Not the same old song and dance

Since Mark Richt handed over the playcalling duties to Mike Bobo, he’s a changed guy.

He sings.

Ah, spring. No pressure.

So little, in fact, that Mark Richt opened his part of the program at the Middle Georgia Bulldog Club gathering with a joke, one in which the punch line is from an old tune made popular by Johnny Nash and Jimmy Cliff.

And then Richt sang a line from the song.

He recruits harder.

Richt is getting out on the recruiting trail more, in part because he gave quarterbacks coach Mike Bobo the play-calling duties, and because of the competition in recruiting.

There’s just one thing left to change.

Richt was down to his final question, which was actually three until he asked the fan to go one at a time so he wouldn’t forget the first two. So naturally the final one was an inquiry as to when Georgia would beat Florida.

“I shoulda stopped at two,” Richt joked. “Ask Bobo, will ya?”

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