Your 1.6.21 Playpen

With the Georgia runoff results and whatever’s about to go down in DC today, I’m not even gonna try to run a non-political topic past you guys.

What I will do is post the perfect intro for today’s Playpen.

Now there’s a man who’s got his priorities in order.

Have at it in the comments, but try not to show your ass too much today.


Filed under GTP Stuff

361 responses to “Your 1.6.21 Playpen

  1. Salty Dawg

    I love it! GO DAWGS!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Remember the Quincy

    LOL. If people in early thought Trump was an authoritarian, wait till they get a load of single party rule the next two years (at a minimum). Gonna be loads of fun!

    Liked by 4 people

    • gastr1

      Couldn’t agree more about the fun. 🙂

      Liked by 5 people

    • Derek

      You mean like eliminating exclusions for pre-existing conditions?

      Like letting 25 year olds stay in their parents insurance so they don’t have to be on medicaid if they get sick?

      Its just like Stalin!!

      Liked by 15 people

    • wtm121

      We’ve already had single party rule during the orange dipshit’s first two years. He didn’t know how to work with congress, but Biden does, so expect a big correction of the Trump agenda.

      Liked by 12 people

      • Remember the Quincy

        Don’t mistake me for a Trump voter. I left the Presidential part of my ballot blank the last two cycles since the choices were so bad. But what incentive is there to compromise with single party rule? Anything they come up with will become law for the next two years, regardless how 50% of the voting public feels about it.

        Politics in general has always stunk, never more so than today.

        Liked by 1 person

      • tiredofidsearch

        Yeah it’s funny that the only time you hear people moaning about single party rule is when republicans dont have it (just like the only time they care about spending is when they arent the ones controlling where it goes – they spent like a drunken sailor Trumps first 2 years).
        And no I am not a Democrat but absolutely hate Trump and the spineless minions that do his bidding – should all be thrown out on the street.

        Liked by 2 people

    • mddawg

      I actually would’ve been somewhat okay with the idea of the Republicans retaining control of the Senate IF the system could function in a reasonable manner. But it can’t. I’m convinced that McConnell would’ve simply blocked, or attempted to block, every single item on Biden’s legislative agenda with zero attempt at compromise.

      Speaking of compromise, all I saw in the news the past few weeks was a debate between $600 or $2,000. I don’t even know how each side settled on those two numbers, but there never seemed to be a discussion of something in between those numbers.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Spell Dawg

        I’m with you, I would be happy with either party having a razor thin margin; encourages/necessitates compromise. That said, Biden being able to get his appointments through and set the agenda easier is huge. A return to the Do-Nothing Senate was one of my biggest fears.

        Liked by 5 people

      • fisheriesdawg

        I voted for Biden, but I’d be totally l OK with McConnell being able to block all of his agenda. My vote yesterday wasn’t for two Senators that I thought sucked, but for Mitch McConnell over Kamala Harris.


      • tiredofidsearch

        Just like what the republicans did when Obama was elected. Its.on record/recorded th as t they st as ted specifically they would oppose everything he did to try to make him a one term president. They count.on the public forgetting all that stuff ( just like people running for congress want you to forget they backed trump 100% for the first 3 years.

        Liked by 1 person

    • fisheriesdawg

      What would be nice is if Republicans had offered a viable alternative. Hopefully this ass-kicking gets Republican primary voters to start being a little more responsible going forward.

      Liked by 1 person

      • JoeDashDawg

        Or to wake up and see that appealing to center-right people is preferable to the conspiracy theory crowd. Sacrificing truth and governance at the alter of Trump is where they lost GA imo. This effort to object to an election just for the approval of a lame duck president is the dumbest shit I have seen yet. Lawsuits about fraud rebuked in court due to lack of evidence? THEY ARE IN ON IT (Ignore that many of the judges were appointed by Trump admin).

        Liked by 4 people

        • spur21

          “Or to wake up and see that appealing to center-right people is preferable to the conspiracy theory crowd.” Did you sleep through the last four years of Russia – Russia – Russia – Trump is a Russian Agent.

          Liked by 1 person

    • drunkenmonken

      How do you say Go Dawgs! in Mandarin?

      Liked by 2 people

    • tiredofidsearch

      You mean like the single party rule Trump had his first 2 years in office ?
      Cant have it both ways….

