to me, because I detect faint echoes from the early Mark Richt era when a chunk of the fan base complained regularly about a lack of style points even as the program was winning division and conference titles fairly regularly.  It’s amusing now because the program under Smart is already scaling greater heights than it did in the early aughts and yet for some, it’s apparently still not enough.

So let’s see if we can break this down a little.

First off, I doubt anyone, including Kirby Smart, would question the observation that Georgia football hasn’t been operating at maximum efficiency all games, sixty minutes at a time.  Outside of ‘Bama, though, what college football team has this season?

That being said, could things be better?  Sure.  The Tennessee game is a good example of that; better execution in the passing game would have turned a dominant day into a blow out earlier on.  The Dawgs wasted some opportunities, no question.

If you want to say Kirby’s uncomfortable about execution, okay, I can buy that, but the overall vision — what he likes to refer to as his team imposing its will on the opponent, or playing to a standard — isn’t going to change.  It was the same in 2016, when the talent didn’t match his philosophy and he stuck with it, so why would anyone expect him to depart from that as he’s reshaping the roster with his recruits?

That leads to another honest question.  What explains the execution issues that have at times bogged the team down?

One area that’s been offered as an explanation is the overall youth of the roster.

No question Smart is playing a lot of freshmen and sophomores, but let’s not lose sight of the fact that even many of those kids have significant playing time under their belts already, as Georgia’s had plenty of blow out opportunities to give the back ups real game experience.  (In turn, that’s also some context in which to consider those snap count numbers Parrish posted.)  Let’s also not forget that there are plenty of upper classmen in the two-deep; as of right now, there are only two true freshman starters, Tyson Campbell and Jake Camarda.

The one area where I think youth is a valid concern/excuse is special teams.  It hasn’t been noticeable on kickoffs, because Blankenship is a touchback machine, but blocking on punt returns has been a noticeable problem.  It’s not a coincidence that the one game where the return team did a consistent job blocking was also Hardman’s best game of the season.

If I’m being honest, then, what do I see as the root source of Georgia’s inconsistency?  For want of a better term, I’d say it’s group mindset.  Not only was trying to force the square peg of the 2016 roster into the round hole of Kirby’s overall philosophy a problem that first season, but there was also the issue of player buy-in to that philosophy.  The decision of the four seniors to return in 2017 put to be the buy-in issue and the tough road win at Notre Dame forged a resoluteness that carried the team to a national title game.

This year’s team, then, has a legacy to build on and it’s already a pretty steep one.  Add to that the noticeable talent advantage the program has quickly built along with the relatively easy schedule Georgia has had to navigate so far and you’ve got a team that knows it’s one of the nation’s best and hasn’t always felt a need to challenge itself at every turn because of that.

The challenge is coming, though.

Are they ready for it?  Neither you nor I nor even Kirby Smart will know the answer to that until the team is faced with it.  But we do know this:  better to be the team with gobs of talent than not.  We also know that Smart and staff will do what they can to have this team ready.  It’ll be up to the players themselves to find what they need when the time comes.


Filed under Georgia Football

69 responses to ““Keep chopping” — is that enough?

  1. I still say this whole narrative is about sending a message to the committee that the SECCG loser (likely Georgia at this point) isn’t welcome in the WWL Post-Season Invitational … sorry, I meant the College Football Playoff.


    • If that’s the case, it’s kinda weird it’s being delivered by SEC Network talking heads.


      • I get it, but they don’t work for Greg $ankey. They work for Bob Iger and Mickey Mouse.


        • Bulldog Joe


          Looking at this week’s TV ratings, you can bet they won’t allow the CFP to become a southeast regional event.

          The SECC has always been an elimination game.


        • Cojones

          Going by the pundits on college news channels and the small time given to both UGA and ‘Bama at this point in the season, I get your drift, ee.

          And, as a reply to Blutarsky, because it’s Marcus Spears, one of the most knowledgeable and straightforward pundits that I watch, I tend to take Kirby’s words for how uncomfortable he is with the inconsistent effort he expresses during halftimes and at the end of games to be aligned with fans’ and pundits’ thinking. I think that the effort the team makes doesn’t line up with the results sometimes and that makes that the heart of the matter, albeit Kirby’s overall philosophy overrides other expressed sentiments.


