Your 10.28.20 Playpen

With the election less than a week away, I thought I’d let everyone don their prognosticator hats and predict the outcomes.

One PSA — if you haven’t voted early, you might want to think about it.  My experience last week was impressive.  Plenty of folks working the polling site made for a smooth experience that took about ten minutes and I like the new machines that print a paper summary of your selections for you to review.

Anyway, have at it in the comments.


Filed under GTP Stuff

335 responses to “Your 10.28.20 Playpen

  1. SCDawg

    I think Monty Brewster has a real shot.

    No, wait. I predict chaos in hellscape utterly devoid of compassion, reason, and sanity.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Did it yesterday – took about 25 minutes in Duluth.

    Regardless of the outcome, neither guy is going to bring the country together.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. RangerRuss

    You’re damn right I want a receipt and accountability. There’s no way to have a perfect government or pristine elections as humans are flawed creatures. However, it’s not too much to expect accountability from those who break reasonable laws. Freedom from endemic corruption is what used to separate the US from second and third world countries. Or so I was raised to believe.

    Liked by 5 people

    • I still say Obama’s biggest mistake was not pursuing arrests and convictions of the people who played major roles in causing the ’07 market crash. It just enabled bad actors to keep acting badly.

      Liked by 13 people

      • akascuba

        That and giving cash to Iran a country whos leaders chant death to America and Israelis.

        Liked by 6 people

      • Derek

        Or arrests and convictions of those who lied us into Iraq.

        Or arrests and convictions of those who authorized torture.

        There was a target rich environment he passed on.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Because the same establishment that did those things under Bush did those things under Obama. Remember when he promised to close Gitmo? I remember. Seems that place is still open for some reason. It’s almost like the president doesn’t wield all that much power in reality… just in the heads of the opposition.

          Liked by 4 people

          • Derek

            Gitmo = torture how?

            Btw, gitmo was reduced from housing near 800 to under 100. And wasn’t exactly an easy task.

            Also as an American I’ve always been offended by the idea that islamic terrorists are more dangerous than our own domestically grown criminals. I say our guys would deal with them like they do pedophiles: quickly and decisively.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Lowered the capacity of Gitmo, started new wars, founded ISIS, fought for Al Qaeda, it’s all good. At least he did it without tweeting mean things. That’s what really matters.

              Liked by 2 people

              • jdawg108

                Founded ISIS? Fought for al Qaeda? Are you off your meds?

                Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  Meds for people with mental health problems produce modest chemical modifications within the brain.

                  As such, they will have no effect on this particular patient.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Who do you think were the “moderate rebels” the USA funded and supported in Syria and Iraq? That was ISIS.

                  And yes, the USA has been serving as Al Qaeda’s air force in Yemen since Obama’s second term to try to give Iran problems. In neoconservative foreign policy logic, Iran > Al Qaeda. So the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

                  But you think I’m the one that’s nuts? Precious.

                  Liked by 2 people

                • Derek

                  See what I mean? The risperdal has no effect.


                • Speaking of which, shouldn’t you be seeing the school nurse right about now, junior? We wouldn’t want that psychotic rage to show up in math class again.


                • jdawg108

                  I don’t think you understand what the word “founded means”. Nor many of the other ones you use within your parroted talking points. But please, keep only showing up on political posts and stick to your memes, because at least that means it’s not your own words that make you look The fool.


                • Is that your argument? The fact that Obama wasn’t the guy at the very first ISIS meeting means that he should get a pass for transforming them from insignificant to the world’s biggest terrorist threat?

                  I guess that’s one way to look at a failed foreign policy. It’s not really an intelligent way to look at it, but you do you.


                • Derek

                  If cause and effect is the basis for founding something then Czar Nicholas founded the Bolsheviks.

                  Do yourself a favor and talk to someone worth your time.


                • Go on Derek. Giving money and guns to ISIS doesn’t mean shit. They’re the good guys, amirite?

                  I mean, we couldn’t have secular dictators that had kept the region stable for decades just thumbing their noses at American imperialism. We had to shake things up! Give ISIS some rocket launchers and turn them loose! What’s the worst that could happen?


                • jdawg108

                  No. The fact that isis came into power in the vacuum created by Saddam Hussein’s removal. But sure, blame Obama.


          • BC once Obama got in office he faced the same problem of “what to do with bad guys” that no one wants to find an answer too. So just stick head in sand.


