Your 10.24.18 Playpen

Less than two weeks to the mid-terms and I’m sure nobody has an opinion about it.  Or maybe you’re wrapped up in fear of Middle Eastern hordes funded by George Soros heading towards the southern border.

Have at it in the comments.


Filed under GTP Stuff

210 responses to “Your 10.24.18 Playpen

  1. Steve Simels, over at his PowerPop blog, revisited one of my favorite articles he wrote at Stereo Review.

    My younger brother’s passion — or perhaps it’s a mania — for film exceeds even mine for music. I mean, he’ll sit through four hours of a Republic serial without even going to the john! But his mania has its uses; not long ago I was browsing through an esoteric film journal in his collection whose basic premise I have decided to crib. Titled simply “Things We Like,” it was a completely and openly subjective (what else?) catalog by two film nuts of moments they found memorable in various motion pictures. One moment that stopped me — and it’s the only entry I can remember, by the way — was the opening: “Mariette Hartley’s wedding in Peckinpah’s Ride the High Country.” Lovely.

    Anyway, after worrying away at my own list culled from twenty-odd years of rock-and-roll, I’ve decided at last to air the dirty linen in public. What follows is simply a random rundown of things that have given me pleasure, rock-wise, over the years — specific songs, events, brief musical bits. I won’t pretend, as much as I’d like to (ought to?), that any of them have any significance other than showing where my own head is at, but never mind. This is strictly for browsing; I’m willing to bet any rock fan could come up with a totally different list that would be equally valid and just as much fun.

    So, without further ado, “Things I Like.”

    It’s a great list. So I thought I’d start a discussion on what would be on yours.

    Here are three random bits of mine to get the party going:

    — Howlin’ Wolf instructing a bunch of British white boys on how to play the blues in his rehearsal introducing “The Red Rooster” on The London Howlin’ Wolf Sessions.
    — Richard Thompson’s incredible acoustic show on his first concert in Atlanta, at the Moonshadow.
    — The mid-song guitar solo in Dolly Varden’s “The Dumbest Magnets”.

    Believe me, I could do tons more, but I don’t want to hog the conversation. What are yours?


    • AusDawg85

      Stevie Ray Vaughn at his first Montrose Jazz festival lighting it up with his hard driving electric blues while many in the cool jazz crowd boo.


    • ASEF

      In no particular order – songs that remind me of great concert moments, physical reaction concert moments

      U2’s live A Sort of Homecoming (moment: Chicago United Center)
      BoDeans’s live *Idaho” (moment: Cat’s Cradle, Chapel Hill)
      Springsteen’s live “The River” (moment: Birmingham Civic Center)


    • You’ve seen way more concerts than me but 1988 Pink Floyd at RFK was awesome. Had a fake ID, took the Metro down, and got hammered. Very memorable.

      For some dumbass reason, I passed up on The Who at RFK a year later.


    • PTC DAWG

      Bob Seger, Live Bullett…

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dawglicious

        Prince’s guitar solo at the end of “Let’s Go Crazy”. Also his Superb Owl performance.

        Mike Mills surprise guest for “Rockville” with Widespread Panic during a New Years’ run a few years back

        Impromptu Gov’t Mule set before the rains came at Superjam in Athens c.1994? Stood right in front of the stage and was just blown away.

        A solid hour of Joe Walsh to finish off the Eagles in Orlando this past April.


        • The Dawg abides

          I used to go to the Superb Owl in the 80’s. Very underrated venue. 😎


        • gastr1

          Prince’s guitar solo on “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” at the R n R Hall of Fame.
          Prince playing in the rain at the Super Bowl halftime.
          Prince being the bizarre baskteblla-playing, blouse-wearing, pancake-making subject of Eddie Murphy’s brother’s favorite funny story.

          Yeah, we can do a whole list of just Prince things, and it would be incredible.


          • The RnR Hall of Fame performance still gives me chills every time I watch it. Just incredible! Saw him live too many times to count and it was always an incredible show.


          • Ldawg

            I lived in Minny back in the 90’s and my GF was trying to get me into Prince. I was like yeah yeah, he’s talented but I thought he was all pop and wasn’t interested as I was into RHCP, Soundgarden, heavy metal and stuff like that. Anyway, she took me to see him perform and the dude just blew me away, I had no idea how great a guitarist he was. I don’t know if true but I heard rumor that once upon a time Clapton was asked how he felt about being the greatest guitarist alive, and he said I don’t know go ask Prince. 😉


    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      A guy I was good friends with from 7th grade through HS was a part owner of the Moonshadow, and yet, I never went there. It’s the things you don’t do that you regret.


      • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

        OTOH, that same guy and I were at Chastain when Cream came there. Did we have tickets? Hell no; it was at Chastain! Wouldn’t be surprised if you could hear it in Sandy Springs. Free music just sounds better.


        • Bulldog Joe

          Pre-noise-ordinance Chastain Park was the best. Now, the music competes with the wine-and-cheesers’ conversations at the next table.

          The Moonshadow and the Harvest Moon were among the few places booking blues shows in those days. With hangouts PJ Haley’s and Ken’s Tavern nearby, you were always in for a good night.


    • David Chadwick

      Queen at the Omni. 3rd row. Blew my mind.
      The Minutemen at the 688, just months before the car accident that would claim the life of D Boon. This show was small and not well attended. The band started on a low simmer and ended on a roiling boil. You could literally feel the energy in the room. It struck me.
      The guitar solo in Tim Curry’s cover of Joni Mitchell’s “Cold Blue Steel”. It’s short and sweet and visceral. It’s the perfect compliment in a song about heroin abuse. My ears always perk up for that solo when I hear that song. The guy who did it escapes me, but he was a session guy that joined one of the Kiss re-boots.


    • Morris Day

      — Seeing Prince in his final performance at the Fox Theater in ATL. The closing of the show with “Sometimes It Snows in April” and the medley of “Purple Rain / The Beautiful Ones / Diamonds and Pearls” is so haunting now.

      — My first ever concert… Prince, The Time & Vanity 6 at the Tallahassee/Leon County Civic Center in Feb of 1983.

      — July 17, 1987… Dwight Yoakam at Center Stage Theatre in ATL. The first of many times I’ve seen the man live.