          • Mickey wants the following teams:
            Texas – if the ‘Horns run the table including winning the B12 championship game, the committee will overlook the Maryland loss (just like they did with tOSU’s loss to Va Tech in 2014)
            ND – no other program has a national following like the Irish. If the Irish run the table, all the pundits have said they will be in. They may even be in at 11-1.
            OSU – the WWL’s darling. The face of ESPN’s college football coverage is an alum.
            Bama – the program everyone now loves to hate. A coach who is trying to become the GOAT.

            I would replace Bama with USC if they hadn’t already lost 2 games (and likely to lose more).


            • Cojones

              Throw W into that mix with Texas. They have good points about ND and OSU, but keeping PSU in there at this time is plain Big 10 bullshit. PSU, Tex and W should be discussed later in the season if they have no losses. What’s funny is that by including the 1-losses at this time they set the table for UGA to continue in the top-four fracas should we suffer a defeat.


              • dawgtired

                “UGA to continue in the top-four fracas should we suffer a defeat.”

                My thought exactly. Of course they can still come up with an excuse NOT to include a 1-loss UGA if they want. The thing is, if Bama or UGA only have the 1 loss from the SECCG, there will not be a more deserving one loss team in the nation for the CFP. IMO


  2. Bright Idea

    It is in DawgNation’s DNA to complain and the massive amount of media types adding to it will always add up to culling victories. We are always playing the next game instead of appreciating where we are. Essentially we are football snobs with no right to be. That’s just us. I prefer to let the coaches coach the team.


  3. JCDawg83

    I see a very talented but very young team that has lapses of focus in games against inferior opponents. Unless the lapses show up in games against similarly talented opponents I don’t see it as a real problem.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Biggen

    I think being so young, UGA doesn’t have the leadership it had last year.

    There is no question the talent is there. We just overwhelm everyone with raw talent while dicking around for a couple quarters and still win by double digits. Just imagine when this team operates on all cylinders. It will be a sight to behold.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Greg

    Outstanding comments…we shall see indeed.


  6. Cousin Eddie

    My issue with the Offense came against Mizzo, the Offense doesn’t have the killer instincts needed to put a game away when it has the chance. Going for it on 4th down and not getting it was not a positive. Then against ut they had a couple of chances early to ice it and let the ball fly through their hands. When you get your foot on their throat you don’t screw around and let them get up..


    • Salty Dawg

      I’m right with ya, Cousin Eddie about the lack of killer instinct! There doesn’t seem to be a fire or passion with the Offense until it’s later in the game. That kills me! I want to see it straight out the box and continue 60 minutes. As someone here said, and I’m paraphrasing, Kirby has treated the previous games as Conference Scrimmage Games (with teachable moments) and when I think about that, it seems about right.


      • W Cobb Dawg

        I’d add the returnees had an axe to grind against teams like fu for past losses. It wouldn’t be going out on a limb to figure Chubb wanted payback on utk after that injury.


  7. ugafidelis

    Put to bed the buy in issue?


  8. ASEF

    Georgia’s had a fluke TD to open every SEC game so far. Don’t overreact to the word – talented players made exceptional plays – but plays like those are rare and pretty random. This team this far has been both good and lucky.

    Winning easy and sloppy is dangerous. Last year’s team was reliably consistent. People expected that to continue or even improve out of the gate, just with better talent. It’s the fallacy that assumes progress will always be an upward trajectory rather than a surge, a stumble, and then another surge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • paul

      “Winning easy and sloppy is dangerous.” This is my concern precisely. There will come an opponent that will break the game open before we decide to turn on the the talent faucet. Could be one of those fumbles doesn’t bounce our way for a change. You never know. We cannot afford to let teams hang around. Dispatch them with extreme prejudice. Keep hitting them while they’re down.


    • Cojones

      Hear, hear.


      • 81Dog

        Agree 100 percent. Coasting because you think you can turn it up on command works ok against a lesser team, but it doesn’t work very well against an elite team. The question for me is simple: can we hit the consistency level of effort and execution we showed we could last year. Talented teams are beatable when they lack consistent effort. I think we can, but I don’t know we will, yet.


