Even Vandy does it.

Roster management, that is (h/t CollegeFootballTalk.com).

… Goro (6-2, 205) went through spring practice as the No. 2 quarterback behind Larry Smith, but that was because Jordan Rodgers was unable to scrimmage due to recent shoulder surgery. Rodgers is now throwing again and expects to be at full strength by the start of August camp.

Franklin also added three quarterbacks in his 2011 signing class.

“The specifics I’m not comfortable getting into, but basically from the time I arrived on campus there were some situations and some concerns,” Franklin said. “I wanted to give him every opportunity to prove himself under a new regime.

“Basically it comes down to this: We have a high standard for everyone on the team. But the reality is the quarterbacks are going to be under a different microscope, from a leadership standpoint with teammates to commitment level … all those things. We felt like internally it was in his best interest to move on.”

Bobby Petrino couldn’t have said it any better.  And do you notice how this kind of decision always seems to be in the player’s best interest and never the program’s?  SEC head coaches sure are a selfless bunch.


Filed under SEC Football

8 responses to “Even Vandy does it.

  1. opsomath

    I can see how this guy would be better on defense:


  2. Dog in Fla

    “We felt like internally it was in his best interest to move on.”

    As Ben Franklin’s regime solidifies its control over the SEC West cellar, its leader will learn from the fellow leaders of other SEC regimes to add witty things like the following to his above statement:

    (a.) “We have granted him a relief from his scholarship at Vanderbilt for one at South Dakota.”

    Euphemism of the day

    (b.) When they’re not going to South Dakota or Montana -“I don’t know where he’s going, but he told me he’s not coming back…”


    (c) When someone outside the arena asks for any clarification on (b.), above, such as,“I thought you said you didn’t know where he was going and it was you who toldhim not to come back?”, your answer is something like this, “I’m notgoingtotellyouwhat? It’s none of your business. Aiight? And don’t give me this stuff about the fans need to know, because they don’t need to know… Don’t even ask. Aiight?” (Once you get a statue, you are free to also add, “Is that your statue in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? State Troopers! Throw his ass out of here!”


    (d.) When pestered with a grayshirt question – “I told, for the team, it might well be the best thing for you physically and might well be best for you and your health and by the count of numbers and scholarships, you might benefit the most by postponing your entrance into school.”


  3. emory king

    How is getting a degree from South Dakota in the kid’s best interest vs a degree from Vandy.


  4. Ubiquitous GA Alum

    One of the Vandy walk-ons that made the team was a QB … guess you could say they managed that roster spot pretty well … traded a scout team QB scholly for a walk-on scout team QB … Nick Saban would be proud.


  5. Charlie Goro

    I still don’t understand this. Am I supposed to give up my singing career? I just had signed to work weekends at the Bluebird, too.


  6. Derek

    There is a difference between not applying oneself and just not being good enough. The question is whether we trust coaches to release the former but accept the latter as their own mistake.


  7. Hobnail_Boot

    Shang Tsung isn’t walking through that door…


  8. Hogbody Spradlin

    Would you like to get Vanderbilt’s sloppy seconds for a QB?
