You ain’t alone.

If you’re fretting about Georgia’s quarterback situation, at least you can take comfort in the fact that there are plenty of other SEC teams in the same boat.  Message to SEC defensive coordinators – you’d best be gearing up to stop the run, especially early in the season.

(Musical accompaniment to the header follows.)


Filed under SEC Football

12 responses to “You ain’t alone.

  1. Scorpio Jones, III

    Frettin? I ain’t frettin…I get all goosebumpy thinking about Faton and Sam in the same backfield. I love the competition at quarterback in the spring.


  2. AlphaDawg

    The Shakes put on a damn good live show.


    • Union Jack



    • Gravidy

      They sure do. The footage on that video was shot while they were fronting for DBT. I saw them when that tour stopped at the Capitol Theater in Macon a couple of years ago. At the time, I’d never heard of them and was just going to see DBT, but they made a fan of me that night.


  3. Doggoned

    Have to admit, I’m getting anxious to see Park on the field. Can’t help myself.


  4. DawgFaithful

    Love your taste in music. Here’s another throwback Alabama band that I’m digging right now.


  5. Nate Dawg

    Love love love the Shakes! They give me hope afterall for music in general.
    Gotta great song in Silver Linings Playbook too.


  6. RandallPinkFloyd

    Check out the Senator keeping the music on GTP all hip and what nots.


  7. Mike Cooley

    Nice choice on the music this time. Love the Shakes.
