TFW the timing is just a bit off

Boy, it almost sounds like McGarity wishes he could have a mulligan about this.

Three Georgia assistant football coaches received boosts in pay in recent months, including a hefty raise for Dan Lanning.

The defensive coordinator is being paid $1.25 million annually, a raise from $750,000, according to information obtained by the Athens Banner-Herald, part of the USA TODAY Network, in an open records request.

Inside linebackers coach/co-defensive coordinator Glenn Schumann and defensive line coach Tray Scott will make $600,000 each. Scott gets a $130,000 pay increase while Schumann’s salary rose $50,000. In addition, director of player development Jonas Jennings will be paid $406,000, a $100,000 increase.

All of the raises have effective dates listed that precede the coronavirus pandemic. Lanning’s raise took effect Dec. 10 and Jennings’ on Dec. 8. Scott’s came on Jan. 20 and Schumann’s on Feb. 8.

“We were all making decisions like we were going to be full speed ahead,” Georgia athletic director Greg McGarity said Tuesday. “The key thing is from March 6, or whatever it was, forward, that to me is when the accountability really steps up. It could be, what does your horizon look like in the future? What happened before then I think is kind of irrelevant. It wasn’t in this world we’re in now.”

I mean, think about how much better things would be, financially speaking, if the impact of the coronavirus was apparent a few months earlier.  A few raises held in check, a chance to get clear sooner and start football season a little earlier, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.

I keed, I keed… I think.


Filed under Georgia Football

5 responses to “TFW the timing is just a bit off

  1. Dawg1

    “March 6, or whatever it was, forward, that to me is when the accountability really steps up”

    So, Greg, you were not “really” accountable before March 6th? As a 25+ year season ticket holder donor hostage, that is kind of offensive, no?


  2. Go Dawgs!

    Of course, if the athletic department were held to the same open records law that every other state agency is under, this news would have been released at the time the raises were awarded and this wouldn’t be a story right now. The 60 day waiting period for information giveth, the 60 day waiting period for information taketh away. Still one of the most ridiculous things our state government has ever done… and that’s saying something, isn’t it?


  3. W Cobb Dawg

    The ones wanting a mulligan might be the agents. They probably would’ve added a hazardous pay bonus in case of a pandemic.


  4. JasonC

    Drunk on that TV money.
    I’m not going to say Georgia is an outlier in the crazy paydays or that the coaches haven’t performed at a high level, but Lanning went from 500k to 1.25 mil in 2 years. That’s a pretty sweet raise. Heck, Jennings pocketed a 33% raise for this year.


  5. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    Hey, Greg McGarity, is it raining yet?