  9. Yurdle

    We are inconsistent and that’s okay. We are replacing a ton on defense (including the best ILB we’ve seen maybe ever in Athens) and four NFL talents on offense. I’m not sure that we are better than last year, but we might be—even replacing seniors with underclassmen.

    But I think the standard isn’t “better,” it’s “better than Bama.” On that front, I don’t think we are there yet.


  10. I think the youth on offense helps explain some of the lulls the offense deals with. Not having two all-SEC backs who are now doing well in the NFL (as well as the most underrated LT in UGA history) is also something.

    While the defense is pretty seasoned, the offense is the one with a bunch of first or second year players and I think that’s why we see a drive or two just fizzle. We can’t guarantee the 8 yard runs on first down we were getting a year ago, either, and that puts us in more 3rd and 6s than 3rd and 2s.

    Having said that, our advanced stats are still very good, and I do think you’ll see a far more focused UGA team come time for LSU as this team seems to be one that plays down to its level of perceived threat.


  11. Debby Balcer

    The fans you mention during the Mark Richt era drove me crazy. This is definitely shades of that. We need to live in the moment and cheer on the team and not be so focused on the playoff we can’t enjoy the games. Team chemistry takes time to build and we lost big parts of it. Kirby is working on it.


  12. SouthernYank

    A good team is one that can play meh, and still win with ease. UGA is that kind of team.


  13. Uglydawg

    You get 60 minutes to chop down a tree.
    If you don’t start choppin’ till the last quarter, some trees are going to be too big to fell.
    We need to lay on more licks in the first half.
    All discussion aside, I’m confident that CKS and Co. understand this and a lot of other things I don’t even know enough about to consider.
    It’s going to be quite a ride from here on out, with a good possibility of a great outcome.
    That’s more than most CF fans can hope for.


  14. UGA '97

    We just havent passed the eye test yet but with Fromm, the fabulous Baker Boys on D, ridiculous RB depth, and Hot Rod, I am still feeling good about our squad. Cleveland sure woulda been good to have going into the Red Stick, but Mays is an animal.


  15. DawgFlan

    Every week when I watch the highlights of college games across the country, I see teams scrape by “lesser” opponents, winning but not covering the spread, playing sloppy but getting by on talent, and so forth. And you know what? Wins are wins. Clemson survives Syracuse, the difference between OSUs and PSUs talent is wider than UGAs vs LSUs, and they needed PSU coaching malpractice to win the game.

    All to say that as a UGA fan, listening to other UGA fans talk about “direspect from Mickey” or “X announcer hates us” or “we’re dicking around” or “no killer instinct” or whatever the inferiority complex meme of the moment tends to be gets exhausting. But, I’m sure every fan base has its share of people who are never satisfied by simply winning, but need the extra validation of pundits and announcers and style points and video game stats. We just seem to have more than our fair share. And selective memory also. Even the best seasons have moments of panic, impending doom, flukey luck, survival, and surprise.

    But to the point: We are young. The other teams have players and coaches that also football. And we have still been as dominant and consistent as any college program besides Bama. Just win, baby, and keep improving. Keep chopping is right?

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Down island way

    In reality…..CKS is gonna keep “choppin”, that’s his process/DNA, CKS is/always be instilling that in his teams today/next year and on, dropped pass here, missed tackle there CKS is on the mutha’. We see it on the video machine, the team hears it during practice and meetings. CKS has a message from one thought……..fans can coach and bitch allllllll the live long day, win by twenty something, it ain’t good enough.WIN, LOSE OR DRAW…….GOOOOOOO DAWWWGS!


  17. The season starts October 13th. Four weeks after that we will have all of our questions answered. Let’s enjoy the ride. These are good times in the Classic City!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. doubledawg09

    Ahh, 2017, when through 5 games our senior lead team produced the following results…

    2017 through 1st 5 games:
    33 points per game scoring
    9.2 points per game given up by defense
    23.8 point average margin of victory

    Much better than this year’s youngsters who have but mustered merely the following results:

    2018 through 1st 5 games:
    43.2 points per game scoring
    13 points per game given up by defense
    30.2 point average margin of victory

    Wait, whut? The numbers seem to reflect something different from what all of our eyeballs appear to be perceiving. This team is off to a great start, but our expectations (based both on last year’s final results and Alabama’s smoking start to this year) are perhaps too high. If the 2018 team improves as much as last year’s team did down the stretch, then we will be fine. It will all come down to how we play in the Benz.

