Your 2.20.19 Playpen

If there’s one thing I hope we can all agree on…

A video showing a white woman swearing at the general manager of a Mexican restaurant in West Virginia for speaking Spanish went viral over the weekend.  [Emphasis added.]

… it’s that this country’s biggest problem is the sheer number of morons who live in it.

I got nothin’ today.  Have at it in the comments.


UPDATE:  Moar.

Steven Ray, known as “Stingray” on “The Paul Finebaum Show” is suing Barstool Sports.

The Mississippi State fan is alleging negligence, invasion of privacy and wantonness against Barstool Sports and WorldStarHipHop.

The lawsuit is a result of an online meme featuring Ray with the caption, “how can someone look like a child and a child molester at the same time.”

We’re fucking doomed as a species, I tell ‘ya.


Filed under GTP Stuff

203 responses to “Your 2.20.19 Playpen

  1. Rebar

    I swear, I just don’t understand people who have to tear others down to make themselves feel better. We have always been a nation compiled by immigration. This is just stupidity and I don’t know how it continues on to this day. It really speaks poorly of us as a nation.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What else can you expect? These turds are being inspired by their One True Leader — an undeniable racist.


  3. Rebar

    I swear I will never understand people who have to tear others down to make themselves feel better. We have always been a nation compiled of foreign nations. This stupidity is hard to accept in this day and age.


  4. Rebar

    Sorry for the double post, I didn’t think the first one went through.


  5. Chris

    Is this some awkward attempt to draw attention away from Jussie Smollett? I shouldn’t be surprised by the usual MSM talking points, but this seems like a strange thing to lead the Playpen with considering the disastrous Black History Month the democrats are having.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Is this some awkward attempt to draw attention away from Jussie Smollett?

      Apparently not in your case.

      I take it that means you’re okay with the number of idiots in our midst.


    • Ignore & deflect. Ignore & deflect. It’s all they got.


      • sniffer

        Ignore and deflect? That seems to be the response of the early supporters of Smollette to the continuing drip of developments in the case. Granted, all the facts haven’t come to light, but to deflect the blame to “racist” cops in Chicago seems misplaced. To ignore the story now is to admit it’s shaky (the alleged attack) at best.


        • Granted, all the facts haven’t come to light…

          But that’s only a problem when people you disagree with run with the story, amirite?


          • sniffer

            No, it’s not. I don’t know if the attack happened or not. The “ones that ran with the story” are bunched up on one side and it’s the side of the accuser. Since the facts don’t seem to back up the story, some of “ones I don’t agree with” are blaming the police. Does that seem balanced to you?


            • Cojones

              It appears that Smollet was complicit with two others to create press/racist bullshit in Chicago. Some on the sideline(bloggers, a few low media outfits) added statements about the two “perps” wearing red hats with Maga inscriptions; others blamed cops for their response. All of the above is designed to get everyone’s bowels in an uproar from right and left politicos and it certainly succeeded in racist replies and finger-poking judgements from both sides. Instead of this incident being a lesson to all who would stir racial bigotry both ways, it simply slides into the undercurrent that propels many into lack of thought and patience towards dumbass racist expressions until it’s head raises in the future. Smollet may turn out to be the low IQ among them all if he hatched this up to advertise himself using the lowest form that one can not even imagine; that of racists slinging shit at each other while using his name.

              The woman in the Mexican restaurant? – she’s just loco in cabeza. She probably thinks toilet tissue is made only in “shithole” countries.


        • I work hard not to follow pop culture.


    • dawgtor

      Clearly Jussie Smollett is a schmuck. His career is deservedly tanking because of this. What more is there to say? I doubt many people here feel otherwise.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        You’re clearly a racist homophobe. Why focus on Smollett being factually wrong when he’s morally right?


    • ChiliDawg

      I like how you refer to Black history month like it’s a Democratic party thing. I mean, we all know that clowns like you couldn’t give a shit less about it, but, it’s nice to hear you come right out and proudly associate your prejudice with your party instead of the usual cowardly veiled racism.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Chris

        The fact that you not only fail to recognize the irony of the situation, but fling the usual “Orange Man Bad” declarations of prejudices and racism, doesn’t surprise me.

        Let me spell this out for you. Democratic Party = Majority Black Demographic. The political shitstorm in Virginia (Gov and Lt Gov) and Colorado (staged hate crime) = Bad News. Even you can put 2 and 2 together right? I can’t believe you actually get to vote.


      • Napoleon BonerFart


    • Napoleon BonerFart


    • DawgPhan

      It’s actually black history month for everyone.

      Like did you know that Horace King was the first African American player to score a touchdown for UGA. And he was the first African American to get draft to the NFL from UGA.

      Of course the football team took 10 years to integrate after the university did.


    • Is this some awkward attempt to draw attention away from Christopher Paul Hasson? I shouldn’t be surprised by the usual Hannity talking points, but this seems like a strange thing to lead the Playpen with considering the disastrous two+ months the Trumpistas are having.

