Your 4.8.20 Playpen

While normal people try to make sense out of their daily lives, some politicians struggle to strike the right tone.  For example, this is the Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly.

I swear, you can’t make up some of this shit.  It’s like a bad movie screenplay.

Anyway, for those of you eager to comment on the coronavirus, here’s your chance.  Share ways you’re coping, vent about the economic threat, blame the Chinese, praise the governors who are managing and the first responder heroes who are doing everything they can to hold the health care system together, along with anything in between, in the comments.

Remember, you’re incredibly safe to do so.


Filed under GTP Stuff

246 responses to “Your 4.8.20 Playpen

  1. All I’m going to say is thank you to the front line health care workers, first responders and military personnel.

    The rest of them can stick it on both sides.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Cynical Dawg

    Still stunned at the incompetence and willful ignorance in the DoD and Navy Department over l’Affaire Crozier. You know, this all could have been handled smoothly and ended with the Navy’s reputation intact had there been political professionals in the DoD and the Navy Department.

    Had this been ANY OTHER administration, the SECNAV and CNO would have flown to Guam to meet the USS Theodore Roosevelt at dockside with a podium and a press contingent. Captain Crozier would have been immediately brought to the podium, the SECNAV would have praised Crozier for acting in the great tradition of the Navy, John Paul Jones, Stephen Decatur, Halsey, and Nimitz…blah, blah, blah…let the reporters briefly interview Crozier, then announce that the Captain will be going back to Washington with us for a debriefing and meetings with the administration…laud him as a hero for the press. Maybe let him make the rounds of CBS This Morning, Today, and Good Morning America so everyone can see the hero.

    Once out of the spotlight, SENAV and CNO would then administer a private keelhauling of Crozier for embarrassing the Navy and potentially violating OPSEC. A week later, the press is onto another developing story, the Navy has a private inquiry into the TR incident, Crozier gets transferred to a staff assignment in the Pentagon, end of Captain Crozier, end of story.

    But no, everything and I mean EVERYTHING has to be treated like it’s reality TV with the Trump administration.


    • spur21

      And you know this because…………….


      • AlphaDawg

        The commander absolutely fucked up, he openly leaked intelligence that the most powerful weapon in the South China Sea wasn’t operating at 100%.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Derek

          And you know Crozier leaked it how?

          His sailors were confined and the virus was spreading like wildfire.

          Sometimes the news is bad. Sometimes you cant blame it on the libs, the media or an ethnic group.


          • AlphaDawg

            He sent a letter/email over non-secure means and copied a bunch of people not in his chain of command stating the readiness of his ship/command. He’s lucky he’s not up for a court-martial.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Derek

              I’d like to hear from him what he did BEFORE that. I’m willing to bet that he was ignored and his actions ultimately saved lives.


              • spur21

                Derek that is an opinion and not verifiable. He broke the rules and paid the price. He didn’t get kicked out of the navy or lose rank. Pretty obvious you never served in any branch of the military. “Loose Lips Sink Ships”

                Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  Of course its verifiable. I doubt that letter was his first step.

                  Do you think it was?

                  He put his ass on the line for the people UNDER his command not ABOVE his command.

                  As a not-fascist I like people who challenge authority. I understand the Hitler youth has a different policy.


                • The navy already had a contingency plan to handle it, and he fired off his email anyway.

                  Regardless, it’s insane to send an FOUO email. He has 2 if not 3 means of discussing force readiness on a secure channel. It’s an insanely blatantly brazenly violation.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Spur, doesn’t seem like the sailors on board were too upset by his actions. Hard to believe Crozier made it as far as he did in his career without knowing proper protocols. I doubt what he did was his first attempt at notifying those above him of the threat on board. Could he have done things differently? Sure. Did he try to do things by the book prior? I would think so. Maybe we will find out, maybe we wont. Having served aboard CV 67 I know how quickly such a contagious virus could have rendered the entire ship inoperable. Also, not having served should not be an automatic disqualification of ones opinion on a military situation.


                • Cojones

                  Yes, for your last sentence, plus take a count of the politicians weighing in on this who never have been near the military before now or have avoided the draft when it was in effect. Listen to their words as you remember that our military has to have civilian bosses who need to keep their mouths shut as well.


                • The sailors “opinions” are irrelevant. And their response isn’t appropriate either.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Grafton

                  Yeah no one gives a shit about or service members opinions. I forgot.


                • Not the point. Theres appropriate ways to act and respond in the military. Furthermore not once have I seen the health and welfare of troops not matter. They were being taken care of, and continue to be. Their actions have led to media highlights and lefties that never served a day and dont know anything using it to grandstand, which is exactly what is not supposed to happen.


                • Grafton

                  Who the hell are you to say how to act. If what they did is a poor way to act I feel I got away with a lot of shit when I was in. Just me but I didnt watch those men and women cheering on their skipper and think they were acting inappropriately. And when you talk about lefties who never served a day using this to grandstanding. Pot needs to meet Kettle.


                • Because I know what’s expected in military conduct. Regardless, it has been used politically, even though their cheering is irrelevant to their skippers actions, which were wrong.

                  I’m a combat vet mr kettle


                • Grafton

                  I bet you were a real fuckin hoot to be around.


                • Lol. W/e dude. You got anything other than insults? Any actual productive grown up comments? Probably not. Have a good evening.


                • Derek

                  “not once have I seen the health and welfare of troops not matter.“

                  You serious about that?

                  We go to war with the army we have??


              • RangerRuss

                Derek,you’re an ignorant ass and sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. I don’t have the time or inclination to educate a nasty, never-served leg on the how the chain of command works. Here’s a hint. His boss was on the carrier with Crozier.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Ignorant? I’m betting you would be shocked to see his report card. Sure, he’s out of school now. But Biden will get the middle schools going again and Derek we be back to dazzling his teachers with such insights as #OrangeManBad.

                  So you can just fuck off you fucker.


                • Derek

                  Was he counting strawberries?

                  Thanks for not having the time to do what you did anyway, not that i have time to mention it.

                  Oh wait…

                  Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              Should the sailors who applauded Crozier be court-martialed, lashed or keelhauled?


              • AlphaDawg

                If Petty Officer Joe Schmoe sent the same letter through the same means he would be serving time. This Capt is lucky he only got releaved of duty. He’ll get to enjoy his full retirement.


                • Derek

                  Thanks for the dodge.

                  Can we put that down to virtual fake bone spurs?


                • AlphaDawg

                  You may not know this but the military doesn’t work the same way as American Idol.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  What should happen to the sailors who applauded this “dishonorable” commander and his actions?

                  That is the question.

                  Stop dodging it.


                • spur21

                  Derek why do you have always be a dick? I enjoy some of your comments but you are talking out of your ass and have no clue about the chain of command and the importance of adhering to it. A military cannot function if every soldier feels free to notify the press with ANY grievance.


                • Derek

                  This was clearly just ANY grievance. Dick.

                  Did it achieve the desired result?

                  I guess Santiago did deserve the code red!!


            • If a junior member did it they would be reprimanded at the least.


