Oh, sure, blame it on us.

I’m beginning to think that in a few days I’m about to experience the weirdest Cocktail Party vibe ever.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

59 responses to “Oh, sure, blame it on us.

  1. BoroDawg

    Who is going to evaluate Foley?


  2. DC Weez

    Yes indeed but ain’t it wonderful! Angst in Gator Nation is a fine thing.


  3. Scott W.

    How much money will Dan Mullen get out of State when he turns down the Florida job?


  4. Scorpio Jones, III

    Jeremy Foley…lemme see here…allowed the finest football mind and the best football coach in the history of Florida football to walk away. (You gonna tell me they made a real effort to keep Spurrier?).

    Hired Ron de Zook, fired Ron de Zook, hired Dickhead, won big a couple years, let Dickhead walk away eating cold pizza and waving at bats in his belfry, leaving a steaming pile of Gator doo doo disguised as a football team.

    Hired Will Muschamp, let( or directed, depending on who you listen to) Will hire every offensive coordinator in the history of the known world except one who could save the Florida offense. Fixin to fire Will Muschamp.

    Wonder what Florida is paying former coaches these days?

    The phrase “hoisted by his own petard” comes to mind.


    • McTyre

      Crazed crystal trophy-or-bust fanbase more responsible for those departures


    • Macallanlover

      Agree Scorp, Foley isn’t turning out to be as sharp as reported. As you articulated, questions on many decisions and you can modify the Dickhead success to be directly attributable to one ultra successful player. Those teams were very good but Tebow’s performance on the field made them champions, period. Admittedly, Dooley rose in stature due tone freakish athlete as well, even more so….UGA never lost an SEC game for three years, that’s incredible. Not sure that has ever been done, and I know everyone played six conference games in those days.

      Puzzled as to why Foley is taking these bullets for the same result. He has an open week, perfect time to let an interim coach take over and try to inspire the team to get some recruiting momentum and solidify the fan base. Now you have them wanting to see FU lose to make sure Agent Muschamp is canned same for the team….think they want to give their all to save Muschamp’s job and having to play another year like this? No brainer tome, hand the reins to an assistant like USC did last year with Orgeron.


  5. Dog in Fla

    Who can’t love Jeremy’s tablecloth shirt/Tressel sweater vest in his Home Alone photo shoot available courtesy of @MummePoll


  6. Mayor

    Look, this is simple. Fire Muschamp, hire Charlie Weiss. Weiss is already a “Florida guy” having been OC there previously. Weiss is currently unemployed. A match made in Heaven for FU.


  7. Ben

    Foley hired Urban and Donovan, and they’ve won 4 times as many national championships in those two sports than we have, so the guy knows a little. That said, he hitched his wagon to Muschamp and Zook, too, so maybe he doesn’t know much at all.

    I don’t know what to make of this game, either. Muschamp doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy who can circle the wagons and get his guys to play for him, and being 0-3 vs UGA has got to tighten him up a bit. That said, a loss here would be as bad, in my mind, as the 08 and 09 losses.


  8. BulldogBen

    Some mighty fine schadefreude going on in the comments section of that article. Mighty fine.


    • Russ

      My favorite was the guy describing himself as a die-hard gator fan, but he’s not going to spend money on a ticket if they’re not going to win. That, to me, is the epitome of the gator “fan”.


  9. Mr Foley looks like someone.
    Mr. Sanchez am I right? 😉


  10. The air’s going to be full of it, I’m sure.

    The thing for us is to keep reminding ourselves that this game is about us. It’s not about them. If we do what we’re supposed to, and part of that is giving Florida the respect due any opponent, we’ll win the game.


    • Amen. Our defensive stats are comparable but we have much better offense and kick coverage teams. Mason is far better than either Gator QB, our o line is a lot better, and our running backs and receivers are better. Don’t start turning the ball over and we should win by double digits


  11. LorenzoDawgriquez

    I read that even Brady Hoke thinks Boom should be fired.


  12. If we play like we did in the second half last week (or last year), well, then those big road wins won’t look so nice anymore.


  13. sectionzalum

    I caught myself thinking that the Gators had quit on their coach, we’ve played consistently, and, gee whiz, I feel pretty good about the cocktail party. I need a Munson flashback to properly scare me.


  14. Bulldog Joe

    2004 had that same vibe. Then we fumbled a snap at the goal line before half and gave UF new life to go win one for the Zooker. They darn near pulled it off.

    We better be ready.



    • Will (the other one)

      2002 had a “we’ll crush them this year,” vibe too. I remember zero smack talk from Gators prior to that one. Kinda blocked out the rest of that night.


