Money down in the SEC

You know what’s interesting about this chart?

It’s typically an obvious passing down and yet half the conference’s quarterbacks are completing passes at better than a 60% clip.  Only three SEC QBs have failed to complete over half their third down throws.

If that doesn’t tell you the era of three yards and a cloud of dust is deader than dead, I don’t know what does.


Filed under SEC Football, Stats Geek!, Strategery And Mechanics

12 responses to “Money down in the SEC

  1. theotherdoug

    It tells me Tennessee is really missing Hooker.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. RangerRuss

    Maybe switch some of the brick-handed, speed demon receivers into defensive backs to break up and intercept passes while decreasing drops and still maintaining the completion percentage. I’m looking at you Arian Smith.
    Addition by transformation.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. pansythedawg

    I can’t believe Arkansas’s QB is doing that well on third down. Every time I flip over to their game, they QB run for no gain on third and 4th down.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. FlyingPeakDawg

    Need Ladd at full speed to make up for Brock.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. uga97

    Again, our soft 1st half schedule has masked some of these kinds of stats.

    Money down vs mo money team Ds is coming soon and sure Beck will be ready, but expect that not having Bowers likely lowers the %.


    • Down Island Way

      Looked, looked and even searched…couldn’t find FU anywhere on that list, do the handbags go from 2nd and long to 4th and punt?…#FTMF!!