          • spur21

            “And you know Crozier leaked it how?” It was /is all over the media but feel free to ignore the facts.


    • Russ'

      Yep. Nailed it. Just poorly handled all the way around. And the TR is still severely compromised in it’s mission.


  3. Doggoned

    This virus has taken John Prine from us.


  4. DB

    Why did the Democratic Governor of Wisconsin wait until Monday to try to postpone their election?

    Liked by 1 person

    • gastr1

      Apparently that’s the question even other Democrats can’t answer. (I’m one, so I’m being intellectually honest here, not snarky).

      Liked by 1 person

    • oldpunk23

      He tried to have it delayed to June earlier, but the Republican house refused to consider it. He should have issued the executive order earlier, but he was trying to negotiate. You could certainly fault him for that, but he tried to work in a rational framework with irrational people. Witness hazmat dude.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        When democracy doesn’t work, it’s comforting to know that authoritarianism is still possible.

        Liked by 2 people

        • ASEF

          That does seem to be your goal. Or sure why you hate America so much.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            I only hate the Republican democracy. The Democratic authoritarianism is just what we need. I’m sure you agree. If not, you’re a racist.

            Liked by 1 person

            • ASEF

              You’re inability to see that you’ve become exactly the thing on the far right that you constantly rail about on the far left is deeply amusing.

              Zero self-awareness, shrill, and stupid. You and Titiana McGrath or whatever her name is are basically the same thing. Never relevant but always LOUD – and wrong.

              Liked by 2 people

              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Titania and I are leftists. We share your outrage at orange man. We believe that Russia is taking over the country. We believe that low taxes are racist. That fascism is a growing threat evidenced by the deregulation implemented by orange man.

                So be careful when accusing me of stupidity. Because my positions are your positions.

                Liked by 1 person

                • ASEF

                  You know nothing about me, which is part of your stupidity. You project what you want to believe onto everything. Which renders you an idiot.

                  I was a Republican. Now an independent. But to you that makes me a far left PC woke maven? Lol.

                  More stupid. Now 0-7.

                  Never seen someone so eager to be so wrong so often.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You’re awfully bitter. That’s ok. I understand the dark wasteland of the psyche for those of us who literally can’t even while a Russian spy occupies the White House. Just focus on things you can control. Like your pronouns.

                  Liked by 1 person

    • chopdawg

      According to CNN, “11 days before the election, Gov. Evers…asked the legislature to quickly pass a law that would send an absentee ballot to every one of the state’s voters. After Republicans refused, Evers late last week called them into a special session and asked them to postpone the primary. But the Senate and Assembly adjourned on Saturday without taking a vote on Evers’ proposal.”


      • Absentee ballots are monstrously inaccurate and mis counted and not counted. It turns out for decades military voted in areas basically never got counted. And they are ripe for fraud

        Liked by 1 person

    • Derek


      He asked repeatedly for the Republican house and senate to move the election. They wouldnt. Then he did an executive order.

      Republican nominees ONLY at every level said the governor couldnt move it alone.



  5. Hogbody Spradlin


    Does that about cover it?

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I have seen the direction of the political winds here on GTP nevertheless i will still say that i am very happy that DJT is steering the ship of state in this crisis rather than the loser choice of the dem party, the hildabeast. Let’s open the country up and get the Trump economy rolling again.


    • Cynical Dawg

      Your response has already identified you as a lunatic. So which kind of lunatic are you? kONsERvatiV, neo-confederate, or evangelical?

      Liked by 1 person

      • spur21

        Why are you liberals totally ignoring the democrats responses – are you so full of hate that you can’t see truth.
        Bill deBlasio: There is nothing to fear – ride the subway – go to the restaurants – gather in bars.
        N.Y. Health official: There is nothing to fear – ride the subway – go to the restaurants – gather in bars.
        Pelosi: Nothing is wrong come visit S.F. China Town.

        January 11: Chinese state media report the first known death from an illness originating in the Wuhan market.
        January 15: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) holds a vote to send articles of impeachment to the Senate. Pelosi and House Democrats celebrate the “solemn” occasion with a signing ceremony, using commemorative pens. That same day, the first person with coronavirus in the United States arrives from China, where he had been in Wuhan.
        January 21: The first American case of coronavirus is confirmed at a clinic in Snohomish County, Washington.
        January 23: The House impeachment managers make their opening arguments for removing President Trump.
        January 23: China closes off the city of Wuhan completely to slow the spread of coronavirus to the rest of China.
        January 27: The White House convenes a special task force to deal with the emerging threat of coronavirus.
        January 29: The president chairs a meeting of the White House coronavirus task force for the first time.
        January 30: Senators begin asking two days of questions of both sides in the president’s impeachment trial.
        January 30: The World Health Organization declares a global health emergency as coronavirus continues to spread.
        January 31: The Senate holds a vote on whether to allow further witnesses and documents in the impeachment trial.
        January 31: President Trump declares a national health emergency and imposes a ban on travel to and from China. Former Vice President Joe Biden calls Trump’s decision “hysterical xenophobia … and fear-mongering.”
        February 2: The first death from coronavirus outside China is reported in the Philippines.
        February 3: House impeachment managers begin closing arguments, calling Trump a threat to national security.
        February 4: President Trump talks about coronavirus in his State of the Union address; Pelosi rips up every page.
        February 5: The Senate votes to acquit President Trump on both articles of impeachment, 52-48 and 53-47.
        February 5: House Democrats finally take up coronavirus in the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia.

        After Trump in January declared a “humanitarian and security crisis” during a primetime Oval Office address, Sen. Chuck Schumer, speaking beside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said Trump was working to “manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.” Party leader Tom Perez also called it “manufactured.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., described it as a “‘crisis’ that doesn’t exist.” Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted at the time that “we’re not falling” for the “fake crisis.”

        March 20, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow (as well as NY Times) bash Trump for talking about Hydroxy Cloroquin calling it a “fairy tale” and giving people false hope. Now it is being sought after to fight the disease and is being tested as helping patients recover faster.
        March 30, 2020 Morning Joe anchors say “everyone saw this coming in early January…yet January 24 2020, Joe Scarborough and wife Minka had a segment where they said “no Americans need to be concerned about COVID-19 and should be more concerned about the common flu.

        Dom Lemon telling everyone that Trump was causing fear by making the virus worse than it was.
        Maddow was sayng the same thing and ALL of the networks didnt cover the severity of the Virus except for OAN News and FOX News. Say what you want about Fox News but they covered it everyday while others reported it once.
        Now they are trying to back peddle by saying they warned Trump about the virus before Trump even commented on it.