    Hang in there, Dawgs!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Justin

      Sorry I just duplicated what you said here! I was typing out and researching for my comment while you posted. Regardless, glad we’re on the same page! This team is amazing and we’re being blinded by Bama’s dominance and our perception that 30 point wins don’t cut it anymore.


    • Our perception of this year’s team definitely has a lot to do with expectations coming into the year. We had no clue going into South Bend what what in store for our team last year. As much as I enjoyed the victory against the Irish, they were a terrible, 4-win team in 2016. Our 1-point escape didn’t exactly portend great things for the ‘Dawgs coming off of an 8-win campaign ourselves. I was stunned by our 31-3 victory over the Bizarro Bulldogs, even more so when we skunked the Vols in Knoxville. We’re definitely outperforming last year’s squad so far – statistically – but the wins can’t help but seem anticlimactic after last year’s near-miss for the Natty. Doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying the ride.


      • Justin

        I think what you are saying is the best description of what we are going through right now. Last year will forever be one of every Dawg fans’ favorite seasons ever. I would maintain that even if we win the CFP in 18,19, or 20, I’ll still look back more fondly on the 17 season.

        Being a front-runner is very strange and it comes with expectations that none of us are used to. Suffice to say, this season has gotten off to a much better start than ’08 and I’m totally cool with that.


        • Yep, ’17 was the most fun I’ve ever had as a ‘Dawg. It feels very different to come into a season with expectations this high. I haven’t been so optimistic since the late-2000s, and in those years, we always shot ourselves in the foot early enough to tamp down the expectations.


          • Macallanlover

            Agree with you, don’t see how we can top that 2017 experience for most Dawg fans. And that is part of the whining, expectations were continually surpassed, there is only one game that can be better for anyone…and by the time we blew that ending it was already tops on everyone’s list.

            In a way, it reminds me of what the Brave fans went through in the 90s. 1991 was never surpassed for excitement and fan passion (note here: the overlap of fans is these two fan bases is considerable.) By the 3rd or 4th season after that you could walk up to the ticket window and purchase tickets for any playoff game not called World Series.) When they finally won the WS in 1996 the reaction was “what took you so long? Not the euphoric celebration of wins we saw in prior years.

            As to McElroy’s comments, they are much like FBomb’s comments to me. Both cannot get over their Bama fandom, and Bama fans realize UGA is the only legit contender that can really challenge UGA in the SEC, but more importantly in recruiting their primary footprint. Having to acknowledge UGA in a positive way is hard for them because in their true heart, they know the gap is closing, and the trend favors UGA. It has happened quickly, and the age difference between Kirby and St. Nick is a factor they simply cannot deny when forced to be honest. A little jab here, a little jab there, but it is noticeable. It is also why the Bama sidewalk fans have reacted more strongly to UGA as an up and coming force than they ever did to LSU, or Florida.


            • It was 1995 when the Braves finally won the World Series, not 1996, but your overall point is spot-on. Hell, I was only 7 years old during the 1991 season, but I still remember the excitement that summer. I was 11 when we took the series, and I was euphoric when Marquis Grissom caught a fly ball to win it – but that euphoria was primarily reserved for the W.S. itself – the season as a whole wasn’t nearly as memorable. If (when) Kirby finally hoists the crystal football, I won’t be surprised if we have similar feelings.


    • JCDawg83

      I”d say you need to take into consideration the opponents from ’17 vs ’18 as well. We have not played a Notre Dame this season and that game alone pretty well accounts for the difference in the numbers. App State was also much better than either Austin Peay or MTSU.

      I’m perfectly happy with the season so far but I take a little issue with the stats you are using.


  19. Justin

    I feel like we are really selectively remembering segments of last season through the lens of how we performed in the final four games (GT, SECCG, Rose, NCG). I think our frustration so far this season can be boiled down to three, very specific, things:

    1) Rush offense/defense vs. Mizzou
    2) The late, long TD pass we gave up to USC (a 41-10 score would have been equal to the dominance people are referencing from last year)
    3) The two long scores allowed in the Tennessee game

    It seems like the three moments above are completely clouding the fact that the offense is significantly more efficient, balanced, and productive than it was at this point last season, overall. The rush defense is a concern but I have every reason to believe that our talent will continue to progress on the line and a ILB, specifically.