      Did I do that right? 😉


  6. paul

    Both the left and the right encourage us to hate one another because it works for them. The more we hate each other the more we identify with “our” side, the more we vote for “our” candidates, the more money we give to “our” party and the more we blame “them” for everything wrong. The only work politicians actually do any more is getting their base worked up to hate the other guys. Shame on us for responding to their their cynical manipulation of our emotions. As parents and grandparents, we’ve apparently done a really poor job of raising and educating the successive generations in our care. Intelligent, decent, mannered human beings simply do not act this way. Ever. For any reason.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Well, that part about being doomed as a species is also undeniable fact! Ii just feel the process is being accelerated by the current political winds. Ooof.


  8. dawgtor

    I’m glad the supreme court ruled to limit civil forfeiture. I think we can all agree on that :).


  9. Godawg

    As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.”


  10. Argondawg

    Anybody else tried the Ketogenic diet?


    • No diet here. But what does it comprise?


    • Trbodawg

      I have, with varying success. Be aware – Keto Flu is a real thing.


    • AlphaDawg

      At a tad over 6 foot I’ve stayed around 225/230 since my late 20s. I had a knee replaced and shoulder repaired in the span of about a year and got up to almost 245. A lady friend mentioned Keto to me after my shoulder surgery, since I couldn’t workout for awhile I gave it try and the results have been great. I dropped almost 35lbs in just about 3 months. I’ve stayed with it since then because you simply feel better with more energy and you don’t get the energy crashes you do from a high carb/sugar diet. I’ve had blood work done 3 times since I started and all of the normal metrics have remained unchanged (ie. good). It takes some adjusting to but you can go almost anywhere and find keto friendly foods.

      Of course talk to your doctor first. Some people with liver issues shouldn’t do it. And read up on it. The Keto Reset diet: reboot your metabolism in 21 days book was a great easy read that explains the diet with a bunch of recipes.


    • Chris

      I’ve been doing Keto for most of the last 10 months, and have had tremendous success with it. I started it to lose 15 pounds, but continued well after for the benefits. If you have any questions, I can try to help, but there is plenty of information online.

      It does have a cultish following, almost as annoying as Vegans, but there are some valid anthropological evidence to suggest its the most natural way humans can eat. I say suggest, because we know surprisingly little about human nutrition, due to the ethics of human experimentation and corruption in the food industry/government.

      It can be hard to get over the Fat=Bad myth that has been perpetuated since the 50s. I recommend starting with the Ancel Keys “Study of Seven Countries” controversy, that has been proven patently wrong and corrupted by the Sugar Industry, but started as the foundation of the Standard American Diet that has been responsible for the rising obesity rates ever since.

      In conlustion, bacon.


      • Got Cowdog

        So your saying the food pyramid might not be the best nutritional guideline to follow? Even though it has been constantly paraded as food gospel for years?


        • Chris

          Even more curious is the fact dietary Cholesterol restriction was unceremoniously omitted from USDA guidelines starting last year after decades old warnings. The more you know…


    • ChiliDawg

      Yes, I’ve used it very successfully in the past. Pros are once you get into it, your energy levels are great and you don’t get hunger cravings. Also can be a pretty fast route to dropping some extra pounds. Cons are that it’s hard to get going on it because your body will need a week or two to adjust, and that people tend to go nuts when they get off of it and re-gain a bunch of weight. It’s not a magic diet though, ultimately weight loss is still a mathematical equation of calories in versus calories out, but I would encourage giving it a try.


      • ChiliDawg

        Another con is that I’ve found it’s difficult to sustain prolonged period of athletic activity while not consuming many carbs. I tend to cycle in and out of keto but a couple of years ago tried staying on it for my 72 mi cycling effort around Lake Tahoe and bonked about 40 miles in and had the most miserable last 32 miles I’ve ever ridden. Energy was just gone. My energy levels during workouts in general are not as good when on keto. I do Orangetheory and my metrics post-workout are pretty substantially different when eating normal and eating Keto. That said, there are some endurance runners who stay on this diet even while running, so YMMV.


        • ChiliDawg

          After typing that I realize I just wrote what seemed like conflicting information w/r/t energy levels, so let me clarify – I’ve found that my energy levels on a day to day basis are very good on keto, in that I do not get tired as easily and my focus is good. However, I will tire quicker when engaging in high intensity athletic activity. If that makes sense.


        • AlphaDawg

          I haven’t had any issues with distance training and keto, although I’m not 100% back into my pre-surgery routine. I do have a few sprint tri’s and a half marathon coming up in the next few months so i’ll keep that in mind.


          • Got Cowdog

            Alpha if you’re doing the sprints on a replaced knee, I’m impressed. I’m paying for some sins here at 50 and one of them is a wrecked left knee. I was doing Olympics until a few years ago and now stairs are challenging. I’m afraid to have anything done to the knee because I’m afraid it will end any kind of training. I’ve gotten back into a serious weight routine and feel great but I know I need to get it looked at. Thoughts on your experience?

            P.S: The food plan is a healthy balance of protein, fat and carbs based on weight. It’s a modified Keto and it works.


