Checking out for a little R&R

If you’re astute enough to notice I’m posting at this ungodly hour, well, that’s because I’m leaving to catch a flight out west at a just slightly less ungodly hour.  I’m squeezing in a mini-vacay with some high school buddies to celebrate one’s sixtieth birthday. I’ll be back in Atlanta Sunday evening.

I will have Internet access, so I will be able to keep an eye on things here.  Blogging may be a little limited, so behave while I’m gone, you scamps.


Filed under GTP Stuff

45 responses to “Checking out for a little R&R

  1. I don’t know about you, Senator, but it’s weekends like this that make me reallize how little I appreciated my youth. If only I knew one tenth what I know now and was 25 again. Oh well, have fun.


    • AthensHomerDawg

      My oldest is 25 and after this his first year of medical school he is leaving with his friends for Italy. Catching a train through France and Germany and crossing the channel and then home. Travelers checks are passe today. Credit cards, cash and bit coins are the coins of the realm. The morning he arrives back in the USA he and those friends are helping him move to a new home. The following morning he leaves for 2 weeks to help at a summer camp for diabetic children. And then he will return to Athens to help with his Dad’s annual summer project. TriTrix MTM TL custom speakers. Kids cram a lot in when they can.


  2. CannonDawg

    Have a great time, Senator. If the destination is Vegas, and with your high school buddies at hand, well, one doesn’t always have to act one’s age. 🙂


  3. Vegas is it?

    C’est bon vie!


  4. AthensHomerDawg



  5. Scorpio Jones, III

    Scamps? Jeez, nobody has called me a scamp in a long, long, long time.


  6. GooooooooDawgs. Woof, woof.


  7. Uglydawg

    With that itinerary, it’s OK to have a Bloody Mary before take-off. It’ll help.


  8. Bulldog Joe

    “Plenty of room at the Hotel California…” 😉


  9. Marshall

    Sounds like a fun trip. Safe travels.


  10. HVL Dawg

    What are we supposed to do this week? Work?


  11. ScoutDawg

    Macfarland eats boogers.


  12. TennesseeDawg

    Going west on vacation, huh? Kansas is nice this time of year


  13. Dog in Fla

    @Senator Blutarsky July 15, 2015 at 12:35 PM
    “Not Vegas. Steamboat Springs.”

    At least you’re not at ground zero

    Or maybe you are

    “I was thirsty but couldn’t move to get water. Or even turn off the lights. I was panting and paranoid, sure that when the room-service waiter knocked and I didn’t answer, he’d call the police and have me arrested for being unable to handle my candy.”


  14. Chuck

    No fresh bloviation is nearly as bad as no football, but I hope you enjoy your time away.


  15. Stay out of trouble, Senator. We don’t want you suspended for the first two games.


    • I Wanna Red Cup

      You know they are going to drug test you the minute you get off the plane.
      Careful with the brownies.


  16. DugLite

    I’m having GTP withdrawal pangs!!! Sheesh…….this hurts.


  17. dawgtired

    Well things are slowing down a bit. So, I read something I thought was interesting that I wanted to mention.

    At SEC days, CMR was asked about the impact of COA. His response…

    …we feel very good about our situation. We have certainly the cost of attendance numbers, but there’s also some things that can be done in a creative way that is well within the rules that can get us in pretty good shape on that front. So we know Georgia can do just as well as anywhere in the country as far as taking care of our players, and we don’t think it’s going to have a negative effect at all.

    Notice the comment, “creative ways”. Let’s hope this COA issue becomes a non-issue. Maybe we worried for nothing.


    • BCDawg97

      Noticed that too. Awfully Evil Richt of him. And I say this as a Richt homer – if he can just get out of his own way with game management, we might just win a championship or two here in the next few years.


      • Am i understanding the implications of that statement correctly? is that a warning shot across the bow of other school’s not to go all crazy with their COA’s because they can’t outspend UGA? He is absolutely right but god what an un-Richt like thing to utter. Evil Richt …me likey.


  18. Muttley

    Shouldn’t Tony Schiavone be filling in here?


  19. DA_man

    Safe travels, my friend!


    • Always remember when in trouble or even in doubt as to whether or not you are in trouble you are “just one of the Dougs” and o yeah STFU


  20. Chopdawg

    Bring us back some…Coors


  21. onceadawg

    Senator! I return off a week on the Green River and finally scroll through all the blogs I’ve missed and find you’re also in Steamboat. I had to look around the room to make sure you weren’t here.
