Sunday morning buffet

Grab a plate.

  • The Iron Bowl moves to Friday – solely because CBS wants it to.  It’s interesting to see how disruptive the move may turn out to be, as it will impact the way Alabamians celebrate Thanksgiving, the UAB game (like ‘Bama fans care) and Terry Saban’s holiday shopping plans.
  • Continuing the Alabama theme, Smart Football has some good quotes from former coaching guru Homer Smith here.
  • Somebody really should hand the NCAA a copy of the First Amendment.
  • You read a paragraph like thisAt the invitation of new coach Dan Mullen, Sherrill visited State’s spring practice session here Friday afternoon – and even before he left, Mississippi State officials were scrambling to see if the school had broken NCAA or Southeastern Conference rules for what Sherrill might have done while he was there… and you immediately wonder if another innocent animal was deprived of its malehood on the Starkville practice fields.  Fortunately, PETA won’t have to get involved.


Filed under It's Just Bidness, SEC Football, The NCAA

2 responses to “Sunday morning buffet

  1. DawgBiscuit

    I’m off to create a “Gideon Ajagbe and Jeffrey Godfrey please come to Florida!!!” Facebook group.

    Hope you had a great Easter, Bluto.


  2. MacAttack

    I am curious how Mullen does in his first year at MSU

    I get the feeling that he won’t have crap to work with either at WR or QB and even if he does, chances are it is freshman he just brought in

    But, the offense can’t be any worse than what it was under Croom

    I figure once he does anything at MSU, he will bolt for a better job