        While Trump was preparing for the US response for the virus, The House, Senate and News Media was “All Impeachment, All of the Time”. While Trump was shutting off travel from China, the liberals were encouraging people to attend the Chinese New Year in NY and Marti Gras is New Orleans. While Trump was warning the country of this pandemic and honoring hero’s at the State of the Union Address, Pelosi was acting like a spoiled child by ripping it up. While Trump was acting to get relief to Americans, Pelosi was stuffing the relief bill with the Green New Deal – Funding for the Kennedy Center – $15 minimum wages – promises to give the unions money – and the topper – raises for congress – unprecedented collective bargaining powers for unions – increased emisssions standards for airlines – expansion of wind and solar tax credits
        Yeah Trump fucked up – keep believing it – let the Trump haters guide you.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Man, I agree plenty (PLENTY!) of liberals did they’re part in downplaying the seriousness of this early on. But if you believe the White House has had some kind of coordinated/appropriate response to this BECAUSE of The President and not IN SPITE of him, you’re drinking your own kind of special Kool Aid.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Brandon M

            Thanks spur for the time and effort you put into putting this post together. The fact alone that any remotely Pro-Trump post has been sitting in the playpen for nearly 2 hours without a single response shows how well put-together it was 😉 The blantant hipocrisy of a lot of people who constantly blame Trump for not acting fast enough as well as those on here who blindly regurgitate everything they hear on CNN is astonishing to me. But I suppose when you are blinded by hate, you only see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear.

            Liked by 3 people

            • Cojones

              Couldn’t you at least agree that Trump had the pandemic task force dissolved that had been set up in the aftermath of SARS and that that one particular act led to the initialization of the lost time on the front end?


        • ASEF

          Only one guy is President, the most powerful executive on Earth. He asked for the job. He got it. He botched it. Badly.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Derek

            “I alone can fix it!”

            Or he can decline to take any responsibility.

            Either way the right says “sieg heil!” because once you’ve landed in Guyana you might as well drink the kool aid.


            • Yea this is the idiocy on the left. You’ve discounted all reasonable people who dont agree with you with massive sweeping generalizations and tribalism

              Liked by 1 person

              • Derek

                No one who supports this idiot can be deemed reasonable. There are some reasonable never trumpers on the right.

                I always respected Buckley. I don’t think he’d recognize the circus that is the GOP today.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  We certainly need more effete northeastern upper crusters to counter the northeastern upper cruster currently in power. If they are CIA assets who can affect an accent, even better.


        • Union Jack

          Hey Spur you left some things out of the timeline:

          Dec 18 – House Impeaches Trump
          Jan 8 – First CDC warning on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
          Jan 9 – Trump campaign rally
          Jan 14 – Trump campaign rally
          Jan 16 – House sends impeachment articles to Senate
          Jan 18 – Trump golfs
          Jan 19 – Trump golfs
          Jan 20 – first case of COVID-19 in the US, Washington State.
          Jan 22 – “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
          Jan 28 – Trump campaign rally
          Jan 30 – Trump campaign rally
          Feb 1 – Trump golfs
          Feb 2 – “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.”
          Feb 5 – Senate votes to acquit. Then takes a five-day weekend.
          Feb 10 – Trump campaign rally
          Feb 12 – Dow Jones closes at an all time high of 29,551.42
          Feb 15 – Trump golfs
          Feb 19 – Trump campaign rally
          Feb 20 – Trump campaign rally
          Feb 21 – Trump campaign rally
          Feb 24 – “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
          Feb 25 – “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
          Feb 25 – “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
          Feb 26 – “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
          Feb 26 – “We’re going very substantially down, not up.” Also “This is a flu. This is like a flu”; “Now, you treat this like a flu”; “It’s a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we’ll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner.”
          Feb 27 – “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
          Feb 28 – “We’re ordering a lot of supplies. We’re ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn’t be ordering unless it was something like this. But we’re ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
          Feb 28 – Trump campaign rally
          Feb 29 – First COVID-19 death in US
          Mar 2 – “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”
          Mar 2 – “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”
          Mar 4 – “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”
          Mar 5 – “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”
          Mar 5 – “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
          Mar 6 – “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”
          Mar 6 – “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”
          Mar 6 – “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
          Mar 6 – “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault.”
          Mar 7 – Trump golfs
          Mar 8 – Trump golfs
          Mar 8 – “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.”
          Mar 9 – “This blindsided the world.”
          Mar 13 – [Declared state of emergency]
          Mar 14 – Young Asian-American family of 4 stabbed in TX Sam’s Club by man who thinks they’re responsible for COVID.
          Mar 15 – 3,613 COVID-19 cases, 69 deaths
          Mar 17 – “This is a pandemic,” Mr. Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
          Mar 18 – “It’s not racist at all. No. Not at all. It comes from China. That’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate.”
          Mar 23 – Dow Jones closes at 18,591.93
          Mar 25 – 3.3 million Americans file for unemployment.
          Mar 30 – Dow Jones closes at 21,917.16
          Apr 2 – 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment.
          Apr 3 – 270,062 COVID-19 cases, 6,927 deaths.

          Liked by 5 people

          • Derek

            Facts is librul!


            • GP

              Let me ask you this, Derek, and all that is necessary is a “yes” or “no” response. Do you think CNN and MSNBC exist just to spread factual information 24/7?


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Are you arguing that both Republicans and Democrats underestimated the pandemic? I fucking hope not because nothing will inside the psychotic rage of the left so much as suggesting that perhaps politicians, in general, aren’t effective at something.

            Since Trump is always wrong, always opposing Trump means the left is always right. That’s just middle school logic.

            Liked by 2 people

        • Feb 26 Pelosi said come on out, the water is fine. Now she accuses him of not responding quick enough.


            • Alright dude I made a simple mistake it was February 24th. that doesn’t make me a liar but name calling and attacks is your only style.

              An adult discussion would say Hey I’m not sure what you’re talking about on February 26 , do you care to elaborate?

              I really recommend you get away from the Internet for a while. The combination of needing to prove yourself right on the Internet with a heavy dose of TDS has turned your commentary into lunacy.

              Good bye. I’ve long known not to hit teply Derek, so it’s on me.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Derek

                The day the speaker called for a unified federal response:

                “We’re going very substantially down, not up. … We have it so well under control. I mean, we really have done a very good job.”

                Your whataboutisms are lies.

                Liked by 1 person

        • buddybog

          Lefties by definition are useful idiots or traitors to the Constitution.
          Many in today’s Dem Party fill check both boxes.


    • Imagine seeing a ship driven directly into another ship, exploding, while the captain sails away on his own tiny boat and think, “damn glad he’s our guy.” That’s next level worship, right there.

      Liked by 4 people

    • I guess you’ve never seen his business record? Every ship he steers files for bankruptcy. Out of curiosity, what exactly has he done or said to make you confident in his leadership?


    • gastr1

      Seriously, 45 could blow up the planet because Hillary’s emails and it would be justified for these people.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        The right is applauding the literal death camps that Trump plans on implementing. The fact that there is no current evidence of death camps just proves how sinister the conspiracy is.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Cojones

          Sorta’ like the “death sentences” to be decided by the ACA according to the’ Publicans, right?


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Well, that was obviously just silly. But the death camps are coming. Mark the words of all the leftist taking heads. This is totally different and a legitimate threat.


    • Derek

      A master class of SME and leadership:

      “You call it germ, you can call it a flu. You can call it a virus. You can call it many different names. I’m not sure anybody knows what it is.”