          • Spell Dawg

            Can’t close Gitmo if no states or countries will take their prisoners. He tried to close Gitmo, ordered it closed with an executive order when he first took office. Congress blocked him. What more would you have had him do?


            • Derek

              Set records for lying.
              Send unintelligible/inaccurate/inane tweets.
              Watch lots of tv.

              Its called “presidenting.”


              • Spell Dawg

                Yeah, but he even didn’t want to be president. I mean, sure, there’s video of him discussing running for president back in 1980, he failed as a candidate on the Reform Party ticket in 2000 and almost ran again in 2012, but he really didn’t want to be president. You see, he’s a billionaire business man who’s been so successful, he doesn’t need to be president. Okay, maybe he’s using the presidency to support his properties, bankrupted a few casinos, blew through half a billion in inheritance and has another half billion coming due that he can’t pay without selling assets. That’s just good business. This guy is an American Success story! I paid 20x what he did in income tax last year, poor dumb sum’bitches like me can only look on in awe at his American Greatness.

                Liked by 3 people

      • RangerRuss

        You’re absolutely correct, Senator. It’s a scandal and a shame that normal folks get pounded for simple violations of regulations that cost no one while those who ruined countless lives and businesses walk away richer and most back to the same shit.
        The corruption that pervades the US gooberment from both houses of Congress, the heads of all the lettered agencies, the unelected entrenched bureaucracy aided by the incestuous relationships with the heads of the MSM is rapidly turning the US into a banana republic.
        No justice will ever be served if we rely upon anyone that’s been directly influenced by the existing Federal justice system. Somewhere out there is a young, competent, moral prosecutor who needs to be given the power to investigate, subpoena, indict, try, convict and send to Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison all those who accepted bribes and favors instead of performing their legal jobs.
        Yes it would be difficult and disruptive. But it would be worth it to restore accountability. Then we’d see our taxes used efficiently. The government needs to be run under the same rules and regulations as a normal business. Nothing should ever be too big to fail.

        A little girl can dream, right?

        Liked by 5 people

        • The system worked exactly as designed. You don’t arrest a stove for getting hot. Even if it burns you. The Federal Reserve is more at fault than any private actor. And the solution was qualitative easing. Nothing like a hair of the dog.

          Liked by 1 person

      • gurkhadawg

        Senator, during the Savings and Loan Crisis in the 80’s over 1000 bankers were convicted and many went to jail. In the ‘07 crisis guess how many Wall Street executives went to jail? Zero. It’s good to have friends in high places.

        Liked by 2 people

        • RangerRuss

          Gurkhadawg, somehow things have changed in the last 20-30 years. Criminal behavior that was once prosecuted without question now seems to be acceptable behavior. It could be that I’m simply more aware from the free-flow of information. 50 years from now the history of this era should be an interesting read. I just hope that it’s not written primarily in Mandarin.

          Liked by 3 people

    • Grafton

      Unfortunately, I believe that our biggest issue as a whole is that technology has advanced exponentially faster than our collective intellect. There are so many sources of information out there at our fingertips that it’s difficult for people to be able to decipher what is true and what is not. I feel that is why a large percentage of our population finds it much easier to sit in their own confirmation bias bubbles and be fed what they think they already know than to actually try and think for themselves. The powerful know this and they have been taking advantage of this for a long time.

      Liked by 5 people

      • I’ll take it over one news anchor in the evening deciding what I need to know.

        Liked by 2 people

      • A shocking number of Boomers having zero digital literacy is what allows nonsense like Q to thrive. Well, that and Facebook/Youtube pushing them because “engagement = ad $”

        Liked by 3 people

        • Ageism at its finest. I know lots, tons, hundreds, of boomers and not one of them struggles with “digital literacy”. Both my parents, all my aunts/uncles, all the adults from my childhood till now – all are just fine.

          Maybe its your elitism that is the problem.


          • classiccitycanine

            I know plenty of Boomers that struggle to understand the difference between random Facebook posts and real news. They didn’t grew up with three channels and no internet so they’re not used to filtering messages the way my fellow Millenials are. We still get fooled, but I suspect our BS meters are better. Call it ageism if you like, but I call it reality.

            Liked by 4 people

          • Grafton

            Typical (Not a problem in my personal inner circle so therefore it’s not a problem at all) response.


