One big happy family

The Big 12 will add four teams for the 2023 season.  What does that mean for Oklahoma and Texas?  Not much, it sounds like.

On the bright side, now the SEC has more time to fight over conference scheduling.


Filed under Big 12 Football, SEC Football

17 responses to “One big happy family

  1. Bulldawg Bill

    Sounds like more time to rearrange those deck chairs!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Ran A

    Awkward… Feels like a game of chicken. They want out and the Big 12 wants them out – but the $$$ are too far apart. Now, if Oklahoma and Texas trounce everybody; then that might motivate the conference to move a little quicker. But if Oklahoma and Texas struggle – less so, wanting to rub their nose in it a little before they leave.


    Liked by 1 person

  3. stoopnagle

    Will the Sugar Bowl still be Big XII v SEC after all this?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. RangerRuss

    The Big 12 could add four more by keeping OU and UT and taking back TAMU and Mizzou.
    If they’re good enough we’ll see them in the playoffs.

    Liked by 15 people

    • spur21

      I’m still trying to figure why we added Mizzou. TV nope – tradition nope – top notch program nope – geographics’ nope.

      Liked by 3 people

      • Alkaline5

        It was probably just because Slive thought Delaney wanted them next. But the B1G fooled everyone (including themselves) when they took Rutgers and Maryland!
        So, at least we don’t have to travel to New Jersey every other season.

        Liked by 1 person

      • 81Dog

        Kansas City and St Louis are pretty big tv markets. And Missouri does border 3 SEC states. All it and TAMU added were tv markets (and tv money). From all standpoints save tv, it was a dumb addition. But tv is all they care about, because if the money. FTMF. Texas and OU will make the conference so unwieldy as to make it not really the SEC any more. There’s a limit to the utility of returns to scale, not that the people who run universities these days understand economics.


      • Clayton Joiner

        I personally think Basketball had something to do with it

        Liked by 1 person

  5. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles

    Texas and OU will be in sec in ‘23. book it.


  6. Hobnail_Boot

    Does UGA still go to Norman next year? That’s all I care about.


    • PTC DAWG

      Bring it


    • stoopnagle

      You’d think we would be getting out of that game since the return game clearly isn’t happening in 2031. But time is getting tight on any changes. Do we make a neutral site game or will the SEC step in? I’m curious.
