It’s worse in urnge.

You may think we’ve suffered through some lean times in Athens of late, but they’re glory years compared to recent history in Knoxville:

The fourth-year seniors on this team already have lost 20 games, have never won more than seven games in a season, have yet to win a bowl game and haven’t beaten Florida or Alabama.

Florida’s bouncing back from a down year with a new coaching regime and player losses rivaling Tennessee’s.  South Carolina became the first team to win the SEC East while enduring five losses last season.  So when somebody says, “we’ve got a chance”, that’s not necessarily saying much.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange, SEC Football

5 responses to “It’s worse in urnge.

  1. Mike

    Of course, one could turn this around. A Tennessee fan might point to Florida and Georgia coming off bad years. A Florida fan might point to Tennessee and Georgia having bad years. And a USCe fan will rightfully point out that Florida, Georgia and Tennessee all have their problems.

    As many have pointed out, the SEC East is as wide open as it ever has been. Why not Georgia? Why not indeed. But why not Florida? Why not Tennessee? And especially why not South Carolina?


  2. Mayor of Dawgtown

    Hell, as bad as things were last year UGA was still in it ’til FLA beat ’em.


  3. JaxDawg

    It’s July – everyone’s confident they “have a chance”. Aren’t we saying the same.


  4. aious

    Another bad year and our seniors will be similar (no, I am not saying it will be EXACTLY as bad)