            • Oh come off it. Millinials think that bc someone has a different opinion that means they don’t know how to use social media. Utter shite. Plenty of boomers use it just fine.

              Yall are just full of judgement, elitism, ageism, and somehow think you’re better than other people when you’re just the same as it ever was. Millennials and boomers are exactly the same.

              Get some grace.


              • Grafton

                “Millennial’s and boomers are exactly the same.” maybe in terms of species but definitely not in terms of being technologically literate. Stealing boomers retirement savings via PC sharing software is big business in India. There’s a reason they hang up on you if you don’t sound old.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Millenials are just better. Sorry old guys.


              • classiccitycanine

                LMAO at Chuck telling the rest of us to “Get some grace.” Given your comment history, you might want to look in the mirror first.

                BTW, I thought I was giving a bit of grace by saying it was partially their childhood environment that was responsible for the lack of digital literacy.


  4. At this point I just want the political ads to stop. As Roberto Duran once said….No mas.

    Liked by 9 people

  5. NotMyCrossToBear

    Maybe the British have it right.


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    I politely send regrets for today’s Playpen. I ain’t touching this topic.

    I offer a Gallagher riff that always rings true: “There’s a politician, and there’s the politician’s wife and kids. Oh look, his dick works. Tired of doing it to her, wants to try you”

    I guess I could be accused of refusing to stand for anything or stand behind anythbody.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m right there with you. I’m so sick of the only options being extreme right or extreme left (I know Biden likes to project as if he’ll govern from the middle, but so did Obama and W, and he will swing way down the spectrum once in office just like those two did). There’s a whole bunch of us in the middle not being served by either party. And I can only speak for myself, but I truly don’t think my day to day life is gonna be one iota different regardless of which of the two jackwads gets elected.


  7. akascuba

    While standing in line to vote I was told a car pulled up and asked how long have you been waiting to vote. 4 Years was the reply.

    Liked by 9 people

  8. Granthams Replacement

    It took 71 min for me yesterday, long line that was longer when I was leaving.


  9. I never, ever talk politics on social media, but I gotta say that things are totally different in SC. Voting early in South Carolina means standing in line for hours. I’ll take my chances on Election Day. At the rate folks are going here, I figure by then I’ll be able to breeze through.


    • KornDawg

      Yep. My sister works at the county office here in Aiken. She posted some pics of the line to vote, very long, and I asked why everyone wants to vote early. “To beat the rush.” Beat the rush? They’re waiting an hour or more. When I vote Tuesday at my little rural church precinct, it’ll take 10 minutes, maybe. I understand it’s not the same for everyone, but Aiken, ain’t that big.


    • This was my thought. I always go first thing in the morning on Election Day. I can’t recall any time I have ever waited more than 15 minutes. And I’m figuring it’ll be the same this time, maybe even less since so many people will have already voted.


    • rigger92

      Eh, it took me all of 5 minutes in Greenwood. I took my son, who is 18 and it was his first time (obviously). Was a good time. And, yes, we are solidly in favor if the status quo. We do believe that Washington is seriously fucked up though. We just cant support more of the same, going back to those elite old money/corrupt dems that dont walk what they talk. I mean, really, Biden is a billionaire and a 47 year career politician. They just dont make that much bank on the up and up. Lots of people are seriously delusional.


  10. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Bushwood C.C. Assistant Groundskeeper Carl Spackler has my vote

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Russ

    Voted right after it opened here a couple of weeks ago. Zero waiting and no hassle.


  12. No matter who wins, Covid is over! Trump says we’ve ’rounded the corner’ and THE WHITE HOUSE Office of Science and Technology Policy announced yesterday that one of Trump’s major first-term accomplishments was ‘ending the Covid pandemic’. His supporters are convinced that if Biden wins, the fake news media will stop reporting on it and it will magically disappear. Win-win, if you ask me. Let’s all get naked and celebrate.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. scottg818

    Biden wins the popular vote by 8, wins the electoral college with 335 electoral votes. Doesn’t win Georgia or Texas, but does win NC and Florida, and sweeps the Rust Belt.

    I voted the day early voting started in Georgia, and it took a little over an hour in Cherokee county. My wife and daughter went yesterday and were only in line 25-30 minutes.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. munsonlarryfkajim

    Not seeing many predictions of the outcome, which i think was the point of the post.

