In Gainesville, the Transfer Portal “is a win-win for everyone”.

Per Bob Redman, there’s a new Portal Master in town.

I’m glad some college football traditions survive.


Filed under Gators, Gators..., Transfers Are For Coaches.

13 responses to “In Gainesville, the Transfer Portal “is a win-win for everyone”.

  1. boz864

    Hire the guy that built Detroit into a juggernaut. Got it.

    Liked by 9 people

    • mg4life0331

      Lmao. Nice.


    • Dylan Dreyer's Booty

      I fully expect him to take the success he had in Detroit and bring it with him to FTMF field.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Will Adams

      That’s what I was thinking. Might as well higher the GM from the Jags while you’re at it. He’ll bring in some great talent. Of course they’ll all have torn ACL’s and MCL’s. But maybe in 2 years those players will be back to normal. It’s the long game… you know, when you have really talented players, they’re good for maybe 3 seasons, then it’s off to the NFL. So there’s plenty of time to let them heal for 2 years when you can have them on your team for 3 or possibly 4! God… I hope the ditch lizards keep thinking outside the box like this.


  2. HirsuteDawg

    Uh, being in Florida for the University of Florida it would be more like the “transfer portalet”. Flush your dreams away, boys, you’re going to Florida.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Sounds like the ‘turds should’ve listened when Mr. Daltry sang:

    We won’t get fooled again!

    Don’t get fooled again!

    No, no!

    Meet the same boss, same as the old boss!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Have you not heard? Bird, bird, bird is the word.


    Liked by 2 people

  5. Ran A

    Concluded that the Russian’s could really help themselves by hiring Bob. He and Phil (Auburn 247); they would have their own people believing that Ukraine was the next Nazi Germany and part of a NATO (AXIS) plot to take over the world.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. uga97

    Florida fully believes the Portal is the AppStore for player recruiting.

    This is among the many leading indicators that already expose the Jort-Vegas football program is slowly sinking into a steaming, bubbly muck-bog.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I have no doubt the portal may be good for a guy who flew under the radar screen from a recruiting standpoint or need a change of scenery due to circumstances. For many of these guys who enter the portal, there’s a reason they are there.

    I have no doubt that Kirby will go get a couple of players from the portal who he really believes can fill a hole in the roster. The schools who believe they will close a recruiting gap through the portal are likely in for a surprise.

    The bottom line is the schools at the top will be there because of high school recruiting not because of the portal.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    I can’t believe that my early adult uga football life was victimized and allowed the turds to live rent free in my brain come end of october from 95-kirby.
    they are just a bunch of aqua velva wearing, gold chain, jort nation, and mid 80’s camaro driving cheesedicks.

    Liked by 1 person