      — Feb 16, 1996 taking my buddy to see Morris Day & The Time for his first time. What time is it!?!


  2. mwo

    Does anyone really believe there is a bias towards Alabama? I believe playing while Bama is a real thing. I’m still pissed about the CFP championship game.


    • Derek

      Who knows? I would like to find that side judge from the natty and give him what I’ll euphemistically call a “Turkish consulate.”


      • Chris

        And if you wanted to get away with it — no questions asked, I’d highly recommend the “Killary treatment.”


        • Joe Schmoe

          So all those months of Republican investigations turned up bupkis because why? Maybe she actually didn’t do anything wrong?


          • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

            This is the dumbest argument I’ve seen in an unending line of dumb arguments.

            I’ll break it down for you, very simply:

            I was in the Marine Corps. I had a Secret Clearance. If I did what Hillary Clinton did and I was caught, I would STILL be in Leavenworth today.

            The only reason she is not in jail is because of who she is. It doesn’t matter, Republicans or Democrats, elites protect elites. Open your eyes and see truth for what it is, and without blue or red-colored glasses.


            • Joe Schmoe

              For the record, a) I am no Hillary supporter (voted for Bernie) and b) I thought we were talking about Bengazi. I absolutely agree with you on the crisis of elite accountability in this country (

              However, if you don’t genuinely think that the Republicans were out to get Hillary any way that they could, you are simply delusional. Should she have been prosecuted for her handling of the classified emails? I don’t really know the answer to that. Did her emails deserve more cumulative coverage of policy over the course of the entire election cycle ( Absolutely not. Has Trump committed much more serious crimes in his past? Absolutely.


              • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

                Did her emails deserve more coverage? How about did her emails deserve more factual coverage than it received from the NYT or WaPo or ABC, NBC, CBS News, or CNN? The fact that people like you think it’s no big deal, or Trump has done worse, is perhaps the single-worst happenstance from how the emails were covered by those who had a vested interest in her winning.

                Seriously, to say Trump committed a more serious crime than exposing classified information beyond Top Secret to Chinese, North Korean, and Russian intelligence agencies is maybe the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a long while.

                In the years Hillary was SecState, the CIA’s entire ring of assets in China was eliminated. We know China broke through the flimsy security of her private server. But to you, I’m sure that’s just mere coincidence?


                • gastr1

                  Yet you’re willing to support someone who won’t come clean on his taxes because they’ll reveal what we all already know, i.e., that he’s in the pocket of an adversarial foreign power.

                  Some great clear-eyed thinking on state security there, Corch.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

                  You assume much.

                  That I support or voted for Trump. Neither is true.
                  That he is in the pocket of Russia. There is absolutely, after over a year of investigation, NO PROOF of this.

                  Also, your whataboutism is also insanely bold here. AGAIN… if I were caught doing exactly what Hillary did, I would never breathe free air again. There is a sailor who took a picture inside the reactor room of a decades-old deactivated submarine and shared with his family through email during the Obama administration who is still in Leavenworth.

                  Then there is the very real fact that there is far more proof that Clinton and the Democrats collaborated with Russian and British bad actors to try to implicate Trump of wrongdoing through the completely b.s. Steele Dossier, and that career bureaucrats in the FBI threatened by Trump’s bluster about draining the swamp thoroughly abused the FISA courts to illegally obtain the ability to surveil the Trump campaign. But keep on refusing to see that reality.

                  Again, open your eyes to truth and stop filtering your reality by blue or red-colored glasses.


                • That he is in the pocket of Russia. There is absolutely, after over a year of investigation, NO PROOF of this.

                  I’m always curious about a line of reasoning like this. Do you expect Mueller to release information to the public before he moves to charge people, or file his report? And how do you know there’s no proof, since nothing has been released publicly?


                • Alkaline

                  Senator said: “And how do you know there’s no proof, since nothing has been released publicly?”

                  Your question answers itself, I think. If some proof is released publicly then we’ll have proof. Until then…


                • You not knowing whether proof exists isn’t the same thing as NO PROOF. Mueller may have the proof sitting on his desk.

                  So, no, my question doesn’t answer itself.


                • Joe Schmoe

                  The Steele Dossier has not been proven in any way to be B.S. While most of the statements it makes have not yet been verified, some have been. Almost none of it has been shown to be false.


                • gastr1

                  Also, CORCH, anyone not voting for a viable candidate against Trump has supported Trump. Somehow I don;t think you voted for the only person who would beat him, so don’t please don’t give us any of that third-party bullshit.

                  As for my assumptions or my reality, I fail to see how it’s any more filtered than yours is based solely on what you’ve posted here. You clearly think you’re Captain Objective, yet anyone here can see you’re not solely on what you’ve chosen to focus on today. Maybe you could have used your objectivity to tell us how Trump’s that stoking all these immigration fears is straight out of the fascist playbook, or that the consistent effort by Trump to demonize the free press fits long-standing patterns by 20th Century dictators. But nah… Hillary’s emails are what’s important.



                • Chris

                  Occam’s razor would suggest that since this investigation has been leaking like sieve since its inception, including from Mueller’s office (Manafort, Cohen, Bank Server, etc.), then the lack of leaking indicates they have nothing.

                  But maybe they’ve turned over a new leaf, Senator.


                • I’m sorry… you’re saying indictments/convictions = leaking like a sieve?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Your “logic” astounds. First, refusing to support Hillary absolutely doesn’t mean that one supports Trump. It’s just idiotic to suggest that.

                  Second, your anti-Trump hysteria shows a complete lack of historical context. No, Trump isn’t the next Hitler. No, he doesn’t even show any signs that he would like to be the next Hitler. Tweeting about fake news isn’t authoritarian. Lincoln and Wilson both imprisoned newspaper editors for publishing anti-government opinions or information. Even if the information was true. Wilson was an unapologetic fascist. He fancied himself a messianic figure sent to save the world from itself. He just needed the power to force the heathens to obey.

                  So tittering about how orange man is the “worst ever ZOMG!1!!1!1” is simply ignorant and juvenile.


                • Derek

                  Where is it clear that this particular material/intelligence (Chinese assets) were present and unprotected?