    I predict a landslide victory for Biden. And i think that is probably the best thing for the country right now.

    FYI, I am a life long republican and can’t stand what a Biden victory would mean coupled with the house and senate being democrat, but enough is enough with the current administration and they are headed nowhere good.

    Liked by 9 people

  15. Harold Miller

    I voted in Dunwoody on Friday. 15 minutes.


  16. PTC DAWG

    Getting in before the nonsense…

    Going to vote later on…


  17. Nothing — absolutely nothing — will surprise me. Unless of course, a clear winner is declared within 48 hours of polls closing. That would surprise me.

    I voted by “mail-in” ballot…. but dropped my ballot off in person at the Wicomico County Maryland election office. Each envelope has a unique bar code, so I actually got an email confirmation two days later saying they had received my ballot.

    I think ballots cast on election day will favor President Trump, but subsequent counts of absentee/mail-in ballots/early voting will heavily favor Biden, by something like a 60/40 split. This will feed conspiracy theories that Democrats “stole the election.”

    My greatest fear is that there are multiple legal challenges to vote counts in many, many counties and states which drag on for months. The Economist is predicting something like 4% of mail-in/absentee ballots being disqualified (mostly due to people forgetting to sign the affidavit portion of their ballot/envelope). That’s been about the national average over the last several election cycles. I think most legal challenges will center on that — how ballots are disqualified — just like in 2000.


  18. Teacher Martin

    Biden will win for the same reason Trump won. People were voting against Clinton. This time people are voting against Trump.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. My prediction:

    Biden wins a close one. The polls will have once again proven to be nonsense. Republicans keep the senate, barely. Democrats keep the house. Biden doesn’t finish his first term, and we inaugurate President Kamala Harris sometime after the next midterm election for a run-up to the 2024 election.

    You see the cycle only exists to perpetuate itself because billions of dollars are poured into these shenanigans. They need everyone to constantly be on edge and at each others throats and feeding the cycle of money and power and prestige pouring into Washington, DC. It’s not about you or making the country better or any of that other nonsense. It’s about the accumulation of power for the ruling elite. But, you do you, I guess.


    • Derek

      Im sure being a life long republican who voted for candidates to cut the ruling elites taxes, freeing even more money to buy influence, has shown those damn elites the what for!!

      But you’re due doo doo, I guess.


      • I thought we have been through this. I think both parties are full of it. Crony capitalism or corporatism is evil. I am against the government being my overlord. No matter what happens in a week, my side won’t win, because my side is for the individual and not the side of groupthink or protectionism.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Derek

          Then you don’t have a side.

          Whoever wins will have the support of nearly 50% of all Americans.

          Therefore, some level of stupid among supporters and policies is inevitable. The question isn’t which candidate is perfect. The question is among two imperfect candidate which is better for your country today?


          • Then you don’t have a side.

            It all depends on your paradigm. The vast majority of America is on one side arguing which flavor (R or D) of a crap sandwich is the better flavor. I’m on the other side saying we shouldn’t eat crap sandwiches.

            Americans have gone so long believing their future is solely dependent on which flavor of crap sandwich is chosen that they can’t imagine there being any other option. That’s why you don’t think my side exists. You are too busy participating in the multi-billion dollar argument over flavors of crap to see that both flavors are on the same side.


            • Derek

              Let me illustrate my point:

              Your side is represented by whom on the ballot next week?


              • I’m on the side of limiting government’s power such that the winner of the election has about as much impact on my life as what I choose for lunch today. The people on your side — to be fair, that is admittedly the vast majority of Americans — want the government to have ever-increasing power until I no longer have the option to choose what I have for lunch.

                Asking about a binary choice on a ballot doesn’t “illustrate” your point as much as it does mine.


              • Derek

                He is one of the two viable candidates for the office this year.

                That is correct.

                An american with a functioning brain stem should be able to figure out that voting the other way is the only rational choice.


        • elbertadawg



      • rigger92

        Yeah, you have earned a solid fuck you. I like your football stuff, but damn dude. You’re fucking clueless. Just fuck off and go away. Please.


  20. TripleB

    I don’t have a clue, but I can’t wait to get it over with.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. RangerRuss

    Prediction? Trump wins basically the same number in the electoral vote. Most voter fraud will be in vain as those states more susceptible are already strong Biden favored.
    Same shit. Different year.