      Liked by 1 person

  3. NotMyCrossToBear

    Cue the ass showing in 3, 2, 1….y’all enjoy.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Spell Dawg

    We all bleed Red & Black on the inside.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I haven’t lived in Georgia for a long time, but this campaign has irritated me. It’s turned into a national race, and that disgusts me. All these Hollywood celebrities and similar are trying to flip the senate. They have that agenda. The people of Georgia need to decide who represents them best. It’s not that these outside influencers care about Georgians.. it’s that they care about party and control. I’m so tired of politics and it’s divisive nature. The hubris of these people is disgusting.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. gotthepicture

    Now that the senate race is about over we can all focus on the important task of getting a recount so that Notre Dame wins the national championship.

    Liked by 7 people

  7. RangerRuss

    Go Dawgs!

    Liked by 2 people

    • RangerRuss

      Republicans run such sorry ass, greedy candidates that decent people are loath to vote for them. Dimocrats run the same type only without any common sense. But their base doesn’t mind.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Derek

        If they could only find selfless, non-greedy, decent people to run. You know like Trump. Its apparent to me that he only worries about the little guy and has no time for himself or his personal concerns.

        He could have spent the last over two months complaining about being a total loser. Instead, he’s used every waking hour making sure that we’re safe from Covid and Russia and Iran.

        Liked by 4 people

        • RangerRuss

          You’re a one-trick-pony, pal. That TDS is eating you up. I figure you aren’t as much disingenuous as you are partisan. If Trump ran as a D you’d be all MAGA. Your loyalty to the party is evidently as strong as your loyalty to your football team. Why, you are really quite…


          Liked by 3 people

          • Derek

            Well since Ive hated that fucker since 1982, as per usual, you are wrong.

            I simply find Republican politics evil. I’m an anti-Republican.

            They use fear to gain power to do that which that could not do by telling the truth.

            They scare people about guns.
            They use religion: abortion, prayer in school, 10 commandments, etc…
            They use racial and ethnic bigotry.

            They use those things as a means to gain power and bankrupt the country as way to eventual eliminating the New Deal and Great Society programs i.e., Social Security and Medicare. These are socialist programs. Ideologically the right hates them. Politically, they’re very popular.

            If they told the truth about what they were up to they’d lose by about 92% to 8%. They know that, so they lie.

            They use terms like “entitlement reform” and “unfunded mandates.” Meanwhile we’ve added 8 trillion to the national debt in four years so that the 1% could get fatter.

            You may buy their bullshit. I see through it.

            Liked by 7 people

          • RangerRuss

            I’d like to see folks like Derek along with the biased media pursue the corruption and malfeasance of the left with the same fervor they go after Trump and anyone else who upsets their little apple cart. But that’ll never happen. The transformation to marxists ideals that began with the fringes of the Democratic party has infested every aspect of society now.
            All I want out of life is to operate my business safely and profitably without interference from some gooberment geek that doesn’t know the difference between an el and non-el cap and a couple weeks a year to fish in a semi-tropical climate. The Dawgs winning the SEC and NC is the bonus that’ll be the cherry on top. Fuck the rest of it.

            Liked by 5 people

            • Derek

              You mean like Ken Start right?


            • RangerRuss

              i don’t buy that bullshit. The only thing I despise more than the Republican party is the fuckn dimocrats. They’re all a bunch selfish, self-serving sumbitches that care about nobody but themselves. If the fourth estate would do their job instead of propagating a marxist agenda then we could get proper representation and solve the issues with healthcare, infrastructure and the budget.
              But the fix is in now, buddy. There’s no accountability and the party is on. Hey! We’re America! We gon show y’all how to do socialism the correct way. All the other failed attempts were run by a bunch of dumbasses.

              Liked by 4 people

              • Derek

                Why are the best places to live and the happiest places to live in Scandinavia? All of them are democratic socialist countries.

                If gumbit health care is terrible, why isnt Boris Johnson getting rid of the National Health Service in Great Britain?

                Why don’t the voters in France get rid of socialized medicine?

                Why does Cuba have a lower infant mortality rate than the USA?

                Have you ever considered that the democrats are selling you Copenhagen and the right is lying by telling you its really Caracas?

                Liked by 1 person

                • RangerRuss

                  Scandinavia? You mean the place where all the men died in meaningless wars leaving only nutless wonders and women to run things. Yeah, that’s who I want to emulate.
                  Let’s see how long that lasts.