    • Napoleon BonerFart

      The economy? So you’re saying you want people to die.


  7. Doggoned

    This tribal split seems to overwhelm American culture, to the exclusion of virtually everything else. It’s our loss, and a sad waste of time, energy, focus, and, yes, trillions of dollars.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Derek

      Which tribe should succumb to the other?

      I’d also keep in mind statements like these:

      trump campaign spokesperson:

      KAYLEIGH MCENANY: “This president will always put America first, he will always protect American citizens. We will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here … and isn’t that refreshing when contrasting it with the awful presidency of President Obama.”


      Liked by 1 person

      • Debby Balcer

        We need to stop identifying as tribes when we view everything with binoculars we miss the whole picture. We are Americans. I think it is interesting that we want people not to identity as hyphenated American s but yet we are identifying as Republicans and Democrats. Both parties have good poodle and power hungry people but only calling out the ones in the other party does not solve anything. The enemy is this case is the virus and they all failed to take it seriously enough at first. We need some statements who know how to work together for solutions. This will affect us until we have a vaccine.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Russ

          Debby, you’re correct, but unfortunately “compromise” is considered a dirty word by many on both sides of the divide. Having a member of one party work with a member of another party is pretty much a death sentence for both. We need politicians with guts that will do it anyway and not worry about the potential election consequences.


        • You’re not allowed to be reasonable. In my experience this take is driven right by looking for some inflammatory internet juice. It’s important to call people names through a keyboard


    • Nuance is dead. Tribalism reigns supreme. The irony is both sides are the exact same. Two sides of one coin

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I analyze data and trends for a living. Currently, in addition to my normal responsibilities of managing all of our company’s key accounts, I’m part of a team of four people that is tasked with making projections for how COVID-19 restrictions and related economic impacts will effect our business (a subsidiary of a publicly traded company).

    Last week I STILL heard from one of my in-laws:

    “H1N1 killed way more people! And we didn’t shut anything down THEN!”

    For those keeping stats at home:

    H1N1 killed approximately 12,500 people in the United States over the course of 12 months — April 2009 to April 2010.

    As of yesterday, COVID-19 had killed 12,500 people in the United States over the course of just 6 weeks — WITH SOCIAL DISTANCING/SHUTDOWNS.

    And we haven’t hit the peak yet.

    Optimistic analyses are projecting will hit the peak mid-April, and total infections trail off around mid-August. With a total death count of just 65,000 or so. Here are my reasons (some data-driven, some more social science/hunch-driven) for finding this waaaay too optimistic:

    1) “Total Death Count” should not be the number of fatalities which occur in the first wave (there will be multiple) but total fatalities until/if/when vaccines and bona fide therapeutic treatments are widely available and administered…. probably a 12-18 month window from when the first death in the US is known to have occurred: Estimated window begins February 29, 2020 and ends August 29, 2021.

    2) This optimistic forecast of 65,000 total deaths is based on the assumption that stay-at-home orders will continue in the near future AND that extreme social distancing measures will continue to be followed by individuals and businesses until we hit the “bottom of the curve” around mid-August. I believe this will not happen. The pressure to “open things back up” will happen much sooner than that as people/businesses/governments become restless and impatient. Causing a second spike in this same “first wave” before mid-August ever comes.

    3) Even if we do hit the “bottom of the curve” mid-August, we have every reason to believe there will be a resurgence of the disease in the Fall.

    4) Also he projected peak of total daily deaths in USA cannot (CANNOT!) be just a week (or less) away. The spread of the virus and resulting disease has spread unevenly across the country. Some large urban areas may reach their peak soon, but not vast (more rural) areas. I live in a very rural/isolated part of Maryland. Only a couple hours away from major cities Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia, but in many ways it may as well be light-years away. Some well-respected regional epidemiological experts and economists are forecasting our peak death count (daily) will hit mid-to-late June (!!!). Much of the rest of the country will be the same. New York’s peak may come within days. The USA’s as a whole will probably not.

    At the end of the day, we’re still looking at the communicable nature of the disease, which is extreme, and the likely actual death of probably 0.2 to 0.5% (2X to 5X) higher than common flu to those who contract it). We think it’s safe to assume 1/3 to 1/2 will be infected, which is 110 to 165 million people.

    Total deaths by August 29, 2021:
    220,000 Minimum
    825,000 Maximum

    Again, this projection does not assume maximum social distancing and shutdowns, but rather restrictions (and resulting deaths) most likely to be carried out until August 29, 2021. This number can change if very effective therapeutics and/or vaccine are available much sooner.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gastr1

      On those occasions I read the Playpen, like today, it’s in part of get a sense of how much the conservatives have shifted their perspectives, if at all. Just watch–already, his defenders are out in full force. As usual. The rest of us, are we to not be seriously bothered with a group of people who have installed and supported a dangerously calloused and inept administration, causing widespread death and economic destruction?

      They might defend Trump now, but history will absolutely have its way with these people and they’ll be understood by all future generations to be as oblivious and sold down the river as Germans in the 1920s. (They, too, thought they could control him.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        They defended W too.

        Then McCain.

        Then Romney.

        And they’re never ever wrong…


      • Chris

        At this point, Trump Derangement Syndrome is more damaging to the country than the Kung Flu.

        At least this type of enemy is visible, and the melts incredibly satisfying.

        Literally Hitler!
        Orange Man Bad!!!!!1!1!!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Economic destruction? Why are you more concerned about Wall Street than people dying? Until we shut down the world, we’re not serious about helping people.


        • gastr1

          That’s really great how you managed to not see “death” right before that. I dearly hope you’re still with us in 10 years when you get to tell your kids/grandkids/whomever that yes, you supported the catastrophe that is this administration. Maybe they’ll start referring to you as your handle here, even, if they speak to you at all, that is.

          Go ahead, keep putting yourself on record.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            You think I’m supporting orange man? Reading is fundamental, dude. The guy is #LiterallyHitler. How much clearer can I be?


    • Cojones

      Thanks, Jared. Real projections in real economic bread and butter industries is welcome. It should be used by some here to be able to feel the social distancing that is yet to come, but, like you, I feel the pressures “to get back out there ASAP” will be the first rush after everyone sees the curve begin to flatten.

      We too live in the boondocks and fear that increased local deaths will eventually get here well after large city-states show curve flattening and have said it’s ok to go back out. Then it’s stutter step and death until next year. Your and your team’s projections of August fits a number of scenarios placed before us by the professionals who study this and have the best idea when we can see other than false daylight.

      I was surprised that no conversation started upon what you posted and the discourse went right back to stone-throwing. It was a good post that should have started a good conversation, but sadly didn’t appear so. Please share further things learned thus far because ignorance is knee-deep to politics right now.


      • Thanks, man! I’m just sharing what I’m learning/hearing from folks who know a LOT more than I do. I should have made clear that I’m the most junior member of the “impact analysis team” (if you don’t get a clue from all my typos). I don’t claim to be an expert at anything, but I know this: “never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.” I’m afraid necessary social distancing won’t last once home foreclosures start piling on, etc. etc.