            • AlphaDawg

              I was being lazy when I typed “replaced”. I had a meniscus repaired, bone spurs removed and some other “clean up” done. I wouldn’t wait if I were you. For me it was two fold, quality of life (pain free everyday walking) and having it done before I retire this April. Total recovery took about 6 months. Find a good therapist and do everything they say. As far as lifting is concerned my routines have changed a good bit over the last 10 years or I do a ton of body weight and multi muscle group movements a while mixing in P90x, kettlebell and sandbag CrossFit type of workouts often. I couldn’t tell you the last time I did a normal upper/lower body workout.


          • Chris

            Check out MCT oil. It’s a medium chain fat that is used right away by the liver, unlike its long chain cousins.

            I mix it with coffee 30 mins before my workouts. Don’t take over 2 tablespoons at a time, or else your will have a dedicated workout with your toilet.


            • Argondawg

              Thanks everyone. There has been a great deal of knowledge shared. I’m about to start it and will comment on a playpen in a few weeks. Also nice to have a thread where folks aren’t beating the hell out of people over politics.


    • Faulkner

      Yes. If you stick with it it works. I also do intermittent fasting which has been a real eye opener. Look up
      It should be for a Dr. Jason Fung. Checkout out youtube as well for him.


  11. JoshG

    I’ve heard of 2 Nigerian brothers going around comitting hate crimes. We need to find out their party affiliation, so that our political tribalism and statist religion can be validated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      It’s racist to inquire about their politics. Or to assume that their confession to police wasn’t coerced by racist cops.


  12. Hogbody Spradlin

    If I may offer an attempt at gentle disagreement on the question of morons.
    OTOH I agree with Mr. Churchill that the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with an average voter.
    OTOH there’s a certain condescension in the statement about the sheer number of morons. We could all use a walk in someone else’s shoes, and who among us can truthfully say they’ve never done something jaw-droppingly stupid. I, for one, am a nationally recognized expert.


  13. Mick Jagger

    I get along pretty good with most folks (even some Gators). It ain’t that hard if ya try.


  14. Union Jack

    So just so I understand what is happening here:

    Customer lived in California for 20 years. She states that during her time in California she was raped by illegal aliens and we can assume from her statement that the assailants spoke Spanish. She currently is a resident of West Virginia (or perhaps just tourist on a John Denver land cruise across the country.)

    She is offended by the spoken Spanish language but not by Americanized Mexican cuisine. So is it safe to assume that she believes her assailants to be from a different Central or South American country? Maybe they were actually from Spain? Are we sure she didn’t confuse the language with Catalan perhaps and her assailants were from Barcelona?


    • Maybe she’s just a gullible rube looking to blame immigrants for her shitty, unfulfilling life bc that’s who the people she gets her news from have told her is to blame.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nashville West

      Maybe they were Basque. But then she’d be eating Basque food which is even better than Mexican food. (and good Mexican food is great)


    • Cojones

      Nah, not from Catalonia. Haven’t you heard about the pogrom those people are going through just to keep them united in Spain? Man, if the last attempt at secession is any indicator, they just lit the fuse for the next one. There are entire regions in Spain that don’t care for each other and they don’t have to go anywhere to look for trouble.

      There on company business in the late 80s and was treated to a Flamingo dance production by visiting Basques. Later, after having been drug onto the stage to dance with a beautiful gal that would have held her own in a UGA beauty contest, the VP of the company and I were sharing a drink at the bar when the young lady came over to visit. Since the VP was a handsome Catalonian Spaniard, I assumed she was approaching him until he offered her a drink. Her fiery eyes told the story well before she spat on the floor and entered into a vitriolic Castilian tirade that ended with the only words I understood, “Catelonian Shit!”. That’s when I understood some Spaniards were a lot like ‘Muricans in 1860 except they didn’t have guns in their hands.

      Nowadays I feel like we are returning to those days, but with the regional biases all mixed in together where we are more approximate to each other for shit throwing. And that’s not even to mention that some state laws are being introduced where everyone can carry without a permit. Is dueling making a comeback to settle arguments?


  15. Gurkha Dawg

    The left doesn’t have the time to worry about unimportant things like the killing of innocent babies.


  16. Russ

    I have a Google Home device that I use in the kitchen. When I’m cooking, I’ll listen to the news. You can choose pretty much anything, so I have a mishmash of NPR, Reuters, AP News, WSJ, Fox New, BBC, some Russian news feed and even Al Jazeera US. All the feeds come through at the same set volume except for Fox, which is about 1-2 settings higher in volume for some reason. I guess they know their demographic.

    Usually only 1 or 2 stories are common across the feeds unless a meteor took out London, but it’s interesting to hear the various takes on the same stories.


    • I think this fits in with the analogy in another post about car sales. The more suspect the product, the more aggressive and obstreperous the delivery.


    • Russ

      Another thought along this line – I don’t usually listen to podcasts, but have started doing so while cooking, meaning I’m looking for something 30 minutes or less (not into the long, freeform discussions). I’ve always enjoyed Marketplace (either on the radio or podcast), but Kai Rysdahl’s smug ass has just about ruined it for me. He has to make every story about him, and a growing number of his stories have little to do with business and the economy, and more to do with how “woke” he is. Bring back David Brancaccio.


