One more thought on the Coaches’ Poll revision, and a shameless plug

It’s not the homer voting that’s likely to be abused with the anonymous balloting, it’s the opposite.  Just ask the OBC.

… As for Spurrier, the former Florida coach recalled the 1995 season when one voter dropped the Gators to 13th on his final ballot after Nebraska beat Florida 62-24 in the Fiesta Bowl for the national championship.

That allowed Tennessee to finish ahead of Florida at No. 2 in the final poll, despite the fact the Vols had lost to Florida 62-37 that season.

“Yeah, I don’t know who that (voter) was,” Spurrier said. “Tennessee snuck in second, didn’t they, in one poll?”

What a coincidence.

Anyway, honorable outliers like Mark Richt aside, the appearance of conflicts of interest are going to plague the CP’s perception by the public.  Which is why the AFCA ought to ditch the current format and go in another direction.


Filed under College Football

2 responses to “One more thought on the Coaches’ Poll revision, and a shameless plug

  1. heyberto

    You know, any polling system is going to get bashed for being unfair or otherwise biased in some form or another. Trying to quantify where teams should be ranked is just difficult. I like trying to take the best of human and statistical factors, but where is the balance? It’s tough.


  2. Macallanlover

    The BCS should now drop the coaches poll. It has been proven to be a joke with coaches abusing their votes to further their own teams/conferences’ good fortunes at the expense of better teams. Also, no coach has the time during the season to do an adequate job on this responsibility. Even those who work hard to do their best cannot see enough games, or highlights, to have a balanced perspective and still do their real jobs.

    Truth is the ballots are often completed by an underling, not the HC at all. Add the vindictive tomfoolery that goes on and the poll should be scrapped.
