Musical palate cleanser, Maceo, blow your horn edition

I keep saying it, but Prince’s guitar work was the most underrated part of his game.  Here he is, channeling his inner-Jimi with a live version of “Red House”.  Oh yeah, he’s accompanied by Maceo Parker.


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4 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, Maceo, blow your horn edition

  1. Prince was a master on the guitar. Controversy, 1999, and Purple Rain were the soundtrack of my youth. I still remember my dad hearing some of the lyrics from the 1999 album when I forgot to pop the cassette out of the tape deck in the car I drove at 16 … not good the next time I was alone with him.


    • Got Cowdog

      My best Prince memory is of a redhead in high school who happened to be a huge Prince fan. She left a very well shaped imprint of her naked behind on the hood of my car one warm Saturday night that Got Sr. pointed out the next morning.
      “Delirious” was her favorite song.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Jim Traficant’s hair

    My first name is Maceo – search it out on YouTube. Sweet doc. You’re welcome.


  3. Morris Day