  17. Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

    Anyone seen any good movies lately? The pickings are kinda slim, and as usual, the slate of Oscar nominated films are underwhelming, and that includes the outrageous bit of tokenism for Black Panther, which wasn’t even the best comic book move last year (or the second or third best).

    Fighting with my Family, that comes out this week, seems like it’ll be pretty fun in that “sports movie” kinda way that’s basically been the same formula for 50 years.

    Anyway, staying out the politics of it all as I think the hilarity of the obvious hoax hate crime (really, MAGA’s in Chicago out at 2am during the Polar Vortex waiting for Smollett to MAYBE exit his apartment… sounds totally real and not made up at all) pretty much broke me in the last week. Hard to take much serious after Brian Stelter’s ridiculous defense of the leftist media, celebrities, and politicians and how they acted.


    • I thought Roma was fantastic.


    • ChiliDawg

      Polar was kind of fun.

      But I don’t know what to suggest to someone with such obviously poor taste. Black Panther was a great movie so you’re either a terrible judge of films or just a really thin skinned white person.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

        Oh, Chili. As someone a lot more awesome than you once opined, “There you go again.”

        Illustrate where I said above that Black Panther wasn’t a good film? I did intimate that it isn’t deserving of an Oscar nomination. I did say it’s not in the top-3 in comic book films for 2018, which it isn’t.

        Maybe you think it’s deserving of an Oscar film because you think it’s an “IMPORTANT” film as opposed to just a good film and good example of the genre? What would that make you?

        Let me educate you:

        There’s nothing particularly special about the film, on the whole. It’s well-acted, directed, and written. The CGI is some of the poorer CGI of the Marvel films, though not on the level of Henry Cavil’s fake mouth in Justice League. It’s just not great. Like, The Incredible Hulk (Edward Norton) level “okay.”

        It’s a Marvel origin story, and among the Marvel origin story films, there’s nothing particularly unique here. The villain is the dark mirror of the hero? Check (Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange). The hero has some kind of fall from grace and then must, with the help of his family and friends, rise above to beat the villain? Check (Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy). The hero has the techie sidekick or mentor to provide them equipment for battle? Check (Iron Man, Captain America, Ant-Man).

        Even given that, it’s a perfectly good film I will watch again and again in regular rotation.

        What Black Panther isn’t, is Best Picture nomination Oscar-worthy. The Dark Knight was Oscar-worthy. Captain America: Winter Soldier, was Oscar-worthy. There are better exampled of the comic book genre, that went beyond what we believe is capable of the genre, that were far more worthy of nominations, and of this last year, Black Panther isn’t even close to that level. It’s not, as I said, even the best example of the comic book genre from this year. Both Infinity War and Into the Spider-Verse were better. And as far as taking risks and doing something different with a similar plotline, Aquaman was far more fun and kick ass and and example of what a crazy comic book move could be than Black Panther, which played it safe with almost every decision they made.

        So maybe you need to look in the mirror and take a look at yourself and wonder why you think this movie is “great” when it’s good, yes, but nowhere near great. Maybe it’s YOUR biases at play. Also, Blade was the first black superhero film AND franchise, so maybe we can stop with that line of b.s., too. And I have much more fun watching Blade and Blade II, for all their campy awesomeness and Snipes chewing scenery, than I did watching the self-seriousness of Black Panther. So maybe that also blows your ridiculous assertion that I’m raaaaacist out of the water, too. D-bag.


        • ChiliDawg

          I actually read your entire post, which is remarkable because I wasn’t that interested to begin with.

          Lighten up, francis. I did offer that you were possibly just a terrible film critic.


        • Cojones

          Yeah, but what did yall think of “Wonder Woman”?(not a serious question).


    • Jack Klompus

      Vice was fantastic. Watched Blacklans man, that was good too.


    • Gurkha Dawg

      I’m enjoying True Detective season 3. The 2 main actors do a great job. We’ll see how it ends, but so far, so good.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

        I missed the boat on the first season. There’s so many shows. SO MANY SHOWS. I need to start a rewatch of Game of Thrones, because we’re two months away from the final season.


      • ilini84

        Except that a claymore ain’t a frickin mortar. I suppose a ranger did tracking but my buddy who was a tracker would argue that they are not trackers either. Besides that it’s good.


        • Gurkha Dawg

          Yep, I’ve learned to just not worry about the lack of realism in a lot of TV and movies. Lots of times they just make shit up without even trying to get it right. I can’t remember the show, but one time they had a patient who had been badly injured and was in the ICU on a ventilator. Only problem was he was not intubated. He had a nasal cannula in his nose. At that point I said “fuck it” and just enjoyed the show.


          • ilini84

            I’m enjoying but it just seems to me if they are going to center the show on the dude being in the Nam there is some stuff that just isn’t that hard to get right. Ed Burns, one of the Wire writers, was grunt in the Tropic Lightning and there is a scene with McNulty and Bunk where they are measuring the angle of some rounds that came through a window. The only thing either say in the entire scene are variations on “fucccckkk”. Burns said he modeled it on his experiences in the bush.


