Hearst, Bleacher Report and a new low

More negative reaction on the questionable decision by Hearst to embed Bleacher Report posts in its sports section can be read here.

To the decision-maker at Hearst who made this call, all I can say is that when The Big Lead professes to a higher level of journalistic integrity than you do, it’s time to revisit your decision.


Filed under Media Punditry/Foibles, The Blogosphere

2 responses to “Hearst, Bleacher Report and a new low

  1. Dog in Fla

    This ‘questionable’ decision may not be quite so questionable, easier to understand and may be a perfect fit if you believe what the Wiki says about the ancient history of the predecessors of today’s Hearst Communications and that history repeats itself:

    “Yellow journalism


    As Martin Lee and Norman Solomon noted in their 1990 book ‘Unreliable Sources’, Hearst ‘routinely invented sensational stories, faked interviews, ran phony pictures and distorted real events.’ This approach came to be known as yellow journalism, named after the Yellow Kid, a character in the New York Journal’s color comic strip Hogan’s Alley.”


    The New York Press, a third newspaper, coined the term “yellow journalism” in early 1897, to refer to the work of Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal. The newspaper did not define the term, and in 1898 simply elaborated,

    “We called them Yellow because they are Yellow.”



  2. I’m still astounded people expect hard hitting news out of people who are columnists. In my view columnists are some of the sneakiest varmints on earth. They shove some piece of information at you then if ever they get called out and they feel a need to respond(as if this happens) they defend their work and jump right behind the “but wait I’m a columnist and this is an opinion piece” bush so nobody can really see them. As bad as newspaper writing has gotten in recent years I fear we are losing far more than we can replace with bloggers. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy reading blogs immensely and spend a lot of time doing it(of course you are tops on the list Senator…can I have a cookie now?). But every time I read something from the inestimable Mr. Hale I am secretly dreading the day we will lose his stellar skills and adherence to sound journalistic practices.
    Obviously this strayed far from a comment about Bleacher Report so, oh yeah, I’m not impressed with their high school paper reporting either and think Hearst and BR probably deserve each other. Good on you Dog for pointing out Hearst’s sterling historical rep that every journalism student knows.