    At the behest of going way too long; here are some differences in offense/defense through five games 2017 vs. 2018:

    Rush YPG: 2018 – +13
    Passing YPG: 2018 – +70.2
    Plays per game: 2018 – (-1.4)
    Total YPG: 2018 – +83.2
    Yards per play: 2018 – +1.41

    Rush YPG: 2018 – +17.8
    Passing YPG: 2018 – +13.8
    Plays per game: 2018 – (-0.8)
    Total YPG: 2018 – +31.6
    Yards per play: 2018 – +0.546

    Clearly, the offense has improved against a fairly similar SOS and the defense has not regressed as much as it feels like. Overall we’ve improved our YPG differential by 50 and our YPP differential by almost a full yard. Everyone needs to relax. We’re as good as we’ve ever been.

    Liked by 1 person

    • doubledawg09

      Thanks for expanding on what I posted. I just wish we could enjoy having a great team for a minute. I fear we are all getting to the point where we can’t enjoy the ride, so to speak, for worrying about the final destination. It’s like a kid in the back seat constantly asking “are we there yet?” Let’s all sit back and enjoy some fun this season!!! Go Dawgs!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • doubledawg09

        One other thing about this year, I think Mizzou is a much improved team and we won by 14 points on the road. Not excusing the sloppy play we all saw, but as a team, we pulled it together. And, while UT was in Knoxville last year, they were then imploding under Booch, while they had fight in them under the new Pruitt regime this year. I think we have to account for the fact that we are not playing against air out there. These other teams on our schedule have some players and they work and prepare hard for us, especially with a target on our back as the #2 ranked team. “Best shot” jokes aside, the teams we are playing are fighting hard, but we are still winning convincingly. Let’s see what happens when we get in a game with similar talent, like say LSU, in a couple weeks. That should give us a better idea of the mental toughness of this team.

        But, for now, lets beat the doors of the ‘Dores!


        • Justin

          Hell yeah, man!

          One more thing about UT last year, Guarantano is already significantly better than Dormady ever was last season for the Vols. Dormady went 5/16 against us last year and that had a lot more to do with his total incompetence than our defense.


      • siskey

        Exactly. There are only 12 games guaranteed every year.


  20. Otto

    During the pregame show on WSB before Tennessee one of them said it was to for the sons of Munson and Dooley to believe they were 30 point favorite over the Vols.I thought that was a rather accurate statement of not just the game but the season.

    I posted yesterday that Clempson, LSU, anOSU all won games while looking sloppy. For us UGA fans I think it is a combination of history but also an interesting mix of seeing last year, the D shutting down the run, and the offense clicked after ND with few errors. Stats may have improved but teams have had success on the ground against the D, the offense has had procedure calls, 1 yard in a heavy set should be expected to convert 75%+ of the time against Mizzou, and putting the ball on the ground but getting away with it. If you put the ball on the ground sooner or later you’ll pay the price. UGA was a bad bounce or 2 with those dropped balls of being in a very close game. Fromm’s INTs last year were few especially for a true Freshman and he always rebounded. Fromm was hitting home run balls last year which are getting dropped or missed this season. We as fans can see the team is close yet so far away to winning games by 40 but also getting away with the type of errors which cost teams games.

    I am hoping LSU is the ND game from last year, a battle fought against a big time foe with the nation watching coming out with a big W. The team clicks and goes on and run the table playing lights out. The fan base may not say it but the target is beating Bama in the post season and man are they looking good which gets back to that interesting mix of Munson vs embracing the expectations Smart preaches about embracing.


    • “I am hoping LSU is the ND game from last year, a battle fought against a big time foe with the nation watching coming out with a big W.”

      Everyone seems to forget that Notre Dame was coming off of a 4-win season in 2016. The Notre Dame game was an exciting victory against a storied opponent, but they only seemed like a “big time foe” in retrospect. No one is underestimating LSU this year after what they did to Miami and Auburn. This looks like a big matchup going in.


      • Cojones

        Don’t forget that ND kept winning after our game with them and that helped us up in the poles as well.


      • Otto

        ND last year was the coming together game which UGA had in up years under RIcht but under Smart it happened without the nasty side effects of having a L on the record.