          • Gurkha: As my wife tells me, “you have to suspend your thoughts of science and reality to watch these movies”. This was after I went ballistic watching Twister. Even our 15(at the time) year old grandson, was screaming “bullshit, just bullshit”. And do not get me started on Greys Anatomy.


    • AlphaDawg

      If you enjoy documentary’s try Land Grab on Netflix. Its about a local business man in Detroit trying to clean up many of its blighted neighborhoods by doing urban farming.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

        I do like a good doc, but it needs to “grab” me, which means I probably miss out on some good ones. Just watched the Whitney Houston doc “Whitney” on Hulu, as well as BOTH Fyre Party docs on Hulu and Netflix, which were both insane and awesome in different ways.


        • AlphaDawg

          I’ve seen one of the Frye doc’s and my one takeaway was I’m not the least bit sympathetic to anyone involved with the Fyre festival lunacy.


      • Texas Dawg

        I love racing so I found “Ferrari: Race to Immortality” to be fascinating. It is about the Ferrari race team in the 50’s. Guys driving like a bat out of hell on skinny tires with no safety equipment other than a leather helmet. Hell, Mike Hawthorn was driving wearing a bow-tie. Spoiler alert!!! Almost all of them were dead by the end of the decade.


        • Russ

          Where was this? Netflix? Sounds like something I’d like.


        • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

          Adam Carolla’s documentary about Paul Newman’s racing life is INSANELY good. I can’t recommend it enough. If you have an Amazon Prime sub, you can watch it for free. Do so. You will not be disappointed.


    • Russ

      “They Shall Not Grow Old” is an amazing film/documentary about WW1. Highly recommended.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

        That’s the Peter Jackson doc. Also on my list.

        For y’all who like docs, best one I saw this year is “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” about Mister Rogers. Bring tissues.


      • Got Cowdog

        Saw “They Shall Not Grow Old” in 3-D. Great film.


  18. ilini84

    “… It’s not calling for the lynchings of Americans. These are socialist-communists we’re talking about. Do you know what socialism and communism is?” Sutton said.

    In the newspaper editorial, Sutton wrote:

    Democrats in the Republican Party and Democrats are plotting to raise taxes in Alabama. They do not understand how to eliminate expenses when money is needed in other areas. This socialist-communist ideology sounds good to the ignorant, the uneducated and the simple-minded people.

    When asked if he recognized the KKK as a racist and violent organization, Sutton disagreed, comparing the Klan to the NAACP.

    “A violent organization? Well, they didn’t kill but a few people,” Sutton said. “The Klan wasn’t violent until they needed to be.”


  19. ilini84

    “A violent organization? Well, they didn’t kill but a few people,” Sutton said. “The Klan wasn’t violent until they needed to be.”


  20. ilini84

    This is the kind of shit the “right” wallows in while the left is “killing babies”:

    “The greatest man who ever lived died via the death penalty for you and for me,” Lynn Hutchings, a Republican state senator, reportedly said. “Governments were instituted to execute justice. If it wasn’t for Jesus dying via the death penalty, we would all have no hope.”


    • ChiliDawg

      The right doesn’t actually give a shit about babies. All the men who loudly cry about the “leftist baby killers” would be the first ones to pay for their mistress to have an abortion so their wife wouldn’t find out about the affair. It’s just a crutch. They don’t care. They prove that every day with their cynical regard for the well being of children whom they support locking in cages because their skin is brown.

      Liked by 1 person

      • ilini84

        Adjust your snarkometer!


      • DoubleDawg1318

        I happen to know plenty of nice pro-life right wingers who do not fit your cartoon villain stereotype. I’m not saying they don’t have some issues, but you should get out of your bubble into the real world if you think they’re all monsters.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Derek

          What is wrong with the pro-life people is their desire to put the police in the middle of deeply personal and private matters.

          What is wrong with the pro-choice people is the desire to act like an exercise of the right to an abortion is the moral equivalent of going to see the dentist.

          As is typical, both are entirely full of shit.


      • RangerRuss

        I reckon you can consider me the right and I reckon I can consider you as full of shit as you are of hate and ignorance. What a female does with her body is none of my business. But what she does with a viable human being should be society’s concern. I don’t know when it stops being part of her body and becomes human. I do know at 5 months it’s a child and can be raised to a strapping 30 year old nephew. If he’s stealing and committing crimes he should be locked in a cage without regard for his color.


        • Derek

          All I’m suggesting is that it’s a difficult question without room for any absolutism or minimization.

          However the strongest advocates on both sides pretend that it’s all very, very simple and easy. It’s not. My preference, to the extent possible, is to let people make these choices for themselves.

          It seems to me that if we quit bickering over the law and on the one hand promote freedom and on the other information, that we could make the procedure safe, legal and rare.

          That should be the goal. But it ain’t. Y? Because stupid people.


          • Anonymous

            The problem with discussions about abortion is that people are never talking about the same thing. Pro-choice persons are talking about whether or not it is OK to limit what a woman does to her body. Pro-life persons are talking about whether or it is OK to terminate innocent life. They each make a value judgement that does not consider the other question.