  9. RangerRuss

    I’d like to know who the fuck thought it was a good idea for the US pharmaceutical industry to become a fully owned subsidiary of China,Peoples Republic of?


    • spur21

      Nixon opened the door and increasing profits ran through unabated. But I still like my POTUS. At least he has identified the elephant in the room and is trying to shoot it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        And who greased the path towards Most Favored Nation status for China?


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          That fucking traitor tried moving toward TPP. All of us Democrats know that free trade kills.


      • Cynical Dawg

        And by “elephant”, you mean the 99% of Americans. If there is one thing I hope happens as a result of COVID-19, it is that the GOP as a party, and conservatism as a philosophy is utterly destroyed and abolished from polite society. Back in the 1960s, we used to have a term to describe hard right conservatives: “the lunatic fringe”. The majority of Americans society saw them as a source of derision and no one took them seriously. I hope the election of 2020 will obliterate the present day lunatic fringe for good.

        Liked by 1 person

        • buddybog

          Back in the 1960’s (as you say) Pres. Johnson convinced all the Dems that Goldwater would start WW3 by mining the harbor at Haiphong, North Viet Nam, which Goldwater said he would do to end the Viet Nam war.
          In 1972 Nixon did mine this harbor which prevented Russia from re-supplying North Viet Nam and North Viet Nam signed the Paris Peace Accords in January 1973. This should have ended the conflict between the North (Communists) and the South of Viet Nam.
          Then Watergate happened and the Communists saw the Dems running Congress as their opportunity and the violated the peace treaty.
          The dems are always wrong and always have to lie. They have to have a lying media and an ignorant public to survive.

          Liked by 2 people

          • Cojones

            Goldwater wanted to drop the big “H” on their ass and start WWIII. Where do you get your history? That was used against Barry and was a major part of why he was trounced in the election. I thought Johnson was a liar going back to his election to Congress, especially when the U.S. Marshal investigating the election committed suicide in Deaf Smith County by shooting himself in the back – 3 times!

            Liked by 1 person

        • spur21

          For clarification the “elephant” is China. Have you fed your Unicorn this morning?


        • RangerRuss

          Gotdamn hippies.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Only when half the country is shunned will we be the tolerant nation we strive to be.


        • And that mu friends is the insane tribalism right before your eyes. Death and destruction to all conservatives!


    • Really kicked off in the 80s. Got worse from there


  10. The Georgia Way

    As state employees, The Georgia Way has been deputized to cite non-essential visitors to our campus in 2020. Rest assured, we also maintain towing privileges on all non-essential vehicles and will exercise our authority to double the fines on high-risk cars and trucks with Fulton County tags.

    We welcome all Georgians to utilize our on-campus beach at Lake Herrick during these difficult times. Be aware that all parking rules will be enforced.



  11. buddybog

    The CCP did what the democrats wanted. They wrecked the economy.


  12. PTC DAWG

    Neither side is 100% wrong or right..most of y’all need to get a grip.

    At this point, I’m much more worried about what is left of the Worlds Economy than getting this virus. Yes, think elderly and those with underlying conditions should use caution, shelter in place etc.

    I’m not all in on that we are all gonna die if we step outside. Pretty stupid to me that someone can’t go take a walk in a park.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. JG Shellnutt

    We are all in this together and we will get through this.
    Stay strong. Stay calm.
    Wash hands. Don’t touch your face. Stay home. If you HAVE to go out, stay 6 feet away from others.

    I am a primary care and an emergency physician. These are interesting times, for sure. We are seeing fewer folks right now than normal, but the folks we do see are more worrisome and problematic. The stakes are certainly higher.

    How well we do now with following recommendations affects how long we have to follow these recommendations.

    I am glad that I’m not in charge of making public policy. From a doctor’s viewpoint, everyone should just stay home for 6 months or so and the virus would peter out pretty nicely. Unfortunately, we’d be in a historic economic depression in the aftermath of such a plan. Our leaders are having to make plans based on the advice from epidemiologists as well as economists. Just like in wartime, they are trying to balance the end goal against expected number of casualties.

    Pray for each other and our leaders. Let’s extend some grace to each other and show the love that is beyond what any one of us deserves.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. PTC DAWG

    According to data obtained from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System website, total U.S. deaths for the first three weeks of March are DOWN 10% from the average of the prior four years for the same three week period.

    The average for weeks 9 through 11 for the four prior years was a total of 170,555 deaths. For weeks 9 through 11 this year, the total is 153,015, meaning 17,540 fewer people died in America during the first three weeks of March than could be reasonably expected. And the gap between historic deaths and weekly deaths is widening. For week 11, just 47,655 Americans died, 8,773 and 15% fewer than the average for week 11 in the prior four years. And while data on week 12 is not complete, it is trending similar to week 11 and will likely be down by 15% (around 8,700 deaths less than expected) even though 1,919 COVID-19 deaths were reported (in week beginning 3/22).


    • Did they need refrigerated tractor trailers in NYC in those other years? Or have to dig burial trenches?


      • Damn PTC
        Those are some stunning statistics that the hysterical “chicken littles” just do not want to hear. Every number I’ve heard from the experts has been just plain wrong so far. The youth I’m dealing with seem to believe that when some virologist from England says 2.2 million in America will die that that is true even after he admits he was wrong. Understanding that nobody REALLY knows anything will allow for much more serenity or anxiety depending on your personality and belief system. The death rate is DOWN in America per those right wing Trumpsters at the CDC(, that comment about those government workers at the CDC should be read with the sarcasm font ), that is good news and I have from the start refused to participate in the hysteria. Stay Calm and Carry on.


    • Jdawg108

      Can you link to the source?


      • PTC DAWG

        Just google this..
        CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics Mortality Surveillance System

        All the data is there.


    • Jdawg108

      So. Looking at this data is interesting, although two caveats needs to be put into place.

      They are still compiling data from this time period. Given the nature of things right now, it SEEMS that it could be safe to assume these numbers will change. Although we all know what assumptions do.
      As shelter in place went into effect, overall deaths began trending downward, and as it got more stringent, mortality rates went way down. Without further data (driving deaths, homicide rates, etc) extrapolating based on this is futile.

      To have a knee jerk reaction “haha those people were wrong” based on a (potentially) incomplete data set, a small sample size (for instance, if this goes on for a long while will homicide rates go up?), and without knowing all variables is premature, at best.


      • ASEF

        Data on stuff like that is never real-time. It lags, often by months. My mother in law is still waiting on a death certificate for her late husband from the state of NC. He died in September.


      • PTC DAWG

        On average, 3K people a month die in the US from auto accidents.


        • ASEF

          On average, there is about 1 death for every 100 MILLION VEHICLE MILES traveled. Which is why driving does not fill up ICUs. Which is why no one is calling for any adjustments to our current behaviors. It’s statistically quite safe.

          And which is why no person who is really trying to understand this virus is making the car comparison. It’s ridiculous.


