Huntley Johnson is on the mother.

In Athens, being found without a driver’s license behind the wheel of a vehicle with two bags of marijuana would be grounds for arrest, public shaming, Richt-blaming in the media and suspension.  In Gainesville?  Surely you jest.

The University Police Department stopped Harris in a motor vehicle on Saturday, Dec. 13 and cited him for neither possessing a license nor having one issued to him by the state.

According to The Gainesville Sun‘s Robbie Andreu, who is citing the UPD’s report, “Harris was stopped on Stadium Drive for going 10 mph over the speed limit on Dec. 13 at 11:29 p.m. [There was the] smell of marijuana coming from the car.”

Two small bags of marijuana were found in the vehicle, reports Andreu, but neither Harris nor his passengers were charged with possession of the substance because the drug was not on their person and none of the players were the owner of the car.

In the vehicle along with Harris were two fellow freshmen football players in defensive backs Jalen Tabor and J.C. Jackson.

Harris’s arraignment is set for Jan. 15 at 1:30 p.m.

“I think as soon as he gets his license, the charge probably will be dismissed,” attorney Huntley Johnson told Andreu, who first reported the charge. “That’s the way it’s usually handled in a case like this for a citizen, and he’s a citizen.”

Damn, maybe that’s our problem – all of Georgia’s players must be illegal immigrants or something.

Oh, yeah.  Almost forgot this:

Interim head coach D.J. Durkin is expected to release a statement Friday afternoon regarding whether the team plans to discipline the players.

Durkin’s gone after the bowl game, so what does he care?

I wonder if Treon Harris is on the Florida baseball team.


Filed under Crime and Punishment, Gators, Gators...

45 responses to “Huntley Johnson is on the mother.

  1. Russ

    Not sure what pisses me off more about these stories, the lack of discipline at other schools, or the overzealous enforcement at our school. Or both.


  2. Bulldog Joe

    At least we know Treon wasn’t the one smoking it at the time.

    “Harris was stopped on Stadium Drive for going 10 mph over the speed limit.”


    • Cojones

      Experience, Joe?


      • Bulldog Joe

        An extra fifteen for that Gainesville Green.


        • Cojones

          Gotcha. I hadn’t touched it for a week or two since experiencing a low-grade dull chest pain. Checked it out this afternoon because of the lung embolism and thought pleuracy was on board. Seems I’ve been walking around with a low-grade heart angina instead. Will have tests Mon to see where the trouble lies and have a stent placed in there on Tues. I’m blogging from a hospital bed with a mobile heart monitor hanging on. Now I have to watch the directional states in their Depends Bowl tomorrow.

          Merry friggin’ Christmas.


  3. AusDawg85

    From: UGAAD
    To: All Student Athletes (Especially Football Players)
    RE: Proper use of a vehicle


    Thank you.


  4. Haywood Jablome

    Let’s make fun of other programs because their punishment system is more realistic than the one our program employs. UGA: the mythical national moral champions 14 years running.


  5. Pingback: When Players Are Arrested This Offseason, Remember This | The Grit Tree

  6. DawgPhan

    Hey at least the Gainesville police are handling it the right way.



    I like they way they handled it, locking up folks for having POT in their car is a waste of time and resources.


    • Hackerdog

      I agree. But it’s obvious that the only reason the pot was ignored is because they were dealing with football players. I’m willing to bet that many of the UFPD’s arrests/citations are due to drugs. If I’m a UF student who was busted for pot, I’m pretty pissed about the hypocrisy in the UFPD acknowledging publicly that UF football players are allowed to smoke it without consequence.


  8. Ben

    Does anyone think that a non-athlete gets the benefit of the doubt in that situation? This is the second round of trouble this kid has been in (that we know of), and he’ll probably skate here, too.

    At this rate, though, there’s a good chance McElwain won’t even have to worry about him by spring time.


  9. ASEF

    Not his car? Florida can be thankful its local media and rivals aren’t running the plates to see who it belongs to and then contacting the NCAA.


  10. Reservoir Dawg

    Mudcat’s Impala sho do get around.


  11. Possession is nine tenths of the law. Wasn’t his car he was just a passenger. What are they gonna do. Those boys need that weed for the pain. Baby Mama get in the kitchen and bake those brownies.🎅


    • Poot Elliot

      Damn, can you read? He was not a passenger, he was cited for driving without a license.


      • Dude! Lighten up will ya?


      • Yes I can. I can write too! Overlooked that detail. Was thinking of a time long long time ago…in Journalism School……Oh wait that was High School. I was High most of the time.🗽🎈🎈🎈


        • Ya know Joy…. you have those times when you should just read and not post. You have a lot of those times.* SOoooo… don’t post just enjoy Bluto’s stuff and save your magic for later. It’s the Holidays be jolly … and slow that roll.


          • Dolly Llama

            Yeah, I believe some weeks ago I was openly asking where you had been and you answered me back. But since you’ve been back, sweetheart, you’ve been making me regret it, If nothing else, please lose them cutesy-ass emoticons.


  12. Scorpio Jones, III

    Oh goody, something to sing Kumbaya about on the bus ride to Charlotte.


  13. So Boom is gone and it’s back to same ole same in Gainesville. Kinda like breaking into an impound lot to get your car back or assault rifles in the trunk. How the F can you have 2 bags of weed and no license and have charges dropped? Certainly never heard of that happening as this guy suggests. Well…Maybe fire Florida football players but I’ve never heard of this happening for regular citizens. I especially like how this guy is coming across as a braggart about it.


  14. Spike

    The fairy Godmother left her dope in the car.. happens all the time..


  15. Hackerdog

    If I’m Durkin, and I’m out the door regardless of the bowl game outcome, I would be sorely tempted to either kick the players off the team, or announce a 4-game suspension for the bowl game and the first three games of next season. Let the next staff worry about walking it back.


  16. Dog in Fla

    The Alachua County “mercy bust” reminds me of a customer service story gone wrong

    “He also told her, at least once, to give his client a ‘mercy f*ck.'”


  17. 69Dawg

    Can somebody explain how Huntley Johnson Esquire can furnish legal services Pro Bono to every Gator athlete and there not ever be an NCAA violation for extra benefits. Is Huntley a UF grad? If not I guess he can claim he is not a booster and just a defender of the poor and downtrodden athlete. He may not own season tickets but I bet he never misses a game.


    • Mayor

      You make a very valid point, 69. Johnson doesn’t work for free. Somebody is paying him high dollars to get all these FU players out of trouble. The players and their families can’t afford Johnson so (1) Who is paying? and (2) How can this not be an “extra benefit” in violation of NCAA Rules? This is much worse and more systemic than a few tats!


    • Hackerdog

      The NCAA allows pro bono representation as long as the lawyer has non-athletic pro bono clients as well.


  18. Mike

    “I picked a bad time to stop smoking pot”


  19. Try Cigars. I found a really nice Cuban …smooth cognac. Gives me a peaceful easy feeling. Not the Eagles kinda peaceful easy feeling. The Jackson Browne peaceful easy feeling. I know Bluto Hates the Eagles. Jackson Browne’s version is the best. Cue that up for me DIF, pretty please with Sugar on top.