                  We know Cheney and Scooter purposefully outed an undercover agent. Didn’t seem to matter much to you fucktards then.


              • Stopped reading at “voted for Bernie”.

                Just kidding. kinda/sorta.


            • “Elites protect elites”. Hit the head on the nail. So obvious too.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              I certainly agree that there are two tracks of justice in the country but what exactly are you saying that she did?

              I don’t know of very many people who go to prison for accidental or negligent conduct. According to Comey, they couldn’t prove any purposeful conduct with respect to the treatment of classified material.


        • Derek

          If she was only good enough to kill any of the people that kept her from the presidency.


          • Gurkha Dawg

            Careful Derek, or you’ll get a visit from the Secret Service. If they looked at some of your posts on this blog they may think you are an unstable person and a threat to the President.


            • Derek

              Nobody likes or respects you.


              • Napoleon BonerFart


              • Gurkha Dawg

                Hey, I’m just trying to keep you out of trouble. Fine, go ahead and threaten the President and see what happens.


                • Derek

                  Where have I even come close to that?

                  BTW: we both know where my reply came from. Some people are stupid and crazy and hypocrites. Best to completely ignore those people:

                  “Gurkha Dawg
                  October 17, 2018 at 6:58 PM
                  Nobody likes or respects you.”


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  I remember making that comment to somebody. Didn’t realize it was you. There was something in your comment about someone being liked and respected. Not sure exactly. But my comment was meant as a smart ass response to your comment. Didn’t mean it as a personal insult. You say some crazy stuff but I don’t have a problem with you.


                • Derek

                  Not that I give a rat’s ass but this is the thread and your excuse doesn’t really work. Just own it. Who cares? I know I don’t.

                  Your 10.17.18 Playpen


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  Ok, I went back and looked at the thread. If you look carefully, you will see my comment was in response to scott329. In his post he said ” everyone really likes and respects me”. So once again, I’m right and you’re wrong. Nice try though.


                • Derek

                  Oh, “carefully” is the key there. Oops.


                • Gurkha Dawg

                  Peace brotha.


      • ugafidelis

        That dude was Mr Magoo. How he missed the guy slamming Fromm’s head into the ground is beyond me.


    • I still think Bama getting hosed on the pick play that cost them the National Championship against Clemson layed the foundation for some calls on the next title game (of course, that had to be against us).

      Nick and co. took it well at the time of the Clemson game but I bet he raised hell behind the scenes.


  3. gastr1

    I’m still waiting on my check from Soros for marching in a protest. Actually, I marched in several. When am I going to get PAID already?


  4. ASEF

    My county killed off early voting except for 1 downtown office with no parking. Claimed we couldn’t afford it, even though the volunteer list was through the roof and we’d never had a problem before. County receipts are up.

    I told a friend (ex friend?) who has a son my age and sits on the county commission that running the polls was more important to ke than garbage collection – if they couldn’t figure out their most basic and important task – voting – then I couldn’t vote for them.

    The push to make it more difficult for people to vote infuriates me. The way the Repiblican party in NC aims these efforts at specific people is shameless and makes it difficult for me to hold my tongue when I am running in those circles.

    Everyone please vote, no matter how many times they moved your polling place and limited its hours.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      If your policies don’t serve a majority you’re not exactly excited about high turnouts. If people paid attention they’d know this has been a very, very long term strategy:


    • Sides

      Where do you live? We have 5 early voting locations in Wilmington that are open 12 hours per day every weekday for 2 weeks before the election. They are also open on the weekends before the election. Early voting has expanded over the 12+years I have lived here so I don’t see why you blame republicans? How much more do you want?


      • ASEF

        Because this county hasn’t even run a Democrat for County Commission in two decades. They’re the ones calling the shots on this. I know the people in question. I like them personally. But the notion that we suddenly can’t afford early voting, when it’s never been a problem in the past and the county isn’t suffering any other financial shortcomings, is an insult to intelligence.

        These same county commissioners turned down an offer by Duke to staff the high schools and middle schools with CRNs, paid for by Duke. No cost to the county. Why? Because people might get used to it.

        I’m just…. Voting and organizing. A guy who grew up in a military town and evangelical church. I’ve had it. We’re better than this.


        • Sides

          What is your city/county population? Perhaps you don’t need more than one location for early voting? Wilmington has 5 locations for about 200k people (1 location per 40K residents) and this is plenty to handle demand.

          What does it mean to be an ‘organizer’? Who cares if you grew up in a military town or an evangelical church?


          • ASEF

            I’ve answered the logistics issue below. We had it in the past, it was widely used, and now it’s gone for transparently and demonstrably false reasons. We can afford it, We have more than enough volunteers. This isn’t fiscal prudence. It’s gaming turnout. In a system that’s predicated on democratic elections. And that bothers me.

            I grew up Republican. At a glance, my life’s profile says Republican. But my volunteer time and charity dollars are supporting other causes. That’s what it means.


            • Sides

              You haven’t answered shit about what county you are in or what the population is. I don’t care if you used to be a Republican or if you were in an evangelical church or if you were in a military town. None of that has anything to do with the topic of conversation (if that is what you call this).

              You are spreading misinformation about voting in NC with no facts to support it.


              • ASEF

                What has been misinformation? It’s not misinformation. It seems to be information you don’t like. There’s a key difference there.

                Our state legislature has been and remains highly controversial. Anyone arguing that it’s not just isn’t paying attention. Whether you agree with them or not, it’s helped to put a unique focus on state offices and spurred abnormal activity in local organizing and candidate pools. There isn’t a poll out there that doesn’t indicate independent and Democrat voter enthusiasm is extremely high, especially for a mid-term. Maybe this is a ho-hum, run of the mill mid-term in Wilmington. It’s not up here in WNC, even without a focusing agent like a Senate race.

                We used to have multiple early voting sites. Now we don’t. People made choices and blamed resources. I don’t believe them.


                • Sides

                  One last time, in what county do you live and vote? Its a pretty simple question that you seem to be unable to answer. You just respond with your bs talking points…


                • ASEF

                  They’re not BS. They’re freaking documented. And you call that misinformation.

                  If you can’t figure it out from the information already provided, then you’re dense.