  22. veryfinepeopleonboth Sides

    Trump has won Florida and Ohio. Hispanic voters in S Florida have sealed the deal. No way Texas, Georgia, or NC break for Biden. These states are not in play. Trump and republicans are going to win Michigan (including the senate seat). I personally think Trump will also win Wisconsin and Minnesota. I have no feel for Arizona. Hispanic voters in Az are much different than those in Fl.

    Pennsylvania is where everyone should watch. I can’t imagine the current peaceful rioting and looting are helping Biden in eastern Pa. I think Trump wins PA by a larger margin than 4 years ago but who knows…

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  24. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  25. Ten minutes!? Damn! Not so lucky in my neck of the woods. Looking at an hour and a half. In line now and thinking I may come back tomorrow when it is supposed to rain. Thinking that might shorten the lines.


  26. Charles Jackson

    Without giving any “anti Trump” answer, why should I vote for Biden (really Harris since Biden will be out by Easter 2021)?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek


      Liked by 1 person

    • PTC DAWG

      Because you like the idea of moving toward a socialistic society?

      Liked by 2 people

      • Derek

        End Medicare and Social Security NOW!


        • PTC DAWG

          Do it.


          • PTC DAWG

            Or at least give folks the chance to opt out….


          • Derek

            If your lying ass candidates would tell the truth about breaking the government to achieve “entitlement reform” (read eliminating Social Security and Medicare) theyd get about 6% of the vote and die.

            But they won’t. Because they lie and there are millions of people who they con every cycle to vote against their own interests.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Which party wants to admit to the unfunded liabilities in Social Security and Medicare of somewhere between $120 trillion and $200 trillion? Which party wants to expand those “successful” programs?

              Why both. That’s the answer. The last expansion was Medicare D passed under Bush in bipartisan fashion, absent the Democrats complaining that it wasn’t more expensive.

              But yeah. The notion that voters like free shit funded by their grandchildren is what counts for astute middle school political and economic analysis.

              Liked by 1 person

        • Don in Mar-a-Lago

          Liked by 1 person

        • Grafton

          I hate roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, libraries, welfare for the poor (not corporate welfare), earned income tax credit, refundable child credit, TANF, adoption assistance, USPS, Medicaid, CHIP, School lunch programs, WIC, Section 8 housing, public housing, LIHEAP, Pell grants, Headstart. Did I forget anything?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Derek

            Child labor laws
            40 hour work week
            Worker safety regulations
            Minimum wage

            Other than that what have the liberals ever done for us?!?!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Grafton

              We should privatize all of the above, right after we figure out what to do with all the poors once they get too old to work. Maybe that’s why Trump wanted to by Greenland? Thats a’ good place to ship the old poors of to.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Middle schoolers believe that the only reason Bangladeshi children work in sweat shops is because their parents are lousy and the government should force them to let their children play XBox all day. Those poor brown numskulls should watch the Ted talks from the white parents in Berkeley on how to raise woke children.


            • rigger92

              40 hour work week is bullshit. If you’re self employed, you work much more than that and you earn it. You get what you earn.


              • Derek

                It you’re self employed you need employees don’t you?

                And then there are rules that apply to you that protect them, right?

                Are you keeping up?


    • You want permanent war? You want more expensive energy? You pay too little in taxes? You want all 57 genders officially recognized by the federal government? You think there aren’t enough illegal immigrants in the country already? You want the lock downs to go on forever?


    • DawgFlan

      1) By all accounts – Biden is the more boring, predictable, and generally decent human.

      2) By comparison, Biden’s cabinet and agency leadership selections will be based more on competence and expertise than loyalty and protection.

      All the people peeing their pants about policies are dumb. Whatever any politician says they want to do during an election will always be a far cry to what they get Congress, the American people and/or the Supreme Court to agree/allow once elected.

      The best we can hope for, pretty much all the time, is a President who is an effective Commander in Chief and an ineffective head of the Executive Branch. Now more than ever.

      Liked by 3 people

  27. siskey

    I voted in Oconee County last Friday. It took about 15-20 minutes but most of that was spent in line to determine if I had requested an absentee ballot or not.


  28. If anyone’s in Fulton county, State Farm Arena has been excellent with early voting: I was in and out in 15 minutes (only faster times I can remember was 2014


    • Grafton

      Chester Bennington is rolling in his grave.


