TFW you’ve slept on that big decision




Filed under Gators, Gators...

15 responses to “TFW you’ve slept on that big decision

  1. Pulled for ineffectiveness in your last game. QBs are looked at to raise the game of those around him. It’s clear from the last 48 hours that the players around him made Tras[h] look like a lot a better player than he really is.

    Hey, NFL GMs, there are a lot of red flags with this guy.


    • originaluglydawg

      I’m not so sure he didn’t take himself out. One more pic and it would have bordered on self-destruction. Mullens knew they couldn’t win and probably he and Trask decided to look at the future (ugly) in the second half.
      I feel like if he had wanted to play, he could have. If so, then it’s pretty strong evidence he’s leaning towards the NFL.
      (It’s hard to believe that Mullens, ( A-hole though he may be) is cold enough to have pulled the kid against his will)
      I personally think he’ll do fine in the league. Once he gets that nasty orange and blue off of him, I’ll have no animosity towards KT.


    • Down Island Way

      ee, the FU qb showed anybody can catch his throws….😎

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gaskilldawg

    48 minutes between tweets. Probably took longer than 48 minutes for whomever to put together the video for the tweet.


    • benco04

      Shade under 12 hours actually. But who’s counting.


      • Gaskilldawg

        Thanks for that. It means that when the Khan quote happened “sitting down with family and coaches” really meant “waiting for my highlight video to edit.” Can’t trust a Gator.


  3. practicaldawg

    It’ll be interesting to see when or if he goes in the draft. The bowl game really exposed how limited he is without elite route runners and pass catchers on the field. It’s hard to imagine any team risking a large contract on him though.


  4. Hogbody Spradlin

    TFW you see your anticipated riches evaporating before your eyes.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ozam

    I may hate the Gators, but Trask is a likeable guy who bided his time and worked hard to advance. I hope he does well in the pros.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. armydawg

    Bye, Kyle. Been nice knowing you. Next? Who’s his likely replacement? Toney or the other kid I’ve never seen play. Looking for some 411 on this.


  7. mg4life0331

    Wait a min, did some of yall watch that crap?

    Liked by 1 person