                • Derek

                  Tell us of all the recent Norwegian wars russ.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • It really pisses me off that chumps who fled former Soviet republics or countries like Cuba, China, Venezuela, and North Korea claim to know more about the evils of socialism than 10th year gender studies majors with a verified Twitter account.

                  I mean, if Cuba was that bad, the voters would have changed the regime before now. Duh!

                  Liked by 1 person

                • RangerRuss

                  Generation of cucks led to their having to be bailed out by GI’s 76 years ago and they dutifully place flowers on their graves. But they’ve done nothing to prepare for when the more testosteronely inclined invade again. Coming to a cuntry near you.

                  Liked by 2 people

                • akascuba

                  It must be true the internet says so.
                  National Health Care in England is horrible. If you think having family shipped to India in their old age because its cheaper is a good idea then for you its OK. I also dont want my health care rationed out to wait months or be told I`m too old for that surgery like in England.

                  France is too busy reading the soldier of surrender magazine to understand not being allowed to earn extra money working overtime is stupid.

                  Cuba yeah I really trust them as much as China in the honest reporting department. Cuba does have excellent health care if you get access to it. Not so much for those in prison without due process but that`s not important to your point.

                  Caracas was a really nice place when I was there 20+ years ago. i don`t think you would enjoy your self there so much today.

                  As my grandfather told me the change began after a school yard shooting. Hitler gave a speech stating the best and only way to protect the children was for the people of Germany to turn in their guns. Laws were pasted guns collected. Remember how that turned out.

                  Two party or more rule offers checks and balances which are good.

                  Trump which I`m no fan of personally did not have that because Paul Ryan controlled the house and being Mitt Romney’s puppet blocked Trump at every opportunity.

                  Feel free to flame away because I wont look at this thread again so mighty keyboard men fire away!

                  Liked by 4 people

              • You actually trust the government actuaries who claim Social Security and Medicare is hundreds of trillions of dollars in debt more than a middle schooler who got an A in pre-algebra who claims everything is fine? Come on, man! Think!


            • You don’t understand. Democrats push things like the Green New Deal, which would guarantee prosperity for everyone by borrowing trillions of dollars from future generations. It’s an economic fact that those bills never come due. Ponzi schemes work.

              The Republicans use fear by claiming things like Democrats want to raise taxes. Diabolically, the Republicans even insert these lies into Democratic platforms and election promises by using Russian hackers. Democrats use dispassionate facts like the Republicans are going to put black people back in chains. The fact that Republicans deny these facts just proves how true they are.

              One party is full of racists and Uncle Toms. The other party is stunning and brave in trying to save Americans from the dystopia of only two genders.

              Liked by 1 person

          • I don’t find you to have any loyalty. Don’t you style yourself as having been in the military in some capacity? Which other government buildings should be ransacked?


  8. debbybalcer

    GO DAWGS!! Today I celebrate no more political ads. We live in SC now but our tv station also covers, GA and NC areas so we have been barraged with political ads forever. Remember to be kind to one another.

    Liked by 12 people

  9. spur21

    Go Dawgs and go away with two party rule. We are doomed just wait and see.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Overnight, Joe Manchin from West By-God Virginia might have become the most powerful person in America. He has specifically said if his party takes control of the Senate and moves to repeal the legislative filibuster, he would vote with the Senate Republicans. It will be interesting to see what he would do if that gets presented.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Previously Paul

      Both parties need the filibuster. Getting rid of it harms everyone. It’s the political equivalent of destroying a city in order to save it.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I agree. The problem is those who want unchecked power and their enablers are going to go for it because a number of things that will be proposed will able to get 50 votes (plus the VP) but in no way can get 60 to close debate.

        This started with Reid’s decision to invoke the nuclear option on federal judges and ramped up with McConnell’s decision to invoke the nuclear option on SCOTUS justices (McConnell said the Democrats would regret the decision on the nuclear option some day).

        While the filibuster has been misused by both sides in the past, it’s an appropriate check on legislative activity to build consensus on legislation. The Senate goes from the most deliberative body to the most useless body in one fell swoop.

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Perdue has not one, but two degrees from the NATS, so maybe we shouldn’t have been shocked at the lying and the cheating.

