TFW all you’ve got is hope

Sadly, Nick Saban finds he has time for this shit.

“I think college football is really important to college athletics. I think everybody knows that quite a bit of the revenue that supports all the sports at any university comes from football,” Saban said. “But you also have to make sure it’s going to be safe to be able to do it. I really can’t make any predictions. I’m hopeful that sometime in the summer the players can come back here and we can get around the players and they can get back to school.

“We’re doing as much research as we can, whether it’s talking to Abbott about what kind of testing programs we could implement here for the safety of the players and our students.

“But I don’t think anybody knows what is college football going to look like? What is any football going to look like? Are we going to have seats between fans? Are we going to come up with a solution that allows people to go to games? Are we going to have to test people to get in stadiums? Are we going to have to play games with nobody? Are we even going to be able to play games at all? I’m hopeful. And we’ve got so many great people in this country that do research and develop and they solve the problems that I feel confident that somebody will come up with some solution that will get us back to normal sometime here soon.”

There are some problems even Saban can’t throw analysts at to game a way out.


Filed under Nick Saban Rules

3 responses to “TFW all you’ve got is hope

  1. Hogbody Spradlin

    Whatever the outcome, Saban has prepped for it. While not on campus, every Alabama player has his mind control chip monitored by two analysts, his diet delivered straight from the training table, and his personal gym has 9 cameras connected to Command Central to watch his workouts.


  2. Cynical Dawg

    Pay no attention to the glorified gym teacher behind the curtain!