        • Which can easily explain much of the reduction in deaths. People are demonstrably driving less( see drive times in ATL) thereby exposing the general population to less risks an thereby reducing the number of deaths. Take out few hundred of lives saved a week by numerous citizens foregoing elective surgeries which also saves lives and there are numerous other factors that contribute to a significantly reduced death rate.
          On the other hand, the death rate will climb back up precipitously if we don’t get these millions of people back to work soon. Unemployment leads to numerous risk factors , including but not limited to; suicide, drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence to name a few. #Bringbackourjobs


  15. If you haven’t watched Tiger King on Netflix you are missing out on the most WTF show ever. Stranger than fiction.


  16. ASEF

    It’s been amazing to watch the Trump response to this. “Totally under control.” “Going to magically disappear.” “Cases soon down to zero.” “Less than the flu.” “Everything back to normal by Easter.”

    There literally is not a single thing the man can slay or do that won’t be defended by his supporters. Any criticism of the man gets categorized as Trump Derangement Syndrome. If anything, that label best describes his defenders.

    Trump wasted weeks in January, February and March golfing, holding campaign rallies, and telling everyone this was a nothing-burger. Our single biggest asset in this fight – the US Executive branch – sidelined during the most critical period.

    We had a CDC monitoring system in China, embedded in their health system, for “early warning” on something like this. Trump canned it early last fall. Fired our National Security Council pandemic team in 2018. Constantly gutting CDC and NIH funding. Proposing to cut their budgets for 2021 yet again.

    No worries. The new WH spokesperson is on video castigating Obama for going golfing after Daniel Pearl was executed. Pearl was executed in 2002, when Obama was a state senator. Apparently the ability to lie that brazenly is something Trump finds valuable. Probably because guys like Napoleon need that daily fix of straight up lies to make their world coherent.

    This country is going to beat this virus in spite of Trump and his horde of grifters. And then good riddance to the lot of them.

    Liked by 2 people

    • AthensHomerDawg

      Saw him at the Georgia Theater back when it had seats. Great singer songwriter. Great show.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      I agree. The Chinese weren’t eating bats until after the CDC team was fired. This could have been prevented. If only Trump would have adopted the Chinese policies, we wouldn’t have so much death. China has basically cured it.


      • ASEF

        Your ability to lock in on stupid shit and ignore basic reality is truly impressive. I mean, the easiest marks are the ones who will delude themselves. And you are one easy mark, plus you’re convinced you’re the smartest guy in the room – so you push the BS on others. Useful idiot.

        Remind me to look you up with “investment advice” when this thing is over. You just won’t know it’s me.

        Liked by 3 people

        • Napoleon BonerFart

          It’s amazing that you continue to accuse me of stupidity for sharing your views. I suggest you spend some time thinking about your positions so that you don’t reflexively accuse those who share them of being trolls.


          • ASEF

            If you’re going to invest so much time fantasizing about posters and inventing things they never said or suggested so you can feel smugly superior, that seems like an awful waste of the capacity.

            Maybe a better use for you would be pretending to be your hero Donald. The sheep can be Stormy.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Right. You’re not a leftist. You’re an independent who just happens to hold leftist positions. That’s a huge difference. Thanks for setting is straight.

              As for me, I’m unapologetic. Orange man is bad. And since you agree with me, I salute you. I would never stoop to insult someone who shares my views when I could be busy insulting the other half of the population.


  17. W Cobb Dawg

    Falcons ‘new look’ uniforms are disgusting!


  18. Paul

    That both parties insist on turning a global pandemic into a political circus is shameful. Both sides of the aisle are equally contemptible. They all make me sick to my stomach. If you cannot come together during a healthcare emergency to meet the needs of the American people you do not deserve the privilege of serving. They all need to be gone. Top to bottom. Both parties. National, state, local – almost none have responded appropriately. Almost all have attempted to manipulate the situation for political advantage. This is a health and well-being issue. If there is anything that ought to transcend politics it’s this. The complete and utter failure of leadership at every level of government is staggering. We the people have a lot of work to do. We have this crap show because we allow it. Pogo was right. We have seen the enemy and he is us. The failure of government is our responsibility. Rebuilding a competent government is also our responsibility. It ain’t going to be easy but we cannot afford not to. Our children and grandchildren deserve better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ASEF

      Man cheats on wife. Brags about it.

      She tries to make it work. He cheats again. Blames her for making him.

      She sets up counseling. He refuses to go. Sends her video of him humping a porn star.

      She files for divorce.

      OMG! Both sides need to come together and work this out! Both sides are contemptible!

      Uh, no.


      • Paul

        The only thing “uh, no” about this situation is that “uh, no” what you describe is not even close to what’s happening. Republican behavior has been every bit as noxious as the behavior of Democrats. Local politicians have been just as selfish and tone deaf as the national politicians. Sorry, but it’s true. They’re all attempting to use a pandemic to advance their personal agendas. They ought to be ashamed to behave that way. Unfortunately shame appears to be non-existent in today’s world.


        • ASEF

          Disagree completely.

          There are tons of conscientious people doing great and selfless work on this. You can choose to pay attention to them or the idiots who are using this advance their agendas.

          Unfortunately, our President falls into that second group. The fact he’s not alone it doesn’t excuse it.


          • Paul

            I wholeheartedly agree. I just don’t see any politicians being conscientious and selfless.


            • Derek

              Who expects them to be?

              They are what they think they need to be to win the election.

              They are a reflection of our expectations, period.

              A pretty strong indictment in many respects.

              If we wanted the truth, that’s what they’d tell us.


              • Paul

                We agree on that. I made the same point in a previous comment. We actually do get the government we deserve. Back in the early 70’s my Dad told me that the country would gradually devolve into the situation we have today. At the time I thought he was crazy. The man understood politics.


  19. I had not realized how much of a recluse I had become, until I realized how little I had to change in order to be socially distant. 🙂
    Fuck it. I’m going to the farm. Maybe the garden will get a little rain and I won’t starve this winter.


    • 92 Grad

      That’s me. I listen to NPR maybe an hour a day and watch the CDC map to see the trends. Then it s back to work. I have successfully removed every single thing from my garage, cleaned everything, and re organized/purged a trailer full of crap. Yard work, etc….next week I have to deliver 5 CT scanners.


    • RangerRuss

      Cowdog,my man. I resemble that remark. I didn’t intentionally become reclusive. It’s simply that my old friends are dying off and my young friends got married and started families. The bright side to that is the young guys are bringing their children around and we’re teaching em to fish and shoot.
      It struck hard this morning when I didn’t have any of my old hell raising buddies to snivel with over John Prine’s passing. I’ll raise a glass to all of em.
      Keep yourself alive.


      • Got Cowdog

        ” just give me one extra season, so I can figure out the other four.”
        Hoisted a glass or two last night to Mr. Prine


  20. mddawg

    I figured I’d comment down here rather than jumping into the fray up at the top of the comments section, but I’d really like to know the full story about the situation with Captain Crozier and the Roosevelt.

