Today, in all their goals are still ahead of them

TFW you wish the meds that affect your memory would kick in.

Better be careful, Urbs.  A couple more of those and the Ohio State administration may suddenly discover the spine it couldn’t locate last month.

Bonus take:  it only took a week for Georgia to no longer have the most embarrassing loss by the number two team in the country.  Thanks, Corch!


Filed under Urban Meyer Points and Stares

21 responses to “Today, in all their goals are still ahead of them

  1. ugafidelis

    And it appears it only took a week for us to lose any respect we had gained in the national conversation. Lose to Florida and we’re right back to where we’ve always been I reckon.


  2. 69Dawg

    The Surrender Cobra at it’s best. If Michigan doesn’t beat these guys this year Jim needs to be on the next train out of town.


  3. Bulldog Joe

    After an underwhelming day of football, the second half of the Purdue game was beautiful.


    • Dawg19

      Bulldog Joe, the only way that second half would have been better is if Courtney Smith had intercepted a pass and taken it to the house.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Macallanlover

      Doubt any result I see this season will surpass last night, delectable. And reading the ohio board this morning makes it even better. Many/most feel that he has lost his desire and burned out, that he will step down at the end of the year. Another medical issue coming on?

      Funny, several mentioned they were tired of the annual crap the bed games they have had under Urbie (Va Tech, Clemson, Iowa, and now Purdue). Also mention he is too stubborn and doesn’t get rid of coaches he has a personal relationship with (not Smith, they blame all that on the poor support he got from the administration). Lack of play calling creativity, getting back by lower rated recruits, etc, it is all there. And of course, many want the new flavor of the day, Jeff Brohm to come save them. Marvelous.


  4. Gurkha Dawg

    Ohio State has the most talented roster in the nation according to 247 composite talent ranking. Purdue? 71. They have 1 four star. The rest are 3 stars or below. You can’t always out talent people. It gives me more respect for Kirby’s big wins over lesser teams. Our talent advantage means little this Saturday. The winner is going to be the team that wants it more. I’m sure Kirby is pounding that into the players heads this week.


    • Anonymous

      We have a talented team, but they desperately need a 2012 Shawn Williams moment to light a fire under their collective asses. With a bye week after a loss and heading into the Florida game, this is the time that someone has to step up and take leadership of the team. The way the guys play on Saturday will be a good indication for the rest of the season.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Gurkha Dawg

        Yep, I think that is the big difference in last year’s team and this year’s. With Chubb, Sony etc. we had tons of great upperclass leadership. This year, not so much. I really thought Fromm would take that role this year. Everyone was talking about how this was “his team”. So far I haven’t seen that kind of leadership. This would be a great week for Fromm to take charge, put the team on his shoulders and play great for 60 minutes.


    • dawgfan

      I read that Purdue has a phenom true freshman receiver that had 4 TDs last night. Either he just loves Purdue or lots of programs missed out on his recruiting. Indiana almost beat Penn State yesterday too and that would have been sweet too. Maybe Norte Dame is the third best team in the state.


      • Bulldog Joe

        #4 freshman WR Rondale Moore had two TDs and #1 senior RB DJ Knox from Creekside had three.

        #4 is 5’9″ and #1 is 5’7″. Ohio State couldn’t tackle either one.


        • Anonymous

          I didn’t watch the game, but I imagine is was like when Oregon State upset #1 USC in 2008 with Jacquizz and James Rodgers. The brothers were so short and quick that Clay Matthews, Brian Cushing, Ray Maualuga, Taylor Mays, et al just could not tackle them. I don’t know if I have ever seen a game with so many horsecollar tackles. It was the only way they could get them down since they just could not get low enough.

          That loss is what kept USC from playing Oklahoma for the MNC thus allowing Florida to win it all. To think, St. Timmy’s speech would have meant nothing except for a pair of 5’6″ brothers.


      • Alan

        “Either he just loves Purdue or lots of programs missed out on his recruiting.”
        He loves Jeff Brohm and wanted to make a difference right away, having been recruited by Georgia, Alabama, and Ohio State (along with a few other schools).


      • Russ

        He turned down some others, including Texas, to go to Purdue. The kid is legit. I watched him the first game of the season (Thursday night game?) and he put on a show, but they lost.


  5. Bulldog Joe

    Put an analyst on teams’ performances before a bye week.

    Would not be surprised to see a pattern of underwhelming efforts.


  6. ASEF

    I wonder what the rating was for that game in the second half? CFB fans have been waiting for that moment since August. ABC, prime time, with Purdue administering the flogging? Just incredible. Storybook. The kind of story CFB consistently writes that would never work as fiction – too corny, too unbelievable.

    Bonus points: James Franklin watching Purdue execute everything his team couldn’t. That’s what elite looks like, James.

    Bonus bonus points: SEC x 2 to the playoffs is suddenly back on the table.


    • Macallanlover

      OSU threw 73 passes! And only had 76 yards rushing, against “3 star” talent. wow. But there was almost zero chance the SEC got two spots again this season, that goes to zero if Notre Dame is in (essentially two spots for the ACC.)


      • ASEF

        It would require more chaos, but Ohio State getting embarrassed by Purdue or similar was the lowest probability requirement in the overall mix.

        Now that the season has checked that box, the door is open to 3 conference champs with at least 1 embarrassing L and maybe 2.

        And then who knows?


  7. Uglydawg

    OSU will fall how far in the polls? Their loss was much, much uglier than Georgia’s loss to LSU.
    Yesterday, LSU did not look like the same team that beat Georgia. It’s corny, but Georgia really did beat themselves.
    BTW..Purdue’s QB is brilliant..and his team plays just about error free and yesterday they didn’t just luck out..they beat OSU soundly.


    • Macallanlover

      Well, look at how the MSU defense stuffed the run, LSU had no answer. If we had been able to do that last week, we win by 2 TDs, at least.


  8. Doggoned

    Besides being a welcome sight to UGA fans, the Purdue blowout of TOSU was the best thing that could have happened for Georgia’s playoff hopes. No matter where we’re sitting in the polls, we’re in if we win out. I’d still pick OSU to beat Michigan and LSU to fall to Bama, knocking both out of the picture. Even if Notre Dame slips in, we’re in total control of our season.
