Daily Archives: July 8, 2015

Movin’ on up in Montana

Stewart Mandel gets a fastball tossed down the middle in today’s Mailbag – How ’bout your Top 5 underachieving schools of all time? – and doesn’t turn on Georgia.


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles

Steele’s Georgia preview

If you don’t want to lay out the money for the mag…

The good news is the PDF is easier to read than the mag print.

(And, yes, before anyone gets bent out of shape, I know Jacob Park is gone.  So does Steele – he usually prints an update on comings and goings at his blog before summer’s end.)


Filed under Georgia Football, Phil Steele Makes My Eyes Water

A couple of housekeeping notes

You guys have email questions about a couple of topics, I have answers (sort of, anyway).

  • Mumme Poll.  Yeah, tidefan and I are looking at bringing the old girl back for another season.  There’s a new tweak we may introduce for 2015, which would be to adopt a format closer to true approval voting.  Instead of requiring everyone to fill out an eight-team ballot, you would be free to select as many or as few teams as you think are worthy.
  • GTP tailgate.  Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment, but it sounds like there’s enough interest for us to have an encore.  The logical game for that would be South Carolina, with its 6PM start.

I’d like your feedback on both.  Please let me know what you think in the comments.  If I gauge there’s insufficient interest in either, I’d rather know now than spend a lot of time planning for something that’ll flop.


Filed under GTP Stuff

The Greatest Recruit of Our Era?

SI.com does the big splash story on Jacob Eason.  The quote that caught my eye:

Durant, who has tutored a handful of talented prospects, including Max Browne, the No. 1 quarterback in the 2013 class, says there is no comparing Eason to any other passer—including, yes, Stafford. Eason, Durant says, is “too unique.”

Well, we may not be able to compare their passing skills, but we sure can compare their recruiting hype.  I’m just curious – between Stafford and Eason, the two highest profile commitments of Mark Richt’s tenure, who do you think has gotten the most recruiting attention both from the media and the fan base?

Right now, I’d say Stafford, but Eason’s coming on strong.  And he’s still got plenty of time to erase the gap.  Not that he’s gone out of his way to draw it.  It’s just the nature of the times we live in.  And how weird is that to say when you’re talking about the difference between 2005 and 2015?


Filed under Georgia Football, Recruiting

Haterz gonna hate.

A functional guide.


Filed under The Blogosphere

Now this is what I call detached from reality.

If you’ve ever wondered why UT blogger Chip Brown is widely mocked, here’s Exhibit “A”.

The only thing more bizarre than insisting the Big Ten and SEC would willingly forego their revenue advantage over other conferences is the idea that Florida and Georgia would willingly leave the SEC to join ACC-lite.  Pure nutso stuff.

This is the best part, though:

If members of Congress cry foul and question the status of athletic departments as tax exempt, the P5 can have them call Texas athletic director Steve Patterson.

Patterson, the king of doom and gloom forecasts about the rising costs of college athletics, can tell Congress how every school is about to be coated in red ink.

Yes, because there isn’t a more respected name in college athletics these days than Steve Patterson.


Filed under General Idiocy