Observations from the armchair, Where’s Gurley? edition

34-0 means there aren’t going to be a lot of complaints.  The truth of the matter is that the team’s performance was so strong and so sustained – how long have we been hoping to see a complete, 60-minute showing like that? – that it overshadowed the absence of its best player.  (Not that you could tell from the broadcast crew.)  Just a remarkable effort from the players and the coaches.

  • Nick Chubb essentially got Gurley’s touches and his own and held up beautifully.  I even saw him do a good job with some of his blitz pickups.  Amazing effort from a kid in his sixth college game.
  • Mason was solid.  He avoided stupid mistakes, except for the throw he was flagged for intentional grounding.  He had a couple of terrific throws, especially on the touchdown pass to Bennett.  That may have been the ugliest touchdown run I’ve ever seen, though.
  • You had to like Brendan Douglas’ tribute to Gurley on his scoring run.
  • The offensive line was shaky at the start, but settled down and eventually got enough traction to take over the line of scrimmage.  At this point, some of us ought to concede that whatever changes have been made to the strength and conditioning program are bearing fruit.
  • Complain if you like about the average yards per play on offense.  The thing is, when you double the number of plays your opponent runs, it’s not as big a deal as it might be otherwise.
  • Defensively, it was the best performance of the season, obviously.  The line played its collective ass off.  Jenkins and Floyd both came to play.  The biggest surprise was how well the secondary held up in coverage.  And the biggest surprise in the secondary was Langley, both in earning the start and in the way he played.  Makes you wonder why they moved him to offense.
  • Special teams were a somewhat mixed bag.  Coverage was terrific, as they shut down a dangerous Marcus Murphy on both kickoff and punt returns.  Morgan was back to being his automatic self. (But can they please stop with the pooch kicks?  It’s just giving yardage away.)  McKenzie was a little sloppy with the ball, though.  And more troubling is that Barber continues to be mediocre with his punting.
  • One thing about McKenzie reminds me that Mizzou places a lot of emphasis on stripping the ball.  Georgia was lucky not to get burned by that.
  • Missouri was unable to convert a single third down play.  Wow.
  • Bobo and Pruitt deserve a ton of praise for putting together solid game plans.  As does Richt for having his team prepared at a tough time.

Like I said, there’s very little with which to find fault.  It was a workmanlike job, not flashy, but thorough. I wasn’t sure which team would show up; fortunately, we got the angry and focused one.  Now it’s on to Arkansas, which presents a different set of strengths and weaknesses to deal with.  Let’s hope the coaches and players don’t suffer a letdown.  This team has a chance to make something big out of this season now.


Filed under Georgia Football

55 responses to “Observations from the armchair, Where’s Gurley? edition

  1. If you can kick a ball through the end zone every time why wouldn’t you? What is the idea behind the pooch and directional kicks?


    • DugLite

      The challenge.


    • Cojones

      To consistently pen them between the 25 and the goal line instead of just giving them 25yds . I think we have been going for field control both in the Vandy game and the Mizzou game where we place them deep such that their passes become overly dangerous in trying to break out and, after exchanging punts , we want to have the shortest distance to the goal line.

      Of course, if you didn’t want the simplistic answer, you shouldn’t have asked me. 🙂

      Of course #2, if we aren’t accomplishing those objectives, we should be kicking the shit out of it. Saw a runup on one punt and a line drive for 35 yds that made us fans kind’a squeemish. When you see a couple of those to a team that can score quickly, then I say kick as hard as you can.


      • gastr1

        Folks, he can’t kick it out of the end zone. Haven’t we determined this yet? Morgan has said as much.


        • Flukebucket

          Are there any statistics out there that show the number of times the pooch kick or directional kicking give better results than a start at the 25 yard line? It just seems to me that any time the challenge is presented it almost always winds up giving the other guy better field position.


      • Russ

        I don’t think it’s automatic that we can kick it through the end zone every time. Why can’t you “pure” that drive 275 each time? You did it the last time?

        I think it’s a case of just a little bit high or low on striking the ball, and you’re either dropping a high kick at the 5 yard line, or you’re driving a low kick either through the end zone (good) or to the 5 yard line (bad).

        But I’m just guessing.


  2. Yeh, No let down against Arkansas. I think that the Dawgs will have to play as well as they did against Mizzou to beat the Razorbacks. They Scare me.