                  Clearly not Buncombe. They have multiple early voting sites. So, a not-Buncombe county with 1 early voting site that used to have several and whose commissioners are elected in the primary and run opposed in the general. A county with a sizable retirement population.

                  Gee, which one could it be?


                • Sides

                  Check that, I think I read that you live in Mecklenburg County. There are no less than 20 early voting offices in your county:

                  Click to access OneStopSiteList.pdf


                • ASEF

                  Mecklenburg County? When I told you that all the county commissioners are Rs who run unopposed in the general? In western NC, not mid-state?

                  That is a geography/demographic fail. Are you even reading before you respond?


                • I don’t understand why you won’t just tell him what fucking county you’re referring to. He obviously wants to fact check your claims. Your refusal to respond says to me you obviously don’t want him to be able to.


                • ASEF

                  Because it is obvious. Because guessed Mecklenburg, which is absurd given the glaringly obvious hints I have provided. Because all I have said is that it county is down to 1 early voting site, which applies to numerous counties, not just mine. That needs fact checking? Seriously?

                  But mainly I was already mad today, and not telling him is pissing him
                  off and making him look stupid. So, it’s a guilty pleasure at this point.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  No, it’s not obvious. As you have stated, numerous counties have one early polling site. Adding in scavenger hunt-type hints does nothing. It’s stupid to suggest that somebody solve your puzzle in order to check your claims. As Joe Dash pointed out, it only makes your argument weaker.

                  So, if you claim a racist conspiracy to make minorities drive hours to get to the nearest poll, provide the evidence. Maybe you’re correct. I doubt it. But since you refuse to back up your claims, we’ll have to assume that you’re not.


                • ASEF

                  Lol. Now it’s ticking you off too? Bonus points.

                  Years of posting about living, teaching, and business experience in WNC, all to fake post about early voting in WNC on a Georgia football blog during a “ho-hum” midterm election. How devious of me.

                  Anyone with a brain can identify the county easily. Provided they actually know something about the state.


                • Sides

                  No point in reading your bs. Someone below said they were from mecklenburg and I thought it was you. Simple mistake. Your clearly lying or you would have no problem telling us where this happened. Sucks you actually teach kids…


                • ASEF

                  Tell you what. Sides. The Senator can confirm where I am posting from and that it is indeed a WNC County with 1 early voting site that used to have multiple early voting sites. If he needs additional information verifying where I live or the early voting in the county, I will be happy to provide it to him.

                  If I am lying, he can post that. and I will write a check for $250 to the Senator’s favorite charity and send him a canceled check proving it. And If I am not, you will.

                  Deal? Since, in your words, I am “clearly lying?” I mean, you got nothing to lose, right?

                  Good grief, the level of denial in some people.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You think your trolling is making me mad? Precious. And yeah, I’m sure Bluto will happily accept your homework assignment to figure out which part of Narnia has blocked poll access to blacks. I can’t wait for the series of follow up posts.


                • Sides

                  I actually have no doubt that your county has only one voting site. I also bet your county doesn’t have the population to justify multiple sites. In my experience, rural western nc counties don’t have enough African Americans to suppress as a voting bloc. I think you are an activist pushing your agenda with no regard for the actual facts on the ground. You live in a place that makes these talking points sound stupid. It is a shame you are in a position to educate people….


                • ASEF

                  Hey Napoleon, Pharisee of the Church of Limbaugh,

                  The Senator has my email address and as admin he has my ISP, which includes geographic location. And I can send him more verification data in an email that takes 5 seconds to read. And his favorite charity gets $250 for less than 2 minutes of work.

                  You want some action, too? Another $250 for the Senator’s favorite charity? Thought not. If there’s one thing in common with the most politically strident I meet, on both sides, it’s how fast they run away when someone makes them put their money where their mouth is.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Let me guess. There’s a clue on the back of the Declaration of Independence and Nicolas Cage can help me steal it to get another hint to your location? Good one. Let me know when Bluto joins your quest.


                • ASEF

                  Just like Trump and every other con artist politician. Given a chance to put your money where your mouth is, you run away and toss a few insults over your back.

                  Again, the Senator sees where I am posting from. He has my email address. No sleuthing required.

                  Thanks for proving my point.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You want me to pay you for the privilege of being trolled? You must be dumber than I thought. Here’s my counter proposal. Prove you’re not full of shit by posting your location.


                • ASEF

                  How dense are you? I could make up any county that fit my description, and you would never know the difference. My way offers confirmation. But you don’t really want that do you?

                  You only pay if you lose the bet. I pay if you win the bet. You have nothing to lose, right? But you just admitted you would lose the bet, didn’t you?

                  Thanks for demonstrating the depth of your denial. It’s been fun.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Sigh. So instead of supporting your argument with facts, you want to spend days playing childish games. I’m not interested. Even if I accepted your childish dare, do you really think Bluto would help you out with the homework you want to assign him? I don’t.

                  So keep bitching about nobody being willing to play with you. I’m bored.


    • Gravidy

      My county in Georgia only has one early voting location, and the thought literally never even occurred to me to complain about it. I have used it with no problems in every election since early voting became a thing.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        That’s because you’re a racist supporter of orange man who wants to keep minorities from being able to vote. Something something poll tax. Something something literacy test.


    • PTC DAWG

      Have you been to said location and seen unusually long lines?


      • ASEF

        The multiple early voting sites in prior cycles were well used. They did not sit idle. The line at the location in our district was always at least 30 minutes. For 3 solid weeks.

        Now, all those people, from multiple sites around the county, either have to go to 1 site downtown (30 minute drive one way for most of us) and then wait in line an hour or more, or show up on election day at their local polling place and wait for who knows how long. If the average wait time on election day is under 4 hours, I will eat my hat.

        It’s a pretty blatant attempt to tamp down voting in a cycle expected to generate a lot of voting energy from parts of the electorate that usually sit out mid-terms. The county commissioners have some people running against them this cycle. The local state representatives actually have some well-funded opposition as well. It’s politicians protecting themselves by restricting voting opportunities. And that bothers me. Because I am an American who believes crap like this is crap.


        • Sides

          You are blowing this way out proportion. NC isn’t in a critical election cycle and turnout will likely be low for this election. No Senators on the ballot. We are voting for 1 rep to the House of Rep (Republican is going to win going away in my district) and a bunch of state (not governor) and local crap that no one turns out for.