          • Napoleon BonerFart


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Good points. I hate when the right acts like we can’t just read their minds. We’re like Santa Claus. We see them when they’re sleeping and we know when they’re awake. And how dare they preach about personal responsibility while failing to support using government force to ensure some women don’t face the repercussions of their actions! What hypocrites!


  21. Derek

    1) I suggest to anyone who has the “we speak english ’round here!” attitude to read up on Sylvester Antolak who was posthumously awarded the CMH. When the military came to tell his mother the news of her heroic son’s demise, she couldn’t understand a word they said. Her other children had to translate the news into her in her native Polish. To me, there’s nothing more uniquely American than that. I think the story represents American exceptionalism. If you still think its ok to insist on english-only after that story, well, then fuck you very, very hard.

    2) as far as the host’s misanthropic attitude, welcome to the club. I’ve been there for a good long while. People suck, but groups of two or more people suck even worse.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      The message of morons in society is fine as long as the correct lesson is draw from it. That is, those dumb asses need us to run their lives for them under the threat of violence.

      It’s so disheartening when some people think that just because someone isn’t intelligent, they still deserve to live their own lives free from interference from experts or bureaucrats. Well, fuck you very, very hard.


    • Derek

      I’ve noticed that some people are the personification of misanthropic inspiration.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Exactly. I’m putting an ad on Craigslist offering to stage a hoax hate crime attack on a Hispanic person free of charge just to bring more awareness to the state of race relations today. #OrangeManBad


      • Derek

        Ever notice that the people who are indifferent to hundreds upon hundreds of real hate crimes become triggered by the few fake/staged hate crimes?

        Is it because they’re painfully stupid or is that only part of the pathology?


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          They’re just not as woke as we are, my brotha. Ultimately, what matters more than whether hate crimes actually happened is exposing the hatred and intolerance of Drumpf’s Amerikkka.


        • Derek

          I’m pretty sure “stupid” is most of it.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Not us leftists, dude. We’re just so sensitive to the injustices in the world because of Drumpf. Well, this country mostly. Fuck the rest of the world. Only brown Amerikkkans are worthy of protection. Bomb the rest of them.


          • Derek

            In fact, I’m positive of it.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Precious. Admittedly, you run out of information and resort to insults quicker than most. But you’re just a kid and your heart is in the right place wanting to combat the evilness of Drumpf and people who want to live their own lives on a voluntary basis. So I get it.


    • Texas Dawg

      You kind of summed up why people get upset in your story. The Mother was born in Poland and could still not speak English (not a problem- it is hard to learn a new language as an adult). The children translated it for her. They had either been born here and it was THEIR native language or had learned it to the point of proficiency. The point being that they came and by the 2nd generation had started assimilating into the “melting pot” that is America. The problem now is that many of the new immigrants are still not assimilating after several generations. The trouble is that they insist we adapt to them rather than they adapt to their new country. We were a melting pot but now we are becoming the Balkans. Those who fail to learn the language are going to have much more difficult time thriving and taking part in the American Dream than those who do.


      • Derek

        Who are these people you say you’re afraid of?

        I know NO second generation immigrants, legal or otherwise, who aren’t proficient English speakers.

        Other that in right wing media, these people just don’t actually exist.

        The only thing I’ve ever noticed about any immigrant group is cultural pride. As a proud member of the Irish diaspora, I’m all for it. If i could speak the Irish language I’d speak it as much as possible. Wouldn’t ask you to.

        That makes me and about 70 million Americans unique in that English was imposed upon our forefathers by force and coercion and our own language made illegal.

        It’s natural for people to want to speak their native language at home and among their friends and family. I wish I had that opportunity. I wish it hadn’t been stolen by British colonists.

        Language like most things in America is a market. That works pretty well. Don’t need any laws or any whining to interfere. The market does just fine for your purposes. Doing it in other ways breeds contempt. You may have noticed my own.


        • Texas Dawg

          Apperently you have a little trouble with reading comprehension. Never was there any mention of fear. That is projection on your part. I spent 4 years in Miami in medical school and so I can attest FIRST HAND that there are plenty of folks there who are 2nd and 3rd generation who either can’t or wont speak English at all or at least not proficiently. I personally treated many in the clinics in the Little Havana area that expected me to speak Spanish and made no attempt at speaking English. These were Miami natives not recent immigrants. As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Who do you trust, Texas Dawg? Your own lying eyes, or a middle schooler who learned all about immigrants from bumper stickers?


          • Derek

            How do you discern their family history exactly?

            Second, if you can function in Miami without it, why exactly do I give a fuck? Should we ensure that our fellows southerners do a better job speaking the Queen’s than they do? Ain’t anglish important y’all?


        • Anonymous

          I know NO second generation immigrants, legal or otherwise, who aren’t proficient English speakers.

          I have. They were ethnically Vietnamese. I have also seen a lot of family problems between the kids that assimilated and the parents that fought against it tooth and nail. Then there are issues like in the Minneapolis suburbs (i.e. Somalis) or in Deerborn Michigan (Arabs) where 2nd generation kids were running off to join ISIS because there were not assimilated and resented the locals.

          That doesn’t happen with hispanics though. With every census, about 7% of hispanics that previously identified as hispanic change their ethnicity to “white” on the next census.