  3. I Wanna Red Cup

    My concern with Arky is their ability to run. We are effective on D if we are able to shut down the run and the other team has to pass. So the key is getting a lead. But their big O line concerns me. Agree with the Senator,This was a complete win and no room for anyone to complain about anything. Only those with an agenda will. We know who they are.


  4. Debby Balcer

    What a beautiful game!!


  5. Chuck

    Everything you said, Senator. The only thing I would add is that the refs helped us some. The interference with a catch penalty was generous for us and took all the air out of Mizzou’s game. If they were able to keep the ball there I think they score and our game changes, too. That’s all speculation, and I’m not trying to take anything away from how well we did, but I am saying we had a little more trouble getting into gear than the final score would indicate.


    • Dawgfan Will

      I am unfamiliar with punt fielding rules. Is there any responsibility on the coverage team to be aware of where the ball is and provide a clean reception for the fielder? If so, I can see why the refs threw the flag. It wasn’t intentional, but the first guys to reach McKenzie WERE in the way, but only bevause he misjudged the trajectory.


      • Chuck

        I am not saying I know the rules in full. But it liked a call that might reasonably have gone either way, and we don’t seem to get that many of those.


      • whaUGA904

        The TV commentators said that the rule says when in doubt, throw the flag on catch interference. It was a recent terminology change to that rule which place the “when in doubt” into the rule book. All for the sake of player safety.


  6. Nice recap. Pooch kicks do indeed suck ass and I don’t give a crap about Mason’s yards per stats as long as he keeps winning. I still think he’s a game manager but he looks a hell of a lot better than he did a few games ago. I guess rumors of his arm’s demise were at least partially exaggerated.

    I was one of those who thought his arm looked shot and he might not be an SEC QB so good on ya Hutson. Sincerely happy for the guy.


  7. Hell. Seeing as half the peeps on this thread are some of my bigger detractors I’ll say that I have had a bad few days and was pissed about my favorite Dawg in my lifetime..ie..TG3. Not an excuse but y’all’s opinions are just as valid as mine and I apologize to anyone I may have insulted.

    I am and will remain a Dawg fan til I die but I’m sincerely going to make an effort to be more positive and while I might debate someone I plan to do it in a respectful way. Hell. I share cojones’ medicine for dealing with life. If I hadn’t been w/o it for a few days maybe I’d have been more mature. So sincere apologies and I was wrong. Go Dawgs and beat Arky!!


    • Cosmic Dawg

      I think we all have our sour days and type things we regret. I like where you’re headed and I’m going to try and stay positive right there with you. This joint is a lot more fun (win or lose) without the snark – and I have contributed plenty, so forgive me as well.


  8. I understand the pooch kicks yesterday as there was a good breeze to one endzone. We knew we couldn’t make the endzone when kicking that direction and you’d probably rather have an upback return than their actual return man. I think it was just another segment, though lesser known, of a great coaching job.


  9. Cojones

    Thought the O line did well and especially after Mizzou tired at end of 3rd qtr. They are better than most in the SEC and that’s a good thing. We can use some more of that next Sat. Especially that long and mostly pinpoint passing.

    I don’t judge their D well when measured against Bama’s O. I’m suspicious that Bama’s O line is not as good as ours, but I haven’t examined the stats closely. Ark’s D is a cut below FU’s to me. That means that FU’s isn’t as good as I thought after watching LSU cut it up.

    Suddenly our D is a swarming D. That’s good enough to have the LBs help the D line bigtime against Ark’s runners and control them from taking over. But you better believe that Ark reviewed and saw the open man in the middle during the Mizzou game. Play-action created it several times, but my money’s on Pruitt seeing the same and planning how to deal with a pocket passer who will see those open people when given enough time. And he will sic that line with fresh backups right at their butts. When Ark’s QB ain’t running, he be cavin’ from our front pressure. Man, they turned Mizzou’s O line into a sieve.

    Essentially, it’s two “Three yds and a cloud of dust” teams in the SEC goin’ at it. All our players have to reach low and pull’em up for this job in Little Rock.


    • As far as Arky’s D goes I asked my Bama friend today if they were that good or Bama’s O was that bad and she said the Tide is just that bad. So idk what to think.


      • Seems like at this point when in doubt don’t hire Lane Kiffin. No matter who you are.