          I guarantee you won’t wait 4 hours to vote on election day.


          • ASEF

            I can’t speak for Wilmington. The state races are generating a high level of energy on the other side of the state from you. Organizing to flip some state seats is at an all-time high, The 6 amendments are generating TV advertising. A lot of people up here view this mid-term as dangerous. And those same people made the decision to kill early voting as much as possible. I socialize with some of them. I’ve heard it straight from their lips. They think they are protecting Their America. They see nothing wrong with it. End justifies the means.

            If election day wait times were up to 2 hours WITH early voting, I guarantee you they will be at least double that without it.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Is it really plausible that people who wouldn’t ordinarily vote unless special accommodations are made for them will pick superior candidates to folks who are motivated enough to go out of their way to vote?


      • mp

        Indeed, Horatio, it should just be the landed gentry who are permitted to govern. Think of the concerns of the females – hatpins, bonnets and parisols and whatnot, they cannot be entrusted to know what is best for them. As for the rest of the hoi palloi, I wouldn’t trade their competence for a bit of gullyfluff!

        Wow, what an elitest attitude!


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Isn’t it more elitist to suggest that minority voters can’t possibly be expected to put forth the minimal effort required to get off the couch, travel a few minutes to the polls, and pull a lever? We, their privileged overseers, should charter a bus, pick them up, deliver them, tell them which overseer will deliver to them the most goodies, and then take them home again? Why not just treat these poor, downtrodden souls like adults who are capable of living their own lives?


      • ASEF

        I agree. Let’s put the polling places at the end of an obstacle course. Couple of climbing walls, maybe a balance beam over a moat. Only the ones who want it most win. 🙂


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          In other words, I have a valid point. Providing a local polling place on election day is just what all the dictatorships of the past did. No, the only way for true fairness in government is to expand voting to weeks or months and make sure folks too lazy to get off their couches still have their preferences counted. Those rascally Republicans.


          • ASEF

            In other words, you just changed the subject.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Right. I suggested the motivated voters were better informed than unmotivated voters. Since that’s inarguable, you whine about something else.

              Would it be “fairer” to send pollsters to everyone’s house so they don’t have to get off the couch? Is that more “democratic?” The poor babies can’t travel all the way down to the local polls?


              • ASEF

                And I replied that we maybe need to really test their motivation. With a smiley face.

                Or maybe we should go back to a poll tax. Make people put their money where their mouth is.

                Or have a test. If you can’t describe voter suppression, how bbn or works and why people do it, then you can’t vote.



                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Why the need for hyperbole? Is getting off the couch and travelling the 10 minutes down to the polls really such a hardship? With a DVR, you won’t even miss Maury. Does it require superhuman feats to make the trek? I would argue that it’s fairly simple and easy. I’ve voted numerous times and never thought of it as an onerous task. Do you really find it that difficult? If so, do other mundane tasks, such as tying your own shoes and feeding yourself, elude you as well?


  5. Derek

    Keeping in mind that the entire American defense and national security industry supports about 355,500 jobs, why doesn’t lying matter to Mein Fürhgrabber supporters?

    “It’s $110 billion. I believe it’s the largest order ever made. It’s 450,000 jobs. It’s the best equipment in the world.”
    — President Trump, in remarks to reporters, Oct. 13, 2018

    “$110 billion in purchasing. It’s 500,000 jobs, American jobs. Everything’s made here.”
    — Trump, in an interview with Trish Regan of Fox Business News, Oct. 16

    “Who are we hurting? It’s 500,000 jobs. It’ll be ultimately $110 billion. It’s the biggest order in the history of our country from an outside military.”
    — Trump, in an interview with Stuart Varney of Fox Business News, Oct. 17

    “I would prefer that we don’t use, as retribution, canceling $110 billion worth of work, which means 600,000 jobs.
    — Trump, during a defense roundtable at Luke Air Force Base, Oct. 19

    “So now if you’re talking about — that was $110 billion — you know, you’re talking about over a million jobs. You know, I’d rather keep the million jobs, and I’d rather find another solution.”
    — Trump, in additional remarks to reporters after the roundtable, Oct. 19

    Just curious. (Btw: I’m familiar with all the tired “whataboutisms” starting with Pol Pot and ending with typhus.)


    • NPC #09784032

      Orange Man Bad. Orange Man Liar.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Math is hard for liberals, as well.
        “I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?” – Then Senator Barack Obama on geography
        “Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package 500 million Americans lose their jobs.” – Rep. Nancy Pelosi on a nation with 307 million people
        “Ten thousand people died, an entire town destroyed.” – Obama on a storm that killed 12 people
        “The number one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.” – Joe Biden on counting
        “If we do everything right, if we do it with absolute certainty, there’s still a 30% chance we’re going to get it wrong.” – Joe Biden on statistics


        • dshillz

          For the record, it’s helpful to distinguish between propaganda, slips of the tongue, and Yogi Bidenisms. Of your examples, the Pelosi comment about jobs and the Obama comment about deaths are worth considering; the rest are good for memes and trolling, if you’re into that kind of thing…

          Regarding the Pelosi comment, I did find the video clip and a million clickbait sites hyping it, but I couldn’t find a single reputable news source (left or right) discussing it or any evidence that she ever repeated it. I’m assuming that if she didn’t immediately correct herself (the video clip I saw cuts off), she at least corrected herself to any fact-checker who tried to follow up on the story. In other words, a slip of the tongue.

          Regarding Obama’s comment about the storm, “As the Illinois senator concluded his remarks a few minutes later, he appeared to realize his gaffe.
          ‘There are going to be times when I get tired,” he said. “There are going to be times when I get weary. There are going to be times when I make mistakes.'”

          By the way, regarding Obama’s comment about 57 states, as a federal employee who deals with territories in the same way we deal with states, it’s super easy to leave off the “and territories” bit when making a statement about the state-by-state status of x or y program.

          Propaganda, on the other hand, is a deliberate statement intended to be believed as fact, and insisted upon when challenged.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Derek’s not a serious person, so he doesn’t deserve serious arguments. You appear more earnest, so I’ll make a more serious argument.