          • Derek

            Have you seen film of German American Nazis in 1939? About 25000 of them got together at Madison Square Garden to heil them some hitler.

            Immigration has never been perfect. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t been a net plus in every respect.


            • Anonymous

              I have never said otherwise. I support increased immigration for the simple purpose increasing human freedom on this planet. We should bring in people, legally, as quickly as they can be assimilated. We are a nation of immigrants, but we are a nation of immigrants that assimilated into the melting pot. The quicker they get assimilated, the more people we can bring in.


  22. Napoleon BonerFart

    Another topical tweet.


  23. Corch Irvin Meyers New WR Corch

    Fuck Greg McGarity and fuck the board for not dumping him on his ass today. That is all.


  24. Napoleon BonerFart


    • Here’s one of your boys you nazi fuck. “(CNN)A Coast Guard lieutenant arrested last Friday on gun and drug charges allegedly wanted to conduct a mass killing.

      Christopher Paul Hasson, 49, of Silver Spring, Maryland, is alleged to be a white supremacist who had a hit list that included prominent Democratic politicians as well as several journalists from CNN and MSNBC. Hasson’s case was first circulated by counterterrorism expert Seamus Hughes and the George Washington Program on Extremism.
      Hasson’s hit list includes Democratic politicians — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York, Sens. Chuck Schumer, of New York, Cory Booker, of New Jersey, Richard Blumenthal, of Connecticut and Kamala Harris, of California and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, of Texas — as well as CNN journalists Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo and Van Jones and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes, Ari Melber and Joe Scarborough.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers New USC Trojans Corch (2020)

        You know why you’re easy to ignore, illini84? Because you continue to use the word “nazi” with impunity where it doesn’t belong, completely disregarding the horror what the actual nazis did with every ridiculous utterance, and also, for how quickly you forget that something like this has already been done before, by someone on YOUR side, but we weren’t lucky enough to stop it before it happened.

        You’re literally everything that’s wrong with the world, illini84.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers New USC Trojans Corch (2020)

        The sooner that you learn that there are no sides, and try to stop scoring political points, and that there’s absolutely nothing special about the way you view the world, that’s it’s not morally superior or better than anyone else, the sooner you can begin getting your head out of your ass and begin acting like an empathetic human being… and maybe acting like an actual liberal and not a neo-progressive asshat.


        • Derek

          I’m glad Dear Leader doesn’t try to score political points after tragedies that fit his political agenda.

          Wouldn’t think of it. Not for a second.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            That triggers me so hard. Thank God for progressives like us who take the high road of force and coercion. If we could just make supporting Drumpf illegal, we could go back to being the land of the free.


          • Corch Irvin Meyers New USC Trojans Corch (2020)

            Your whataboutism is noted and catalogued in the museum of “Two Wrongs Really Do Make a Right” for spoiled children and imbeciles. Thank you for your donation.


            • Derek

              I’m just saying that if I were a liberal complaining about something a winger was doing I doubt I’d start with a conservative’s “smugness.”

              That would seem a bit rich wouldn’t it?

              It’s not about bothsiderism, it’s about having some base level of intellectual integrity.

              Weaponizing violence as a political tool is practically an art form for Il Douche.

              White mass shooters are crazy. They need mental health treatment.

              The ones of color who do it for political reasons are “animals.”

              Those distinctions are intentional and meaningful.

              One we just have to live with. Always gonna be some nuts, right? No reason to change any laws.

              On the other, we’re promised we can do something about via immigration policy.

              Liked by 1 person

        • “YOUR side”

          “There are no sides”

          Fucking jackass.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Thank God all those politicians are protected by gun free zones. Disaster averted.


      • AlphaDawg

        49 and still just an O3?


  25. Anonymous

    A few weeks ago, I proposed my idea that I thought that Trump was trying to make a deal with the Democrats with regard to the border wall. Considering that they made a deal to build part of the wall, I would say that my prediction was true. What I find surprising is that the Democrats negotiated on how much wall to give him instead of what they could get in exchange for the wall. Trump had indicated that he was willing to give up quite a lot in order to get the wall.

    The issue here is that the Democrats gave up any claim to the moral high ground. They tried to claim that a border structure was racist and immoral (despite funding 600+ miles of fencing in 2006), but then capitulated on 65 of Trumps 200 requested miles. They did this without really getting anything in return. I understand that the Democrats’ focus turned to the 2020 election about three seconds after the 2018 primaries were over, but damn.

    My question to the crowd is this: Why do you think they decided to negotiate on the amount of wall instead of negotiating DACA, immigration reform, healthcare reforms that Trump would like but may upset other Republicans, or other concessions?


    • Derek

      There’s no wall in this budget. None.

      It’s 55 miles of fencing.

      That’s it. He wouldn’t give in on daca for 25 billion in Wall a year ago.

      Then the courts stepped in to protect daca.

      Where’s the room to negotiate? He wouldn’t take “yes” for an answer over daca and now there’s no need for a “yes.”


      • Anonymous

        Trump calls it a wall. You call it a fence. Some people call it a wence. I said before that I thought that would the issue going forward that the Dems would negotiate what they wanted for the wall then argue that it wasn’t a wall. That is irrelevant.

