Mark it on your calendars.

Per Chris Low, here’s the SEC Media Days lineups for each day:

The lineup on July 22 features Vanderbilt’s Bobby Johnson, Arkansas’ Bobby Petrino, Mississippi State’s Dan Mullen and Kentucky’s Rich Brooks.

On July 23, Alabama’s Nick Saban, Georgia’s Mark Richt, Ole Miss’ Houston Nutt and Florida’s Urban Meyer will be on hand.

The finale on July 24 will include Auburn’s Gene Chizik, South Carolina’s Steve Spurrier, LSU’s Les Miles and Tennessee’s Lane Kiffin.

Nothing like ending with a bang.


Filed under SEC Football

5 responses to “Mark it on your calendars.

  1. Dog in Fla

    Now, that’s entertainment.


  2. NM

    Boring and unappealing appetizer.
    Exciting and delicious main course.
    Weird, yet strangely appealing, dessert.


  3. Macallanlover

    Day 2 has all the likely contenders for Atlanta, except LSU. Seems like overload to me, but I don’t won’t CMR catching anything from Urbie either. I will say it is better to precede Junior and not catch hoof and mouth disease though. (Conspiracy theorists would say this is Richt’s way of staying under the radar. He is bound to be missed in the glow of Urbie, Satan, and GPOOE)


  4. NebraskaDawg

    Kiffin should be grouped with Saban and Meyer for maximum entertainment value.


  5. Hobnail_Boot

    Geez, the coaching in this league is top-notch.
