Musical palate cleanser, the swinging sounds of Brian Wilson edition

I’m generally not a fan of the “hey, let’s trot out the stars”/We Are The World stuff, but I have to admit this is quite enjoyable, probably because of the excellent choice of material.

Three words sung by Chrissie Hynde and Steve Wonder’s harmonica are enough to make me swoon, to be honest.

(If you’re interested, here’s who’s in the video.)


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9 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, the swinging sounds of Brian Wilson edition

  1. DC Weez

    Brian Wilson is an American musical genius and deserves to have his songs sung by great artists of all generations and genres. Long live Brian Wilson!


  2. Dog in Fla

    “God only knows where I’d be without you.”

    This could also be the Richt/Bobo/Pruitt Symphony No. 3


  3. Mudcats Impala...

    Guess imma too old.. i got Brian Wilson, Brian May, Stevie, Elton, Chrissie Hynde & surprisingly enough Dave Grohl…FML… 😉


  4. Dawg Vegas

    In my top 5 favorite songs all time. I was happy to see Mr. Grohl – can’t wait for the Sonic Highways series on HBO next week.


  5. SSB Charley

    My wife just told me about that yesterday, knowing how much I love that song. That version was much better than the abomination that Lyle Lovett put out there when Wilson was inducted into the Kennedy Center Honors several years ago.


  6. Thank you Senator, I really enjoyed that. When it comes to GEORGIA Football…. God only knows where I’d be without you☺️!


  7. Reservoir Dawg

    Did you know Gurley was a goner when you put this up?
