Get me somebody from casting.

Yeah, I’m surprised nobody has had the sense to kill this in the cradle yet.

‘What’s next for Paul Finebaum?’ is becoming a frequent topic of conversation, but one thing that appears to be gaining traction for ESPN’s star college football analyst is a sitcom based on his life.

Michael Smith of the Sports Business Journal first reported a potential sitcom for Finebaum back in February. According to SBJ, Finebaum and his agency CAA broached all four major networks about the possibility of creating a sitcom featuring his radio show as the focal point.

In a recent interview with Scott Fowler of The Charlotte Observer, Finebaum said the prospect of a sitcom is getting very serious. Although he didn’t mention the network or actor, Finebaum described the project as being in motion.

“There is a major Hollywood production company involved and already several writers are working on the script to be pitched to the major networks soon,” Finebaum told Fowler.

“The biggest news is a well-known actor is extremely interested in playing the lead. We did a call recently and it was fairly bizarre having a successful Hollywood actor asking me about me. He is considerably younger, so the idea is to set the sitcom at an early point in my career.”

Since they haven’t, let’s have some fun.  Whom would you cast as Finebaum, early or late in his career?  Don’t feel that you have to limit yourself to humans.


Filed under PAWWWLLL!!!

48 responses to “Get me somebody from casting.

  1. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Larry David

    Liked by 1 person

    • FisheriesDawg

      This was my reaction until they said someone younger.

      I actually think there could be something to this idea. His schtick is much better applied to the comedy genre than people who take him seriously on sports. I think you’d want to follow the rotating cast of people around Alabama. Don’t actually focus completely on Finebaum, that would be boring. But a Schitt’s Creek-type show where Tammy, Phyllis, et al get into hijinks while they revolve around him? I’m not saying they’ll pull it off, but it could actually be good.


  2. Hogbody Spradlin

    Who or what to play Finebaum? Good question. What actor looks like a penis with ears?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Aladawg

    Don Knotts.


  4. stumpypepys2

    I played golf with Finebaum once. Wanna see something funny!


  5. NCDawg

    Kramer from Sienfeld


  6. Jdawg108

    The “yo quero Taco Bell” chihuahua

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Not to say he is literally one of these animals, but with his long skinny neck on his skinny body, I’ve always thought he looked like what a weasel would be as a human being.


  8. The Southern version of Seinfeld … George Costanza Jason Alexander as the penis with ears. The plot of the show would be:


  9. Ran A

    Well I’m not sure about younger, but Billy Bob Thornton is my choice.


  10. PDawg30577

    Easy. The old man who used to dance for the Six Flags commercials.


  11. W Cobb Dawg

    Bradford Dillman, boss and nemesis of Dirty Harry. But we’d have to shave his head and enlarge the ears.


  12. Geezus

    Hunter S. Thompson or Michael Stipe.


  13. But Pawwwllllll…Whut’s the over/under on how many episodes actually make it past the initial show…..the bloopers might be more entertaining then the actual show


  14. MA

    So…this is, like, funhouse mirror Frasier? With Tuscaloosa instead of Seattle? I mean…Kelsey Grammer might be available…

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    I mean, it has to be Kurtwood Smith, right? Who who famously did a sitcom as a cantankerous bald guy? I know he doesn’t look like a penis, as Finebaum does, but it’s probably the best fit, right?


    • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

      This is Kurtwood Smith…


      • That’s funny…i don’t care what anybody say’s….

        Liked by 1 person

        • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

          That 70’s Show is highly underrated. Yeah, the last two Topher Grace seasons sucked, but the show for its first six seasons was great. It launched some pretty notable careers, mostly super hottie Mila Kunis (she was a cute kid, but DAMN have her 20’s and 30’s been all-time) and her husband Michael Kelso, and managed to be an old school sitcom that you can stop and watch and whatever point and laugh. You don’t have to know the backstories of what happened in previous episodes. You can just enjoy the “situation comedy.”


  16. 81Dog

    Never mind that. Who gers cast as the callers, especially the angriest ones? Imagine the opportunities for mocking all us ignorant southern folks because some jackass in Hollywood or New York thinks “this will be easy, they all sound like morons.” This show will make the Dukes of Hazzard look like Citizen Kane.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. S.A.W.B.

    Matthew McConaughey. If I’m gonna watch a show about Finebaum, why not make him cool and knowledgeable


    • 81Dog

      Because if you did that, it’s not about Finebaum or his show. This will be more “Jerry Springer for SEC Football fans” than “McConaughey Buick commercials with SEC football.”


      • Got Cowdog

        My wife is right. It’s Pavlovian. You say “Matthew McConaughy” = I think “Prancing Tart” = Uncontrollable laughter. What’s worse I actually like some of his acting.


  18. Ken Wilkinson

    J.K. Simmons. All. Day.


  19. Milton Dawg

    I can barely get past the line “star” college football analyst…

    Liked by 1 person

  20. 123fakest

    It’s gotta be the up and coming actor, Richard Head.


  21. The actor has to be the straight man, with good satire, dead pan looks at the camera when roll tide calls.

    This show will never make it nationally. And it will just make fun of deplorables instead of being decent. All.the cast will be from NYC or LA as always with ridiculous fake accents. The females will sound like screeching hens.

    Kramer in the south wont work.


    • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

      Yeah, but when Southern guys get shows, they’re almost always terrible, too. Foxworthy. Engvall. Larry the freaking Cable Guy. Sitcoms are gonna be hit or miss, but Southern sitcoms tend to be awful.

      The best shows set in the South are going to be dramas that have an air of authentic about them, even if they’re not fully-stocked with Southerners. Friday Night Lights is a great example of this. While Kyle Chandler comes by his accent and demeanor naturally, Connie Britton is from Boston. Her Texan accent and demeanor was pretty great and respectful. Y’all.


  22. Cousin Eddie

    Channing Tatum, they are dead ringers for each other


  23. Got Cowdog

    John Malkovich.


  24. pcpup