    For some background, I was in the navy as an enlisted sailor (not an officer) from ’01 to ’07 and served on an aircraft carrier, the USS Carl Vinson, from January ’03 to January ’07. Fun fact, the Vinson is named after a congressman from the state of Georgia!

    First, I’d really like to know how this outbreak of COVID-19 on the carrier first started. Shortly after I arrived to my ship in ’01, we went on deployment in the Pacific and after pulling into several Asian ports (South Korea, Japan, Singapore) we were told that we wouldn’t be allowed to return to those ports due to the SARS outbreak. Instead we had to pull into Guam several times. So I’m wondering if the Navy as a whole just didn’t react as quickly this time as they had in ’01 (assuming the virus was brought on by someone during a port call). We knew then just how disastrous an outbreak could be given the close quarters of a warship, and I can’t imagine they suddenly forgot that. If so, they’re re-learning a hard lesson now.

    Secondly, as some have pointed out, Captain Crozier apparently went outside the chain of command when he sent this letter/memo/e-mail out regarding the safety of his crew. I’m not saying he leaked it to the media, but it definitely seems that he went outside the usual channels when he sent it. That’s pretty shocking to me because obviously you don’t get to that position in your career without understanding the consequences of that action. And each carrier is the flagship of a strike group (or battle group or whatever they call them now) which consists of several other ships. And while Crozier was the commanding officer of the ship itself, every strike group is commanded by an admiral who resides on the carrier. Which means the very next link in Crozier’s chain of command is a person who he must see on a pretty regular basis. So what I’m most curious about is what transpired before he sent that memo which led him to believe that he had to send it. And by some accounts he sent that message to 20 or 30 people. There are nowhere near that many people in the chain of command between Crozier and the President. In my opinion Crozier’s actions demonstrate a loss of faith in the entire chain of command that goes way beyond any one person. I’m hoping we haven’t heard the last of this story.


  21. Gurkha Dawg

    Wow, there is some really accurate 20/20 hindsight on the blog today. It’s a little more difficult making decisions in real time. A lot of you guys seem to think you can tell the future. How bout you tell me if the S&P will close at a higher or lower level tomorrow than it closes today. I’m not asking for a specific number, just higher or lower. That shouldn’t be too hard. If you can tell me that, I will make so much money neither of us will ever have to work again. I’ll give you half of it. Of course, if you’re wrong, you lose all of your net worth. As good as y’all are at fortune telling it’s a sure thing.


    • ASEF

      We had China. People here were saying “can’t happen here, we’re not a communist country.”

      Then Italy. Same nonsense in those Playpens. “They have a national healthcare system, not a private like ours. Won’t happen here. Besides, it’s not even the flu.”

      Then Spain. “It’s just the flu.”

      Then NYC. “Maybe a bad flu.”

      Then Albany. “Cure can’t be worse than the disease.”

      Maybe the people who have been consistently wrong about this need to own that. I’m not holding my breath. They just pivot to new excuses and new attacks. Zero reflection, zero remorse.

      A prominent poster here mocked the dangers in February. Admitted some danger but mocked the response in March. Was here last week hoping we could keep it at 12,000 total deaths – that seemed optimistic but reasonable. We passed that number yesterday. Less than a week.

      When it comes to predictors, I am going to ignore the consistently wrong (because reality for them has to be retrofitted to a political imperative). That seems reasonable.

      A great play caller is going to guess wrong occasionally. A horrible one guesses wrong way more than he gets right.

      We’re 100x harder on offensive coordinators than we are our favorite politicians. Which is weird.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Napoleon BonerFart

        And we should certainly be harder on people who were wrong on the low side than people who were wrong on the high side. Because the high side is the side of righteousness. If someone predicts a million deaths and he was too high, that’s only because of the measures implemented. So he really wasn’t wrong. He just wanted to save lives.

        But if someone predicted fewer deaths than had happened, he obviously wanted measures not implemented so that people would die and his investments would stay profitable. So that’s not an honest mistake. It’s evil.

        People really can’t deny the my side good, your side evil. It’s so clear.


  22. Derek


    Trump continued, “[Ivanka] created over 15 million jobs working with some of you, but working with the biggest companies in the world.”

    “They were training and training like nobody’s ever seen. She started off with a goal of 500,000 jobs, and now she’s up to over 15 million,” Trump said

    Itll be 150 million by October…and they’ll cheer it. Not because they believe it, but because they know some idiot will.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      How the hell can she create that many jobs when 150 million people are dying from gun violence? Republicans are such idiots!


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Kemp should consult with San Francisco officials. Maybe the key to flattening the curve is being ankle deep in shit?


  23. TN Dawg

    IHME is now revising its death projections to 60,000.

    This is very bad news if you were hoping to crash the entire global economy.


    • TN Dawg

      By way of comparison, 120,000 Americans are expected to die from taking their prescription medications as prescribed and ordered by doctors.


    • Paul

      While encouraging, the 60,000 number assumes we continue current stay at home directives until August. That’s very unlikely to happen.


    • Russ

      So, do you actually believe someone wants to crater the entire global economy? To what end?


      • Paul

        I actually had someone tell me that this whole pandemic is the result of Bill Gates desire to implement global population control. She believes Dr. Fauci is working for Gates. She was serious. I was dumbfounded. Some folks just can’t get enough conspiracy in their lives.


        • Derek

          Most people who sell things are Malthusians. Makes sense if you’re stupid.

          The continuing effort to diminish knowledge of any kind and encourage the idea that all idiot’s moronic paranoid bullshit has equal value to what experts have to say is where the agendas of Putin and the GOP meet and shake hands at a NRA convention.

          Has it been proved that Fauci isn’t Gates’ robot funded by Soros? Huh?

          Think about it, if that is a process that you’re not familiar with.


  24. rchris

    First, we have to return to work. We have no choice. The question becomes, how do we return to work with the least damage? All companies must submit mitigation plans to be approved individually by OSHA. Lot’s of people will be working 6 feet apart, or with masks, or both. Lot’s of positions that aren’t amenable to this will be filled by workers already recovered from the virus. The mitigation will not be perfect. People will die. More people will ultimately die if we do not return to work. Thank you for reading my post.


    • Derek

      First, health care providers have to have room for additional cases.

      Once the system is caught up and has room, healthy people will be encouraged to return to normal and at risk folks will remain “socially distanced.”

      Then we see…. If there are no further spikes we’re good. If there are spikes…??


    • TN Dawg

      Fair analysis.

      One things you stated is that “people will die”. This will always be true.

      About 2,000,000 people over 70 die in the US every year. About 5500 a day.

      It’s bound to happen, regardless of virus.

      The only difference is someone will be poking the bodies this time and putting them on a ticker this time for ratings, politics and publicity.


  25. As an aside…

    I am certainly not one to throw away the lives of the elderly in favor of returning the economy to “normal” as soon as possible.

    BUT I am very thankful that the virus seems to kill generally older/infirmed individuals, and I am thankful for two reasons — one obvious and one maybe not-so-obvious:

    First, I’m obviously thankful because I have four young children, and I am glad that, statistically, they seem to be safe.

