Oversigning mash up

I’m not sure which part I like best, Saban putting scare quotes around the word “oversigning” or the fan yelling “Saban” during Richt’s Q & A.

In any event, kudos to SPORTSbyBROOKS for the entertaining result.

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Filed under Georgia Football, Nick Saban Rules, Recruiting

8 responses to “Oversigning mash up

  1. Jaybird

    Saban runs the Alabama program like an NFL team..as long as he can, he will..and it works . He pushes the envelope farther than any coach out there. I’m ready for another “Saban” rule.


  2. JasonC

    Maybe after his coaching career, Saban can get a job with big tobacco.


  3. NRBQ

    And it really doesn’t matter if I’m wrong
    I’m right, where I belong
    I’m right, where I belong.
    See the people standing there
    who disagree and never win
    and wonder why they don’t get in my door ?


  4. Texas_Dawg

    Just a terrible human being at a terrible disgrace of a university.

    The fact that he has superiors that support this stuff is just amazing.


  5. 69Dawg

    Sticks ans stones may break his bones but the Alabama media will never even try to hurt him. Face it the guy is the second coming of the Bear and as one politician once said as long as he is not found in bed with a live boy or a dead girl he is safe.


    • Dog in Fla

      one guy thought it was Huey but google thinks it was Edwin

      “The expression “The only way (I’ll lose) is if you catch me in bed with a live man or dead girl” recently came up, and I thought it was a Huey Long quote, but Google has it was actually as recent as the 1980′s, albeit still a governor of Louisiana, Edwin Edwards (whom I retain a great fondness for, as “Vote for the Crook, It’s Important” is the finest electioneering bumper sticker ever created).”



  6. Dog in Fla

    This may be the warm up band for Nick’s presentation in Destin