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  12. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Always be reppin’


  13. There’s tens maybe even hundreds of angry white folk in DC this morning getting ready to Save America. We’re in good hands. Believe me Pence will do the right thing and overturn the Electoral College today and we can just go by popular vote I guess.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. I was visited at least 6 times by the vote canvassing folks. The last guy stopped me yesterday in my driveway as I was, not kidding here, trying to back out to go vote. I finally got rude at that point. I’m just glad it is over. I saw a tweet the other day that basically said “remember when we thought wrestling was real, then found out it wasn’t, but still continued to act like it was. American politics is at that point.”

    Liked by 2 people

  15. 3rdandGrantham

    As Dave Chappelle recently said, for those of you on the left who are happy, remember the pain you felt 4 years ago. Well today people on the other side of the political spectrum are feeling that same pain, just as they did the day after the election. With that said, my advice to everyone is to be polite, understanding, and respectful of everyone, regardless of your political or any other stripes.

    Regardless, what’s be honest here; do you honestly believe any of the recent changes are you going to affect your day-to-day life? With that in mind, I’d strongly recommend:

    Focus only on the things you can personally control (and not worry about all the other noise.) 2. Treat others as individuals; not based on their group identity. 3. Turn off the news and concern yourself with things which impact you daily – your health, career, family hobbies, etc. Sitting around watching Fox or MSNBC is of no real value to you at all. 4. Focus on your health, and get healthy if needed.

    Liked by 10 people

  16. whybotherdude

    There was election yesterday, wish someone would have said something. I never even heard who was running and for what?

    Liked by 2 people

  17. skydawg83

    Let’s go ahead and get the important issues on the table….LEGALIZE IT, GEORGIA. There’s still a real opportunity to be the leader in the cannibis industry in the Southeast.

    Liked by 10 people

    • Got Cowdog

      Hell yes, skydawg83. That’s something I can get behind. I don’t partake, mind you, bit I have roughly 100 arable acres (Irrigatable too!) and all the necessary equipment.
      I planted collard greens for the family’s traditional New Years day meal and one bunch fills up half the bed of my pickup. If I can do that with Collards just imagine what I can do with the Ganja.
      Shit, I can probably get a subsidy, a grant, and a zero interest loan to start up. Things are looking up over here in Cowdogville….

      Liked by 8 people

    • siskey

      They are already farming it in Oconee county for the medical MJ here. It would be a boon re taxes and I may partake. I think if it were legalized then the Senator would have more comments on his posts about guitarists.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. PTC DAWG

    All of us that make over 100K a year, get ready to take it in the shorts.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. ASEF

    I’ve been wondering when the Republican flirtation with conspiracy bullshit and White Power would bite it in the ass. I left the party years ago when I realized all the yammering about deficits was just a path to power – they didn’t really give a crap about it. And then I realized deficits weren’t the only issue where they were all talk and no walk.

    Raffensberger and his office give me real hope that a new Conservative party can be built around people who adhere to the Constitution and real principles over posturing, pandering, and power.

    But it’s going to be a long slog on that front.

    Way to go, Georgia. Damn proud.

    Liked by 8 people

    • Derek

      America needs two parties where both embrace facts and tell the truth.

      Maybe losing Georgia and seeing over 80 million vote for Biden will be a wake up.

      I’m optimistic long term. I’m skeptical short term. We’ll see.

      Liked by 5 people

    • The way to constitutional government is voting in politicians who openly promise to implement socialism? I guess it’s a plan all right. What’s the worst that can happen?


      • ASEF

        Thank you. You made this possible.

        In the aggregate, of course.

        Keep it going. No better sales pitch for a sane Conservative party.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh, I’m on your side. Only by statutorily recognizing all 57 genders, repealing the second amendment, ensuring free speech only applies to people of color, and raising taxes can we hope to usher in the limited government of enumerated powers the Founders envisioned.

          War Is Peace
          Freedom Is Slavery
          Ignorance Is Strength


          • ASEF

            You do realize that a critical sliver of Republican voters has decided that they would happily risk ALL THAT if the alternative is marching next to you.

            Like I said, keep it going.


            • Right. Because they’re Nazis. That’s why I stand with you in favor of using government force to crush people we don’t like. Because that’s the only way to beat fascism.


              • ASEF

                Lol. Literally got new Republican Congresscritters approvingly quoting Hitler today.

                People are figuring out that the Republican base is way closer to Hitler than the D base is to Stalin.

                The Middle won.

                Which isn’t stopping the dead enders from trying to storm the Capital Building right now.

                Like I said, keep it going.