      • Ben

        People can blame #8 for that one all they want, but we had an illegal forward lateral; a disgusting personal foul; and a false start on the goal line that cost us that game.

        Not that I’m still angry or anything.


      • playmakers in space

        Chubb wasn’t even 7 years old when that game was played. Florida is garbage.


  15. Jack Klompus

    I love that Michael Jackson GIF in the comments. Hysterical


  16. Cousin Eddie

    I know a national championship winning coach that they are overlooking, a proven commodity, a guy that can turn thier program around……. Ladies and Gentlemen, Coach Gene Chiznik, your new uf head coach.


  17. Hines Word

    We are all licking our chops for a Gator thumping, but I can’t help but remember that no matter how much better we are than FU we always, inexplicably, play them close…much like SCar. Also brings to mind the 2007 loss to UT that saved the Great Pumpkin’s job, albeit temporarily.
    That said, the last two weeks is the most inspired, focused team victories I have seen since I can remember. So Go Dawgs! Put agent Muschamp out of his misery!


  18. Go Dawgs!

    Will’s one of ours. We should be the ones to put him down.


  19. JAX

    I think/hope/expect Richt to have his team focused and ready. Here are a few random thoughts from someone who has had a large vested interest in this game for the past 25 years.

    #1 – Not that you need reminding, but please recall the amount of misery and pain the Gators have dealt us since 1990. They alone have been our biggest nemesis. Do NOT develop a soft spot for them, even if they are lead by a Ga boy.

    #2 – Remember the Spurrier jokes and how we took the brunt of his smarmy humor, and then failed to defend ourselves on the field. It was HUMILIATING. Remember how their fans embraced and adopted his personality and shit in our faces, year in and year out.

    #3 – Remember Athens in 1995. Remember Gville in ’96, 2002, 2008, 2009 fake juice, and 2010 OT. Hell, remember 2005 without DJ.

    #4 – Did you ever think that the pendulum would ever swing back in our favor? If so, did you ever think it would sway this far towards the Dawgs?

    #5 – Where are all the people who used to complain about “the Gator advantage” in Jacksonville, and wanted to move the game? Pretty silent now, huh? (pussies)

    What I would like to see, more than anything, is a 1982 style beat down. 44-0. I pray for no injuries to either team, just a total physical and mental humiliation. The kind of defeat that they’ve had coming to them and the type that we are way way overdue to hand them.

    Come early, come ready to rock, and bring your A+ fan game.


    • Noonan

      I like the way you think.


    • Ole Dawg

      Thanks for reminding me about 1982. I was there and it was awesome. At halftime I walked from one Dawg quadrant past the reptile quadrant to the other Dawg quadrant with a buddy of mine. As we passed the reptiles we flashed the 1 fingered peace sign to the crowd. No one said a word, that’s how badly the Dawgs whipped them. I hate to admit it but I still crack up thinking of it.


      • Russ

        It was a glorious night. About time for another biblical beatdown like that. I say Gurley is reinstated, pissed off, and goes for 150 in the first half. Chubb, not to be outdone, goes for 125 in the fourth quarter alone. Total rushing yards for the team? 375-400 yards and we win, amazingly enough, by the same 44-0 score.



    • Preach on brother. I hear ya.


    • Hell, this makes me want to go hit somebody. Damn fine post!


    • playmakers in space

      You are MY MAN. Can’t wait to get to JAX.


    • Since our oldest players would have been no older than 4 in 1995 then they won’t remember the 1995 game. No guy on the UGA sidelines Saturday after next played in a losing effort against UF. Bennett, Mason, Thornton, Houston and Vavlas are the only scholarshipped Dawgs to have been in the program when we lost to UF. Our players don’t have the emotional insecurity about the game any more that us fans still have.


  20. This is what the Gators deserve:


  21. 81Dog

    not in the 24 year history of Floriduh football have things seemed so dark.

    about damn time, too.


  22. Gene Simmons

    Here’s hoping that GURLEY, Chubb, and Michel go for 200 yards each and we beat them 56-0. We need to make up for some of the Spurrier-era beatdowns and UGA can NEVER beat the Gators badly enough.


  23. Silicon Prairie

    I feel sorry for the Gators. I once thought about moving there and joining them. Then I met Dog in Fla, and I moved to Texas.


    • Cojones

      What have you got against DIF? He’s a mighty Dawg. As bad as Fl politics are, they are no match for Texas Absurdity Politico (caps are used for the new party created by the melding of their other political parties). Hope you ain’t a minority. And you still need a voting ID there. I can remember when they had a poll tax.
