10 responses to ““You are witnessing the beginning of what could be the Mitch Mustain era at Arkansas.”

  1. Irwin R Fletcher

    Head over for the gossip…stay for the unintentional 4th grade humore of having a story about a Coach named Nutt intertwined with a QB named Dick.

    “Dick Nutt: The Arkansas Story”


  2. DugLite

    Normally, to be a successful head coach you have to be a master of the scheme on one side of the ball. Nutt was going to have neither. Typically ends in failure. Which it did.


  3. Bright Idea

    I remember Nutt at Ole Piss trying to signal in plays at South Carolina on a Thursday night I believe. He and the team were totally befuddled.


  4. James Stephenson

    Man Malzahn has picked some winning coaches to work for hasn’t he.


  5. WF dawg

    That was an interesting article. Can’t wait for the tell-all behind Malzahn’s first stop at Auburn.


  6. Lorenzo Dawgriguez

    Gus doesn’t get a chance to talk much, wife Kristi is always doing it for him.