      • Don in Mar-a-Lago

        Chester Bennington is an example of somebody who has done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice


        • Grafton

          What’s Frederick Douglass done for you lately?


          • Don in Mar-a-Lago

            He certainly hasn’t thanked me enough that’s for sure

            Liked by 1 person

  29. spur21

    My fear if Biden wins is not Biden – it’s Harris. If Biden wins he will not serve a full year before he is declared incompetent by his own party and Harris will become POTUS. If that doesn’t scare you nothing will.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. UGA students wanting to have fun and refusing to submit to the “new normal.” It’s disgusting. I know no UGA students have been killed, or even hospitalized, by the virus. But how are we supposed to enjoy our few fall Saturdays in Athens if the students won’t stay inside and comply?


  31. Bay Area Dawg

    I am curious if anyone can tell me why they voted for the candidate they did? I’ve asked people in my inner circle this question and it’s amazing how many of them really couldn’t give an answer except “I don’t want Trump to win”.

    I usually follow that up with “Why?”

    Then the answers start to vary, but most are not around policies or even values.

    I am not asking this to start a fight. I am actually curious why people voted for the candidate they did.

    Liked by 1 person

    • TN Dawg

      I am concerned about the protection of Constitutionally protected rights.

      I want the President that I believe will defend these Constitutional rights from legislation that might erode those rights as well as nominate SC justices that will likely interpret issues before them in a fashion that protects those rights.

      Liked by 2 people

      • TN Dawg

        I also will vote for the candidate that I believe will negotiate and create foreign policy that I believe would be most beneficial to the interests of the United States of America, both economically and militarily, that will not embroil us in foreign wars unnecessarily and will draw us out of long-running conflicts in which we keep our soldiers in active duty for protruded lengths of time without a definite mission statement or benchmarks in which withdrawal may be exercised.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Derek

        The “conservative” supreme court has eliminated the fourth amendment to achieve the policy of eliminating drugs.

        How’s that going?


        • The fourth amendment is sacrosanct. The second amendment only applies to the army carrying muskets. Free speech is a tool used by fascists and must be eliminated.

          Liked by 2 people

        • TN Dawg

          I did not mention conservative or liberal.


          • TN Dawg

            The latest RBG version of what some would term a “conservative” court prior to her passing for instance, recently ruled that states may place a moratorium on religious services during the pandemic.

            One can certainly review this verdict and develop their own opinion on what the First Amendment ensures and read various opinions of the justices that voted to uphold a ban on religious services.

            I disagree with the ruling and would seek a candidate that is likely to view that ruling differently than the side that upheld the ban.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              We also have the first amendment right to assemble.

              Can the state enforce a curfew in times of crisis?


              • TN Dawg

                Those would be entirely different court cases.

                In the instance I’m referring to, houses of worship were restricted while other avenues of commerce were not.

                For instance, in Las Vegas casinos were permitted to operate while churches were shuttered. So it was not a curfew.

                Again feel free to develop your own view of what you believe to be an appropriate ruling on the particular issue, I feel as if it was an incorrect ruling.

                And so as I select a candidate, part of my thinking in selecting one would be to select a candidate that is likely to appoint a justice that would rule otherwise.

                Perhaps you see it differently and want to choose a candidate that would uphold the position that states maintain the right to selectively enforce closures of physical locations and activities, including Constitutionally protected ones.

                My point wasn’t really to debate that topic, simply to give an example of how I select a candidate as was asked by the OP on this sub-thread.

                Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      Of all the candidates running for office Trump is the only one who has been investigated thoroughly and found to be free of corruption. If there had been one iota of evidence of his accepting bribes I guarantgotdamtee you the Mueller inquiry would have prosecuted Trump for it. That should be enough; but, I have over100,000 other reasons in my account that sways my vote. Biden? He probably would not hold up to that scrutiny.

      Liked by 3 people

    • mddawg

      I voted for Biden because I think he believes climate change is real and he might enact policies to help address that issue. I also think that Biden will conduct himself in a more dignified and respectful manner than Trump has done during his presidency. Sadly, I think Congress will remain hopelessly gridlocked on a number of issues regardless of who occupies the Oval Office.

      For what it’s worth, I was leaning towards Buttigieg during the primaries, before everyone dropped out and threw their weight behind Biden.