            Are Trump’s job numbers inflated? Probably. But his figures aren’t that much out of whack on cost per job. He has been consistent with his $110 billion figure. So we can use that to calculate how much per job are we talking about. Trump’s low figure from Derek’s post was 500k jobs. That puts the dollars at $220k per job. His high figure was >1M jobs. Using 1M, the cost would be $110k per job.

            Are those figures reasonable? We can use some claims from the last administration to check. Three studies claimed that the stimulus, aimed at creating and saving jobs, cost about $250k per job. Obama’s was proud of his tire subsidies to compete against China’s low cost tires being sold here. That program cost $1.1 billion and created, at most, 1,200 jobs. Industry employment was trending up before the tariff, so it’s impossible to say for certain. But even if the full 1,200 is accurate, the “successful” program cost $917k per job. If Trump used the astronomical cost of almost $1M per job, the $110 billion would still represent 120k jobs. And that’s a big deal.

            As I said, I think Trump’s numbers are high. Which means the cost per job (even at the “low” $250k) is too high. Are they as high as Obama’s $917k per job? Hopefully not. But we have more proof that, even when government intervenes to save or create jobs, the cost is too damn high.


            • dshillz

              You make some good points, and it’s definitely the case that the specific number of jobs at play is speculative at best, so it’s only fair to give him some leeway to pick the methodology that suits his purposes. But what bothers me about it is (a) the fact that he keeps inflating the jobs numbers seems to indicate a lack of concern for truth or methodology (in line with the way he talks in general–only the emotion or mood affiliation matters to him, not the substance), and more importantly (b) it appears that the $110B number is a purely symbolic letter of agreement with no practical significance.

              Here’s what Politifact says: “Trump said that Saudi Arabia has ordered $450 billion from U.S. companies, including $110 billion in military contracts, representing over a million jobs.

              Orders on that scale don’t exist. There is no data behind the $450 billion, and the $110 billion is a blend of smaller deals in progress, old offers that have not come through, and speculative discussions that have yet to move forward.

              Trump’s claims about jobs ignores the long runway between signed agreements and actual delivery and payment. He treats spending that could play out over a decade as if it were spent in one year. More importantly, if the $450 billion in orders is a mirage, the 1 million jobs is equally without substance.”

              So going back to my earlier point, Trump’s claims are pure propaganda, as opposed to the slips of the tongue that you referenced.


  6. NCDawg

    I live in NC and though they may have pulled a place close to you, there is always the county office to vote that can’t be too far. I am blessed to have early voting down the street. What county are you in? We have republican commissioners but have plenty of early polling places. There’s also election Tues, what’s wrong with that. Voting is easier than ever before for everyone in NC. Much better than 10-15 years ago when I waited 2 hours to vote on election Tues. In 2016 I walked right up on election day. We’ve gotten soft and love to complain. Make it a priority.


    • ASEF

      The county office is 30 minutes away, downtown. We used to have several early voting sites around the county, all well staffed. We have a sizable retirement population in this county, so it’s not as if they lack volunteers. They shut them down. It’s pretty hard to call that “easier than every before.”

      Even early voting the last few cycles has required standing in line up to an hour. My trip later this morning will be a 2 hour investment – all to avoid a several hour investment on Election Tuesday. The entire system has been set up in this county to funnel as much as the vote as they can to Election Tuesday and force people to take off work for half a day or more. Because most of the people who can do that vote a certain way.

      NC has an age old pattern – they move the polling places in poor (usually black) neighborhoods and then send out postcards warning people if they vote in the wrong location they could go to jail. It’s a classic intimidation tactic dating back to the Jesse Helms days.

      Things like that disgust me. The people who are soft are the ones trying to make it harder to vote or game the rules to lower turnout.


      • NCDawg

        What are you talking about? Polling places haven’t moved for many years now. Jessie Helms body has fully decomposed underground many years ago. Again, we are all asking from NC which county you are talking about?
        Still better than the days before early voting even if you have only the county seat to vote early. The last election was a presidential one and they are always busy. I bet if you went this week, you’d find small lines.
        Which county again?


        • mp

          I am in NC as well, and yes it is better than it was 20 years ago…but the number of sites and overall number of hours is worse than it was 4 years ago, or 2 years ago – both in my county (Mecklenberg) and in the surrounding ones (Iredell, Gaston, etc…). Just because it works for you (since you are blessed), doesn’t mean it works for everyone (the damned, apparently). These changes are being driven by state legislature in Raleigh. Their strategy is designed to limit voting hours and available sites for the opposition party. Just like the voter id law (struck down as illegal). Just like the gerrymandering of districts by race (struck down as illegal, although for some reason still not rezoned). The party in power wants to make voting as difficult as possible for those who aren’t voting for them. You obviously don’t care. We get it. Just don’t piss on my feet and tell me it’s raining.


          • NCDawg

            Actually, I do live in Iredell. Yes, they have reduced some early voting down from 3 weeks to 2 weeks but it was because of demand being less than anticipated (except on presidential years where they will go back to 3 weeks). The early voting down the street is still not busy, walk right in and vote. More friends in Charlotte have had no problem either. Have you even tried to vote or want to just complain about something?Although I agree on some of your other points (gerrymandering of districts), don’t talk about early voting sites and piss on my feet as I get my information from a friend who works the polls( a Dem). If everyone would quit pissing on each other and be thankful that we have early voting, it would be a better world. We all need to be a little more thankful in life.


        • NCDawg

          And the signs are about people trying to vote at multiple polling places (i.e.voter fraud), not just someone who didn’t know their polling place. The poll volunteers are very helpful in NC at helping folks get where they need to be. I even saw an elderly woman who went to the wrong location. The poll volunteer helped her get transportation to the correct polling place.
          I don’t know where you live (or if you are making this up as you haven’t stated your county of residence) but I have seen nothing but friendly volunteers anywhere I have voted over the years in NC. I grew up in Georgia but moved here after grad school. Mainly retired super sweet very helpful people at the polls. Try voting and let us know how it went.


  7. Paper ballots. In triplicate, with a receipt. Annual audits of results. Serious prison time for Secretaries of States that have significant deficiencies in election procedures, record keeping, and security.