                • The middle is for pussies. Democrats aren’t running on Bill Clinton’s policies. They’re running on Marx’s. Drag queen story hour. Amen and Awomen. Double count black votes (as long as they vote for Democrats). Reparations.

                  That’s the only way we beat fascism and get back to the small, limited government that we need. If that seems contrary to reason, you’re just not woke enough.



                • Derek

                  I think they were more entertaining when they said this stuff with tobacco spittle on their robes.

                  MLK was a commie ya know.

                  And now we have a holiday for him.

                  No wonder they’re pissed.

                  Where have you gone George Lincoln Rockwell?


                • ASEF

                  Bravo! That’s how we end up with 2 Democratic Senators from Georgia. Batshit crazy divorce from reality.


                • Don’t talk about OUR policies like that.


  20. Derek is like that aggravating kid at a family gathering who is jumping around the living room interrupting the various adult conversations. Everyone is just waiting for his Daddy to grab him up, whip his smart little ass, and fling him outside with the other cousins.

    Liked by 4 people

  21. So let me get this straight…I can now get paid to quit work, re-enroll at UGA for free, get free health care and all kinds of subsidies for not working while getting new “career training” in green something, something as long as I learn Chinese to survive?

    Nà hěn bàng!


  22. Illini84

    Xin Loi mofo’s.


  23. Russ

    So, when does the “plandemic” end? I was told it was going away the first Tuesday in November. But with the disputed results, I figured it would end with the Electoral college vote. So now I’m guessing today with the vote being certified? Or does it go away after inauguration?

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Illini84

    Your savior fucked you, how’s that for “owning the libs”!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  25. miltondawg

    I’m skeptical period. Things are going to get much, much worse.

    Liked by 1 person

  26. It will be waking up soon.


  27. W Cobb Dawg

    Am I the only one who’s worried Greg Mediocrity will somehow f#^k things up for us at the cocktail party now that he’s running things at the Gator Bowl?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      I think its the Gator Bowl game in December/January not the stadium itself.


      • SoCalDawg

        But he will have an influence:

        “He’ll also have a voice in the Florida-Georgia game in town as well as any other neutral-site games that the city will try and land.”

        “He also will assist Gator Bowl Sports strategic partners including the city of Jacksonville, Jacksonville Jaguars, JAX Chamber and local corporate partners.” (city of JAX)


      • Russ

        You’re correct, but it still makes me nervous. I agree with WCD, if there’s any way possible, McGoofity will mess things up that result in the Dawgs getting screwed.


    • DawgFlan

      Well when he does F things up, we can at least hope for condoms in the contract to offer a bit of protection.

      Liked by 2 people

  28. One last time for anyone too dense to figure this out: #ettd.

    Buy the ticket, take the ride.

    Liked by 2 people

  29. Illini84

    To all the Republicans who have not been willing to actually fight, the people who did nothing to stop the steal, this gathering should send a message to them. This isn’t their Republican Party anymore. This is Donald Trump‘s Republican Party,” said Trump Jr.


  30. Derek

    Trump has declared the Georgia senate races “rigged” via twitter.

    You MAGAts wasted your time just like Lin Wood said.

    In four short years one person has convinced 60 million or so Americans that our democracy is a lie.

    If you can bankrupt a casino, you can bankrupt a nation.

    Good show Don. The tv ratings were spectacular.

    Now go to prison.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Elections are safe and secure. Except for 2016, when Russia hacked them. Other than that time, it can’t possibly happen. Except that Trump almost ruined this one by stealing mailboxes and stuff.

      Now we need a new special counsel to uncover what the last special counsel couldn’t. I know he had subpoena power and whatever, but he obviously didn’t check Twitter for all the smoking guns.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry Boner, Derek is correct. They didn’t ‘hack’ our election, they influenced morons on social media using bot accounts and fake websites. We all know who was most affected. I will add further that Hillary didn’t cry like a fucking baby for months about it and then incite a redneck riot, commanding her liberal army to storm the capital building.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      No one said Russia hacked the election results.

      Our nations intel services, Mueller, and the GOP led Senate intel committee ALL concluded that Russia influenced public opinion FOR Trump and against Clinton using Russian military intelligence agents to do so.

      There is a name for people who deflect from this truth: traitor.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. Teacher Martin

    If you think single party rule is bad now, just wait till it happens in Georgia two years from now.