        Agreed ND is a mixed bag, they weren’t coming off a good year, but it is always great to get a W over a media darling. You can’t go wrong with a regular season SEC W over USCw, ND, anOSU, Penn St. etc.

        LSU is very beatable granted not as beatable as ND last year. The Auburn game is looking less impressive and I firmly believe they had favorable PI calls which weren’t gong the other way as often.


  21. Justin

    Another thing! Couldn’t believe this when I saw it but we lead the SEC in Total Defense and yards per play. So yeah, I’m kind of done fretting until we actually see negative results on the field.

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  22. kfoge

    I think a lot of it is Projection (which I am guilty of sometimes). When watching Georgia play and they may look sluggish, I project forward with “will this type of play beat LSU, will it beat Auburn, will it beat Alabama in the SECCG”…… even though those games are down the road and we should be better by then, its hard not to project the current into the future.


  23. Bulldog Joe

    The 2018 schedule gave Georgia time to gain experience and develop timing and teamwork. Rarely do the cards fall your way like this.

    Teams have not yet taken full advantage of Georgia’s mistakes. There are plenty in the second half of the schedule who can.

    A night game and a loud crowd sets the stage for what comes next.


  24. W Cobb Dawg

    We’re 5-0 and I’m very happy. As said previously, I think some of the inconsistency is the result of very heavy substituting. Hard to get a rhythm with so many different faces being run in and out on each and every play.


  25. Hobnail_Boot

    One small not to pick:

    Cade Mays makes 3 true freshman starters.


  26. Faulkner

    I just want them to play clean mistake free football with no head scratching offensive play calling. Personal fouls have to be eliminated because it will cost us a game.


  27. The Dawg abides

    It’s obvious that Kirby is going to stick with the ground and pound philosophy, with some play-action passes popping every now and then, while his mentor has seemed to evolve to a relentless, go for the throat, use all weapons to overwhelm opponents mentality. This is fine, but he better continue to stack top linemen like chord wood. The best offensive commit on the board and top-ranked player in the state decided last night this style isn’t for him.


  28. stoopnagle

    It’s been said, but I think the biggest problem is we’re comparing ourselves to Alabama and up to now, we’re not measuring up. The dissatisfaction with just winning among our fans is, at least in part, because many of us have one eye on what Bama is doing and immediately comparing it to how Georgia looks.

    I think the other part of it, which many of us touched on, is that last year’s team was special and we’re not all appreciating just how special they were. So we’re spending a lot of time comparing how we feel now with how we remember feeling then and it’s not measuring up to our memory. (I know that’s my problem — I know I’m misremembering how I felt during games last year. It wasn’t all cocktails and laughs in the third quarter every week.)

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Marcus Spears’ off the cuff remark generates this much discussion. Come on people , he has no inside info on Kirby and the dawgs , he went to LUS(translate that as he is a dumbass) and he played with his hand in the dirt(translate that as he is a big dumbass). We’re fine and the best assumption(Occum’s Razor) is that Srears is an LUS dumbass who doesn’t know what he is talking about. College men from from LSU went in dumb ; come out dumb too.


  30. CB

    Connor Riley quote? Come on Senator, you’re better than that. You could have literally pulled better analysis from your own comment section. He completely left out the words “you’ and “game” in the quote above. Not a good look.

    As far as Georgia goes, I find it quite concerning that there have been long stretches of the team basically playing like ass on one side of the ball or another. I don’t think the concern among the fan base has as much to do with style points, as it does with the fact that the best part of our schedule is ahead of us. I understand there are injuries and youth that factor in, but I still believe the concerns are valid to an extent. That said, I am confident Kirby has the ability to get it cleaned up.


  31. DawgPhan

    Kirby was brought in to beat Bama. He hasnt. Instead Bama is putting real distance between themselves and UGA.

    If Smart is comfortable where this team is, he shouldnt be.


  32. Mark

    “…and yet for some, it’s apparently still not enough.”

    UGA could beat every team on the schedule and in the postseason 85-0, and for some, it still wouldn’t be enough. They’d whine about that dropped sure – TD pass that would have made it 92-0.


  33. Texas Dawg

    They need to keep chopping, but they need to sharpen the axe

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