  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    Vote for me! I’ll cure your slice, make you rich, and help you meet good looking women!


    • Mayor

      Done! What are you running for?


    • Joe Schmoe

      Certainly a more compelling platform than exploding the deficit with unfunded tax cuts for the richest people in the country, more needless spending on our imperial military, cutting healthcare access to millions, and incarceration for as many brown people as we can make up excuses for.


      • Gurkha Dawg

        I make pretty good money. My taxes are going up. The only reason they aren’t going WAY up is since I can’t deduct as much property and state taxes my AMT is going down.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        You’re arguing against deficit spending while simultaneously arguing for increased healthcare spending? Cognitive dissonance for the win!


        • Joe Schmoe

          The ACA was fully funded with a tax hike on the very richest people and some other things like medical device tax. There is a party that actually takes governance seriously and pays for its policies and it is not the Republican party (see Bush’s multiple unfunded tax cuts while simultaneously starting wars, medicare prescription benefit that was unpaid for, Trump’s tax cuts, etc.).

          I fully expect that taxes would go up to pay for universal healthcare. But those extra taxes could / should be a) focused on the richest people in the country and b) be offset by the current cost of healthcare to consumers / businesses.

          No cognitive dissonance here.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Stop with the Democrats are fiscally responsible BS. First, the ACA adds to the deficit. The BS about being paid for was just optimistic hand waving about the first ten years. Even proponents of the law admitted that after the honeymoon period, costs would go up. Way up.

            Second, Democrats introduced Social Security and Medicare (excluding Bush’s Medicare Part D). However the Democrats’ complaint about Medicare Part D was that it wasn’t a large enough program spending enough money. These entitlement programs currently have tens of trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities. The deficits produced by the tax cuts of Bush and Trump are rounding errors compared to the debt from the Democrats’ favorite examples of “successful” government safety net programs.

            Third, if the wars in the Middle East were a problem for the Democrats, Obama/Clinton could have simply ended them instead of instigating a surge in Afghanistan while initiating force in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. It’s obvious that Democrats like war just as much as Republicans.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      You had me at “cure your slice.”


  9. KornDawg

    I made a comment in a past Playpen about feeling “meh” about the series “Justified.” I am no longer “meh” about it. I finished the series yesterday, and it got really good in the last few seasons. I guess I’m a little spoiled on Breaking Bad, The Wire, and now Better Call Saul. Anyone have any suggestions for another series? I have Amazon Prime and Netflix.


  10. George Soros? Ha! Don’t forget the Koch Brothers. They are evil capitalists who are pro-immigrant only because they want cheap labor for their corporate empire.


    • dawgfan

      Bingo! They com’n to your citay! The pubs needs the cheap labor and the dems need the votes! By the way, my wife loves your centerfold.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      Calling it a corporate empire is mild. I won’t pick sides of the political spectrum, but I will say there is most definitely a small sphere of oligarchs right here in the USA who are bent on assembling as much wealth and influence as is possible – and they are well on their way to total control. The oligarchs don’t give a flip about your environment, race, religion, political affiliation, laws, voting rights, etc. ‘Trade negotiations’ are little more than extending oligarch patent rights to other nations.

      The oligarchs must be checked, and history has proven the most effective way of doing so is through the pocketbook – heavy taxation and redistribution of those funds. I have serious doubts whether our votes really matter anymore. But I’d advise people to smarten up about the people they regularly return to office.


  11. Russ

    Good job on priming the pump today, Senator. Should be a banner post.

    As to your musical cherry-pickings, I have one that immediately comes to mind, perhaps because I just read his book. Santana at the Fox, 1977. I’m on the second row (thanks to Ted at the Ticketron window in Rich’s), Carlos is wailing away at “Toussaint L’overture” and as he climbs the scale for one last time, volume and feedback rising, he abruptly stops, leaving his guitar there on stage in a feedback loop as they all leave the stage. That image and sound are still seared in my memory. Amazing show and energy.

    Oh, and that was the night I discovered the Dixie Dregs. They opened for Santana.


  12. ilini84

    On my 16th birthday in 1965 I saw the Stones in McCormick Place. When I was home on leave from Korea I saw Jeff Beck, Rod Stewart, Nikki Hopkins and Ron Wood in Chicago on the “Truth Tour. The day I mustered out of the Army after returning from Vietnam I saw Santana at Winterland. That November I hitched from Illinois to the Palm Beach Arts Festival and saw Johnny Winter and Janis together, the Airplane, The Chambers Brothers and a ton of other bands. It was cold and wet and I froze may ass off but I was home!


    • ilini84

      Oops, it was the Fillmore. What can I say, it was 49 years ago!

      Here’s the ticket


    • KornDawg

      Wow! That’s a lot better than what I can tell the younger generations. “I saw Motley Crue at the Augusta Civic Center in 1989, saw Bon Jovi there, too!” Doesn’t have quite the same ring to it. Color me jealous. Did you ever see Hendrix? He would probably be the one I would choose if I could pick one artist to bring back from the dead for a concert.


    • Russ

      Wow, some great memories there! I’d love to have seen the Chambers Brothers. My musical “career” didn’t really start until 1974 with Clapton in the Omni. But I saw some good ones in the 70’s. Tickets were so cheap, I’d go see the band first to see if I wanted to spend money on their album. In one week in Atlanta, the Municipal Auditorium hosted three different shows, Black Sabbath/Frampton (saw it), 10 Years After (missed it), and ELO (saw it). Tickets were under $5 for nosebleed seats.


  13. Will Trane

    Want to give a high five to Natrez Patrick.
    You are doing good young man.
    Dawgs are always with you.
    Now have a super game against the Gators.


  14. Will Trane

    Lot us think Justin Fields may have his day in the sun this Saturday.
    Go get them young man, and have some fun while doing it.


  15. Hogbody Spradlin

    Raylan Givens, or Danny Reagan?