    Second, and less obviously, I believe if the virus caused deaths in primarily young children instead of aged adults that our society might collapse. And I’m not exaggerating. The anger, sadness, panic, distress, depression, distrust, despair, disgust, disruption, and chaos would be 1,000X what it is today.


  26. ASEF

    According to New York City Fire Department data obtained by The Daily Beast, first responders have reported 2,192 “dead-on-arrival” calls over the last two weeks. On average, the department handled about 453 of those calls over the same period last year.

    That data also showed that the number of cardiac or respiratory arrest calls has exploded, from 20 to 30 a day at the end of March and the beginning of April in 2019, to 322 on one day in April in 2020—with more than 100 calls every day since March 28. While 30 to 50 percent of those calls ended in a death in 2019, more than 50 percent of those calls have ended in a death every day since March 22 this year, with the percentage steadily rising to 75 percent as of April 5.*

    Much more in the article.

    New York, by the way, never stopped receiving flights from China. Our gov’t never shut those down.

    Heart breaking. It never had to come to this. Other countries have avoided this fate. Because their national gov’t had a clue and treated this as a health risk, not a PR crisis.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Limiting migration is racist. I can’t believe I have to state that in the current year.


      • ASEF

        The President didn’t shut down travel because he was afraid of being accused of racism?

        Lol. You get more stupid by the hour.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Derek

          Too bad stupid is infinite. He can go even farther. There is no event horizon for his idiocy. But he’s clearly seeking it.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Don’t worry. I’m every bit as stunning and brave as you are. I stand with you in condemning all the things that Trump has done, said, or thought about. Because muh Russia and muh treason.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          You deny that limiting access of Chinese travelers to our shores is racist? Wow. Just wow. I suppose we should just build a wall?


          • ASEF

            If it happened – and it didn’t – it would be racist if we stopped them because we didn’t like their skin color or culture or things like that. It would not be racist if we were concerned about the spread of a virus. A 3rd grader understands that. Apparently you don’t. Not surprised.

            But it didn’t happen, so this is all theoretical. Not your strength.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Again, I’m stunned. Intent has absolutely nothing to do with taking offense. Do you think Chinese people are going to accept being turned away because muh pandemic? Hell no. That’s racist. Period. Full stop.

              Chinese viruses are people too. But I guess you wouldn’t know that driving around in your pickup truck with your Confederate flag flying. I guess we should just have camps for the Chinese travelers so we can put them work building railroads.



              • ASEF

                Your “Colbert Report” effort to channel some weird caricature of “liberals” is lame, btw. Comedy eludes you too, apparently.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Sorry, I don’t accept criticism from racists. Go preach your closed border MAGA nationalism to someone else.


  27. This is the most I’ve ever participated in one of these threads. Likely because of the military aspect. But one thing’s for certain no matter what the discussion Derek needs to get out and see the Sun. Hes now trouncing through the thread name calling, taking weird angles on basic statements, and seemingly lives her 24/7.

    Whatever your position is you call people names through the Internet your opinion is now not valid. That’s for everybody including myself.

    I gotto figure out how to turn off notifications or my phone will binging from Derek all night.


    • Derek

      Do you what you call someone who worries about how a stranger on a blog spends his time and complains about their name calling yet supports a president who spends all day and night rage tweeting and built his career largely on name calling his opponents?


      I know you prefer to just be stupid and don’t like the consequential label but unfortunately for you I’m here to connect the dots for you.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Do you know what you call a middle schooler whose toolbox of debate tactics consists entirely of logical fallacies, name calling, cursing, and accusing 9 out of 10 people of being traitors?

        Stunning and brave. Bless your heart.


  28. dawgtor

    As a physician, I want to put these thoughts/opinions out there. This sucks for all of us and I believe that it is likely to continue for a while. I don’t think that the football season will start on time, but am 50/50 on something being cobbled together and finished at some point. It depends on whether we get hit by additional waves as we try to open things up. Here are the timelines and goals that I think are likely:

    1) We get lucky and have an already approved drug need increased production to control the pandemic. This is the hydroxychloroqine hope that has been recently promoted. As far as that specific one goes, evidence exists, but is weak or fraudulent (the “100% cure” from the doctor in France intentionally excluded data including multiple deaths), the drug has nasty side effects, and there are potential corrupt motivations. That being said, there is some promise to it, but without rigorous testing it is hard to tell whether it is just snake oil. It’s possible that this ends up working or something else is found. This will take a minimum of ~2 months in the best case scenario. This would be the best possible outcome and I hope it hits.

    2) We develop and distribute a faster-acting, cheaper, and widely-distributed test that will allow us to quickly ascertain who has coronavirus such that we can target our quarantines and open up sectors of the economy. This is, I hope, a couple of months away and the lowest hanging fruit. Rapidly assessing who has the virus and tracking where and why it is spreading will be a tremendous help to slowing or preventing its spread. This needed to be a primary goal from the first second that we realized there was a potential issue and is the basis for criticism about the delayed response.

    3) We develop treatments that reduce the threat of the vid. The most promising ones I’ve read about have worked in petri dishes, but need to be tested on humans and scaled up for the public use. These processes will take until ~September at soonest. This isn’t because of eggheads or bureaucracy, but to ensure that the meds are safe and effective and to scale up production.

    4) We develop and distribute a vaccine. This is likely a year+ out.

    There could also be novel treatment styles that don’t require respirators and don’t strain the healthcare system as much or require human testing. Opening things up too early could lead to waves of this virus at each attempt. There are reports of people being reinfected, but no reliable evidence to date.

    I don’t think that in vivo schools restart on time in the fall and am preparing for that as a father of 3.

    I wish all of you well and hope that you are doing your best to follow the safety protocols as they’re all we have at this point.

    I hope I’m wrong…if I am we win it all this year! GO DAWGS!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Russ

      Thank you for your reasoned take. I appreciate it. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

      My daughter is supposed to start college across country this fall. I’m not sure she actually will, and I hope they get something figured out before she goes and crams into a dorm with people from all over the country.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      God bless Rick Wilson for standing up to the credulous Boomer rubes. Thankfully, those are exactly the kind of folks the pandemic will be eliminating to pave the way to our more enlightened, elitist-controlled nation.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        We also finally have proof that Trump’s economic policies have been disastrous for the nation. That’s literally the only explanation for the drop in confidence over the last month.


  29. Senator

    Love your blog on UGA sports. I tried to read this thread but got a throbbing headache from the derekvirus, among others. I realize you are a lawyer probably left of Benito Mussa, but I would venture that 60% + of UGA male graduates are not leftist social engineer proponents. Maybe if you poll the Law school , J school, and Sociology departments you will find an consensus for Derek.

    That being said, your playpen is not playing nice. Can we suggest a 3 post limit per user for each thread? From there they can take it elsewhere.


    • A 3 post limit per user for each thread? So now I gotta keep track of how many times somebody comments? What, like I don’t have enough to do already?

      Sure seems like it would be a lot easier if you just skipped reading the Playpen.


    • You may not share Derek’s political view, but he makes many more relevant and solid points than you ever have. Just consider your one post here.