      Liked by 1 person

  32. FlyingPeakDawg

    My “Don’t blame me, I didn’t vote for him!” t-shirts and coffee mugs are available now at All proceeds go towards my lease of a private bunker at an undisclosed location in Montana.


  33. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  34. stoopnagle

    Fuck it. Shaver died.


    • Derek

      “And I just thought I’d mention, my Grandma’s old age pension
      Is the reason why I’m standing here today.”

      Billy Joe Shaver
      “Been to Georgia on a Fast Train”


      • RangerRuss

        Just watched the video for BTGOAFT. I recognized APD’s Mac McCrary smiling in the scene in front of the Georgia Theater. Mac was one of the good guys. If he arrested you? You needed to go to jail.
        RIP Billy Joe Shaver. He was a rounder.


    • Got Cowdog

      Well shit.
      “Where does it go?…The good Lord only knows…”
      Did y’all know Shaver wrote 10 of the 11 songs on Waylon’s “Honky Tonk Heroes”? “Long Ago and Far Away”, just damn.
      First Jerry Jeff now Billy Joe. Fuck 2020

      Liked by 1 person

      • Don in Mar-a-Lago

        And I was just being a smartass and I said, yeah they call me “Tater Salad,” Seventeen years later, I’m dead-center in the crosshairs of a Russian disinfo op run by Rudy G and his stooges and I’m handcuffed on a bench back in the USSR with blood coming out of my nose and this plus-size cop Bill Barr goes, “Are you Hunter ‘Tater Salad’ Biden?” And I say, “Yeah, you caught me… You caught the Tater…”


  35. Derek

    Voting? A government of, for and by the people?

    It’s not for everyone:


  36. Derek

    Of course it was…


  37. ASEF

    Just vote. Help other people vote.

    What is our responsibility to them?— FacesOfCOVID (@FacesOfCOVID) October 28, 2020


  38. Teacher Martin

    I know a fellow who is an ardent Biden supporter. He says his problem is because he Stutters.


  39. Per the prompt in the post, I’m gonna predict that at least one of the Senatorial races (maybe both) actually are won outright. I know there are predictions that both might go to runoffs but I think we’ll have one decided – my bet is on the special election for Loeffler’s seat.

    I voted the first day of early voting in Cobb (Smyrna) and I waited 6 hours. Luckily the weather was good, the conversation was lively (and socially-distant), and folks seemed excited to be there. I had attempted to vote absentee but the county somehow couldn’t deliver my ballot (but did deliver my wife’s) so I went in person to make sure everything was squared away.

    Did you know that when you vote early in Georgia it’s actually still treated (and tracked) as though it was absentee? You can check the status of your vote (should be listed as “accepted”) on the Secretary of State’s My Voter Page:


  40. 1buckheaddawg

    No way I am paying 13.2% more in taxes to support Derek’s welfare check.

    Trump wins big. Liberals/Socialist cry and riot…

    Liked by 2 people

  41. Don in Mar-a-Lago

    Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion, man


    • 1buckheaddawg

      Ah the honest statement of a CNN contributor….

      For Don and Derek- the economy was amazing pre Covid.

      You don’t fire the best coach to hire a guy who has been in the game 47 years and never even won a game.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        Tell us what economic indicator(s) changed its trajectory after 1/20/16.

        Other than the debt. Which has exploded.


      • If you can’t trust deep state officials who are simply doing their duty to impede the will of the electorate, who can you trust?