        • Merk

          Well, Kiffin got fired and USC went on the to win out. That should have been enough to tell people that Kiffin is just dead weight.

          He calls a decent game, but I am sure you can find someone less polarizing that can do an equivalent job at half the cost without too much issue. He got his jobs off of his Daddy’s reputation, and now even though he has managed to not do crap at 2 loaded universities, people think he is still worth wasting money on.


    • Well, Cojo, ol’ Dawgs like us can enjoy a “three yds and a could of dust” throw down as much as, or more than, the whippersnappers with all their “fun and gun” and “spread” and etc. As the Honorable Sen says, UGA’s performance “was a workmanlike job, not flashy, but thorough.” Somebody with a print megaphone wrote that Richt and Co. ground the Tigers into powder. All that sounds like Dooleyball to me. Watching 60 minutes of that circa 2014 sounds like a damn blast to me.


      • Cojones

        Yeah, us old farts will be staring at spots in the O line to watch the finesse part of most plays that occur. We watch to see how Chubb and Douglas don’t flinch when lowering the nose and smashing into a large mound of moving uniformed flesh.

        It takes you back to the FBs that toted the mail for the glory of ole Georgia and the photo of Johnson plowing straight toward the SI Cover camera that captures the blood on his hand and on the football that was only a few inches off the ground. It was the personification of a Bulldog in bravery and daring . And we loved those men.

        We gotta love these guys too while we got’em. It’s great that Marshall is coming back, but has anyone considered that Chubb and Douglas and Mason are holding it all together? They need to hear our support loudly in Little Rock.


        • Yep, and let’s give some love to the O Line while we’re at it. Now that my boy’s a HS Off Tackle, I’m always yelling stuff like “lookit the hole them boys opened up!” or “great TD and the Tackle was right there with him!” My bleacher buddy, father of the guy with the ball, knows to laugh appreciatively. Last thing a QB or RB wants is an O lineman who doesn’t like ‘im.


  10. Good post. I agree with everything you said. It was a very satisfying 60-minute performance.

    At this point, some of us ought to concede that whatever changes have been made to the strength and conditioning program are bearing fruit.

    As we got into Camp, I was very happy with the S&C this year. Still am. I had one concern, the OL. And not conditioning, they said they were in the best condition ever. It was the body types I objected to, most of them, which you can see with their shirts off (Wynn looked good).

    But maybe I just don’t know what OL are supposed to look like I like them to look closer to what the DL looks like (less fat, more muscle, etc.), as Wynn does. But that could be all wrong.

    Still a little concerned about our nutrition, but not near as much as last year. And that’s mostly because we don’t know much. But we’re in good, and some are in great, condition and that’s a good sign nutritionally as well. I know many of the guys tried to eat right all summer, and that’s most of the battle right there.

    more troubling is that Barber continues to be mediocre with his punting.

    Sure does. I’m no punting expert, but FWIW it looks to me like Barber is struggling again with the consistency of his drops, and it’s gotten more severe in the last several games.

    What I notice, keeping it simple, is he doesn’t seem to be getting consistent extension with his drop arm, and pushes the ball slightly upward instead of straight out. Then, instead of dropping the ball by releasing it, he’s too often giving the ball a slight toss, sometimes upward, I suspect to make up for some lack of extension. That makes for a more erratic drop and throws a number of things off slightly. Some drops are worse than others.

    But IDK, that’s just my observation.


    • Yeah. You know a lot more about football than me and I’d say if you’re not a punting expert than you’re not far off. I’m sure I’ve punted a few balls when I was young but I’d never look let alone notice what you have seen.

      As far as the S&C goes I’ve always wondered how interior D-linemen, particularly nose tackle types, and offensive lineman manage to achieve the balance between putting on weight for bulk’s sake and yet remain athletic enough to not be the staypuffed marshmallow man.


      • HVL Dawg

        Dude, 15 posts in one thread?


        • Sorry? The falcons sucked and the late game was a blowout. Am I on a post limit?


        • This is where I normally would make a dick comment in return but it’s all good. I have insomnia and date a nurse that works 12 hour shifts at crazy ass times. I live in northeastern bumfuck by way of west bejesus so I have a lot of time on my hands at random hours.

          If my posts bother you to the point that you need to count them and out me on the number than may I respectfully request that you just don’t read them. Anyway. Have a good one.


  11. John Denver is full of shit...

    Nick Chubb