  32. Illini84

    Lot’s of ARVN flags at the Trump Rally. Maybe he’ll go this time and free them!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Derek

      Bone spurs…


    • RangerRuss

      I remember when General Bunky Guest removed that “loser flag” from the 5th Special Forces crest in ’85. Lot of grumbling from the NCO’s who fought over there. I see that pre-’85 crest has been restored as of 2016.


  33. Illini84

    Good morning, American Patriots.

    Today is a good day to spend some time talking about @GabrielSterling. I will do so in series of Tweets.

    At the outset, in interests of full disclosure, let me make it clear – I believe evidence is clear & convincing that Gabriel is a Communist.

    Lin Wood


  34. akascuba

    When the Dawgs win the National Championship in 2021 we`ll all forget about politics.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    As I type this the DOW is up over 500 points. This is a sign that what this means (assuming the current results hold) that the middle of the country is happy with the far right crazies not having a choke hold on the government. The serious business people I know don’t want high taxes, but they really don’t want arbitrary, whimsical and knee jerk decision making.

    Some fear that socialism and communism is taking over. I do not see that except to the extent that we have been socialist to some extent since the 1930s. As an old saying goes: I am not a member of an organized political party – I’m a Democrat. The kind of single-focused pushing of a limited agenda just isn’t the sort of thing the Dems can do. They don’t know how.

    Liked by 2 people

  36. Munsoning

    I was born and raised in GA and I’ve never been prouder of my state. Go Dems. Go Dawgs.

    Liked by 4 people

  37. Illini84

    “ Generation of cucks led to their having to be bailed out by GI’s 76 years ago and they dutifully place flowers on their graves. But they’ve done nothing to prepare for when the more testosteronely inclined invade again. Coming to a cuntry near you.” My old man was one of those GI’s and this statement is total bullshit. Shame on you for sullying their memory with this horseshoe.


    • RangerRuss

      I don’t give a fuck what a bunch of legs think about me or what I believe. I DO know what the paratroopers who fought and lived think about the present group of cucks running that estrogen-infused socialist, PC paradise. I also have a damn good idea what they’d think about a commie supporting leg attempting to shame a fellow Jumper. Those MEN raised me and fostered my attitude. You want proof? Got to page 303 of Band Of Brothers. Walter Gordon wrote a letter to the mayor of Eindhoven explaining his feelings about the mayor’s pacifist ass. His buddy, Mr Walt, thought enough of me to see I got his Luger and P-38 when he passed. Your opinion of me is shit but it’s what I’ve come to expect. That’s another reason I volunteered for Infantry, Airborne and Ranger. I simply couldn’t stomach the presence of losers.
      I didn’t become the way I am because I was a Ranger. I became a Ranger because of the way I am. I thank The GRITS every morning when I do a PLF out of the sack that I’m not a dirty, nasty ass leg.


      • RangerRuss

        Derek, I didn’t know Larry Thorne but I who he was and I knew SF soldiers like him. They hated communism/socialism with a passion that makes mine look like a candle under the lights of Sanford stadium. Men such as he died or got the hell out. Europe is populated by the progeny of 4F’s and women that would rather live like slaves than fight for things you are incapable of understanding.


        • Derek

          That you can’t see the difference between Stalin’s USSR of yesterday and Denmark of today is a reflection upon your capacities of discernment.

          One difference between the two is the ability to vote and to expect a peaceful transition of power based upon the will of the people. That is a test your ilk has failed miserably. Hence you are far closer to the freedom hating authoritarians you claim to despise than you are willing to admit.


          • RangerRuss

            The writer of that article is absofucknlutely correct the military is socialist organization. That’s about all that air-headed, entitled, ignorant dependopotamus got right though. Just as in a communist country the military is tyrannical. You go where they tell you, when they tell you and do what they tell you or you face jail and ostracism in the form of a less than honorable discharge. All those wonderful bennies she extols? How everyone is taken care of without having to work an extra job? Tell that to the Sergeant with three children who works twelve hours at his MOS and then has to deliver pizza just to make ends meet. When he does get to sleep it’s in dilapidated enlisted housing akin to the Projects more than middle class homes.
            But she wouldn’t know or care about that. She’s one of the privileged class that infests all communist regimes. I’ve seen her type that thinks she holds the same rank as her husband. What she’s too stupid to realize is the entire organization is a bloated, inefficient drain upon the taxpayers that’s necessary to protect this cuntry from forced socialism/communism in order that they can freely vote in a dimocratic socialist gooberment.
            Go on and gloat now, bitches. After a few years of management under Kamala, Stacey and the squad you’ll wish you have it as easy as a Private with a warm barracks and three hots and a cot. Maybe you’ll even get the privilege of that martial life that the writer makes sound so magnificent.
            Bunch of dumbasses.


