Friday morning buffet

Mmmm… smells good.

  • Heh. Just heh.
  • I’d hate to think that Junior turns out to be right about Alshon Jeffrey. (h/t
  • Mike Slive, don’t even think about going down this road.  Especially not this year.
  • This is the kind of information that I never would have devoted the time to gathering, but am glad to see somebody else did.
  • Chris Brown walks you through what you can expect from the Auburn running game under Gus Malzahn’s tutelage.  There’s a touch of déjà vu“… And it is much as I expected: it is a smash-mouth spread operation. Indeed, the spring offense was notable for quarterback inconsistency, yes, but also for big, big plays from the running game.”


Filed under College Football, Recruiting, SEC Football, Stats Geek!, Strategery And Mechanics

2 responses to “Friday morning buffet

  1. Dog in Fla

    Florida self-reports on NCAA Bylaws and misadventures to pick up only two secondary violations in recruiting. Florida may think it’s doing some recruiting but measured by the all-important secondary violation count stick, it’s in slow motion.

    How can Urban expect to compete with Lane who already has half dozen or so secondary violations and keeps self-reporting them, or more likely has others self-reporting them, at a record pace that obliterates all previous records for recruiting violations in The SEC, all of which were long thought to be Hank Aaron unbroken pre-Lane.

    It’s been long known that when you can jump over the high hurdle for for doing things wrong in The SEC, you’ve done something that shows your ability, that’s for sure.

    Like in a Raising Arizona Leaving East Bay Dirty Harry dream, it’s almost as if, in some weird here’s your parting gift sort of way, Al Davis rubbed up and annoited Lane with some mysterious super-power recruiting cream from BALCO that Al told Lane was just horse liniment before Lane moved from Alameda to the Green Zone in Knoxville.

    With the size of Lane’s secondary violation count increasing exponentially, Urban in no way can expect to keep Lane from getting all the recruits from Pahokee-Belle Glade especially now that Lane has regained access to the muck.


  2. Wolfman

    The “Lane Kiffin Show” with Alshon Jeffrey is still my favorite one.