      • Don in Mar-a-Lago

        “the economy was amazing pre Covid.” Thanks, Obama…

        “But… But anyway, so there’s this Twitter thing, uh, Twitter feed, that I’m on that’s called Trump Regrets or Trump Voter Regrets or something like that. And it’s a compendium of whenever somebody writes that in their tweet, it sends it to this thing. And, you know, it’s been going on, they’ve compiled thousands and thousands of them. You know, there’s– somebody posted a couple days ago. “Dear President Trump, I’m starting to regret my vote.” What– Now? Now you’re… starting to regret. “Yeah, that’s right! I mean, I was fine in the beginning. I– I can overlook and I’m okay with the blatant racism and the crass sexism and the deranged narcissism and pandering to Nazis and supporting pedophiles and proudly bragging about being a sexual predator and paying your mistress to have an abortion and openly cheating your employees and mocking the disabled and praising murderous dictators and the constant pathological lying, the petty, vindictive cruelty, the staggering ineptitude, the unapologetic corruption, the nepotism, the Mob ties, the calculated mendacity, ignorance as to how American government works, encouraging violence against those that question your authority, the theft of our tax dollars to pay off your mountain of debt and/or go golfing. Did I mention the relentless lying? You’re a liar. Being a white nationalist, demonizing immigrants, the obvious disregard of the Bill of Rights, lying about whether Russia had hacked our election when you knew all along it had, then lying about lying about it, the collusion with our sworn enemy and the sworn enemy of democracy, your dereliction of duty, your treasonous activities, and I was with you when you cheated… I was with you when you cheated on your wife with that porn star, the one you compared favorably to your daughter, you cheated on your wife, not the wife you raped, but the current wife who had just given birth to your son, and of course I was with you when we found out you cheated with the Playboy Playmate, the one you compared favorably to your daughter, not– not with the wife you have now, but the second wife whose kid you ignore, and of course I was with you, President Trump, when you– when you took the babies away, you took infants breastfeeding, literally breastfeeding, from their mothers and fathers, families who had made this arduous trek to come here and seek asylum. They just wanted to seek asylum. And you took them and you sent– deported the parents and you took them and separated them, sent the kids hundreds of miles away in a disused Walmart inside of a cage with armed guards pointing guns at them. And then of course, uh, and then, uh, thus ensuring the private prison contractors, Core Civic and GEO Group, who donated heavily to you can get paid their collective four billion in profit as those toddlers sob and whimper in absolute terror traumatized for life, of course I was with you with that. But this last omnibus spending bill is where I draw the line! I’m sorry, President Trump. But I’m a good Christian. I’m a good Christian and I can’t tolerate that last spending bill.” Cross, D., “Oh Come On” (2019) excerpt


  42. Derek

    Calling trump a traitor really isn’t a reach.

    At all.

    Its accurate.


  43. Like

  44. Derek

    Innocent people obstruct justice like all the time and stuff


    • 10 possible process crimes? Talk about your bombshell!

      I join Derek in supporting the repeal of the Fifth Amendment. If you have nothing to hide, you should cooperate with investigators until they can nail you on some process crimes.


      On an unrelated tangent, I heard that one of the candidates isn’t denying a paper trail connecting him and his family to corrupt international business deals.

      Liked by 1 person

  45. Derek

    Q: How smart can you be when you get conned by the same guy who stole millions from people with his Trump University scam?

    A: not very.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. mg4life0331

    I think most people vote with their pocketbook in mind. Some people just aint honest about it. However, I do not vote at all. Not since 2000, because they don’t GAS about me.

    The eligible voting population that actually voted was trending down and I was enjoying that. This is a shit contest with shit prizes. I like the constitution and the bill of rights, we should start over with that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      Opting out of your responsibilities as a citizen is not admirable.


      • mg4life0331

        I served in two conflicts as infantry. I gave to this country. What have you done?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Shut up man! His dad can probably beat up your dad.


        • Derek

          You should know more than others how important voting is then.

          Some conflicts occur or don’t occur because of the choices you are leaving to others.


          • mg4life0331

            So you’ve done nothing.

            Also I made a choice. It’s called neither. Go get in line with the rest and put your sticker on saying you did. Just don’t tear your rotator cuff patting yourself on the back too hard ok?


            • Derek

              You’re the one self-congratulating. I just don’t think a democracy survives upon opt-outs and quitters. Its an opinion you fought to defend, isn’t it? Or did you forget that in your rush to the sidelines?

              Liked by 1 person

              • mg4life0331

                You can’t keep up can you? You made a comment about my responsibilities. I owe this country nothing but tax money.

                The opt out to end this mess is the damn point. Which I made earlier. Jeez you are slow.

                Liked by 1 person

  47. rigger92

    Derek, Mar-A-Lago, you two are first rate dicks. It doesn’t matter what your position’s are. You’re just dicks. Fuck you both, from both sides of the isle. Just damn.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. RangerRuss

    “I’m just glad I don’t live in a trailer!”


  49. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  50. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  51. Don in Mar-a-Lago

    He came up to me, a big strong aromatic Turkish guy with tears in his eyes, and said Mr. President Law and Order…


  52. Don in Mar-a-Lago