      • Don in Mar-a-Lago

        Liked by 1 person

  38. Ole Dokes

    Muschamp to Georgia as analyst. Wanted to tell y’all Monday but couldn’t.

    Liked by 2 people

  39. Its a sad day for the GOP when Moscow Mitch is being the voice of reason on Capital Hill right now.

    Liked by 1 person

  40. mp

    Much sadder day when the president encourages insurrection against congress and his fanatics storm the capitol building. Unfuckingbelievable.

    Liked by 3 people

  41. Totally normal behavior.

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Its not Muslims terrorists attacking our capital is MAGAts. Even worse.


    • Yes. What have Muslim terrorists ever done against us? These dozen or two extremists may barge into the Capitol and deny the existence of all 57 genders! Time to mobilize the Nazi punching brigade!


  43. mp

    Shots fires in the House Chamber

    Liked by 1 person

  44. Vicki Laidlaw

    Seems to me that we should do away with the Electoral College. We cannot trust that our “chosen representatives” (and who are they, anyway?) will vote as our “popular vote” decrees. Our country has not had the power to elect our President since the Electoral College was given that privilege. It has nothing to do with OUR party membership, but it has everything to do with the parties within the Electoral College. As Americans, we don’t even have the power to vote bad elected officials out of office at the national level. It makes little sense for local citizens who profess membership in any party to fight with one another; they need to study their civil history to see when we lost all opportunity to make a difference and have their voices heard.

    Let us as Americans have a TRUE Popular vote!


    • 32 states have laws requiring electors to vote in line with the popular vote in that state. Last year, SCOTUS unanimously upheld those laws. And you’re worried about the possibility that some of the remaining 18 states could have enough electors change votes to matter? Even though that has never happened?

      Federalism was the intended system of government at the founding.


  45. Derek

    Is a third world banana republic the MAGA that was promised?

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Derek

    Fine people these insurrectionists:

    At least they don’t have the temerity to get their necks wedged under some cops knee. There might be consequences.


  47. miltondawg

    The division and hatred between the far left and far right has never been deeper or more apparent. As redistricting, removal of voter ID requirements, a move to make DC a state, etc. allow one side to gain even further control, sadly I think that events like this afternoon are going to pale in comparison to potential armed conflict in the streets between the two sides. Secession talk will grow. And those who reside on the far left or right are going to find it difficult to live and work peacefully in communities where the majority are of the other ilk.


    • Derek

      Your “bothsiderism” is bullshit.

      No leftists groups have broken into Capitol.

      Not at the height of Vietnam.

      Not at the height of the Civil Rights movement.

      Not since the British in 1812 has this happened to OUR houses of government.

      Trump lit a match and he did it on purpose. This is a message:

      Prosecute me and Ill incite them again. That is all this is about.

      You need a criminal, moral-less, narcissist to get here.

      This is treason, sedition and insurrection.

      Liked by 10 people

      • miltondawg

        Whatever, Derek. What got you triggered from my statements escapes me quite honestly. Tell the people involved today that it is treason, sedition, and insurrection. What you will find is that in their minds it is patriotism. And I never said that any “leftist” groups have broken into the Capitol.


        • Derek

          You did suggest that the left bore some responsibility or had some relevance to what we are seeing today. Thats bullshit.

          As far as patriotism, the people who fought for King George called themselves patriots.

          The people who fought for the confederacy called themselves patriots.

          The defendants at Nuremberg described themselves as patriots.

          It is NOT a defense. Its the first refuge of a scoundrel.

          Liked by 2 people

      • Not since the peaceful protests of a few months ago have we seen this level of violence. Although I haven’t seen anyone get hurt yet.

        Not since the former state of Wisconsin saw left wing mobs invade the capitol when they were pissed at Scott Walker, has this been witnessed. And we all know how Wisconsin devolved into the Mad Max wasteland that it is today.

        We’re not using hyperbole because we think history began with the iPhone. We’re totally serious that the republic will never withstand people questioning the election. Except for the 2016 election, which was totally hacked by the Russians.