  16. Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

    Some background before the question: I’m 38, joined the Marine Corps out of high school, and didn’t make it to UGA until January 2007 when I was 26. So I’ve always occupied a weird place in life since I was about 23 where I was always the “old guy” in the group, and my taste in music also tends towards being older than that, though I love the music I grew up with during my formative years as well (mostly the Seattle Sound of the early to mid-90’s). It was when I got to UGA that I found Schoolkids Records (RIP) and began collecting vinyl. My first being a mint copy of Thriller and my second being the newly released Remaster of In Utero. Since then, I’ve added to my eclectic collection over the last 10 or so years, usually going on runs where I want to complete entire eras from different groups (mid-to-late Beatles, Led Zepplin through Physical Graffiti, ALL the Queen I can find, that sort of thing). I finally completed my REM collection with the addition of a perfect copy Lifes Rich Pageant which I found before the Austin Peay game at Wuxtry. So here’s the question:

    What are y’all’s Top-5 list of REM albums? Of course, anything after Automatic for the People really doesn’t apply. I know Monster was okay, but then it just seemed like they were running out their contract towards retirement.

    I often flip flop this list like crazy. I guess I could rate all of them as 1a, 1b, etc. It’s kinda like the 4-album run the Rolling Stones went on (Beggar’s Banquet, Let it Bleed, Sticky Fingers, Exile on Main St.) which was the greatest four album run in music history. REM was incapable at during their early years of putting out a bad album. There’s two albums released back to back (Fables of the Reconstruction and Lifes Rich Pageant) that no one really talks about as much as the others, and they’re effing amazing.

    Anyway, here’s my list (today… ask me again tomorrow and it may change):

    Out of Time
    Automatic for the People
    Green (this has my personal favorite REM “real” rock song, Orange Crush)
    Lifes Rich Pageant
    Bonus – Reckoning (it’s an EP, not a full LP)


  17. Jared


    Do any of you have one. If so, what brand? Do you like it? How often do you use it? Looking back, do you think it was worth it? I’m never owned a smoker before and would really like to get one.


    • sniffer

      You can get it in pellets now? How is that better than vape?


    • Mallard-Drake

      I use a Webber Smoky Mountain 22″. It’s as close to a “traditional” Texas/drum style smoker, allowing you to use lump/briquettes/chunk wood, etc. I know people will swear by the Egg with temperature control. But you need to have moisture and a good water pan. I can’t stress the moisture thing enough…it’s got to be humid in that cooking area.. People rave over my brisket, ribs, turkey, and basically anything else I put on there. The Weber is about half the price of the Egg. The selling point for me? I talked to a lot of guys at competition BBQs and the winners usually had the traditional drum style(s), or Weber’s.
      If you want fast and convenient, easy to use…pellets are the way to go
      if you want ease of temperature control…Egg is up there…
      If you want to get close to authentic texas without rolling that big metal drum into your yard…get the Smoky Mountain….
      Im sure the Egg people will descend upon me…but I only know what people tell me…
      Look at it like this…Ford/Chevy/Dodge all make trucks right? All of them get you to where you want to go…just pick the style you like and practice practice, practice on it until you master that equipment. Smoking isn’t work..(although my wife and friends think it is). There is nothing better than “watching the smoker” and enjoying a bourbon or a nice Belgian Beer and sitting outside…


    • Anonymous

      To add to what Mallard-Drake was saying, the equipment you want really depends on what you are trying to do. Smoking and grilling are very different, but most setups can be used to make quality grub when you know what you are doing.
      If your only desire is the quality of the output, then you are really better off with an $80 sous-vide machine, a $99 weber kettle, and a barrel smoker you make from a spare 55 gallon steel drum. You will get better results with a sous-vide machine for any “low-n-slow” type cook versus any smoker. The conversion of connective tissue to collagen is a function of temperature and time. The lower temperature and sealed environment of a sous-vide setup will always result in less moisture loss from the meat. At that point, smoking is for flavor and bark.
      Pellet smokers are good for people that want to be lazy and just set a temp for their smoker but don’t mind waiting all day (or you cat set it to run at night and wake up to bbq). They are expensive relative to other options, but they do require less active monitoring and are more forgiving of forgetting to check on them.


    • ASEF

      The Egg is great as an outdoor oven. Temp range on it is ridiculous: 150 to north of 1000. You can bake in it. I do homemade bread in mine when my oven is otherwise occupied. I get a better bread product out of it than my oven. You can also crank it and do homemade pizza like a wood oven. That temp control to 400 requires a $300 add on. I use Flame Boss.

      It sucks a searing aa a finish. If you want to bring a rib roast or a round of wings up to temp with some smoke and then finish with a sear, I finish on a cheap gas grill. Much better control, not wasting a ton of lump charcoal to get it up to temp.

      Flame Boss makes a product for the Smoky Mtn. Which has more capacity than a large Egg and smokes just as well.

      I love my Egg, but I have had to add around it to get what I want. But I use it for a lot of things.


  18. MDDawg

    Have any of you guys watched Mizzou outside of when they played Georgia? I’m curious how Dooley is doing as OC, but not curious enough to actually watch them play.


    • Missouri offense is 12th in S&P+ despite running Emmanuel Hall around as a decoy for a month and having to face Georgia and Bama in that timeframe. I think their OL held up about as well as anybody else’s will against Bama. Dooley is basically running the Heupel offense with a few pro-passing route trees added. It’ll be interesting to see what they look like next year if he’s still in that position without a 1st round talent at QB.


  19. Derek

    Il Douche’s reaction to the mail bombs today.

    “I agree wholeheartedly.”

    Typically measured.


  20. PTC DAWG

    Gators eat boogers.


  21. Ugajeff

    Senator, after about 5 minutes of browsing the playpen tonight, might I say that I now understand why you felt the need to create such an outlet! Good grief, man! I felt great before I started reading the comments & conversations! My fragile psyche couldn’t take much more than the 5 minutes I gave it….bless you my friend! Keep up the outstanding work on the actual Dawg blog! THAT I truly enjoy…


  22. Scuba

    Clapton at the Omni with Muddy Waters opening. For the encore he brings back MW’s and introduces him as the man who invented rock n roll. One by one MW’s all star band tapped out Clapton’s band and ended the show with the blues had a baby and they called it rock and roll. My roommate’ s GF worked for Alex Cooley always had great seats. AC/DC opening for UFO less than 100 people in the Ballroom. Still have a bag full of ticket stubs from the 70’s. Most shows about $ 5.00 . ZZ Top $3.50