        Trump’s failure to successfully negotiate with Republicans is completely irrelevant to my discussion (I have heard about a handwritten poison pill in that bill, but that is unproven). My question is why did the Dems negotiate for less wall instead of concessions. It is a serious question. The only reason I can think of is that they care more about claiming that Trump didn’t “build the wall and make Mexico pay for it” than they care about delivering on their own promises. I would understand if they got concessions AND negotiated for less wall. That would have been very successful politics…. but they didn’t.


        • Derek

          What do you suggest they could have traded that Mitch would have signed up for?

          The Democrats showed they were willing to pay for a wall for immigration reform and dreamer protection. Trump walked.

          They’re pretty pragmatic people. If there was something worth getting they would have. I just think the price tag was always too high for the political realities.

          I don’t think any democrat thinks 2020 is turning on the wall, or lack there of. The only thing that would move the needle is if trump actually gave up on it. Therein is why we have the bs national emergency.


          • Anonymous

            As I said, my question was quite literal. I wanted to hear what others thought on the subject. The Democrats were not acting in the way I was expecting. That means that my read on what they wanted was wrong. I am trying to formulate some ideas that will be predictive of their future behavior. My model for Trump is very accurate at predicting his behavior.

            I was not in the room to hear the negotiations, but they only have to negotiate something that can get the requisite votes in Senate. Most Republicans would fall in line under the protection that a Republican President negotiated the deal. That would work for most in a Red state. Bipartisanship works well for Republicans in Purple states. I have a hard time believing that 55-65 miles of wall for nothing was the best they could do, especially considering the length of the shutdown and giving up their claim of the moral high ground.

            I understand that you think that Trump is a evil racist Russian Nazi puppet. I think of Trump as a guy with a 1990s Democratic agenda. Read the 1996 Democratic Party Platform. That is is basically the Trump agenda. His rhetoric may see odd, but only if you are unfamiliar with neuro-linguistic programming and other forms of hypnosis.


            • Derek

              What did you think they wanted that they could actually get?

              I think the absence of those is why you’re misreading the situation. There is nothing the Democrats want that could both be gotten and worth the trade. Zip. Nada.

              The whole exercise of the shutdown wasnt to trigger negotiations and no public offers were made to make the Democrats seem unwilling to bargain. It was mere hostage taking and face saving.

              Not one inch of new wall has been constructed and that political reality is what drives this whole mess.


              • Anonymous

                It isn’t a matter of what they could have gotten. It is a matter of what they could have offered that the public would have wanted. They did not offer anything. They stuck to the “muh walls are immoral” narrative before giving into ~60 miles of wall in the most vulnerable area of the border. Politics is persuasion. They didn’t even try to persuade the public on anything in exchange. They could have put together their most popular proposals and put the onus on Trump to accept. They didn’t even try. Why? You have to get out of the “Republicans are evil Dems are good” filter to look at this. I understand that the Dems basically have no leadership at this point (seriously, AOC is probably the most prominent Dem now… the also happens to be the Democratic version of Trump), but you can still make a public offer even if you know it will be rejected. Trump did the 3 year DACA offer for $25B during the shutdown. Why not make a counter offer? Offer $2.5B for a 3 year DACA extension and keep negotiating in public. Why not offer another billion for allowing the government to negotiate pricing for Medicare Part D? The other Republicans might not like it, but Trump and the public would. Trump very literally thinks of himself as “Negotiator in Chief”. Negotiate in public. I am not blaming the Dems for not being successful in negotiations. I am blaming them for not trying.

                I’m not even sure what the Democrats would want at this point. One of the main problems I have with out political system is that, in my opinion, neither major party has tried to do much except focus on the next election cycle since around 2004 (the short period of early to mid 2009 excluded).


                • Derek

                  While you’re dangerously verging on being an idiot territory, let me first suggest to you that the political prism of shutdowns is primarily about who takes blame.

                  Had the dems said: “we’ll fund wall if we get this” how do they not look at fault if they don’t get it and the government shuts down?

                  Don’t the republicans say: well they say wall funding was ok if they got their boondoggle! Typical tax and spend liberals holding the gubmit hostage for their trinkets!

                  The scenario was set in stone when douche bag said: I’ll be proud to own it.

                  You’re pissed because the dems didn’t hang themselves to save him?

                  Let’s just just go with, not smart. For now.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Exactly. Not mindlessly cheering on the Dems? What a dumbass!


                • Napoleon BonerFart


  26. As usual napoleon, and corch bring the right wing views with such clarity and thought-that is sarcasm. good lord you folks are really out there somewhere. Maybe some of my SW GA realtives. And corch trying to preach to someone is just not in your realm.
    3,2,1 waiting for the absolute clever response.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      I have several preferred pronouns and adjectives. Conservative isn’t one of them. Calling a card-caring leftist a conservative is literally the worst thing one can do. #triggered


  27. Faulkner

    I foresee some juicy play pens in the next few weeks/months. Specifically Mueller report > OIG report > Fisa release. May you live in interesting times.