        Treason! Treason! Treason! We’ll keep saying it hoping the word changes meaning into what we want!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Somebody was shot, but don’t that get in the way of being flippant.

          Liked by 6 people

          • Whatever. This was coming regardless. For all of you who can’t even because only the right would dare question the results of an election, what can I say? I remember 2016. I remember Congressmen boycotting Trump’s inauguration. I remember #NotMyPresident trending. I remember Hillary portraying herself as “the resistance.” I remember a bogus impeachment over a deep state hoax. I remember 2020 when people were freaking out about Trump locking mailboxes so that people couldn’t vote.

            Whatever candidate won the election would be met with cries of fraud. We all knew that if Trump won, the left would riot. We’re surprised that the right is reacting similarly. We shouldn’t be.

            Liked by 1 person

            • mp

              Oh no! Someone didn’t come to the party! I totally remember the protest march Obama and Hillary led to the steps of the capital four years ago. What bullshit. This is about Trump who wants to play his fiddle while it burns down and his sycophantic enablers and opportunists.


            • You’re the master of bothsiderism. We’ve come a long way from a boycott, my man.

              She’s dead, by the way.

              Liked by 3 people

            • mddawg

              Can you really not tell a difference between “Russians attempted to influence public opinion in favor of one candidate” versus “The Democrats committed massive election fraud”?

              Are you saying that Congressmen boycotting an inauguration is the same as Congressmen protesting the results of the election on the House/Senate floor?

              The deep state hoax you’re referring to was his “perfect” call with Ukraine, just like his totally normal call with the Georgia Secretary of State?

              If Biden had lost, you honestly believe he and his allies would’ve spent the past 8 weeks filing 50+ legal challenges and spewing conspiracy theories nonstop on Twitter?

              Liked by 1 person

              • It’s just an emotionally and mentally inept douche. It doesn’t care about right and wrong. It lashed out at other because of its own insecurities.


              • I perfectly understand the similarities between the two parties and their politicians. It amuses me that you are unable or unwilling to. Yes, one party endlessly complaining about unfairness strikes me as remarkably similar to the previous years of the other party endlessly complaining about unfairness.

                But please, go right ahead with your religious belief that a Russian troll farm buying a few dozen Facebook ads (a small fraction of a single percentage of the amount spent by either candidate) was an act of war. Go right ahead believing that claiming that Trump is a Russian agent is completely different than claiming that Biden stole the election. Go right on believing that farcical impeachment hearings are totally different than weak election challenges in court. The only argument you can muster is, “When our side does it, it’s good.” And that’s a stupid argument.


                • mddawg

                  Nice try, but those have never been my arguments. I think any reasonable person can see that both sides have flaws, but that’s a far cry from saying that both sides are equally flawed. Both sides certainly aren’t equally wrong on every issue.


            • Illini84

              fuck you you little punk


            • Don in Mar-a-Lago

              Liked by 1 person

          • Teacher Martin

            Shot and died

            Liked by 1 person

          • debbybalcer

            And died.


    • miltondawg

      When the people of a country choose to live in it because the government provides protection and a sense of security and justice. When those same people feel that protection and justice have been ripped away (or never been present in a real sense), violence ensues. It happened this summer and it is happening today.

      Liked by 1 person

      • JoeDashDawg

        They didn’t storm the capitol because they felt protection was ripped away. They stormed the capitol because the Great Cheetoh told them to. They are throwing a tantrum because their guy lost an election. Some of them may be dumb enough to believe in the election fraud con that Trump is spewing, but stupidity is not an excuse for breaking the law.

        Liked by 7 people

      • WTF does this even mean…?


    • Milton, what you don’t grasp here is that these people are acting on complete falsehoods and lies. At least, BLM protesters bring video evidence of black people being murdered by police.

      Liked by 2 people

    • What “removal of voter ID requirements?” I always have to show ID when I vote

      Liked by 1 person

  48. DawgFlan

    Filed under funny, not funny:

    Liked by 10 people

  49. Illini84

    Fucking Nazi cocksuckers,

    Liked by 1 person

  50. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  51. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  52. Don in Mar-a-Lago

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  54. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  55. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  56. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  57. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  58. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  59. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  60. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  61. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  62. Don in Mar-a-Lago

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  63. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  64. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  65. Don in Mar-a-Lago

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  66. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  67. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  68. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  69. Don in Mar-a-Lago


  70. Don in Mar-a-Lago
